02/17/2004 Minutes
February 17,2004
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on
February 17, 2004. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on
February 11,2004.
Mayor Jay Vavricek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were
present: Councilmembers Meyer, Whitesides, Pielstick, Gilbert, Nickerson, Cornelius, Pauly,
Hornady, Walker, and Haase. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator
Gary Greer, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Finance Director David Springer, City Attorney Doug
Walker and Public Works Director Steve Riehle.
RESERVE TIME TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS: No individuals reserved time to speak on
agenda items.
MAYOR COMMUNICATION: Mayor Vavricek commented on the Comprehensive Plan books
given to council, the upcoming Council Retreat scheduled for Saturday, February 21, 2004, and
the results of the water contamination testing in the western part of the city, of which Case New
Holland (CNH) was found not to be responsible. Mentioned were the efforts of CNH.
Mayor Vavricek recognized the family of Arthur "Pooch" Gulzow a former 50 year firefighter
who recently passed away. Sharon Bigger and Marilyn Lueth, daughters of Mr. Gulzow were
present to receive a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of their father.
Discussion Concerning Financial Implications of Proiects Relative to 12 Cent Sales Tax. Finance
Director David Springer and City Administrator Gary Greer reported that on August 27,2002 the
City Council voted to put a measure on the 2004 ballot to consider a Y2 cent sales tax for the
purpose of expanding parks and recreational opportunities, providing for infrastructure, and
property tax relief. It was determined that many important capital projects could not be funded
without additional revenue and that the voters should be given the chance to approve paying for
projects such as a new fire station, library expansion, law enforcement facility with expanded
sales tax. A great deal of discussion had taken place on the possible ballot measure.
In November of 2003 a survey was conducted to receive input from citizens concerning projects
which had been suggested as needed capital projects. 613 respondents prioritized projects in the
following order:
1. Construction of 3 rd and Broadwell Underpass
2. Replacement of Pine Street Fire Station
3. Police/SheriffPublic Safety Center Replacement
Page 2, City Council Study Session, February 17,2004
4. Expansion of the Edith Abbott Library
5. Fire Training Facility
6. Grand Generation Center Renovation
7. Expand Island Oasis/ Replace Lincoln Park Pool
8. Reduction of Train Noise
9. Hike/Bike Trail Expansion
10. Ammunition Plant Recreation Development
11. Northwest Park Pool
In order to continue the education process, study sessions were conducted to go more in depth
with the projects. The following projects were studied:
1. January 20th
2. February 3rd
Fire Station, Fire Training Facility, Train Noise
3rd & Broadwell Underpass, Aquatics, CAAP Development
Additionally, a fire Sprinkler system was approved for funding for the Grand Generation Center
on February 10th.
Mr. Greer stated that during the annual retreat on February 21 st the Council would be asked to
discuss each project and begin to narrow in on the final ballot language. On March 9th the final
ballot language would be approved to be sent to the Election Commissioner.
The following was a list of projects with the estimated total costs for each project. The figures
listed included all costs and did not account for grants, cooperative agreements, or any other
financing solutions.
Proi ects
Fire Station #1 Replacement
Fire Training Facility
Library Expansion
Lincoln Park Pool Replacement
Northwest Pool
Island Oasis Improvements
CAAP Recreation Development
Railroad Underpass
Railroad Noise Abatement
Public Safety Center
Hiker/Biker Trail Expansion
Grand Generation Center Renovation
Estimated Cost
$ 500,000
In addition to the projects that were on the table for sales tax, it was recommended that the City
Council consider the possibility of creating a property tax relief element to the proposal.
Reviewed was the sales tax relief of 1 cent implemented in 1989-1990 in Grand Island.
Page 3, City Council Study Session, February 17,2004
Councilmember Pie1stick stated that since she had been on the Council, Fire Station #1 had been
talked about but nothing had been done. Ms. Pielstick commented on the importance of public
safety. Councilmember Hornady commented on the sales tax dollars coming from not only
residents of Grand Island, but the surrounding area. Councilmember Gilbert commented on a
meaningful property tax relief and the fact that the City's tax rate is one of the lower rates
compared to other property taxing entities. Councilmember Meyer commented on the last sales
tax ballot issues and why they failed. The fact that there was no specific direction of where the
money would be used was mentioned.
Councilmember Walker stated that he would like to see 35% of the sales tax go to property tax
relief. Councilmember Whitesides stated that property tax relief would be nice, but that we
needed to start the projects that had been on the list for many years. Councilmember Nickerson
stated that Council needed to make a decision on what was important to the community.
Councilmember Pauly asked if this would have a 10 year cap. Mr. Greer stated he did not
support a cap or sunset clause, but had no problem of reviewing the projects often.
Mayor Vavricek stated that accountability was important. Mentioned was a shift in taxes of
which retail customers from the surrounding communities would also pay. Discussed was what
would happen at the Council Retreat.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Qr\a.a.. CGD~
RaNae Edwards
City Clerk