11/19/2002 Minutes
November 19,2002
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on
November 19, 2002. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on
November 13, 2002.
Council President Larry Seifert called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The following members
were present: Councilmembers Pielstick, Ward, Seifert, Larson, Hornady, Whitesides, Haase,
Murray, Walker and Sorensen. Mayor Gnadt was absent. The following City Officials were
present: City Administrator MarIan Ferguson, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Interim City Attorney
Dale Shotkoski, Public Works Director Steve Riehle and Finance Director David Springer.
Presentation by Progress for Grand Island Regarding Economic Development Program. City
Administrator Marian Ferguson stated that for the past several years, economic development had
emerged as a priority for the City Council at their annual Retreats. LB840 - Local Option
Municipal Economic Development Act was explained including the process of a ballot issue and
guidelines on how the funds could be used. Mr. Ferguson introduced Monty Montgomery,
President of Economic Development Corporation (ED C) who then turned the presentation over
to John Brownell, Chairman of Progress for Grand Island.
Discussed was the importance of economic development. Presented was the request to hold a
special election on May 6, 2003 to consider implementing an economic development program. A
video was presented explaining economic development for Grand Island.
Councilmember Murray asked what could be done under the new plan that could not be done
now. Curtis Greiss, Secretary/Treasurer for EDC stated that currently funds could only be used
for economic development administration, overhead, and publicity. Kurt Haecker, EDC
Chairman stated LB840 could be used for incentives to attract businesses and workers to Grand
Island. Councilmember Walker asked about the $750,000 for 10 years. Councilmember Larson
asked if the county could be a part of this plan. Mr. Greiss stated that LB840 only allows cities
and villages.
Councilmember Pielstick requested that this issue be put on the City Council agenda for
November 26, 2002 for a vote. Councilmember Murray questioned whether the budget could
afford this. City Administrator Marian Ferguson stated that the capital improvement projects
fund budget would be the appropriate place to look at. Completed capital improvement projects
were discussed whereby funds would be available.
Jim Werth, 2306 Apache Road, spoke in support.
Page 2, City Council Study Session, November 19,2002
Presentation by Central Nebraska Humane Society for Use of Stolley Park for Holiday Lighting
Display Fundraiser. Steve Paustian, Parks and Recreation Director reported as per Council
request, representatives of the Central Nebraska Humane Society would present a plan for the
use of Stolley Park for the Holiday Lighting Display Fundraiser. It was the goal of the Central
Nebraska Humane Society to develop an agreement with the City for the use of Stolley Park for
the fundraising activity.
Charla Miller, 1523 Statgecoach Road, requested a 5-year agreement for a light display to be
used for an annual fundraiser. Proposed were opening the display from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
through the holiday season starting in December 2003 and charging an admission fee. Also
requested was the use of the Sweet Shoppe for educational materials, refreshments, and pet
pictures with Santa. Volunteers would erect, maintain and dismantle the displays. Electrical
needs and insurance would be taken care of by the Humane Society.
Councilmember Larson stated it was a good idea, but that traffic concerns would need to be
studied. Ms. Miller stated that these concerns had been looked at. Councilmember Whitesides
expressed concerns about allowing a private entity to raise money in a public park and the 5-year
agreement. Also mentioned was vandalism concerns. Discussion was had on the future changes
of Stolley Park and how this would affect the light display.
Councilmember Larson requested that this issue be brought up at the November 26,2002 regular
meeting for a vote. Councilmember Whtiesides requested that a contract be presented before a
vote is taken.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
RaNae Edwards
City Clerk