05/14/2002 Minutes I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION May 14, 2002 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on May 14, 2002. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on May 8, 2002. Mayor Ken Gnadt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Councilmembers Pielstick, Ward, Seifert, Larson, Homady, Whitesides, Haase, Murray, Walker and Sorensen. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator MarIan Ferguson, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Public Works Director Steve Riehle and Finance Director David Springer. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was said. Sidewalk Committee Report. Steve Riehle, Public Works Director and Craig Lewis, Building Department Director reported that in 1997 the City Council adopted Resolution #97-214 for the continued installation of public sidewalks. The policy required a plan to accommodate pedestrian school traffic. A committee consisting of staff from the Public Works, Building and Planning Departments had been meeting to develop priorities for sidewalks near schools. In April 2002, the committee met with the Principals of Stolley Park, Seedling Mile, Westridge and Engleman schools to discuss their thoughts regarding sidewalks. The Committee wanted direction from the Council in order to proceed. If Council resolved to pursue sidewalks in these areas, property owners would be notified to install sidewalks and be given a deadline for compliance. Mr. Riehle stated a Resolution directing staff to notify property owners to install sidewalks would be on the May 21, 2002 Council Agenda. A presentation was made with proposed sidewalks along Stolley Park, Seedling Mile, Westridge and Engleman Elementary schools. Councilmember Walker asked what the cost per square foot of sidewalk would be. Mr. Riehle stated $10 - $12 per foot if hired by a contractor. Councilmember Pielstick requested that the preliminary work be done by the City before we ask the property owners to put in sidewalks. Councilmember Larson mentioned the difficulty in not doing things right the first time and urged staff to require new subdivisions to put in sidewalks. Councilmember Ward clarified that the City would be responsible for the dirt work where the sidewalks would be required. Councilmember Pielstick mentioned the neighborhood associations and contacting them to help. Tom Noble, 1715 Hudson Circle and Jacey McGowan, 533 Linden Avenue spoke in support. Update on Annexation. MarIan Ferguson, City Administrator reported that Annexation had been a subject of discussion many times over the past several years and was one of the top Council I I I Page 2, City Council Study Session, May 14, 2002 priorities identified at the 2001-2002 Annual Council Retreat. When Council directed Administration to look at annexation, the emphasis was on addressing infrastructure needs, equalizing tax situations for those who are currently receiving City services, and acknowledging current and anticipated growth of the community in order to best plan for service delivery. Nebraska law provides the authority for municipalities to annex land. One of the challenges associated with annexation involved timing. Mr. Ferguson stated that several open house meetings had taken place to inform and answer questions from the public. The time line for this process was reviewed. Mr. Ferguson stated that city staff needed the Councils direction on this issue. Rollie Reynolds, 239 South Lakeside Drive spoke against annexation due to cost. Bob Kutz, 20 Kuester Lake and Otis Williamson, 22 Kuester Lake spoke in opposition. Gary Rosacker, 4408 Quail Lane spoke in favor of annexation and would like to become a part of the city. Councilmember Seifert questioned the reimbursement of lights, sidewalks, etc. Mr. Reihle stated that the City would not reimburse these expenses. Chad Nabity, Regional Planning Director stated that Kuester Lake had a private road and it would remain that way unless it was donated to the City. The Council had an opportunity to review the maps and ask questions. Councilmember Murray asked about the requests that had been made earlier as far as the age and numbers of septic tanks and costs. Mr. Lewis stated that this would be time consuming and nearly impossible to compile. Mr. Murray stated that maybe this should be put off and work it into our comprehensive plan. Councilmember Haase stated her biggest concern was getting information on the financial end of this and how it would effect the City with other projects. Mr. Ferguson stated that the City was in good financial shape and now would be the time to do this. There may be some projects that might have to be pushed back. Councilmember Hornady wanted clarification on Title 124. Craig Lewis, Building Department Director explained Title 124 relating to ground water, evaluation, etc. Ms. Hornady questioned the water quality at Kuester Lake. Councilmember Larson stated that this is often times an emotional issue, but we need to look at the big picture. Mr. Larson encouraged the Council to move this along to the Planning Commission. It was the consensus of the Council to move this forward with the time1ine set out. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Qn~ mW~ RaN ae Edwards City Clerk