02/19/2002 Minutes
February 19, 2002
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on
February 19, 2002. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on
February 13,2002.
Mayor Ken Gnadt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Councilmembers Pielstick, Ward, Seifert, Hornady, Whitesides, Haase, Murray, Walker and
Sorensen. Councilmember Larson was absent. The following City Officials were present: City
Administrator Marian Ferguson, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Public Works Director Steve
Riehle and Finance Director David Springer.
Discussion of Possible Park Land Acquisition. Steve Paustian, Parks and Recreation Director
reported that some time ago the school system sold off school land. Mr. Lowenstein bought 10
acres and contacted Mr. Paustian about making 6 acres located north of Fonner Park at Cherry
Street and Sunset Avenue into a neighborhood park. Mr. Lowenstein was interested in selling
four acres and leasing two more to the city for park development. This will be presented to the
Council at their retreat.
Update Concerning Solid Waste Fee Schedule. Steve Riehle, Public Works Director, reported
that the Solid Waste Fee Schedule based on weight was implemented on October 1, 2001. The
switch from volume measurement (Cubic Yards) to weight based measurement (Tons) increased
the disposal fee for packed loads (ie: residential packer trucks) and decreased the disposal fee for
loose loads (ie: roll off containers). A dual fee structure with a lower tipping fee for packer
trucks was approved by the city council in an effort to reduce the financial impact on the
residential property owner. Data available at the time indicated that the hauler's disposal fee for a
packer truck could increase 7.0%, resulting in a potential increase to each household of$3.86 per
Solid Waste Superintendent, Kevin McKennon reviewed the revenue for the time period of
October 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001. The following five options were presented to the
Do Nothing
12% Increase in all Rates
Adjust the Rates Loose and Roll Off Containers
Single Rates for the Landfill and Transfer Station
Two Rates at the Landfill and Transfer Station
Page 2, City Council Study Session, February 19,2002
Mr. McKennon recommended option #4 "A Single Price at the Landfill and Transfer Station".
Mr. Riehle updated the council on the effect the conversion has had on the financial status of the
division. He also stated that option #5 would be a workable solution.
Councilmember Sorensen stated that the City should cut back instead of raising the prices to the
customers. Mr. McKennon stated that there had been cut backs in the Public Works Department
with cutbacks in equipment and not hiring an assistant solid waste superintendent.
Councilmember Pieltstick raised concern about raising rates and having people dump illegally in
the roadside ditches and other places where the City would have the expense of cleaning it up.
Councilmember Seifert questioned the use of the Transfer Station. Mr. Riehle explained the use
of the Transfer Station and the Landfill and the cost to the haulers. Councilmember Ward stated
that the hours would have to be changed if the haulers would have to haul to the landfill. Instead
of starting at 5 :00 a.m. they would have to start earIier, which would not make the public happy.
Tom O'Neill, 804 West Stolley Park Road, stated that charging by the yard would probably
bring in more money. He stated that Council should hold off until spring when there would be
more volume and the figures would change. John Luna, 712 East 8th Street, spoke concerning
cubic yards versus tonnage basis. Mr. Luna suggested staying with yards.
City Administrator MarIan Ferguson stated that this would be reviewed at budget time, which
would give the council a more accurate picture.
Review of Comprehensive Plan. MarIan Ferguson, City Administrator, reported that the Hall
County Regional Planning Commission had signed a contract with JEO Consulting Group of
Wahoo. Mr. Ferguson stated that JEO had a wide range of experience in planning in Nebraska
and surrounding states. They would be teaming with CBB of St. Louis to update the
transportation network for Grand Island that was created for the 1992 comprehensive plan.
The cost of the proposed scope of services was $218,065. The Planning Commission raised
$225,000 for this project in funds from member communities and grant sources. A steering
committee would be formed and representatives from Council would be appointed.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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RaN ae Edwards
City Clerk