01/16/2001 Minutes I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION January 16,2001 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on January 16, 2001. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on January 10,2001. Council President Jackie Pielstick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Councilmembers Pielstick, Ward, Seifert, Larson, Hornady, Whitesides, Haase, Murray, Walker and Sorensen. Mayor Ken Gnadt was absent. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator Marlan Ferguson, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, City Attorney Charlie Cuypers and Steve Riehle Public Works Director. Discussion Concerning Installation and Removal of Advertisement Signs During November 2000 Election. Craig Lewis, Building Department Director, reported that in February 2000, City Council passed Ordinance #8563 relative to political signs. Several changes where made at that time with regards to political signs. Councilmember Sorensen stated that some signs are still standing from the November election. Mr. Lewis stated that the Building Department has taken signs down, but it is impossible to get all of them. Carroll Sheldon, 610 East 46th Street, Kearney, presented the Council with a bill in the amount of $1,350.00 for political signs damaged and/or destroyed from the November 2, 2000 Election. Councilmember Haase asked Mr. Sheldon if he had received the City Code regulations regarding political signs. Mr. Sheldon stated that he visited with Mr. Lewis twice. He stated that other signs were left standing but his signs were taken down. Councilmember Murray suggested that this claim be turned over to the City Attorney's office for further review. Kay Collins, 1003 West Louis, made a comment about how the laws in Grand Island are enforced. Discussion Concerning Gas Rates - Northwestern Public Service. Marlan Ferguson, City Administrator, reported that this presentation was to update the Council and public on the current gas rates. Bob Rye, Northwestern Public Service, 3211 Magnolia Court, presented information concerning the gas rate prices. Mr. Rye mentioned that some of the reasons for the increased gas prices were: greater demand, reduced supply, less storage and higher energy prices. Mild winters the last few years have also made a difference. NorthWestern will watch the market, encourages conservation measures and has a budget payment program. Councilmember Sorensen asked if a person is on a budget plan, is there a certain time to sign up. Mr. Rye stated that a person can sign up at any time. The plan is based on the previous twelve month charges. Mr. Rye stated that he feels the prices will come down in the spring, but we will probably not see the prices that we have seen in the past. Danny DeLong, 211 North Wheeler, representing the state Department of Health and Human Services, spoke regarding the energy assistance programs that the Department of Health and I I I Page 2, City Council Study Session, January 16, 2001 Human Services have to offer. Approximately 838 households had been helped through the Energy Assistance Program and approximately 151 households through the Crisis Energy Assistance Program. Councilmember Larson asked where these funds come from and how much is available. Mr. DeLong stated that most funds come from the Federal Government. Approximately $18 million dollars are apportioned for the State of Nebraska and that these funds are limited. Herb Worthington, 4262 Pennsylvania Avenue; Frank Chalupa, 2503 Commerce Avenue; Glendale Reiss, 910 North Boggs; Lewis Kent, 624 Meves and Kay Collins, 1003 West Louise, spoke regarding gas bills, meter readers and estimated bills. Sandra Fortier, representing Central Nebraska Community Services, spoke regarding the services they offer for assistance. These services are available only once a year. Councilmember Sorensen asked who funds these services. Ms. Fortier stated both Federal and State monies are used. Councilmember Murray asked what NorthWestern's policy was regarding reading meters. Mr. Rye stated that their policy was to read all meters every month, but it is nearly impossible. Councilmember Larsen recommended that Mr. Rye review the budget plan and get that information to the public. Councilmember Seifert stated that it would be wise to join efforts with the City to read meters. Discussion Concerning Future of the Zoo. Councilmember Larsen, Chairman of the Zoo Committee, presented a report for the future of the Zoo. Background information was given to the Council, problems were covered and a recommendation for a special election was made. The following recommendations were made by the Zoo Committee: 1. Because of the poor condition of the current infrastructure of the zoo it is recommended that the current level of financial support be discontinued. 2. The city council should adopt the master plan for the Grand Island Heritage Zoo as presented by the zoo committee with some minor changes as deemed necessary as work progresses. 3. Funding should come from a "to be determined" combination of current dollars and bonded indebtedness. 4. A community election committee should be formed of interested zoo citizens to educate the public on the merits of a community zoo. 5. A special election should be held some time in June 2001 to determine the public support for funding the zoo plan: master plan. Councilmember Sorensen asked what the estimate was for up keep of the zoo. Mr. Larson stated that the ZooPlan reviewed the numbers, and the operating cost was estimated at approximately $535,000 per year. Councilmember Ward asked if the zoo were to closed, what kind of closing costs would there be. Mr. Larson stated that there would be some closing costs, but did not know the exact amount. Councilmember Whitesides mentioned the original intent of the zoo was never to be a petting zoo. Mr. Larson stated that the feeling of the committee is that if we are going to have a zoo we need to do it right. Councilmember Hornady asked about the projected revenue and the number of people estimated to visit the zoo. Mr. Larson stated that the estimate was to be 100,000 people in twelve months to visit the zoo and that zoo's usually do not sustain themselves. Councilmember Ward asked about the process of a special election. Mr. Larsen I I I Page 3, City Council Study Session, January 16,2001 stated that the ballot language will be very important. Procedures are outlined by state statute and Mr. Cuypers would be able to answer those questions. Councilmember Haase asked if the City would have to bond this issue. Mr. Larsen stated that this decision would have to be made by council prior to the special election. Leo Tylkowksi, 1916 North Sheridan, asked about the operating costs ofthe zoo. Joe Wicks, 648 MacArthur Avenue, member of the zoo committee, spoke in favor of the zoo and felt it was an asset to the City of Grad Island. Herb Worthington, 4262 Pennsylvania, spoke regarding what will happen if the election fails. Several ideas where mentioned with alternate uses of the area mentioned. Dan Fogland, zoo committee member, spoke in favor of the zoo and stated that he would be willing to help educate the public. Jim Sanders, 218 North Harrison, spoke regarding the beginning of the zoo and the importance of the zoo question as it relates to capital construction. How this is presented to the public will determine the out come of the zoo. Glendale Reiss, 910 North Boggs; Lewis Kent, 624 East Meves; Kay Collins, 1003 West Louis, Harold Johnson, 804 North Boggs and Shelly Green, 2226 Viking road, all spoke with regards to the zoo. Councilmemeber Whitesides recommended that Council put this item on the next regular meeting agenda to have this issue be approved for a special election. Discussion on One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan. Steve Riehle, Public Warks Director, presented the One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan. Major points are the 2001 plans for the South Locust Interchange Project. Detention cells were discussed. Councilmember Murray questioned the comprehensive drainage study, underground de-watering project, and Independence Avenue and Manchester Road. Councilmember Haase questioned the detention cell behind Albertson's. Mr. Riehle stated that this detention cell should not be a problem, as it is not carrying water from uphill. Reviewed were the 2 through 5 and 6 through 10 year plans. Update Regarding Comprehensive Plan. Chad Nabity, Planning Director, presented the update for the Comprehensive Plan. The last update was done in 1992. Reviewed were projects from the 1992 Plan and new developments that will impact a new comprehensive plan. Mr. Nabity stated that money would need to be budgeted for this project. Also stated was that this would be a joint project with the County. Councilmember Murray stated that this is a very important plan for the community in the next couple of years as to how we are going to grow and the future of Grand Island. Councilmember Walker questioned the increase in traffic for the Fonner Events Center. Mr. Nabity stated that this ties in to the One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan. Mr. Nabity estimated the process to take from 18-24 months before adoption of a new comprehensive plan. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Qf\~ <cJw~ RaN ae Edwards City Clerk