08/22/2000 Minutes I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 22, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street, on August 22,2000. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on August 17,2000. Mayor Ken Gnadt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Gnadt, Councilmembers Larson, Pielstick, Hosier, Seifert, Preisendorf, Whitesides, Ward, Samuelsonn, Murray and Sorensen. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator MarIan Ferguson, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Finance Director David Springer, City Attorney Charlie Cuypers and Steve Riehle Public Works Director. ORDINANCES: Councilmember Samuleson moved, seconded by Preisendorf, to approve on first reading, Ordinance #8615 - FY2000-2001 Annual Single City Budget, The Annual Approporiations Bill, Including Addendum #1. City Clerk RaNae Edwards read Ordinance #8615 by title. Councilmember Pielstick questioned the $400,000.00 budgeted for Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and Juvenile Alternative Sentencing Program (JASP) which has been eliminated from the budget. City Administrator Marlan Ferguson spoke regarding these budget items. Charlie Cuypers, City Attorney explained the EDC and JASP funding. Mr. Cuypers explained that other programs have been more successful in recent years that the JASP Program. Both Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Cuypers recognize the good job EDC has done the past year and the need to continue funding. Councilmember Whitesides commented on the services provided by Betty Curtis through the JASP Program. He also recommended the following amendments to Ordinance #8615: (l) to hire 3 paramedics and 3 firefighters, and (2) cutting EDC budget to $200,000 and moving the other $150,000.00 into the Community Projects Department's budget. Councilmember Seifert commented on the pedestrian crossing at Independence Avenue and Capital Avenue. Steve Reihle, Public Works Department Director, stated that further study is being planned at this crossing. Mark Kula, 4223 Texas Avenue, President, Engleman Elementary School PTA, spoke in favor of the pedestrian cross walk at this location. Councilmember Ward spoke with regards to this issue and the need for a comprehensive plan and study. I I I Page 2, City Council Regular Meeting, August 22, 2000 Motion by Whitesides, second by Pielstick to amend the budget to hire 3 firefighters and 3 paramedics. MarIan Ferguson, City Administrator, stated that this may not need to be an amendment as it is already budgeted. Upon roll call vote, Pielstick, Hosier, Seifert, Preisendorf, Whitesides, Ward and Sorensen voted aye. Larsen, Samuelson and Murray voted nay. Motion adopted. Motion by Whitesides, second by Sorensen, to amend the budget to allow for $200,000 for the EDC budget with the remaining amount to be budgeted in the Community Projects Department budget. Murray questioned whether this amendment could be tabled for further study between first and second readings. Charlie Cuypers, City Attorney, could not answer the question at this time but would get back to the council with an answer. Chuck Haase asked if there was going to be public comment. The Mayor stated that he would prefer to have no public discussion between first and second reading. Also stated was the work done with New Holland and the need to support the EDC budget. Upon roll call vote on the amendment to lower the EDC budget to $200,000 and move the remaining amount to the Community Projects Department budget. Whiteside and Sorensen voted aye. Larson, Pielstick, Hosier, Seifert, Preisendorf, Ward, Samuelson and Murray voted nay. Motion failed. The Mayor called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve Ordinance #8615 FY2000-2001 Annual Single City Budget, The Annual Appropriations Bill, Including Addendum #1 with the amendment to hire 3 paramedics and 3 firefighters. However, there were Councilmembers who were in support of hearing additional public testimony. The Mayor then stated that the vote would be delayed until after all public comment was heard. Kay Collins, 1003 West Louse, spoke on behalf of the public meetings and the availability of the budget document. Councilmember Ward spoke with regards to the number of people who did not show for the budget hearings. Councilmember Seifert commented on the process of the budget and the short time allowed for review of the budget. Mr. Ferguson stated that the same procedure that had been followed last year. Lewis Kent, 624 East Meves, asked about the paramedics hiring and funding new parks. Ted George, 2915 West Stolley Park Road, spoke with regards to the paramedics. Chuck Haase, 3024 Colonial Lane, spoke with regards to the cemetery trust fund, library trust fund, debt service fund, restricted revenues, unused budget authority, insurance reserve fund, Parking District #1, and fiscal policies. Councilmember Samuelson made a motion to approve Ordinance #8615 FY2000-2001 Annual Single City Budget, The Annual Approporiations Bill, Including Addendum #1 with the amendment to hire 3 firefighters and 3 paramedics, second by Councilmember Ward. Upon roll call vote Larson, Hosier, Preisendorf, Ward, Samuelson and Murray voted aye. Pielstick, Seifert, Whitesides and Sorensen voted nay. Motion adopted. Seifert absent at 8:30 p.m. I I I Page 3, City Council Regular Meeting, August 22, 2000 PRESENTATIONS: Gary Mader, Utilities Director, made a presentation on the Future Power Supply for Grand Island. Deregulation, retail power costs, rates and reliability, load studies, load forecast, demand- capacity 1930-2010, generation classification, generation resources, electric demand and resources, load duration, effect of insufficient peaking, peaking capacity, electric demand and proposed resources, load duration - 2004, 2012, costs of additional generation, rates/financial impact, unit cost comparison, reliability, comparison of unit costs 2004-09, environmental, capacity sales, and schedule were presented. Councilmember Ward asked about the energy cost to the consumer if a new power plant was built. Mr. Mader stated that the cost should remain the same. Councilmember Larson asked if we do not build a new power plant would our rates go up. Mr. Mader replied that we would not be in control of our costs and we would be at the mercy of the market. Fuel storage costs were discussed. Facilities were mentioned with regards to costs. Location was discussed. Mr. Mader mentioned that the Burdick Station is the proposed site for the location of the new power plant. Councilmember Ward asked what would happen if New Holland or other similar businesses would double in size. Mr. Mader stated that we would have capacity for additional growth within the City of Grand Island. Discussed was what the next step would be. Mr. Mader asked for Council approval to hire a consulting firm Motion by Councilmember Larson to bring to council the recommendation of a consulting firm to pursue the plans for a new power plant. Second by Councilmember Whitesides. Motion adopted unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, O~\\CtL rn~ RaNae Edwards City Clerk