03/20/2000 Minutes I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION March 20, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session of the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska was conducted in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on March 15, 2000. Mayor Gnadt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Gnadt, Councilmembers Larson, Pielstick, Seifert, Whitesides, Ward, Samuelson, Murray and Sorensen. Councilmembers Hosier and Preisendorf were absent. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator Marian Ferguson, Deputy City Clerk Laura Irvine, Public Works Director Steve Riehle, Interim Finance Director Larry Fox, and City Attorney Charlie Cuypers. Discussion on Downtown Sidewalk Usage and Signage Guidelines. Downtown Development Director Dianne Kelley presented information on a proposed downtown sidewalk usage and signage guidelines. Ms. Kelley explained the objectives of the committee were: 1) displays, 2) sandwich boards, 3) sidewalk cafe, 4) pushcart vendors, and 5) signage. Mark Godeker, 507 West 12th Street, spoke on the issue. Councilmember Sorensen questioned who would be liable for sidewalk accidents. Ms. Kelley responded that this would fall under a License Agreement and would be the owner's responsibility and that the Downtown Board volunteered to be the eyes on the street watching for violations. Councilmember Pielstick indicated her concern over public safety and visual impact. City Administrator Marian Ferguson agreed there were many additions that would be made and it would be at individual property owners I expense. Councilmember Murray commended the group for their time and effort and questioned how to move forward to implementation. City Attorney Charlie Cuypers suggested that: 1) use a permit system and no formal license agreement was necessary, 2) entity issuing permit was the Downtown Director and Downtown Board, and 3) if a violation occurs, they would start with Downtown Director and would appeal to Downtown Board. Councilmember Larson liked the concept as described by Mr. Cuypers, and indicated his preference for Council involvement for future enforcement changes. Councilmember Sorensen questioned who had control of the vendors. Mr. Cuypers responded that the Health Department would be responsible for the food/drink permit, there can only be a maximum of four vendors downtown, no vendor can have more than one, and the Downtown Director and Downtown Board would regulate the cart appearance. Councilmember Sorensen raised the concern of downtown business being run out of business. Ms. Kelley responded that would not happen as there would only be four specific locations for vendors to set up and the types of merchandise they would be allowed to sell won't infringe on current businesses. Discussion on Amending License Agreement Procedures. City Attorney Charlie Cuypers reported that the City was always trying to make procedures more economic and streamlined and that the current procedure for License Agreements Council does not approve 1) asphalt and concrete paving in right-of-way, 2) sanitary sewer service lines, and 3) canopies and awnings in the downtown area. Most of the license agreement requests the City receives are long standing encroachments like a garage being built in an alley or replacing fences in right- I I I Page 2, City Council Study Session, March 20, 2000 of-way. Mr. Cuypers recommends the procedure be changed to departmental approval with denials being appealed to Council. It was recommended that the applications be filed with the Public Works Department at the filing fee of $80 will be increased to $100. Public Works Director Steve Riehle stated the Public Works Department utilizes the GIS System and can address concerns immediately upon filing, which makes it more customer friendly. Councilmember Pielstick questioned whether Public Works had the manpower to take on the added work. Mr. Riehle answered yes. Councilmember Larson applauded Mr. Riehle as a department head for creating a customer friendly city service and wants this brought back to a Council Meeting for approval. Councilmember Ward asked for a definition of GIS System and it's purpose. At Councilmember Seifert's request, Mr. Riehle explained the different ways he (and all departments) could be reached. Discussion on Driveway Installation Procedures. Public Works Director Steve Riehle reported that in conjunction with the license agreement procedure changes, departments could also streamline the driveway installation policy with departmental approval with denials being appealed to Council. Review of Proposed Budget Amendment. Interim Finance Director Larry Fox stated this was the first budget amendment to the FY 99-00 Budget. Mr. Fox stated this was a transfer of appropriation from one fund to another and does not increase the appropriation. The public hearing notice was published on March 20, 2000 for the March 27, 2000 City Council Meeting. Councilmember Murray questioned whether the funds had been earmarked for specific items. Mr. Fox indicated they were not. Councilmember Whitesides mentioned the bid problems with the ambulance, was also pleased about adding a security system at the impound lot, and questioned the transmitter difficulties with broadcasting Channel 56. Mr. Ferguson responded the transmitter was waiting on bids and not sure of the time frame, but assured him it was a high priority. Mark Godeker, 507 West 12th Street, questioned the budget amounts. Mayor Gnadt offered to walk Mr. Godeker through the budget process after the meeting. Councilmember Whitesides responded that we were not adding dollars to the budget, but transferring monies from one fund to another. Councilmember Seifert asked Mr. Fox what the claims expenditure amount was. Mr. Fox responded that it is roughly $2-$3 million. Lewis Kent, 624 East Meves, questioned the $1.5 million transfer. Mr. Fox responded that it was partly due to the debt service for the South Locust Project. Lewis Kent, 624 East Meves, questioned the increase in cost for fire truck. Fire Chief Jim Rowell responded that this was a better quality unit with chains that automatically come down in bad weather, automatic breaking, and better quality custom cabinets. Councilmember Ward stated the FY 98-99 Budget was 98 % accurate in projects and that was a good passing grade. Mayor Gnadt handed Mark Godeker his business card and invited him to lunch to be followed by a tour of Downtown. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~;) ~~ Q~. Irvine Deputy City Clerk 2