02/07/2000 Minutes I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION February 7, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska conducted a City council Study Session in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 E. First Street. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on February 2,2000. Mayor Gnadt called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Gnadt, Councilmembers Pie1stick, Hosier, Preisendorf, Whitesides, Samuelson, Sorensen, Murray, and Seifert. Absent were Councilmembers Larson and Ward. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator Marlan Ferguson, City Clerk Cindy Johnson, Interim Finance Director Larry Fox and Assistant Public Works Director Bud Buettner. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS. Gloria Wolbach representing the AOK Ladies presented information on Random Acts of Kindness Week and recognized the many individuals and businesses who would be participating in the events throughout the week. ONE AND SIX YEAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN. Bud Buettner, Assistant Public Works Director, reviewed the proposed One in 6 Year Street Improvement Plan and stated that adoption of the One in Six Year Improvement program was required by state law in order to receive over 2.5 million dollars in state tax funds. Mr. Buettner outlined the major projects for the year 2000 construction season and stated that improvements on South Locust Street leading to the new interchange were the priority. It was noted that construction of the Wood River Warm Slough Floodway Project was expected to commence in 2001 and that paving of Allen Drive, south of the Conestoga Mall, and continuation ofthe alleyway improvement project in the downtown area were also scheduled for the year 2000. Mr. Buettner reviewed the significant projects for the 2000-2001 construction season and noted that these projects included: the continuation and completion of improvements on South Locust Street, continuation of the Hike and Bike trail construction, and construction of a four-lane roadway on East Highway 30 easterly to the Merrick County Line. Councilmember Sorensen questioned the need for a One and Six Year Plan. Mr. Buettner said that it was mandated by the state but was also a good planning tool for budgeting and review for all projects. Councilmember Seifert questioned the amount of funds provided by the state. Mr. Buettner replied that approximately $700,000 was received each year. Councilmember Seifert questioned the street development plans for the northwest area and noted that $300,000 had been budgeted for the year 2000 and nothing more until the year 2005. Kay Collins, 1003 West Louise, questioned the status of the South Locust Street Project. Louis Kent, 624 East Meves, asked who was going to pay for improvements to the intersection of Highway 34 and South Locust Street. Mr. Buettner responded that the City had asked the state to look at improvements in this intersection and that improvements were scheduled. I I I UPDATE ON THE SANITARY SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Ben Thayer, Waste Water Treatment Plant Superintendent, stated that the City had recently completed an update to the Sanitary Sewer Comprehensive Plan and noted that the plan provided a roadmap of required system improvements. Mr. Tom Heinemann and Mr. Doug Simmons, consultants with CH2M Hill, stated that the purpose of the update was to identify existing system deficiencies, evaluate the impacts of future development on the existing sanitary sewer system and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) through 2019, develop a 20-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the sanitary sewer system based on noted existing system deficiencies, address future development plans, including improvements to infrastructure, conduct a cursory analysis of a potential dewatering project on infiltration and overall WWTP flows, and also evaluate the impact of long-term dewatering on the future sanitary sewer collection system. It was noted that the improvements suggested would handle 20 years of development and that the estimated costs to make the improvements was $26 million that would be paid for out of user fees. Mr. Heineman indicated that the capital improvement projects would be constructed at the cost of one million per year. Councilmember Murray questioned where the dollars to make the improvements would come from. Mr. Thayer indicated that this enterprise fund had approximately one million dollars after the operation and maintenance and debt service on the outstanding bonds was paid. Councilmember Murray stated that he supported the development of infrastructure within the city limits over infrastructure development outside the City limits. Mr. Thayer stated that he was comfortable that the current plan was reasonable for the next 5 or so years and that the plan would likely be updated again in 10 years. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ '! ( {lk. ~\ [rFlA UU "-- mdy K. J~nson City Clerk I I I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING February 7, 2000 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, conducted a Special Meeting in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 100 East First Street. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island Independent on January 30, 2000. Mayor Gnadt called the meeting to order at 8: 10 p.m. The following members were present: Mayor Gnadt, Councilmembers Pielstick, Hosier, Seifert, Preisendorf, Whitesides, Samuelson, Sorensen and Murray. Councilmembers Ward and Larson were absent. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator Marlan Ferguson, City Clerk Cindy Johnson, Interim Finance Director Larry Fox, Assistant Public Works Director Bud Buettner and City Attorney Charlie Cuypers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was said followed by an It's About Kids! Asset. PUBLIC HEARING: Public Hearing on Request for Acquisition of Utility Easement Located North of Sharma Street and West of Mansfield Road. Gary Mader, Utilities Director, reported that acquisition of a utility easement located to the north of Sharma Street and west of Mansfield Road, was required in order to have access to install, upgrade, maintain, and repair all electric and water utilities and that the easement would be used to provide adequate property for installation of a water main. No public testimony was heard. ORDINANCES: Councilmember Sorensen moved that the statutory rules requiring ordinances to be read by title on three different days be suspended and that ordinance numbered: #8556 - Creation of Street Improvement District #1232, Mansfield Road be suspended and that the City Clerk be permitted to call out the number of the Ordinance on its first reading and then upon its final passage and call for a roll call vote on each reading and then upon final passage. Second by Samuelson. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion was adopted unanimously. Mayor: Is anyone in the audience interested in this ordinance? Councilmember Seifert questioned whether plans for sanitary sewer would be available before the road construction began. Bud Buettner, Assistant Public Works Director, reported that they would be provided. City Clerk: Ordinance #8556 on its first reading. All those in favor of the passage of this ordinance on its first reading, answer roll call vote. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion adopted. I I I Page 2, City Council Special Meeting, February 7, 2000 City Clerk: Ordinance #8556 on its final passage. All those in favor of the passage of this ordinance on final passage, answer roll call vote. Upon roll call vote, all voted aye. Motion adopted. Mayor: By reason of the roll call vote on the first reading and then upon its final passage, Ordinance #8556 is declared to be lawfully passed and adopted upon publication as required by law. RESOLUTIONS: #2000-34 - Approving Acquisition of Utility Easement North of Shanna Street and West of Mansfield Road. Motion by Sorensen, second by Pielstick, carried unanimously to approve. #2000-35 - Awarding Bid for Studio Cameras to Alpha Video, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the Amount of $31,180. Motion by Sorensen, second by Pielstick, carried unanimously to approve. Resolution #2000-37 - Awarding Bid for Front End Loader to Third City New Holland, Inc., Grand Island, Nebraska, in the Amount of $82,745. Motion by Sorensen, second by Pielstick, carried unanimously to approve. #2000-38 - Approving Maintenance Agreement with State of Nebraska Department of Roads. It was noted that for providing this maintenance during 2000, the State would compensate the City in the amount of $30,860. Motion by Sorensen, second by Pielstick, carried unanimously to approve. #2000-39 - Approving Modification to City Council Meeting Schedule. Motion by Sorensen, second by Pielstick, carried unanimously to approve. #2000-36 - Consideration of Award of Contract for Zoo Management. Steve Paustian, Parks and Recreation Director, reported that the Parks and Recreation Department, Zoo Division, had submitted a request for awarding a contract for management services for the Grand Isle Heritage Zoo and that it was proposed that the City enter into an agreement with ZooPlan, Wichita, Kansas to assist in the operation of the zoo through this fiscal year 1999-2000. It was noted that the contract provided for management consultation and programming for the upcoming seasonal operation for not to exceed $30,000. Motion by Samuelson, second by Preisendorf to approve. Councilmember Pielstick noted that the hourly rate was high for the services proposed. Councilmember Whitesides spoke in support of hiring a local individual to manage the zoo for this year and explained that there were actually two fees proposed, one for zoo consulting and one for zoo management. Steve Paustian, Parks and Recreation Director, stated that the care needed for the animals was more specialized than he felt comfortable with and that the proposed contract provided for 18 trips to Grand Island for on site services. Councilmember Murray stated that the fee of $30,000 seemed reasonable and spoke in support of the not to exceed amount. Mr. Murray questioned whether bids had been taken on the zoo management. Mr. Paustian explained that bids had not been taken inasmuch as the services provided were considered to be an extension of the existing contract. Councilmember Seifert voiced agreement with Councilmember Whitesides and suggested that the $30,000 should be 2 I I I Page 3, City Council Special Meeting, February 7, 2000 spent on the zoo itself. Councilmember Preisendorf spoke in support of the agreement and noted the importance of professional management. City Administrator Marlan Ferguson explained that the zoo contractor would help the City with on site expertise as well as planning. Kay Collins, 1003 West Louise Street, and Lewis Kent, 624 East Meves, spoke on the issue. Upon roll call vote to approve the contract, Councilmembers Hosier, Preisendorf, and Samuelson voted aye. Councilmembers Pielstick, Seifert, Whitesides, and Murray voted nay. Councilmember Sorensen abstained. Motion failed. Motion by Seifert, second by Pielstick to bring the issue to the next Study Session. Upon roll call vote, motion was adopted unanimously. #2000-40 - Approving Labor Union Agreement with FOP. Personnel Director, Lisa Thayer, reported that the City staff and representatives of the FOP Union had been meeting in union negotiations since June of 1999 and that an agreement with the Union had been reached for a term of two years and provided for salary adjustments for each of the three job classifications covered by the union, as well as some modifications to various benefits covered by the agreement. Mrs. Thayer noted that ratification of the Labor Union Agreement with the Fraternal Order of Police for the period of January 3, 2000 through September 30, 2001 was recommended and had been approved by the Union. Motion by Murray, second by Samuelson to approve. Councilmember Seifert stated that public safety was one of the top priorities of the City and that good wages were necessary to find and keep officers. Councilmember Seifert added that he understood some of the officers were actually taking a pay cut after figuring uniforms and health insurance co-pay. Mrs. Thayer explained the health insurance co-pay and the impact on the employees. City Administrator MarIan Ferguson stated that he was pleased the City and the Union had come to an agreement. Councilmember Pielstick agreed with Councilmember Seifert relative to the pay increases. Upon roll call vote to approve the contract, Hosier, Seifert, Preisendorf, Whitesides, Samuelson, Murray and Sorensen voted aye. Pielstick voted nay. Motion adopted. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: Motion by Samuelson, second by Whitesides, carried unanimously to approve the Claims for the period of January 25, 2000 through February 7, 2000, claims #86616 and #87011 through #87422. Councilmember Whitesides abstained from voting on Claim #87084. Councilmember Preisendorf abstained from voting on Claim #87372. Councilmember Samuelson abstained from voting on Claim #87171. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, UtJ fib) rf\)/i11/rUVL/ Cindy K. .(dJu{so~ L City Clerk 3