04-13-2015 GIAMPO - Technical Advisory Committee Regular Meeting PacketGIAMPO – Technical Advisory Committee Monday, April 13, 2015 1:30 pm @ City Hall - Community Meeting Room 100 E 1st St, Grand Island, NE 68801 AGENDA 1.Call to Order This is a public meeting subject to the open meetings laws of the State of Nebraska. The requirements for an open meeting are posted on the wall in this room and anyone that wants to find out what those are is welcome to read through them. 2.Roll Call 3.Approve Minutes of the March 17, 2015 Technical Advisory Committee 4."DRAFT" Fiscal Year 2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) 5.Long Range Transportation Plan - Olsson Associates 6.Next Meeting 7.Adjournment Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 1 / 27 Technical Advisory Committee Monday, April 13, 2015 Regular Session Item C1 Approve Minutes of the March 17, 2015 Technical Advisory Committee Staff Contact: Chad Nabity, Regional Planning Director Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 2 / 27 1    GRAND ISLAND AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (GIAMPO)  TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) MINUTES   March 17, 2015 at 1:30 pm  Community Meeting Room  Grand Island City Hall, 100 E. 1st Street, Grand Island, NE  Voting Members in Attendance:     Terry Brown, City of GI, Director of Engineering Service Present  John Collins, City of GI Public Works Director Present  Marlan Ferguson, City of GI, City Administrator Present  Mike Meyer, Merrick Co. Hwy. Superintendent Present  Chad Nabity, Hall Co. Regional Planning Director Present  Ramona Schafer, Village of Alda Present  Casey Sherlock, Hall Co. Public Works Director Present  Wes Wahlgren, NDOR District 4 Engineer Present  Brad Zumwalt, NDOR Highway Planning Manager Present    Non‐Voting Members in Attendance:  Mary Berlie, Grand Island Area Economic Development Corp. Present  Mike Blackley, Union Pacific Railroad Absent  Shannon Callahan, City of GI Public Works Street Superintendent Absent  William Clingman, City of GI, Interim Finance Director Absent  Logan Daniels, Federal Transit Administration – Region VII Absent  Erich Hines, Transportation Planner, Realty, Civil Rights Federal  Highway Admin.  Absent  Cindy Johnson, Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce Absent  Larry Legg, NDOR Local Projects Engineer Absent  Kaine McClelland, NDOR State Modeler Absent  Kelli O’Brien, Union Pacific Railroad Absent  Mike Olson, Central NE Regional Airport Present  Noel Salac, NDOR, Planning & Locational Studies Section Head Absent  Jeff Soula, NDOR Local Projects Urban Engineer Present  Andy Williams, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Absent    Others in Attendance:  John Adams, MPO Program Manager  Nicki Stoltenberg, Assistant to the City Administrator  Catrina DeLosh, Public Works Administrative Assistant    Call to Order  Nabity called the meeting to order at 1:30 pm.  The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was acknowledged.    Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 3 / 27 2    Roll Call  Roll call was taken.  Approve Minutes of the February 9, 2015 Technical Advisory Committee   Zumwalt made note that Erich Hines attended the meeting as a representative for Federal Highway  Administration (FHWA).    Motion by Wahlgren to approve the minutes of the February 9, 2015 meeting, with FHWA  representative note, seconded by Brown.  Upon voice vote, all voted aye.  Motion adopted.      Long Range Transportation Plan Development ‐ Startup  Clyde Prem, Olsson Associates Project Manager; Tom Worker‐Braddock, Olsson Associates Assistant  Project Manager; Triveece Penelton, Vireo Public Involvement Innovator, and Matt Rief, Olsson  Associates Project Advisor gave a presentation on the GIAMPO Long Range Transportation Plan  development/startup.  At the end of the presentation Clyde asked that each member on the  committee provide input/comments regarding the Long Range Transportation Plan.   Berlie – interested to see traffic flow information and freight / railcar accessibility in & out of  the City   Zumwalt – interested in the whole piece; freight, Map 21 emphasis – interested to see the  model   Soula – no comment   Schafer – no comment   Meyer – interested to see usage of UPRR and Highway 30   Sherlock – County is heavily ag based – would like to see this addressed in the transportation  plan & drainage for the County is through the City    Wahlgren – maintain best transportation system through the State & City   Nabity – likes the proactivity this plan will bring to the City and how it will show City  connectivity   Ferguson – interested in whole plan – external/internal model; traffic in/out of City – capture  I80 traffic, RR crossing issues to provide better traffic flow – 5 major highways to watch  through the City   Collins – interested in RR grade separation, network flow improvement, provide a better  “front door” for the City, watch development and be proactive to traffic needs   DeLosh – no comment   Olson – interested in seeing how the airport fits in as they’ve seen massive growth in the last 5  years.  Airport has a master plan if needed   Brown – will allow City to make better decisions, provide access management, safety, capacity  analysis, truck routes, school congestion, complete street designs w/ all transportation  Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 4 / 27 3    addressed, freight, grade separations, public input, intersection management  (roundabout/signal installation/4way stops)   Adams – excited to develop the original Long Range Transportation Plan for the City   Rief – put all past studies in 1 piece to create a common vision (roadmap) – cell phone data is  a good tool  Next Meeting Date    The next meeting of the TAC will be April 13, 2015.     Adjournment   There being no further business, Nabity adjourned the meeting at 2:43 pm.  Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 5 / 27 Technical Advisory Committee Monday, April 13, 2015 Regular Session Item J1 "DRAFT" Fiscal Year 2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Staff Contact: John Adams, MPO Program Manager Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 6 / 27 Technical Advisory Committee Monday, April 13, 2015 Regular Session Item J2 Long Range Transportation Plan - Olsson Associates *Goals for the LRTP *Public Involvement Plan *Project Identity *Input on the Planning for the First Public Meeting *Data Collection Update *Model Development Update Staff Contact: John Adams, MPO Program Manager Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 7 / 27 2111 South 67th Street, Suite 200 TEL 402.341.1116 www.olssonassociates.com Omaha, NE 68106 FAX 402.341.5895 Page 1 of 3 MEMO Overnight Regular Mail Hand Delivery Other: Email TO: John Adams City of Grand Island, MPO Program Manager FROM: Clyde Prem Senior Planner, Olsson Associates RE: Discussion – Goals for Grand Island LRTP DATE: April 6, 2015 OA PROJECT #: 015-0585 Grand Island Performance Based Long Range Transportation Plan MAP-21 requires each MPO to incorporate performance measures into the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), and for those performance measures to support the national goals established by MAP-21. As part of those performance measures, clearly identified goals and objectives within the MPO’s transportation plan play a critical role in driving a performance- based approach to decision making. The goals and objectives should reflect local priorities and outcomes for the transportation system and society as a whole, while also bearing in mind the national goal areas and Federally-required planning factors. The national performance goals are listed below: Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 8 / 27 2111 South 67th Street, Suite 200 TEL 402.341.1116 www.olssonassociates.com Omaha, NE 68106 FAX 402.341.5895 Page 2 of 3 Source: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/map21/factsheets/pm.cfm In addition, MAP-21 included eight planning factors (identified below) to be considered in the development of long range transportation plans. These factors can be used as a basis for developing the plan goals, objectives, and performance measures in the Grand Island LRTP. The MAP-21 planning factors are listed below: A. Support the economic vitality [of the United States, the States, nonmetropolitan areas, and metropolitan areas], especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency; B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; C. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; E. Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve the quality of life, and promote consistency between transportation improvements and State and local planned growth and economic development patterns; F. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight; G. Promote efficient system management and operation; and H. Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 9 / 27 2111 South 67th Street, Suite 200 TEL 402.341.1116 www.olssonassociates.com Omaha, NE 68106 FAX 402.341.5895 Page 3 of 3 Some additional topic areas are listed below that can be explored further as the Grand Island goals statement is developed. These and other possible goal topics will be discussed at the TAC meetings, in preference surveys and in meeting discussions. Goal topic areas could include: Accessibility to destinations Accessibility to transportation for all groups Environmental protection and the preservation of important natural assets Land use coordination Cost-effective use of transportation funds Importance of maintain the existing transportation system Mobility - Congestion --constraints to the efficient movement of people and freight How transportation can impact/enhance quality of life Transportation to support a healthy lifestyle Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 10 / 27 April 1, 2015 Draft Public Involvement Plan for JOURNEY 2040 GIAMPO’s 25-Year Performance-Based Long Range Transportation Plan Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 11 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 2 of 10 Introduction Urbanized areas with populations of at least 50,000 people may form a metropolitan planning organization through an agreement between the Governor and the local governments that “together represent at least 75 percent of the affected population, including the largest incorporated city (based on population) as determined by the Bureau of Census”1. The Grand Island area reached the target population in 2012. The following year, the Grand Island Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GIAMPO) was established for the densely developed or urbanized area consisting of Grand Island and the Village of Alda in Hall County, Nebraska as shown in Figure 1 – GIAMPO Planning Area. GIAMPO is a program of the City of Grand Island’s Department of Public Works and focuses on planning for transportation and land uses within the planning area. Figure 1 – GIAMPO Planning Area GIAMPO’s performance-based Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), hereafter referred to as JOURNEY 2040, is the program’s first major initiative. The year-long JOURNEY 2040 planning process is also the area’s first experience engaging in comprehensive discussions that are focused solely on planning for the range of multimodal, transportation improvement projects that could serve the community over the course of the coming 25 years. The final JOURNEY 2040 plan will be a vision and policy document whose recommendations can be adjusted over time to reflect changes within the planning area. It will outline a range of recommended, transportation improvement projects for an interconnected network of roads, 1 Cornell Law School. Legal Information Institute. 23 U.S. Code 134 – Metropolitan Transportation Planning. Retrieved March 23, 2015 from https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/23/134. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 12 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 3 of 10 pedestrian and/or bicyclist paths, and rail that are either fiscally or non-fiscally constrained. Each project will be based on public involvement, performance measures, preferred improvement scenarios, growth projections, existing conditions, and the overall transportation vision for the planning area. JOURNEY 2040 will also include a financial plan that describes how fiscally- constrained improvement projects could be funded trough known federal, state, and/or local resources for implementation. The JOURNEY 2040 plan it is anticipated to be adopted by the GIAMPO Policy Board. Thereafter, a more detailed, short-range version of the plan, known as the GIAMPO’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), will be developed and revised in four-year intervals. The regionally significant projects that are described in JOURNEY 2040 and the TIP will be consistent with and incorporated into the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), so they may be eligible to receive federal funding for more detailed planning, environmental study, design, and/or construction. JOURNEY 2040 projects will also be incorporated into the capital improvement program for Grand Island as another funding source for implementation. The GIAMPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides technical advice and recommendations to the Policy Board and staff. The TAC is leading the JOURNEY 2040 planning process with assistance from a consultant team that consists of Olsson Associates for transportation planning/engineering and Vireo for community engagement. Overview of the JOURNEY 2040 Planning Process The process will begin during March 2015 and will continue through March 2016. During the process, the study team will: Engage community members in the GIAMPO planning area. Review and analyzing demographic data related to population and employment. Develop the vision, goals, objectives and performance measures for the plan. Identify and analyzing existing conditions and key transportation issues. Determine and analyzing future conditions for the planning area. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the various modes of transportation within the planning area and the connections between them. Build a transportation model that reflects both existing and future conditions as well as connectivity among transportation modes in order to forecast future traffic demands and potential improvement needs for motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, transits, and rail. Prepare a financial plan that identifies reasonable funding sources for recommended implementation projects. Gather feedback and input from public agencies, local jurisdictions, and other area partners throughout the planning process. Coordinate with the GIAMPO Policy Board to adopt the final JOURNEY 2040 plan. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 13 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 4 of 10 Goals for JOURNEY 2040 Public Involvement The study plans to implement public involvement for JOURNEY 2040 that: Responds to and is consistent with the MAP-21 requirements and those outlined in CFR 450.316 – Interested partners, participation, and consultation. Builds on the outreach and engagement successes of the recent Grander Vision and Grow Grand Island community visioning efforts during which “transportation” was a discussion item and/or priority. Supports timely, useful, and used public participation. Purposefully seeks input from targeted and interested parties about the goals, objectives, exiting conditions, performance measures, improvement scenarios, potential projects and environmental concerns that could be included in the JOURNEY 2040 plan. Engages citizens, the business and economic development community, freight and rail operators, transit providers, advocacy groups, limited or non-English speakers, environmental justice and underserved populations, and those who use transit, pedestrian walkways, and/or bicycle facilities. Coordinates meeting times and locations with sensitivity to environmental justice groups. Strengthens and creates new partnerships with a wide variety of stakeholders. Develops a graphic identity for JOURNEY 2040 that compliments GIAMPO’s existing brand identity as a city-run program through the City of Grand Island’s Department of Public Works. Builds support for JOURNEY 2040 adoption and future implementation, while gathering feedback early and often during the planning process. Utilizes innovative and customizable tools, such as the DigicateTM “app” for online surveying, a transportation edition of the Grander Vision’s Make It Grander card game for community workshops, and more. Remains sensitive to the fact that, according to the 2010 U.S. Census, 23% of Hall County’s 58,607 residents are Hispanic or Latino. Further, city-data.com indicates that English and Spanish were the top two languages spoken at home by Hall County residents in 2012. Other, individual languages, such as Asian, Pacific Island, and others were spoken by less than one percent of their representative groups. Provides bilingual (English/Spanish), informational and educational materials in a range of formats (in person, print, digital, and/or augmented reality) and without technical jargon. Potential JOURNEY 2040 Stakeholder Groups Stakeholders are individuals and groups who are affected by or have an interest in a particular project or action. As a result, a wide variety of stakeholder groups may have an interest in the multimodal, transportation issues, improvement strategies, and other items that would be discussed during the JOURNEY 2040 planning process, including: Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 14 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 5 of 10 Technical Advisory Committee with representation from the following partnering agencies: o City of Grand Island o Village of Alda o Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Corporation o Hall and Merrick Counties o Central Nebraska Airport o Nebraska Department of Roads o Union Pacific Railroad o Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail Road o Federal Highway Administration o Federal Transit Administration Transportation stakeholders, e.g. elected and/or appointed officials, trucking/freight, rail, transit providers, those who use transit, pedestrian walkways, and/or bicycle facilities, business/economic development organizations, faith-based institutions, school districts, Grow Grand Island and Grander Vision Steering Committee members, Central District Health Department, Multicultural Coalition and/or other advocacy and umbrella groups General public o Residents o Property owners o Limited or non-English Proficiency (LEP) speakers o Environmental justice and underserved populations News outlets (television, newspaper, and radio) Social media followers and fans Others A detailed spreadsheet of existing and potential JOURNEY 2040 stakeholder groups and their contact information is attached to this report. It will serve as the project contact list. Process and Schedule for JOURNEY 2040 Public Involvement JOURNEY 2040’s wide range of stakeholders will be engaged four meaningful and impactful times during the planning process as described in Figure 2 – JOURNEY 2040 Public Involvement Timing. Figure 2 – JOURNEY 2040 Public Involvement Timing Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 15 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 6 of 10 Outcomes: Defining vision, goals and objectives. Existing Conditions/Performance Measures: Determining what is meaningful and important to measure based on existing conditions. Scenarios: Identifying the preferred improvement trend(s) for the planning area based on preferred outcomes, existing conditions, and performance measures Priority Projects: Selecting key projects based on how they are anticipated to perform within the preferred improvement scenarios. Tools and Activities for JOURNEY 2040 Public Involvement A variety of tools and activities will be used to involve stakeholder groups in the JOURNEY 2040 planning process and to share information with them. The use of each tool and activity will be coordinated to ensure that it: Informs the community of the project, its timeframe, challenges, decisions to be made, and how it will impact transportation routes Gains community understanding, support, and advocacy for project funding and implementation Solicits community input on outcomes, performance measures, improvement scenarios, and priority projects Tools for gathering feedback and input include: Online Surveys: Use the DigicateTM “app” to create two online surveys for the JOURNEY 2040 planning process, distributing it via e-blast to the project contact list and by posting a link on the GIAMPO web page. The surveys will offer 24/7 commenting Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 16 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 7 of 10 ability, include Google Translate for LEP speakers, and be available in advance of Workshops 1 and 4. The focus of each survey is as follows: o Survey No. 1 – Outcomes: To gather community opinion about ideal outcomes (vision, goals, and objectives), greatest issues affecting transportation in the planning area, and strategies that might help improve the problems. o Survey No. 2 – Priority Projects: To determine community opinion on the projects that could be included with the preferred improvements scenarios and the potential priorities associated with them. Workshops: Coordinate a series of four workshops for the JOURNEY 2040 planning process: o Workshop No. 1 – Outcomes: Coordinate, staff, and summarize a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders and the general public. Each workshop will be formatted as a formal presentation followed by facilitated, small group discussions over maps on tables. The presentation and small group discussions will build on the initial results of Survey No. 1. Consultant team facilitators will ask meeting participants to map and describe the transportation issues that are affecting the planning area, elaborating on the initial survey results. They will also be asked to prioritize improvement areas. o Workshop No. 2 – Existing Conditions/Performance Measures: Coordinate, staff, and summarize a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders. Each meeting will be formatted as a formal presentation followed by facilitated, small group discussions during which consultant team facilitators will engage the participants in discussions about existing conditions and potential performance measures related to three categories: mobility, livability/quality of life. o Workshop No. 3 – Scenarios/Alternatives: Coordinate and summarize a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders. Each workshop will be formatted as a formal presentation followed by facilitated, small group discussions during which consultant team facilitators will engage meeting participants in discussions about the preferred direction of desired trends and the priorities that should be placed on them in order to improve the planning area’s future transportation network. o Workshop No. 4 – Priority Projects: Coordinate and summarize a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders and the general public. Each workshop will be formatted as a formal presentation followed by facilitated, small group discussions. The presentation and small group discussions will build on the project team’s analysis and the initial results of Survey No. 2. Consultant team facilitators will engage meeting participants in discussions about the projects that could be included with the preferred scenarios and the potential priorities associated with them via a custom, consultant-designed card game called “Make It Grander: Transportation Edition”. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 17 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 8 of 10 Discussion questions, bilingual (English/Spanish) handout, and invitations will be developed for each of the four workshops. A Spanish translator will be secured for the workshops and meeting materials placed on the GIAMPO web page. Briefings for Elected Officials: Coordinate a series of briefings for elected officials who represent the GIAMPO Policy Board and Grand Island during the JOURNEY 2040 planning process for the purpose of educating them about the process, schedule, progress, community feedback, and next steps; providing them with the information they may need to respond to comments and/or questions from constituents; keeping them informed of JOURNEY 2040 milestones; and, offering them formal and/or informal opportunities to offer constituent or personal input related to transportation needs and possible improvements for the plan. Meetings with Partners: Obtain input from planning partners who are not part of the TAC in order to gather their input on needs and possible improvements. Presentation for Adoption: Present the JOURNEY 2040 plan to the GIAMPO Policy Board for adoption. Tools for information sharing include: Contact List: Using the Grand Version and Grow Grand Island contact lists and the GIAMPO Policy Board roster as guides, a similar list will be developed for JOURNEY 2040. It will include contact information for a broad range of stakeholders and updated as necessary during the planning process. GIAMPO web page: Develop a graphic concept for the GIAMPO web page that exists on www.giampo.org. The concept will be based on the graphic identity of the City of Grand Island and developed to fit within the existing dimensions and page-format of www.grand-island.com. Content for the GIAMPO’s main page and potential subpages will be developed and provide visitors with answers to the following questions: o What is GIAMPO? o What is the planning are for the GIAMPO? o Who’s involved with the GIAMPO? o What is an LRTP? o Why is an LRTP necessary? o What is the process and schedule for the LRTP? o What’s new related to the LRTP? o How can the website be shared via social media networks? o Who can be contacted for more information? o Other Presentation Materials: Slideshows and other presentation materials will be developed for the project as appropriate, e.g. to demonstrate key project elements to the technical advisory committee, local officials, general public, and other stakeholder groups. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 18 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 9 of 10 Project Fact Sheet: One bilingual (English/Spanish) handouts will be developed for each of the four JOURNEY 2040 workshops. E-Blasts: Develop and deploy two, bilingual (English/Spanish) e-blasts for JOURNEY 2040 that announce the online surveys and Workshops 1 and 4 a minimum of two weeks in advance of the workshop dates. E-mails/Letter Invitations: Develop and distribute simple, email invitations to targeted, transportation stakeholder groups for Workshops 2 and 3. Letter invitations will be sent via traditional mail to project contacts that are without email addresses. Both types of invitations will be sent a minimum of two weeks in advance of the workshop dates. Invitation Cards: Develop simple, invitation cards that the TAC can distribute in person to its contacts, inviting those stakeholders to attend Workshops 1-4. Press Releases: As the project progresses, two, bilingual (English/Spanish) press releases will be developed to keep media outlets, such as the Grand Island Independent, Buenos Dias Nebraska, KRGI News/Talk Radio, and KGIN Channel 11, and thereby the public, up-to-date on the project. The releases will announce the online surveys and Workshops 1 and 4 and be distributed to GIAMPO’s media contacts and placed on its web page. The releases will be posted the week prior and the week of the workshops. Social Media: Develop one social media content outline for GIAMPO to reference as the agency shares the planning process on Twitter. The outline will include a schedule and posts related to project start-up and key periods during which public input is being sought via the online surveys and Workshops 1 and 4. Facebook will also be leveraged, so two paid ad sets can be served to Facebook account holders within the GIAMPO planning area. The ads will correspond to the surveys and workshops. Information Channel 12: Announce the online surveys plus Workshops 1 and 4 on “Info Channel 12”, which is made possible through the Grand Island TV request form here: http://www.grand-island.com/your-government/administration/public- information/grand-island-television/info-channel-12. Grand Island TV: Explore the potential of leveraging the existing resources in Grand Island’s Communications Department to broadcast the presentation portions of Workshops 1 and 4 on Grand Island TV and then provide information about how listeners could give their input via online surveys or other tools. Evaluation and Tracking of Public Involvement Efforts As the JOURNEY 2040 planning process progresses, overall public involvement activities will evaluate new ideas, perspectives, issues, concerns, priorities, and praise associated with it in coordination with the consultant team, GIAMPO Technical Advisory Committee and project management team specifically during the outcomes, outcomes/ measures, scenarios, and priorities phases of the public involvement process. Associated activities will involve: Conference Calls: To be discuss the status of the project, including public involvement. Face-to-Face Meetings: To be discuss the status of the project, including public involvement and next steps, with the Technical Advisory Committee, elected officials, and others. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 19 / 27 Public Involvement Plan for the JOURNEY 2040 Page 10 of 10 Consultant Team Coordination: To collaborate and coordinate for public involvement as appropriate through emails and conference calls. Implementation of New Outreach Ideas: To include study team consideration of new ideas for public involvement, such as online mapping (wikimappin.net) and town hall meeting tools (mySidewalk.com), mobile meetings, display boards, and/or stenography, that develop through the implementation and management of public involvement for JOURNEY 2040 in one of two ways: 1) as replacements for other tools and activities described in the public outreach plan; or 2), as supplements to aforementioned tools and activities. Further, all public involvement activities will be recorded in a log that can be referenced during the JOURNEY 2040 planning process. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 20 / 27 Page 1 of 7 Meeting Date: TBD, e.g. May 5, 7, 19 or 21  Hold a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders and the general public.  Use a list of general and specific questions to gather community feedback about: o Ideal outcomes (vision, goals, and objectives) for the Grand Island area’s transportation future o Key issues, problems and/or concerns with traveling (as a motorist, pedestrian, cyclist and/or transit rider) around and through the Grand Island area o Strategies that might help improve identified problems. o Top priorities and other comments  Add the feedback from the workshop to the community opinions gathered via the online survey. Note: The survey will be available to the public approximately two weeks in advance of the workshop and thereafter through DATE. It will be used to collect community opinions on ideal, JOURNEY 2040 outcomes (vision, goals, and objectives), greatest issues affecting transportation in the planning area, and potential strategies that might help improve the problems.  Incorporate both the survey and workshop feedback into the review of existing conditions and development of potential performance measures and ultimately use it to help inform the selection of improvement scenarios, priority projects, and other recommendations that will be included in the plan.  2-hour public meeting organized into four key parts: o Short PowerPoint presentation (approx. 15 minutes) o Facilitated small group discussions at tables with maps, markers, and flip charts (approx. 60-70 minutes) o Small group report back (approx.. 20-30 minutes) o Next steps (5 minutes) Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 21 / 27 Page 2 of 7 TBD – Potential locations include:  Grand Island Public Library  Bosselman Conference Center in Fonner Park  Community Room in Grand Island City Hall  Walnut Middle School DAY, May DATE, 2015  Set up and facilitator review: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. (60-90 minutes in advance of the public meeting)  Public meeting: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (2 hours)  Breakdown: 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. (30 minute)  Debrief: 8:00 – 8:15 p.m. (15 minutes) Type Timing Responsibility Audience GIAMPO Webpage 2 weeks prior GIAMPO Community overall Press Release 1 2 weeks prior Vireo/GIAMPO Media Contacts Press Release 2 1 week prior Vireo/GIAMPO Media Contacts E-Blast 1 2 weeks prior Vireo Project contact list E-Blast 2 1 week prior Vireo Project contact list E-Blast 3 1 day prior Vireo Project contact list E-Blast 4 Day of Vireo Project contact list E-Blast 5 Day after to encourage continued online comment via survey Vireo Project contact list E-Blast 6 Week before online survey closes Vireo Project contact list Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 22 / 27 Page 3 of 7 E-Blast 7 Day before/of online survey closes Vireo Project contact list Social media 1 2 weeks prior Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 2 1 week prior Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 3 2 weeks prior Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 4 1 week prior Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 5 1 day prior Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 6 Day of Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Social media 7 Day after to encourage continued online comment via survey Vireo/GIAMPO Facebook and Twitter Invitation Cards 2 weeks prior Vireo/TAC TAC stakeholder contacts Invitation Cards 1 week prior Vireo/TAC TAC stakeholder contacts  Content: Vireo would develop the content for the press releases, e-blasts, and social media, and invitation cards in coordination with Olsson Associates for GIAMPO review/comment and final approval.  Deployment: Vireo would layout and deploy e-blasts via Constant Contact and paid Facebook advertisements. GIAMPO would deploy the remaining notices.  Welcome and Introductions (____________, GIAMPO) o What’s GIAMPO?  Overview (Clyde Prem, Olsson Associates) o What’s the JOURNEY 2040 plan? o What’s the process and schedule for the plan? o What’s the final outcome of the plan? Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 23 / 27 Page 4 of 7  We Want to Learn from You (Triveece Penelton, Vireo) Initial Survey Results Discussion Questions o Vision:  Fill in the blank: “In 2040, transportation should be _____________________ in the Grand Island metropolitan area”. Why? o Mapping:  Use RED DOTS & MARKERS to indicate important DESTINATIONS in the Grand Island area. What types of destinations, e.g. employment, shopping, cultural/educational, and recreational, etc. have you identified? What makes them important to the community?  In the future, how would you like to be able to travel to the destinations shown in RED? › If by VEHICLE, use BLUE MARKERS & DOTS to draw and describe the route that you’d take. Why did you select this route? Does it need to be improved today? If so, why? What’s needed to make it better? › If by FOOT or BICYCLE, use GREEN MARKERS & DOTS to draw and describe the route that you’d take. Why did you select this route? Does it need to be improved today? If so, why? What’s needed to make it better? › If by BUS, use ORANGE DOTS & MARKERS to draw and describe the route that you’d take. Why did you select this route? If so, why? What’s needed to make it better?  Use YELLOW DOTS to indicate and describe what transportation IMPROVEMENTS should happen first. Are the types of improvements that you’ve prioritized based on 1) mode of transportation (vehicle, foot, bicycle, or bus), 2) issues to be addressed, 3) proximity to important community destinations, or 4) other (describe)? o Key Issues and Concerns: What’s the biggest issue facing travel around and through the Grand Island area today? o Implementation Priorities: What’s the number one thing that you’d like the JOURNEY 2040 plan to accomplish within the next five years?  Breakout Groups (Vireo) o Organization Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 24 / 27 Page 5 of 7 Note: The number of groups and persons per group should be based on meeting attendance. One or two facilitators are needed per table of participants to serve as the discussion leader and/or scribe. Each group will be given a gridded handout with which they can use to provide additional information about why the green, red, blue, and yellow dots where placed on the map. A flip chart and easel will also be provided for each group. o Group discussions and report back Step 1: Discuss favorite places and vision Step 2: Use markers to draw routes and connections Step 3: Use dots to indicate best and worst places, potential improvement strategies, and first place to start Step 4: Use gridded handout to describe what’s mapped with the dots (Re: locations, improvement strategies, and where to start first) Step 5: Discuss priorities and implementation Step 6: Share what’s been discussed (report back) Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 25 / 27 Page 6 of 7  What’s Next (Olsson Associates) o How we’ll use your feedback o Additional workshops with TAC and other transportation stakeholders (Summer 2015 – Winter 2016) o A second/final community workshop (winter 2016) o Final LRTP (winter 2016)  Close (GIAMPO) Meeting Item Information Responsibility 6-8 large-scale maps of the region Streets, street names, existing land use, etc (aerial) Olsson Associates for GIAMPO review/comment and final approval; OA printing 1 slideshow Project overview, discussion questions, and next steps Olsson Associates in coordination with Vireo and GIAMPO review/comment and final approval 100-11”x17” fact sheet/handout (Spanish/English) Project overview, process, schedule, and meeting information (instructions for small group discussion participants) Vireo in coordination with Olsson Associates and GIAMPO review/comment and final approval 8-8.5”x11” grid sheets and facilitator instructions For facilitator and scribe use during small group discussion and mapping Vireo in coordination with Olsson Associates and GIAMPO review/comment and final approval Projector N/A Venue, GIAMPO or Vireo Laptop N/A Olsson Associates Sign-in sheets Contact information Vireo Name tags N/A Vireo Markers N/A Vireo Post-it Notes N/A Vireo Pens N/A Vireo 6 – 8 flip charts N/A Vireo 6- 8 easels N/A Vireo 64 packs of dots 8 green, 8 red, 8 blue, and 8 yellow Vireo Meeting box Tape, scissors, etc Vireo 6 round or 12-72”x30” rectangular tables plus 2-3 rectangular tables 6rounds for small group discussions, 1- 2 for sign-in, and 1 for laptop/projector Venue 3 rectangular tables 2 for sign-in and 1 for laptop/projector Venue Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 26 / 27 Page 7 of 7 Screen or blank wall N/A Venue Refreshments TBD GIAMPO Name Role Company John Collins Director, Presenter GIAMPO John Adams Program Director GIAMPO Clyde Prem Project manager; facilitator Olsson Associates Tom Worker- Braddock Transportation Planer; facilitator Olsson Associates Matt Rief Engineer; facilitator Olsson Associates Triveece Penelton Meeting manager, facilitator; photography Vireo Laurie Brown Facilitator, sign in; photography Vireo TBD Spanish translation (verbal) GIAMPO  Held a series of two workshops on the same day in Grand Island: The first for the TAC; the second for targeted stakeholders and the general public.  Gathered community feedback about: o Ideal outcomes (vision, goals, and objectives) for the Grand Island area’s transportation future o Key issues, problems and/or concerns with traveling (as a motorist, pedestrian, cyclist and/or transit rider) around and through the Grand Island area o Strategies that might help improve identified problems. o Top priorities and other comments  Added the feedback from the workshop to the community opinions gathered via the online survey. Note: The survey will be available to the public approximately two weeks in advance of the workshop and thereafter through DATE.  Incorporated both the survey and workshop feedback into the review of existing conditions and development of potential performance measures and ultimately use it to help inform the selection of improvement scenarios, priority projects, and other recommendations that will be included in the plan. Grand Island Regular Session - 4/13/2015 Page 27 / 27