07-18-2023 City Council Study Session (Budget) Packet City Council Meeting Agenda Council Chambers City Hall 100 East First Street Study Session of July 18, 2023 6:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER This is an open meeting of the Grand Island City Council. The City of Grand Island abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is displayed in the back of this room as required by state law. The City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by state law. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. SUBMITTAL OF REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given. 5. RESERVE TIME TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS A sign-up sheet was available in the lobby for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items. If you did not sign up to speak on an agenda item, please come forward, state your name and the agenda topic on which you will be speaking on. 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a. Mayor, City Council, Administration, Legal and Clerk Budget Presentation b. Human Resource Budget Presentation c. Finance Department Budget Presentation d. Information Technology Budget Presentation e. Fire & Ambulance Budget Presentation f. Police Department Budget Presentation g. FY24 Budget Detail 7. ADJOURN Page 1 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.a. Subject: Mayor, City Council, Administration, Legal and Clerk Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Laura McAloon BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation Page 2 of 46 7/14/2023 1 Legislative & Administrative Departments FY 24 Budget Presentation Mayor and City Council FY24 Budget Presentation 6.62 % Increase in Personnel Expense 0% Change to Compensation - established by Article 2-II of Grand Island City Code Travel, Training & Other Expenditures – recommend increasing to $10,000 to provide for greater participation in League of NE Municipalities and National League of Cities Increased Legislative Focus on Opportunities for Economic Growth and Services for Citizens Page 3 of 46 7/14/2023 2 Administration FY24 Budget Presentation Total Operating Expenses increase 97.4% 45% Personnel Services -1.7 New FTE + 1 Transferred FTE +.70 FTE for Assistant City Administrator/Chief Finance Officer +1 FTE Communications & Marketing Manager 1 FTE Moved from Finance to Administration Increased Focus by City Hall on Quality of Life, Citizen Outreach/Input, and Strategic Economic Growth Opportunities Legal Department FY24 Budget Presentation Operating Expenses increases 4% Personnel Fully budgeted for 2 FTE Attorneys & Legal Administrative Asst + 1 FTE Paralegal and - .12 Legal Intern 70% reduction in legal library expenses Increased Focus on Citizen Quality of Life Initiatives – Nuisance Abatement, Code Enforcement Page 4 of 46 7/14/2023 3 Clerk’s Office FY24 Budget Presentation Net Operating Expenses increase 2% Reduction in Election Costs driven by election cycle Offset by increases to Travel & Training Page 5 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.b. Subject: Human Resource Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Aaron Schmid BACKGROUND: The Human Resources Department is responsible for all aspects of human resource management for the City’s 500+ employees. A summary of responsibilities include: Workforce Planning and Employment – Recruitment and selection of all full time, part time, seasonal and temporary positions, Civil Service coordination, onboarding facilitation. Employee and Labor Relations – Manage relations with the four labor unions, negotiations of six labor contracts, employee grievances, disciplinary actions, appeals, legal compliance. Compensation and Benefits – Coordination of compensation reviews, salary arrays, salary ordinance, administration of benefit plans including; cafeteria, dental, disability, EAP, FMLA, pension, health, life, supplemental, VEBA, vision, wellness. Employee Development – Training, performance appraisals, job classification, position descriptions. Risk Management – Workers’ compensation, liability claims, support City Safety Committee. DISCUSSION: The Human Resources Department’s budget reflects the costs associated for performing the functions referred to in the above description. Examples of costs include wage and benefit studies, contract services, testing materials, post- offer screens, drug and alcohol tests, advertising, legal notices, software licenses, training, membership dues, office supplies. The City will negotiate two collective Page 6 of 46 bargaining agreements in the 2023-2024 budget year. These include the IBEW Service/Clerical/Finance CBA and the IBEW Utilities CBA. FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. HR City Council Budget Presentation Page 7 of 46 7/13/2023 1 Human Resources FY24 Budget Presentation Personnel Services increases 24.76% One retirement in January ’24 Increase includes an increase of 1.0 FTE for a Recruiter Anticipated Impact on Grand Island’s Quality of Life Increasing recruiting services will support more consistent services to the community through available labor force. Human Resources FY24 Budget Presentation Operating Expenses decreases 0.68% Consolidate Contract Services and Computer Services into one line item Minor rebalancing of line items Page 8 of 46 7/13/2023 2 Human Resources FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Projects No Capital Projects Requested Capital Equipment No Capital Equipment Requested Page 9 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.c. Subject: Finance Department Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Patrick (Pat) Brown BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation Page 10 of 46 7/14/2023 1 Finance Department FY24 Budget Presentation Personnel Services increase of 4.0% This includes 30% increase in personnel for the Assistant City Administrator position. Finance Department FY24 Budget Presentation Operating Expenses is decreasing by -3.7% Page 11 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.d. Subject: Information Technology Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Patrick (Pat) Brown BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation Page 12 of 46 7/14/2023 1 Information Technology FY24 Budget Presentation Personnel Services increase of 11.0% This increase includes the reclassification of (2) Computer Tech positions to System Tech positions in 2023. Information Technology FY24 Budget Presentation Operating Expenses (capital) increase of 70.7% Includes PC replacement $190,000 Add GIPD & EM911 to City Network $250,000 Replace main battery back-up at City Hall $ 40,000 Replacement of Phone System (GF Depts.) $185,000 Total $565,000 Page 13 of 46 7/14/2023 2 Information Technology FY24 Budget Presentation Funding of one-time expenditures A one-time transfer of General Fund funds of $600,000 (recommended); or Increase the internal charge out of computer services to all other departments. This would increase charge outs to departments by 21.4% and would not benefit some of the departments that would see an increase. Page 14 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.e. Subject: Fire & Ambulance Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Cory Schmidt BACKGROUND: Each year, the fire department submits a proposed budget as part of the larger city budgeting process. The fire department's budget includes three major categories of expense. Those expense categories are: personnel, operating, and capital. In addition to presenting the draft budget, the annual budget process provides an opportunity to request additional full-time employees (FTE). The fire department's proposed budget also includes the projected revenue for the coming year. The largest source of revenue for the fire department is derived from providing ambulance services. The annual budget presentation allows City Council members and the Mayor to provide feedback and to help give strategic direction to fire administration for the upcoming fiscal year. DISCUSSION: The Grand Island Fire Department (GIFD) will present to the Council and Mayor Steele the highlights of the proposed FY 2024 budget. The first area that will be presented is "Personnel Services". In that category, the Ambulance division is projected to increase costs by 9.5% and the Fire division is projected to increase costs by 7.4 percent. These figures are estimates only as there are on-going contract negotiations with the collective bargaining unit, IAFF Local 647. The second area for discussion is "Operating Expenses". In this category, the specific line items that are increasing will be presented. The major areas of proposed increase are: vehicle maintenance, station maintenance, diesel, natural gas, contract services, and ambulance billing. Many of the increases are directly related to rising costs as well as the increase in call volume. The third area and final budget category for discussion is "Capital Projects/Capital Equipment". The requests for this area include: replace fire station #3 ($4,000,000), P- 25 portable radios ($680,0000), ambulance purchase ($409,000), bunker gear/PPE ($230,000), Spillman/Phoenix interface module ($61,000), Overhead door replacement Page 15 of 46 ($40,000), hose and nozzle replacement ($30,000), and a mobile repeater ($26,000). The proposed draft budget, if approved, will help to ensure the fire department has the necessary personnel, equipment, and funding to continue to serve the growing community at the level its residents have come to expect. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A RECOMMENDATION: N/A SAMPLE MOTION: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Fire Department Budget Presentation Page 16 of 46 7/12/2023 1 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Personnel Services increases Ambulance – 9.5% Fire – 7.4 % Increases are based on estimates provided by Finance Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Operating expenses increase - $114,800 Vehicle maintenance - 38,240 Station maintenance - 29,000 Diesel - 14,400 Natural gas - 12,200 PulsePoint - 8,000 EMS billing fees - 8,000 Misc. 4,960 Page 17 of 46 7/12/2023 2 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Projects Fire Station #3 - $4,000,000 RFQ advertised – 7 responses Bring recommendation to Council soon Design team will have 180 days to complete Goal is begin construction spring/summer 2024 The project will allow GIFD to meet the growing needs for emergency services in Southwest GI. Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment P-25 Portable Radios - $680,000 Applied for $605,220 Assistance to Firefighter Grant Allows interoperability with other agencies Meet rigorous industry standards Blue tooth to current SCBAs for improved communication Radios will enhance communication capability and interoperability for the GIFD Page 18 of 46 7/12/2023 3 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Ambulance - $409,000 Approved by Council at April 22, 2022 meeting Estimated arrival – July 2024 Awarded $75,000 grant from DHHS Ambulance purchase will allow a 2003 model to be removed from fleet, increasing reliability of ambulance service Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Bunker Gear - $230,000 Up to 35 sets of bunker gear (coat, pants, gloves, boots, and hoods) 70 fire helmets Replacement of gear will help ensure firefighters are protected and ready to serve the community Page 19 of 46 7/12/2023 4 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Spillman/Phoenix Interface Module - $61,000 Based on recommendation from IT Address reliability issues More stable Provides outage notifications Purchase will ensure rapid and reliable notification of Fire and EMS personnel. Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Replace 4 overhead doors - $40,000 Replaced 7 doors in FY2023 Purchase will ensure reliable door operation Page 20 of 46 7/12/2023 5 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Replace hose lines and nozzles on fire engines - $30,000 Hose lasts approximately 10 years –currently near end of usable life Due to damage hose and/or failed testing, our inventory of extra hose is very low Purchase will ensure hose lines are safe and ready for use Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment Mobile repeater - $26,000 Page 21 of 46 7/12/2023 6 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Capital Equipment P-25 compliant/capable portable radios - $680,000 Ambulance purchase - $409,000 PPE Purchase - $230,000 Phoenix/Spillman interface module - $61,000 Overhead Door Replacement (2nd phase) - $40,000 Handline and Nozzle replacement - $30,000 Mobile repeater - $26,000 Fire Department FY24 Budget Presentation Goals for 2024 Improve service delivery capability in Southwest GI Design and construction of Fire Station #3 Provide faster access to ALS ambulance service for Grand Island residents Implementation of 3rd ambulance Page 22 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.f. Subject: Police Department Budget Presentation Staff Contact: Kevin Denney BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Presentation Page 23 of 46 7/14/2023 1 Police Department FY24 Budget Kevin Denney Chief of Police Grand Island Police Department Police Department FY24 Budget Page 24 of 46 7/14/2023 2 Police Department FY24 Budget Police Department FY24 Budget Crime, and the fear of crime, has a major impact on the quality of life in a community Businesses Families Home owners Visitors Tourists Page 25 of 46 7/14/2023 3 Police Department FY24 Budget Personnel Services increases 12.7% (89 sworn personnel) Reclassification (1) – Records Supervisor FTE (3)- LT(2), SGT(1) Why Immediate need for modest organizational restructuring as we build back staffing levels. Crucial for strategic / proactive policing initiatives and reduction in crime. Police Department FY24 Budget Lieutenants (2) Currently one lieutenant for a 24 hour period Need: one Lt. on each shift for efficient and effective services to community and officers Gaps / breakdowns seen in response to crisis events Need for improved incident command structure Page 26 of 46 7/14/2023 4 Police Department FY24 Budget Sergeant (1) Need: One additional Sergeant School Resource Officers (5) Crime Prevention Officer (1) HUD Officer (1) Public Service Apprentice (2) K-9’s (2) Community Resiliency Team (CRT) Police Department FY24 Budget Records Clerk to Records Supervisor - reclassification This enables Police Office Manager to perform other functions without another FTE. More seamless customer service and employee oversight. Page 27 of 46 7/14/2023 5 Police Department FY24 Budget Operating Expenses increase 53.1% Technology and Subscription Increases, Increased Ammo Cost, Additional Training Requirements, New Hire Equipment Purchases, Testing, Advertising and Marketing Costs, and Equipment Cost inflation. Humane Society contract moved from Non-Departmental to Police ($407,925). Police Department FY24 Budget Capital Projects - $2,556,000 Training / vehicle storage annex building Security upgrades to auto pound Security upgrades to Police Department Replacement for LEC HVAC units Page 28 of 46 7/14/2023 6 Police Department FY24 Budget Training / vehicle storage $1,900,000 Expensive equipment outside MRAP Crime van TRT van Ambulance Trailer Police Department FY24 Budget Training / vehicle storage Lack of room in LEC Multiple people using non-office areas Severe lack of training space Page 29 of 46 7/14/2023 7 Police Department FY24 Budget Training / vehicle storage Proposed location Room for permanent training area Storage for vehicles Offices for personnel Electric vehicle charging stations Police Department FY24 Budget Safety upgrades to Auto Pound $56,000 Need cameras and lighting Need secured vestibule to interact with public Employee safety issue Need full perimeter fencing Vehicles being broken into and City having to pay Page 30 of 46 7/14/2023 8 Police Department FY24 Budget Replace LEC HVAC units $450,000 Three units to replace Proactively replace units nearing end of lifespan Police Department FY24 Budget Security upgrades to PD $150,000 – two gates Swing gate replaced Rolling gate installed Currently no rear parking or facility security Page 31 of 46 7/14/2023 9 Police Department FY24 Budget Capital Equipment – vehicles $726,108 Situation: Multiple vehicles behind over several years Issue: Inefficient use of fleet due to shortage Recommendation: Purchase sufficient vehicles FY24 and manage vehicles better through take-home policy and proper rotation based on mileage and age. Community benefit Substantially reduce overall vehicle ask and cost over years 2-5. Increased marked police vehicle coverage throughout the City. Police Department FY24 Budget Vehicle breakdown One K-9 vehicle - $101,489 Two hybrid Explorers - $180,652 Three regular Explorers - $258,729 One Patrol supervisor vehicle - $95,061 One Investigations truck - $58,872 One Administrative vehicle - $31,305 Page 32 of 46 7/14/2023 10 Police Department FY24 Budget End Page 33 of 46 AGENDA MEMO To: The Mayor and City Council Agenda: City Council Study Session (Budget) Date: July 18, 2023 Item #: 6.g. Subject: FY24 Budget Detail Staff Contact: Patrick (Pat) Brown BACKGROUND: DISCUSSION: FISCAL IMPACT: ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: SAMPLE MOTION: ATTACHMENTS: 1. FY24 Budget Detail Page 34 of 46 General Fund Administration - FY24 Budget Detail Fund category Name Departments Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 212,651$ 67,661$ 455,020$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME -$ 3$ -$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 16,268$ 2,564$ 34,809$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 21,767$ 6,142$ 78,903$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 150$ 77$ 426$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 638$ 173$ 1,365$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 13,822$ 4,398$ 29,576$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 128$ 43$ 273$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 250$ 137$ 250$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 810$ 24,868$ 2,886$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 78,000$ 29,815$ 15,000$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 324$ -$ 300$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85290 OTHER PROFESSIONAL & TECH SERV -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 540$ -$ 3,000$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 60,000$ 14,910$ 80,000$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 3,240$ 6,172$ 10,000$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 324$ 127$ 300$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,000$ 884$ 5,000$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND ADMINISTRATION Expenses 85454 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -$ -$ 100,000$ 413,911$ 157,974$ 817,108$ Page 35 of 46 General Fund Council Mayor FY24 Budget Detail Proposal Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 78,000$ 58,500$ 78,000$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 5,967$ 4,476$ 5,967$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 270$ -$ 250$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85290 OTHER PROFESSIONAL & TECH SERV -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,320$ 941$ 10,000$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,249$ 192$ 2,249$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council COUNCIL Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 250$ -$ 250$ 91,056$ 64,109$ 96,716$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 16,000$ 12,000$ 16,000$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 1,224$ 918$ 1,224$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 1,944$ 402$ 1,800$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85290 OTHER PROFESSIONAL & TECH SERV -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 540$ -$ 500$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES -$ -$ -$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,500$ -$ 3,000$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,200$ 125$ 1,200$ 100-GF-Mayor & Council MAYOR Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,400$ -$ 404$ 24,808$ 13,445$ 24,128$ Page 36 of 46 General Fund City Clerk - FY24 Budget Detail Fund category Name Departments Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Revenues 74295 OTHER LICENSES & FEES -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Revenues 74510 CLERK FEES 35,000$ 31,250$ 35,000$ Total Revenues 35,000$ 31,250$ 35,000$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 181,647$ 133,908$ 197,293$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 100$ 141$ -$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 13,896$ 9,463$ 15,093$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 43,773$ 30,072$ 42,888$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 300$ 220$ 230$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 545$ 402$ 592$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 11,807$ 8,713$ 12,824$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 144$ 14$ 118$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 1,620$ 1,140$ 1,560$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85212 ELECTION COSTS 17,000$ 9,327$ 10,000$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 400$ 205$ 400$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 50$ 34$ 52$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES 15,000$ 7,273$ 15,600$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 650$ 570$ 650$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85424 LICENSE & FEES 2,500$ 794$ 2,500$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 4,000$ -$ 4,000$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,860$ 1,701$ 4,860$ Total Expenses 298,292$ 203,977$ 308,660$ Page 37 of 46 General Fund Legal Department - FY24 Budget Detail Fund category Name Departments Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed GENERAL FUND LEGAL Revenues 74518 STOP CLASS REVENUE 2,000 855 1,000 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE 0 0 0 Total Revenues 2,000 855 1,000 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 362,515 263,068 409,526 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 0 211 400 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 27,732 18,847 31,329 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 77,441 42,497 74,494 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 450 314 403 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,078 750 1,219 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 23,353 17,113 26,408 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 285 49 450 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 0 150 0 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 2,430 1,626 2,730 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 24,500 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 0 0 0 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 2,700 1,010 2,808 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 16,200 18,341 22,000 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85425 BOOKS 500 1,416 600 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 5,400 3,969 7,000 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85460 COURT COST 5,400 1,371 5,000 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,350 240 1,350 GENERAL FUND LEGAL Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,080 754 1,080 Total Expenses 527,913 371,728 611,298 Page 38 of 46 General Fund Human Resource - FY24 Budget Detail Fund category Name Departments Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE -$ 353$ -$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 419,034$ 306,022$ 515,611$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 2,500$ 1,591$ 2,500$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 32,056$ 22,497$ 39,444$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 54,075$ 36,477$ 75,012$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 600$ 419$ 575$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,257$ 918$ 1,547$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 27,237$ 19,995$ 33,515$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 251$ 49$ 309$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ 81$ 200$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 3,240$ 2,280$ 4,025$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85207 CONSULTING SERVICES 27,000$ 16,000$ 27,000$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 59,400$ 25,739$ 75,050$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES 16,200$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85290 OTHER PROFESSIONAL & TECH SERV 810$ -$ 810$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85416 ADVERTISING 22,680$ 4,277$ 22,680$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES 918$ 370$ 918$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,160$ 279$ 2,360$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 8,640$ 400$ 8,000$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,780$ 2,108$ 3,780$ GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 4,320$ 123$ 4,320$ Total Expenses 686,159$ 439,626$ 817,656$ Page 39 of 46 General Fund Finance - FY24 Budget Detail Fund category Name Departments Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed GENERAL FUND FINANCE Revenues 74595 OTHER FEES AND SERVICES 45,000$ 15,417$ 45,000$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Revenues 74782 SALARY REIMBURSEMENT 1,740,000$ 1,409,951$ 1,827,000$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE -$ 2,725$ -$ Total Revenues 1,785,000$ 1,428,093$ 1,872,000$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 1,945,934$ 1,348,950$ 2,023,455$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 2,000$ 1,775$ 2,000$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 148,864$ 95,492$ 154,794$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 475,691$ 320,145$ 500,197$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 4,238$ 2,898$ 3,140$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5,726$ 3,924$ 5,948$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 124,200$ 86,031$ 128,264$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,841$ 7,049$ 5,160$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ 570$ -$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 18,023$ 12,587$ 16,615$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85201 AUDITING & ACCOUNTING 75,000$ 77,590$ 75,000$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 16,200$ 12,564$ 15,600$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES -$ -$ -$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 1,080$ 500$ 1,040$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 1,620$ 408$ 1,560$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 531$ 891$ 511$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES 1,080$ 35$ 1,040$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,620$ 655$ 1,560$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 16,200$ 8,858$ 15,600$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 3,240$ (1,984)$ 3,120$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 11,880$ 8,495$ 11,440$ GENERAL FUND FINANCE Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 5,000$ 2,013$ 2,080$ Total Expenses 2,862,967$ 1,989,447$ 2,968,124$ Page 40 of 46 General Fund Ambulance Fire Department FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed AMBULANCE Revenues 74345 COUNTY AMBULANCE CONTRACT 236,484$ 168,917$ 236,484$ AMBULANCE Revenues 74367 PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT 45,000$ 2,170$ 45,000$ AMBULANCE Revenues 74528 AMBULANCE SERV FEES COLLECTED 1,600,000$ 1,553,418$ 1,800,000$ AMBULANCE Revenues 74750 RECOVERY OF BAD DEBTS 65,000$ 81,828$ 75,000$ AMBULANCE Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE -$ 500$ -$ Total Ambulance Revenue 1,946,484$ 1,806,833$ 2,156,484$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85591 OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES -$ 9,008$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 879,670$ 798,638$ 932,450$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 100,000$ 46,677$ 107,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 17,093$ 12,860$ 18,118$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 241,332$ 207,241$ 255,812$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 1,703$ 1,642$ 1,805$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 2,543$ 2,251$ 2,696$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ 363$ 8,400$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 2,277$ 1,668$ 2,414$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85147 FIRE PENSION 109,423$ 97,175$ 115,988$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 33,013$ 73,457$ 75,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 5,083$ 8,429$ 5,388$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85205 MEDICAL DIRECTOR CONTRACTS 18,900$ 18,900$ 19,845$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85207 CONSULTING SERVICES -$ -$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 30,000$ 17,024$ 34,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85220 AMBULANCE BILLING FEES 64,000$ 65,110$ 72,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES 22,000$ 1,480$ 22,880$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85291 PUBLIC EDUCATION MATERIALS -$ -$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85305 UTILITY SERVICES 25,920$ 15,673$ 28,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85317 NATURAL GAS 11,800$ 13,566$ 15,400$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85324 REPAIR & MAINT - BUILDING 15,200$ -$ 32,080$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85325 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 7,500$ -$ 10,400$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 400$ -$ 420$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85335 REPAIR & MAINT - VEHICLES 23,760$ 30,258$ 35,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85350 SANITATION SERVICE 520$ 251$ 520$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85405 INSURANCE PREMIUMS -$ -$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 6,922$ 1,688$ 6,960$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85413 POSTAGE 750$ 49$ 750$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85416 ADVERTISING 250$ -$ 250$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,600$ 2,760$ 3,600$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85425 BOOKS 500$ -$ 750$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 28,875$ 15,967$ 30,030$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 200$ 0$ 680$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,728$ 343$ 1,664$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85510 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2,160$ -$ 2,064$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85515 GASOLINE -$ -$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85520 DIESEL FUEL 24,600$ 24,159$ 32,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 12,250$ 975$ 12,500$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85590 SUPPLIES -$ -$ -$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85591 OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES 113,750$ 68,582$ 114,000$ AMBULANCE Expenses 85599 REFUNDS -$ -$ -$ Total Ambulance Expenses 1,807,720$ 1,536,193$ 2,000,864$ Page 41 of 46 General Fund Ambulance Fire Department FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed FIRE Revenues 74360 FEDERAL GRANTS 265,000$ -$ -$ FIRE Revenues 74367 PAYROLL REIMBURSEMENT -$ 18,167$ -$ FIRE Revenues 74507 INSPECTION FEES 216,300$ 167,674$ 185,000$ FIRE Revenues 74509 BURN PERMITS 700$ 1,419$ 600$ FIRE Revenues 74528 AMBULANCE SERV FEES COLLECTED -$ -$ -$ FIRE Revenues 74595 OTHER FEES AND SERVICES 17,000$ 14,870$ 14,000$ FIRE Revenues 74750 RECOVERY OF BAD DEBTS -$ -$ -$ FIRE Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE 1,000$ 526$ 13,000$ Total Fire Revenues 500,000$ 202,657$ 212,600$ FIRE Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 4,959,269$ 3,227,000$ 5,256,825$ FIRE Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 174,000$ 232,454$ 225,000$ FIRE Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 102,076$ 52,355$ 108,201$ FIRE Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,390,092$ 725,067$ 1,473,498$ FIRE Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 9,360$ 5,766$ 9,922$ FIRE Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 13,580$ 9,072$ 14,395$ FIRE Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ 29,324$ 31,500$ FIRE Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 9,889$ 7,206$ 10,482$ FIRE Expenses 85147 FIRE PENSION 598,411$ 392,867$ 634,315$ FIRE Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 196,286$ 145,534$ 208,063$ FIRE Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10,000$ 7,408$ 12,000$ FIRE Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 78,051$ 34,669$ 82,734$ FIRE Expenses 85205 MEDICAL DIRECTOR CONTRACTS 18,900$ 18,900$ 19,845$ FIRE Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,644$ -$ 12,644$ FIRE Expenses 85220 AMBULANCE BILLING FEES -$ 431$ 500$ FIRE Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES 33,000$ 31,117$ 39,000$ FIRE Expenses 85245 PRINTING & BINDING SERVICES 525$ 124$ 500$ FIRE Expenses 85291 PUBLIC EDUCATION MATERIALS 2,700$ 18$ 2,500$ FIRE Expenses 85305 UTILITY SERVICES 43,200$ 23,704$ 42,000$ FIRE Expenses 85317 NATURAL GAS 17,700$ 20,321$ 23,100$ FIRE Expenses 85324 REPAIR & MAINT - BUILDING 36,000$ 25,874$ 48,120$ FIRE Expenses 85325 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 18,500$ 22,301$ 15,600$ FIRE Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ 648$ -$ 628$ FIRE Expenses 85335 REPAIR & MAINT - VEHICLES 84,240$ 90,503$ 105,000$ FIRE Expenses 85350 SANITATION SERVICE 780$ 410$ 1,000$ FIRE Expenses 85405 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 15,000$ -$ 15,000$ FIRE Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 10,235$ 10,748$ 10,440$ FIRE Expenses 85413 POSTAGE 750$ 496$ 750$ FIRE Expenses 85416 ADVERTISING 250$ 166$ 250$ FIRE Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,600$ 1,333$ 3,000$ FIRE Expenses 85425 BOOKS 2,500$ 2,253$ 2,250$ FIRE Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 27,000$ 15,880$ 28,000$ FIRE Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,500$ 473$ 1,020$ FIRE Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,400$ 1,108$ 2,496$ FIRE Expenses 85510 CLEANING SUPPLIES 3,000$ 3,486$ 3,096$ FIRE Expenses 85515 GASOLINE 14,040$ 8,475$ 12,000$ FIRE Expenses 85520 DIESEL FUEL 33,000$ 24,273$ 40,000$ FIRE Expenses 85535 CHEMICAL SUPPLIES 2,160$ -$ 2,080$ FIRE Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 37,500$ 36,916$ 37,500$ FIRE Expenses 85546 HOSE/VESTS/GRAVEL 1,000$ -$ 1,000$ FIRE Expenses 85548 PROTECTIVE VESTS/UNIFORMS 27,500$ 20,040$ 27,500$ FIRE Expenses 85590 SUPPLIES 300$ -$ 300$ FIRE Expenses 85591 OTHER GENERAL SUPPLIES 5,955$ 31$ 6,000$ Total Fire Expenses 7,989,541$ 5,228,101$ 8,570,054$ Page 42 of 46 General Fund Police Department - FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed POLICE Revenues 74135 WEED ASSESSMENTS 700$ -$ 700$ POLICE Revenues 74360 FEDERAL GRANTS 115,000$ 155,569$ 142,400$ POLICE Revenues 74396 OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL 334,294$ 261,000$ 283,000$ POLICE Revenues 74504 ALCOHOL TESTING 15,000$ 13,575$ 15,000$ POLICE Revenues 74506 STORAGE FEES 100,000$ 150,978$ 140,000$ POLICE Revenues 74515 IMPOUND FEES 20,000$ 18,706$ 20,000$ POLICE Revenues 74532 TOWING CHARGES 70,000$ 58,374$ 70,000$ POLICE Revenues 74576 COPY MACHINE USE FEES 15,000$ 14,522$ 15,000$ POLICE Revenues 74578 WEED MOWING SERVICES 4,000$ 450$ 3,000$ POLICE Revenues 74595 OTHER FEES AND SERVICES 6,500$ 3,790$ 5,500$ POLICE Revenues 74716 UNCLAIMED PROERTY 5,000$ 22,150$ 15,000$ POLICE Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE 5,000$ 2,598$ 5,000$ Total Police Revenues 690,494$ 701,711$ 714,600$ POLICE Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 8,713,814$ 5,770,123$ 9,895,722$ POLICE Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 480,000$ 423,564$ 480,000$ POLICE Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 666,606$ 451,640$ 757,022$ POLICE Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 2,034,507$ 1,096,666$ 2,166,520$ POLICE Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 15,300$ 9,197$ 12,018$ POLICE Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 25,077$ 16,130$ 28,925$ POLICE Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 15,000$ 3,563$ 15,000$ POLICE Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 59,967$ 81,430$ 201,929$ POLICE Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 59,531$ 44,730$ 68,143$ POLICE Expenses 85146 POLICE PENSION 535,381$ 381,190$ 598,374$ POLICE Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 300,000$ 507,624$ 300,000$ POLICE Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ 2,084$ -$ POLICE Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 57,780$ 111,679$ 100,000$ POLICE Expenses 85165 UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS -$ -$ -$ POLICE Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 143,563$ 114,613$ 157,919$ POLICE Expenses 85214 HUMANE SOCIETY CONTRACT -$ -$ 407,925$ POLICE Expenses 85290 OTHER PROFESSIONAL & TECH SERV 40,000$ 40,247$ 58,000$ POLICE Expenses 85305 UTILITY SERVICES 4,000$ 2,189$ 4,000$ POLICE Expenses 85317 NATURAL GAS 2,000$ 1,547$ 2,000$ POLICE Expenses 85324 REPAIR & MAINT - BUILDING 2,500$ 733$ 2,600$ POLICE Expenses 85325 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 5,000$ 6,165$ 5,000$ POLICE Expenses 85335 REPAIR & MAINT - VEHICLES 150,000$ 122,162$ 155,000$ POLICE Expenses 85390 OTHER PROPERTY SERVICES 75,000$ 68,032$ 78,000$ POLICE Expenses 85405 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 13,824$ 12,409$ 13,440$ POLICE Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 20,000$ 26,164$ 39,600$ POLICE Expenses 85412 CITY CONTRIBUTION 25,000$ 25,000$ 25,000$ POLICE Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES 540$ 245$ 500$ POLICE Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 14,000$ 15,501$ 86,050$ POLICE Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 60,000$ 49,159$ 80,000$ POLICE Expenses 85463 INVESTIGATIVE EXPENSE 30,000$ 18,557$ 31,200$ POLICE Expenses 85464 CRIME PREVENTION 1,080$ -$ 2,000$ POLICE Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 7,000$ 22,251$ 9,000$ POLICE Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,000$ 5,276$ 8,000$ POLICE Expenses 85515 GASOLINE 190,000$ 119,208$ 190,000$ POLICE Expenses 85520 DIESEL FUEL 1,000$ 675$ 1,000$ POLICE Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 135,000$ 103,069$ 160,000$ POLICE Expenses 85545 WINTER GRAVEL & BLADES 3,000$ 2,173$ 6,000$ POLICE Expenses 85546 HOSE/VESTS/GRAVEL 12,960$ 3,777$ 32,400$ POLICE Expenses 85550 SAFETY MATERIALS 45,000$ 21,264$ 60,000$ Total Police Expense 13,953,430$ 9,680,036$ 16,238,286$ Page 43 of 46 General Fund Police Department - FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Revenues 74396 OTHER INTERGOVERNMENTAL 100,000$ 86,139$ 90,000$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 106,349$ 56,712$ 112,121$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME -$ 116$ 610$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 8,136$ 4,053$ 8,577$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 32,299$ 22,276$ 31,432$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 150$ 110$ 115$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 175$ 127$ 186$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ -$ -$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 3,502$ 2,537$ 3,711$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1,243$ 12$ 1,715$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ -$ -$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 540$ 380$ 520$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85229 OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES 65,000$ 67,536$ 80,000$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85305 UTILITY SERVICES 130,000$ 84,772$ 130,000$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,800$ 11,708$ 11,000$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85506 OFFICE FORMS 2,000$ 2,759$ 3,000$ LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER Expenses 85590 SUPPLIES 20,000$ 27,323$ 27,000$ Total Law Enforcement Ctr Expenses 380,195$ 280,420$ 409,987$ POLICE GRANT Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE 20,000$ 10,320$ 8,000$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR -$ -$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME 20,000$ 11,498$ 20,000$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 1,858$ 852$ 1,858$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 4,000$ 1,390$ 4,000$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 62$ 18$ 62$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE -$ -$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ -$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION -$ -$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85146 POLICE PENSION 2,500$ 805$ 2,500$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 94$ 11$ 94$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ -$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA -$ 47$ -$ POLICE GRANT Expenses 85165 UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS -$ -$ -$ Total Police Grant Expenses 28,514$ 14,623$ 28,514$ Page 44 of 46 Internal Service Fund IT and GITV FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Revenues 74534 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES 1,647,000$ 1,661,939$ 2,637,902$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Revenues 74787 INTEREST & DIVIDEND REVENUE 10,000$ 6,645$ 10,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Revenues 74795 OTHER REVENUE -$ 864$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Revenues 74805 TRANSFERS IN -$ -$ 600,000$ Total Revenue 1,657,000$ 1,669,448$ 3,247,902$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 483,180$ 244,141$ 554,804$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME -$ 2,612$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 36,963$ 18,074$ 42,442$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 131,820$ 27,323$ 128,663$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 900$ 344$ 690$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,444$ 460$ 1,664$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ -$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 29,502$ 15,031$ 33,288$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 290$ 157$ 333$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ 162$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 3,510$ 1,474$ 3,120$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85165 UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS -$ -$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85207 CONSULTING SERVICES 58,957$ 35,074$ 62,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 662,148$ 156,141$ 673,400$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85241 COMPUTER SERVICES 14,850$ 7,305$ 14,050$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85325 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 50,760$ 1,157$ 45,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85330 REPAIR & MAINT-OFF FURN & EQ -$ -$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85405 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 567$ 478$ 525$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85410 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 15,790$ 9,579$ 23,650$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85413 POSTAGE 540$ 75$ 500$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85419 LEGAL NOTICES 540$ -$ 500$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING 7,020$ 4,381$ 11,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,080$ -$ 1,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85501 SOFTWARE & ACCESORIES 40,500$ 11,478$ 40,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,620$ 618$ 3,500$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85506 OFFICE FORMS 2,160$ -$ -$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85539 MISC OPERATING EQUIPMENT 35,640$ 12,813$ 15,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 38,000$ 25,747$ 20,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85590 SUPPLIES 1,080$ -$ 1,000$ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Expenses 85615 MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 70,480$ 1,104$ 827,000$ Total Expenses 1,689,341$ 575,727$ 2,503,130$ Page 45 of 46 Internal Service Fund IT and GITV FY24 Budget Detail Organization Name Type Account Code Account Name FY23 Budget Current FY23 FY24 Proposed IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Revenues 74040 CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEES 30,000$ 22,035$ 30,000$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85105 SALARIES - REGULAR 71,029$ 56,297$ 79,516$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85110 SALARIES - OVERTIME -$ 17$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85115 F.I.C.A. PAYROLL TAXES 5,434$ 3,851$ 6,083$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85120 HEALTH INSURANCE 21,337$ 14,516$ 21,531$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85125 LIFE INSURANCE 150$ 110$ 115$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85130 DISABILITY INSURANCE 213$ 169$ 239$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85135 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85140 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85145 PENSION CONTRIBUTION 4,262$ 3,379$ 4,771$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85150 WORKERS COMPENSATION 43$ 43$ 48$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85160 OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85161 HRA-VEBA 540$ 380$ 520$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85213 CONTRACT SERVICES 30,000$ 15,520$ 35,000$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85325 REPAIR & MAINT - MACH & EQUIP 10,000$ -$ 10,000$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85416 ADVERTISING -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85422 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85428 TRAVEL & TRAINING -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85490 OTHER EXPENDITURES 1,950$ -$ 1,950$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85505 OFFICE SUPPLIES -$ -$ -$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85540 SMALL TOOLS & PARTS 5,000$ 40$ 5,000$ IT-PUBLIC INFORMATION Expenses 85620 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT -$ -$ -$ Total Expenses 149,957$ 94,321$ 164,772$ Page 46 of 46