05-03-2011 City Council Study Session PacketCity of Grand Island Tuesday, May 03, 2011 Study Session Packet City Council:Mayor: Jay Vavricek City Administrator: Mary Lou Brown City Clerk: RaNae Edwards T u 7:00:00 PM Council Chambers - City Hall 100 East First Street Larry Carney Linna Dee Donaldson Scott Dugan Randy Gard John Gericke Peg Gilbert Chuck Haase Mitchell Nickerson Bob Niemann Kirk Ramsey Call to OrderCity of Grand Island City Council A - SUBMITTAL OF REQUESTS FOR FUTURE ITEMS Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given. B - RESERVE TIME TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS This is an opportunity for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items to reserve time to speak. Please come forward, state your name and address, and the Agenda topic on which you will be speaking. MAYOR COMMUNICATION This is an opportunity for the Mayor to comment on current events, activities, and issues of interest to the community. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Invocation This is an open meeting of the Grand Island City Council. The City of Grand Island abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is displayed in the back of this room as required by state law. The City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by state law. City of Grand Island City Council Item -1 Update on Lincoln Park Pool & Readout from Lincoln Park Neighborhood Meeting Tuesday, May 03, 2011 Study Session City of Grand Island Staff Contact: Chad Nabity & Steve Paustian City of Grand Island City Council Council Agenda Memo From: Steve Paustian and Chad Nabity, AICP Meeting: May 3, 2011 Subject: Lincoln Neighborhood and Pool Discussions Item #’s: 1 Presenter(s): Steve Paustian and Chad Nabity, AICP Background At the August 12, 2010 meeting of the Grand Island City Council, the Council voted to charge the Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) with studying the impact of the Lincoln Park Pool on the neighborhood surrounding the pool. This entire area has been declared blighted and substandard. Since the pool and the neighborhood surrounding it has been declared blighted and substandard, it would be appropriate for the CRA to sponsor and conduct such a study. On November 30, 2010 a neighborhood meeting was held at Lincoln School. Over 60 people attended and participated in the meeting. Participants were asked to identify on maps where they: shop for gasoline, groceries and medicine: go for a restaurant meal, medical care, work and religious activities. They were also asked to answer the four questions about their neighborhood as part of a brainstorming activity to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the neighborhood. The study has been presented to the Community Redevelopment Authority in draft form as a redevelopment plan for the neighborhood. Suggested development including the renovation of Lincoln Pool and the possibility of encouraging the development of a convenience store in the neighborhood are included in the study. Continuation of this study and approval is dependent upon the direction of the Grand Island City Council for a decision on the pool and/or private developers/investors for other investment such as a convenience store. The Grand Island Parks Department presented plans and projected costs for renovation of the pool in 2009. They have had those cost projections updated and will present them as part of the discussions on the future of the pool. Discussion Staff will present the results of the Lincoln Neighborhood Study along with the revised cost estimates and options for renovating Lincoln Park Pool. All of the people that attended the Lincoln Neighborhood meeting and gave their address were invited to this City Council Study Session. Prior to this study session three options for funding the pool were identified: do nothing, pay cash or take the issue to a vote and ask the citizens if they are willing to pay for general obligation bonds to fund the pool. As a result of this additional study staff is presenting two additional options: the Grand Island Facilities Corporation or the Grand Island Community Redevelopment Authority could issue bonds to pay for the renovations. Council will have the opportunity at a future regular council meeting to choose from among the presented options for the future of the pool including: closing the pool, paying cash for renovations, putting the issue to a vote of the citizens at either a general or special election or having an outside entity such as the Facilities Corporation or the CRA issue bonds for renovation of the pool. Council will also have the opportunity to consider resolution or resolutions on each of those ideas at a future meeting. Conclusion This item is presented to the City Council in a Study Session to allow for any questions to be answered and to create a greater understanding of the issue at hand. It is the intent of City Administration to bring this issue to a future council meeting for the Council to identify how they wish to deal with the issues surrounding the Lincoln Park Pool.