08-19-2008 City Council Regular Meeting PacketCity of Grand Island
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Council Session Packet
City Council:Mayor:
Margaret Hornady
City Administrator:
Jeff Pederson
City Clerk:
RaNae Edwards
7:00:00 PM
Council Chambers - City Hall
100 East First Street
Tom Brown
Larry Carney
John Gericke
Peg Gilbert
Joyce Haase
Robert Meyer
Mitchell Nickerson
Bob Niemann
Kirk Ramsey
Jose Zapata
Call to OrderCity of Grand Island City Council
Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future Agenda
Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council action,
notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date will be given.
This is an opportunity for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items to reserve time to speak.
Please come forward, state your name and address, and the Agenda topic on which you will be speaking.
This is an opportunity for the Mayor to comment on current events, activities, and issues of interest to the community.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Invocation - Reverend Nancy Lambert, Trinity United Methodist Church, 511 North
Elm Street
This is an open meeting of the Grand Island City Council. The City of Grand Island abides by the Open Meetings Act
in conducting business. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is displayed in the back of this room as required by state
The City Council may vote to go into Closed Session on any agenda item as allowed by state law.
City of Grand Island City Council
Item F1
Ordinance # 9178 - Sale of Lot 8, Platte Valley Industrial Park
Third Subdivision
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Council Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: Wesley Nespor;Gary Mader
City of Grand Island City Council
Council Agenda Memo
From: Wesley Nespor, Asst. City Attorney/Purchasing
Gary R. Mader, Utilities Director
Meeting: August 19, 2008
Subject: Sale of Lot 8, Platte Valley Industrial Park Third
Item #’s: F-1
Presenter(s): Gary R. Mader, Utilities Director
The Platte Valley Industrial Park original purchase was done by the Electric Department
in 1984. That property consisted of 147 acres which was subsequently platted and
developed with full municipal infrastructure into industrial development lots. Since that
initial acquisition, the Grand Island Area Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has
acquired additional properties adjacent to the original development and has expanded the
park to include most of a half section. The Electric Department still has two unsold lots.
A map of the park is attached for reference.
The EDC is interested in purchasing one of the remaining unsold lots in the City owned
portion of the Industrial Park; 4811 Gold Core Drive – Lot #8, Platte Valley Industrial
Park Third Subdivision – 4.66 acres. A copy of the previous correspondence and the
written offer are attached. Lot #8 is immediately adjacent to the Industrial Park property
owned by the EDC. EDC has found a party interested in purchasing a portion
(approximately three acres) of the City owned lot. The balance of that lot, approximately
1.66 acres, is proposed to be added to the EDC owned Lot #7 which is immediately north
of the City owned lot, and upon which the EDC has constructed a spec building. The
purchase would accomplish the sale of another City owned lot and would allow for
increased truck turning clearance on the south end of the EDC spec building. EDC
proposed to re-plat the two lots, adding area to their Lot #7 and reducing the size of Lot
#8 to the three acre size required by the development prospect.
The current asking price for Industrial Park property is $32,000 per acre, with a $2,000
per acre discount for the landscaping requirements included in the covenants and zoning
of the area, resulting in a net asking price of $30,000. Lot #8 has remained unsold since
the property was first acquired over twenty years ago, and there are not any other offers
pending at the current time. EDC has made an offer to purchase. As a part of the offer,
EDC accepts all costs associated with re-platting Lots #7 and #8 to accomplish the
desired modified configuration. EDC also points out that they have been instrumental in
accomplishing the sale of City owned land in the past, which has eliminated the payment
of brokerage commissions by the City. And there would be no brokerage commissions
for this proposed sale. Therefore, EDC’s offer is at a discounted price of $27,000 per
acre. The total purchase price would be $125,820.
An ordinance has been prepared to accomplish the sale in accordance with legal
requirements for transfer of City owned property. A copy of the ordinance is attached.
It appears that the Council has the following alternatives concerning the issue at hand.
The Council may:
1. Move to approve
2. Refer the issue to a Committee
3. Postpone the issue to future date
4. Take no action on the issue
City Administration recommends that the Council approve the sale of Lot #8, Platte
Valley Industrial Park Third Subdivision to the Grand Island Area Economic
Development Corporation for the price of $125,820.
Sample Motion
Make a motion to approve the ordinance for sale of Lot #8, Platte Valley Industrial Park
Third Subdivision.
Approved as to Form ¤ ___________
August 15, 2008 ¤ City Attorney
An ordinance directing and authorizing the sale of real estate to Grand Island
Area Economic Development Corporation; providing for the giving of notice of such conveyance
and the terms thereof; providing for the right to file a remonstrance against such conveyance;
providing for publication and the effective date of this ordinance.
SECTION 1. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, will convey to Grand Island
Area Economic Development Corporation a tract of land legally described as:
Lot Eight (8) Platte Valley Industrial Park Third Subdivision to the City of Grand
Island, Hall County, Nebraska
SECTION 2. In consideration for such conveyance the purchaser shall pay the
City the sum of One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty and No/100
Dollars ($125,820.00). The buyer will be responsible for the costs of recording the deed and one
half the cost of a title insurance owner’s policy and all the cost of any lender’s policy.
Conveyance of the real estate above described shall be by warranty deed, upon payment of the
consideration pursuant to the terms and conditions of an Agreement for Warranty Deed between
the parties.
SECTION 3. As provided by law, notice of such conveyance and the terms
thereof shall be published for three consecutive weeks in the Grand Island Independent, a
newspaper published for general circulation in the City of Grand Island. Immediately after the
passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed and instructed to
prepare and publish said notice.
- 2 -
Approved as to Form ‚ ___________
August 15, 2008 • City Attorney
SECTION 4. Authority is hereby granted to the electors of the City of Grand
Island to file a remonstrance against the conveyance of such within described real estate; and if a
remonstrance against such conveyance signed by registered voters of the City of Grand Island
equal in number to thirty percent of the registered voters of the City of Grand Island voting at the
last regular municipal election held in such City be filed with the City Council within thirty days
of passage and publication of such ordinance, said property shall not then, nor within one year
thereafter, be conveyed.
SECTION 5. The conveyance of said real estate is hereby authorized, directed
and confirmed; and if no remonstrance be filed against such conveyance, the Mayor shall make,
execute and deliver to Grand Island Area Economic Development Corporation a warranty deed
for said real estate, and the execution of such deed is hereby authorized without further action on
behalf of the City Council.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its
passage and publication, within fifteen days in one issue of the Grand Island Independent as
provided by law.
Enacted: _______________, 2008.
Margaret Hornady, Mayor
RaNae Edwards, City Clerk
Item F2
Ordinance # 9179 - Consideration of Approving Salary Ordinance
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Council Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: Brenda Sutherland
City of Grand Island City Council
Council Agenda Memo
From: Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director
Meeting: August 19, 2008
Subject: Salary Ordinance #9179
Item #’s: F-2
Presenter(s): Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director
The Human Resources Department prepares and brings forward for consideration a salary
ordinance each year at budget time that sets forth wages for employees for the upcoming
fiscal year. Many of the wages being presented are a reflection of wages that have been
previously agreed to by the City Council when labor agreements were entered into. Some
of the wages are a result of current negotiations and others are a result of regular annual
range movement. In addition to wages, certain benefits that are part of labor agreements
or personnel rules that are paid to employees are also outlined in the salary ordinance.
The following changes are being presented to the Council for consideration in preparation
for the next fiscal year which will begin on October 1, 2008. The wages addressed in this
document will not be paid until the first full pay period in October which will commence
on October 13, 2008.
Employees covered by the AFSCME labor agreement will receive a 4% increase per
contract, employees covered by the FOP labor agreement will receive a 3.5% increase per
contract, employees covered by the IAFF labor agreement will receive a 3.25% increase
per contract, and employees covered by the IBEW Wastewater labor agreement will
receive a 3.25% increase per contract. A recommendation is made to increase non-union
employees by 3.75% and department directors by 4.75%. The department directors
should be on a three year cycle for position survey but considering the tight budget, a
slight increase is recommended this year with follow up in next year’s budget.
Additional changes would also include increasing the Fire Operations Division Chief,
EMS Division Chief, Fire Prevention Division Chief, and the Training Division Chief
range by 8% to keep pace with recent IAFF increases, increasing the Wastewater
Superintendant position by 7.5% to keep pace in the market.
This salary ordinance also contains the wages for employees covered by the IBEW
Finance and IBEW Utilities labor agreements. The City and the IBEW shared the cost
and information from a salary survey and negotiated the recommended wages using the
current day wages and an additional 3.75% for future movement anticipated by the
surveyed communities in the fall. Those wages moved by different percentages based on
survey results. Both the bottom and the top end of the scales were moved according to
survey results. Some positions were frozen and other positions moved quite a bit. The
average when considering the frozen positions with the ones that did see movement was a
net effect of around 3.5%.
Additional changes included in the ordinance are a reflection of the items agreed to in the
new IBEW Finance and Utilities labor agreements.
It appears that the Council has the following alternatives concerning the issue at hand.
The Council may:
1. Move to approve
2. Refer the issue to a Committee
3. Postpone the issue to future date
4. Take no action on the issue
City Administration recommends that the Council approve Salary Ordinance #9179.
Sample Motion
Motion to approve Salary Ordinance #9179.
Approved as to Form ¤ ___________
August 15, 2008 ¤ City Attorney
ORDINANCE NO. 91709179
An ordinance to amend Ordinance 9156 9170 known as the Salary Ordinance
which lists the currently occupied classifications of officers and employees of the City of Grand
Island, Nebraska and established the ranges of compensation of such officers and employees; to
remove Assistant Public Works Director and replace it with Manager of Engineering Services; to
amend the salary ranges for the FOP labor agreement; to correct the salary range of
Firefighter/EMT; and to adjust the salary range for Biosolids Technician; to amend the salary
ranges of non-union employees; the employees covered under the AFSCME labor agreement;
IBEW-Utilities and IBEW-Finance labor agreements; the IBEW-WWTP labor agreement; the
FOP labor agreement; and the IAFF labor agreement; to remove the non-union Senior
Maintenance Worker position; and to repeal those portions of Ordinance No. 9156 9170 and any
parts of other ordinances in conflict herewith; to provide for severability; to provide for the
effective date the reof; and to provide for publication of this ordinance in pamphlet form.
SECTION 1. The currently occupied classifications of officers and general
employees of the City of Grand Island, and the ranges of compensation (salary and wages,
excluding shift differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such classifications, and the
number of hours and work period which certain officers and general employees shall work prior
to overtime eligibility are as follows:
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Accountant 1558.61/2193.83
Accounting Technician – Solid Waste, Streets 1053.92/1483.06
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Administrative Assistant 1137.90/1602.11
40 hrs/week
Assistant to the City Administrator 1483.44/2088.45
Assistant Utility Director – Administration 2896.69/4076.27
Assistant Utility Director – PGS & PCC 3137.79/4415.74
Attorney 2073.17/2917.27
Audio-Video Technician 1075.04/1512.69
40 hrs/week
Biosolids Technician 1281.89/1804.47
40 hrs/week
Building Department Director 2363.43/3324.37
Building Inspector 1364.31/1919.54
40 hrs/week
Building Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Cemetery Superintendent 1412.00/1987.87
City Administrator 3824.06/5381.58
City Attorney 2761.31/3886.29
City Clerk 1587.03/2233.34
Civil Engineering Manager – Public Works
Civil Engineering Manager – Utility PCC 2313.37/3256.91
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Collection System Supervisor 1455.49/2048.29
40 hrs/week
Communications Specialist/EMD 993.66/1401.65
40 hrs/week
Community Development Administrator 1200.32/1688.99
Community Service Officer 855.50/1203.42
40 hrs/week
Custodian 855.02/1206.56
40 hrs/week
Electric Distribution Superintendent 2316.89/3259.62
Electric Distribution Supervisor 1957.37/2753.29
40 hrs/week
Electric Underground Superintendent 2063.23/2903.10
Electrical Engineer I 1892.82/2664.80
Electrical Engineer II 2193.88/3087.91
Electrical Inspector 1364.31/1919.54
40 hrs/week
Emergency Management Coordinator 955.73/1344.42
40 hrs/week
Emergency Management Deputy Director 1523.71/2144.11
Emergency Management Director 2168.54/3051.38
EMS Division Chief 1843.13/2593.37
Engineering Technician 1367.46/1923.98
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Engineering Technician Supervisor 1563.01/2200.14
Equipment Operator, Solid Waste 1166.02/1642.08
40 hrs/week
Evidence Technician 855.50/1203.42
40 hrs/week
Finance Director 2751.86/3872.46
Finance Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Fire Chief 2507.23/3527.14
Fire Operations Division Chief 1983.85/2791.37
Fire Prevention Division Chief 1843.13/2593.37
Fire Training Division Chief 1843.13/2593.37
Fleet Services Superintendent 1571.63/2212.95
Fleet Services Supervisor 1309.48/1842.74
40 hrs/week
Golf Course Superintendent 1758.77/2474.87
Grounds Management Crew Chief – Cemetery 1318.79/1855.90
40 hrs/week
Grounds Management Crew Chief - Parks 1358.35/1911.57
40 hrs/week
Human Resources Director 2419.14/3402.74
Human Resources Specialist 1253.86/1764.06
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 5 -
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Information Technology Manager 2232.60/3141.30
Information Technology Supervisor 1873.12/2636.08
Legal Secretary 1101.13/1551.39
40 hrs/week
Librarian I 1234.80/1736.85
Librarian II 1358.47/1911.27
Library Assistant I 861.53/1211.94
40 hrs/week
Library Assistant II 950.30/1337.14
40 hrs/week
Library Assistant Director 1611.20/2267.08
Library Clerk 722.11/1017.44
40 hrs/week
Library Director 2180.59/3069.43
Library Page 546.50/769.22
40 hrs/week
Library Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker I – Building, Library 991.17/1394.46
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker I – Golf 1020.90/1436.29
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker II – Building 1043.78/1471.98
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker II – Golf 1075.09/1516.14
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 6 -
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Manager of Engineering Services 2159.01/3037.57
Meter Reader Supervisor 1352.22/1904.34
Office Manager – Police Department 1152.67/1622.41
40 hrs/week
Parking Monitor 573.10/807.33
40 hrs/week
Parks and Recreation Director 2466.33/3468.97
Parks and Recreation Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Parks Superintendent 1645.42/2314.61
Payroll Specialist 1229.26/1729.46
40 hrs/week
Planning Director 2445.47/3440.41
Planning Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Planning Technician 1466.36/2063.10
40 hrs/week
Plans Examiner 1364.31/1919.54
40 hrs/week
Plumbing Inspector 1364.31/1919.54
40 hrs/week
Police Captain 1908.19/2684.91
Police Chief 2625.92/3696.25
Police Records Clerk 901.78/1269.70
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 7 -
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Power Plant Maintenance Supervisor 2162.96/3042.49
Power Plant Operations Supervisor 2251.27/3167.53
Power Plant Superintendent – Burdick 2465.98/3470.08
Power Plant Superintendent – PGS 2842.89/3998.62
Public Information Officer 1417.39/1994.13
Public Works Director 2762.44/3887.35
Purchasing Technician 1033.18/1453.33
40 hrs/week
Receptionist 927.03/1304.42
40 hrs/week
Recreation Superintendent 1560.04/2194.39
Regulatory and Environmental Specialist 2133.06/3000.43
Senior Accountant 1760.15/2476.08
Senior Communications Specialist/EMD 1155.31/1625.04
40 hrs/week
Senior Electrical Engineer 2401.98/3379.62
Senior Equipment Operator, Solid Waste 1224.33/1722.77
40 hrs/week
Senior Maintenance Worker 1206.77/1698.62 40 hrs/week
Senior Utility Secretary 965.82/1362.11
40 hrs/week
Shooting Range Operator 1318.79/1855.90 40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Shooting Range Superintendent 1560.04/2194.39
Solid Waste Division Cle rk 866.06/1218.43
40 hrs/week
Solid Waste Superintendent 1771.84/2493.32
Stormwater Technician 1367.46/1923.98
40 hrs/week
Street Superintendent 1695.31/2387.81
Street Supervisor 1345.71/1892.62
40 hrs/week
Turf Management Specialist 1364.06/1919.17
40 hrs/week
Utility Director 3755.52/5282.96
Utility Production Engineer 2535.22/3567.88
Utility Secretary 962.98/1354.57
40 hrs/week
Utility Services Manager 1985.04/2793.41
Utility Warehouse Supervisor 1543.78/2171.30
40 hrs/week
Victim Assistance Unit Coordinator 901.78/1269.70
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Engineering/Operations Superintendent 1908.50/2686.49
Wastewater Plant Chief Operator 1263.49/1778.57
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Plant Maintenance Supervisor 1461.22/2056.46 40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Wastewater Plant Process Supervisor 1515.27/2133.43
40 hrs/week
Water Superintendent 1867.64/2627.09
Water Supervisor 1592.43/2242.64
40 hrs/week
Worker / Seasonal 468.00/1600.00
Worker / Temporary 468.00/1600.00
40 hrs/week
SECTION 2. The currently occupied classifications of employees of the City of
Grand Island included under the AFSCME labor agreement, and the ranges of compensation
(salary and wages, excluding shift differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such
classifications, and the number of hours and work period which certain such employees included
under the AFSCME labor agreement shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as follows:
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Equipment Operator – Streets 1026.30/1443.24
40 hrs/week
Fleet Services Attendant/Clerk 932.99/1315.92
40 hrs/week
Fleet Services Inventory Specialist 1023.39/1440.33
40 hrs/week
Fleet Services Mechanic 1170.74/1646.58
40 hrs/week
Horticulturist 1083.66/1526.82
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker – Cemetery 1018.53/1433.52 40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Maintenance Worker – Parks 1011.73/1424.78
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker – Streets 990.34/1393.67
40 hrs/week
Senior Equipment Operator – Streets 1124.46/1583.20
40 hrs/week
Senior Maintenance Worker – Parks 1124.46/1583.20
40 hrs/week
Senior Maintenance Worker – Streets 1124.46/1583.20
40 hrs/week
Traffic Signal Technician 1124.46/1583.20
40 hrs/week
SECTION 3. The currently occupied classifications of employees of the City of
Grand Island included under the IBEW labor agreements, and the ranges of compensation (salary
and wages, excluding shift differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such
classifications, and the number of hours and work period which certain such employees included
under the IBEW labor agreements shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as follows:
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Accounting Clerk 1071.82/1006.32/1418.39 40 hrs/week
Cashier 983.75/1340.53 40 hrs/week
Computer Operator 1434.40/1885.62 40 hrs/week
Computer Programmer 1703.42/2285.98
40 hrs/week
Computer Technician 1477.44/1942.22
40 hrs/week
Custodian 1148.73/1356.50
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Electric Distribution Crew Chief 2098.30/2668.66
40 hrs/week
Electric Underground Crew Chief 2098.30/2668.66
40 hrs/week
Engineering Technician I 1322.31/1891.98
40 hrs/week
Engineering Technician II 1634.64/2241.32
40 hrs/week
GIS Technician 1681.791677.71/2359.90 40 hrs/week
Instrument Technician 1972.381852.21/2605.68 40 hrs/week
Lineworker Apprentice 1279.06/1875.51
40 hrs/week
Lineworker First Class 1938.77/2293.01
40 hrs/week
Materials Handler 1596.40/2139.93
40 hrs/week
Meter Reader 1150.20/1499.89
40 hrs/week
Meter Technician 1546.45/1911.26
40 hrs/week
Power Dispatcher I 1936.62/2692.66
40 hrs/week
Power Dispatcher II 2034.06/2827.69
40 hrs/week
Power Plant Maintenance Mechanic 1833.22/2282.70
40 hrs/week
Power Plant Operator 2165.68/2522.65
40 hrs/week
Senior Accounting Clerk 1204.75/1578.13
40 hrs/week
Senior Engineering Technician 2068.27/2531.10
40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Senior Materials Handler 1838.09/2397.54
40 hrs/week
Senior Meter Reader 1362.24/1616.82
40 hrs/week
Senior Power Dispatcher 2352.96/3228.92
40 hrs/week
Senior Power Plant Operator 2135.25/2737.33
40 hrs/week
Senior Substation Technician 2514.09/1852.21/2605.68 40 hrs/week
Senior Water Maintenance Worker 1493.74/1966.90
40 hrs/week
Substation Technician 2327.38/1720.40/2419.78 40 hrs/week
Systems Technician 2051.091852.21/2605.68 40 hrs/week
Tree Trim Crew Chief 1837.37/1622.18/2281.74 40 hrs/week
Utilities Electrician 1841.26/1720.40/2419.78 40 hrs/week
Utility Technician 1798.35/2529.64 40 hrs/week
Utility Warehouse Clerk 1328.81/1639.43
40 hrs/week
Water Maintenance Worker 1244.51/1721.04
40 hrs/week
Wireworker I 1398.10/1976.90
40 hrs/week
Wireworker II 1938.77/2293.01
40 hrs/week
SECTION 4. The currently occupied classifications of employees of the City of
Grand Island included under the FOP labor agreement, and the ranges of compensation (salary
and wages, excluding shift differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such
classifications, and the number of hours and work period which certain such employees included
under the FOP labor agreement shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Police Officer 1284.63/1795.83
Police Sergeant 1607.85/2203.12
The City has reserved its right to the utilization of the 207(k) FLSA exemption and will
implement this as the hours of work effective the first full pay period following the execution of
the labor agreement. The pay period for purposes of calculating overtime shall consist of a
fourteen (14) day cycle that runs concurrent with the City’s current payroll cycle. For purposes
of calculating eligibility for overtime, “hours worked” shall include actual hours worked,
vacation, personal leave and holiday hours. Employees shall be eligible for overtime when they
exceed their hours scheduled for work in the fourteen (14) day pay cycle with a minimum of
eighty (80) hours. There shall also be established for each employee in the bargaining unit a
Training and Special Events bank of fifty (50) hours per individual per contract year. Each
employee may be scheduled for training or special event duty with a minimum of seven (7) days
notice prior to the commencement of the pay period and the training and special events bank
hours may be added to the eighty (80) hour, two (2) week pay period up to eighty-six (86) hours
and these hours shall not be eligible for overtime. Training and special events hours worked in
excess of eighty-six (86) hours in a two week pay period will be eligible for overtime, but will
not be subtracted from the training and special events bank. All work completed after eighty (80)
hours in a pay period that is performed for work that is funded by grants from parties outside or
other than the City of Grand Island, shall be paid overtime for the time worked after eighty (80)
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 14 -
hours, if the time is funded at overtime rates by the grant. Any such grant hours are not deducted
from the training and special events bank.
SECTION 5. The currently occupied classifications of employees of the City of
Grand Island included under the IAFF labor agreement, and the ranges of compensation (salary
and wages, excluding shift differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such
classifications, and the number of hours and work period which certain such employees included
under the IAFF labor agreement shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as follows:
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Fire Captain 1684.80/2336.07
212 hrs/28 days
Firefighter / EMT 1251.72/1816.52
212 hrs/28 days
Firefighter / Paramedic 1397.52/1973.76
212 hrs/28 days
SECTION 6. The currently occupied classifications of the employees of the City
of Grand Island included under the IBEW-WWTP labor agreement, and the ranges of
compensation salary and wages, excluding shift differential as provided by contract, to be paid
for such classifications, and the number of hours and work period which certain such employees
included under the IBEW-WWTP labor agreement shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as
Classification Bi-Weekly Pay Range
Accounting Technician – WWTP 1033.62/1454.40
40 hrs/week
Equipment Operator – WWTP 1173.47/1651.20
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Mechanic I 1173.47/1651.20 40 hrs/week
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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Maintenance Mechanic II 1313.90/1848.80
40 hrs/week
Maintenance Worker – WWTP 1173.47/1651.20
40 hrs/week
Senior Equipment Operator – WWTP 1268.42/1784.80
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Clerk 882.96/1242.40
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Plant Laboratory Technician 1245.68/1752.80
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Plant Operator I 1049.53/1476.80
40 hrs/week
Wastewater Plant Operator II 1173.47/1651.20
40 hrs/week
SECTION 7. The classification of employees included under labor agreements
with the City of Grand Island, and the ranges of compensation (salary and wages, excluding shift
differential as provided by contract) to be paid for such classification, and the number of hours
and work period which certain such employees shall work prior to overtime eligibility are as
stated above. All full-time fire fighters and police officersemployees covered by the IAFF and
FOP labor agreements shall be paid a clothing and uniform allowance in addition to regular
salary. All full-time fire fightersemployees covered by the IAFF labor agreement shall be paid a
clothing and uniform allowance in addition to regular salary in the amount of $484.00 per year,
divided into twenty-four (24) pay periods. All full-time police officersemployees of the FOP
labor agreement shall be paid a clothing and uniform allowance in addition to regular salary of
$25.00 per pay period. If any such fire fighter or police officeremployee covered by the IAFF or
FOP labor agreements shall resign, or his or her employment be terminated for any reason
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 16 -
whatsoever, the clothing allowance shall be paid on a prorata basis, but no allowance shall be
made for a fraction of a month.
Non-union emplo yees and employees covered by the AFSCME labor agreement,
the FOP labor agreement, the IBEW Utilities and Finance labor agreements, may receive an
annual stipend not to exceed $1,000 for bilingual pay.
Employees covered by the AFSCME labor agreement shall be granted a meal
allowance of $4.50 if they are required to work two (2) hours overtime consecutively with their
normal working hours during an emergency situation, and if such overtime would normally
interfere with and disrupt the employee’s normal meal schedule. Employees covered by the
IBEW-Utilities and IBEW – Finance labor agreements shall be allowed a meal allowance for
actual cost, or up to $7.00 per meal, if they are required to work two (2) hours overtime
consecutively with their normal working hours and if such overtime would normally interfere
with and disrupt the employee’s normal meal schedule. Direct supervisors of employees who are
covered by labor agreements which allow overtime meal allowance shall be entitled to the same
meal allowance benefit.
Utilities Department personnel in the IBEW bargaining unit and the
classifications of Meter Reader Supervisor, Power Plant Superintendent, Power Plant Supervisor,
Electric Distribution Superintendent, Electric Distribution Supervisor, Water Superintendent,
Water Supervisor, Electric Underground Superintendent, and Engineering Technician Supervisor
shall be eligible to participate in a voluntary uniform program providing an allowance up to
$18.00 per month. When protective clothing is required for Utilities Department and Wastewater
Treatment Plant personnel covered by the IBEW labor agreement and employees covered by the
AFSCME labor agreements, except the Fleet Services Division of the Public Works Department,
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 17 -
the City shall pay 60% of the cost of providing and cleaning said clothing and the employees
40% of said cost. Public Works Department personnel in the AFSCME bargaining unit shall be
eligible to participate in a voluntary uniform program providing an allowance up to $18 per
month. Full-time Fleet Services personnel shall receive a uniform allowance of $12 biweekly.
Public Works Department personnel in the job classifications Fleet Services Supervisor, Fleet
Services Superintendent, and Fleet Services Mechanic shall receive a tool allowance of $10
SECTION 8. Employees shall be compensated for unused medical leave as
(A) For all non-union employees and those employees except those covered in
the IAFF, AFSCME, IBEW Wastewater, and FOPIBEW Utilities and IBEW
Finance labor agreement s, the City will include in the second paycheck in January
of each year, payment for an employee’s unused medical leave in excess of 960
hours accrued in the preceding calendar year. The compensation will be based on
50% of the accumulated hours above 960 at the employee’s current pay rate at the
time of such compensation.
For those employees covered by the IBEW Utilities and IBEW Finance
labor agreements, the City will compensate each employee for fifty percent (50%)
of unused medical leave in excess of 960 hours accumulated as of September 30,
2008, based upon his or her pay rate on the date the compensation is paid, which
will be no later than the first pay period in November 2008. For those employees
covered in the AFSCME labor agreement, the City will include in the second
paycheck in January, 2008, payment for an employee's unused medical leave in
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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excess of 968 hours accrued in the preceding calendar year. The compensation
will be based on 50% of the accumulated hours above 968 at the employee's
current pay rate at the time of such compensation.
For those employees covered in the IBEW Wastewater Treatment Plant
labor agreement, the City will include in the first paycheck in February, 2008,
payment for employee’s unused medical leave in excess of 960 hours accrued
through September 30, 2007. The compensation will be based on 50% of the
accumulated hours above 960 at the employee’s current pay rate at the time of
such compensation.
(B) All employees except non-union and those covered in the IAFF, IBEW
Wastewater, AFSCME and FOPIBEW Utilities and IBEW Finance labor
agreements shall be paid for one-halfforty-seven percent (47%) of their
accumulated medical leave at the time of their retirement, early retirement, or
death, not to exceed four hundred eighty-eight and one third hours (calculated at
47% x 1039 hours = 488.33 hours), the rate of compensation to be based on the
employee’s salary at the time of retirement or death. Employees covered in the
IAFF labor agreement shall have a contribution to a VEBA made on their behalf
in lieu of payment for thirty-eight percent (38%) of their accumulated medical
leave at the time of their retirement, not to exceed one thousand five hundred
seventy-six hours (1,576 hrs.) five hundred ninety-eight and eighty-eight
hundredths hours (calculated at 38% x 1,576 hours = 598.88 hours). The amount
of contribution will be based upon the employee’s salary at the time of retirement.
Employees covered by the IBEW Wastewater labor agreement shall be paid
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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37.5% of their accumulated medical leave at the time of retirement or death,
based on the employee’s salary at the time of retirement not to exceed three
hundred ninety-nine hours (calculated at 37.5% x 1064 hours = 399 hours). Non-
union employees shall have a contribution to a VEBA made on their behalf in lieu
of payment for one-half of their accumulated medical leave at the time of their
retirement. The amount of contribution will be based upon the employee’s salary
at the time of retirement. All employees covered by the AFSCME labor
agreement shall be paid forty-five (45%) of their accumulated medical leave bank
at the time of their retirement, based on the employee’s salary at the time of
retirement not to exceed four hundred seventy-eight and eighty hundredths hours
(calculated at 45% x 1064 hours = 478.80 hours). All employees covered under
the FOP labor agreement shall be paid thirty-seven and one-half percent (37.5%)
of their accumulated medical leave bank at the time of their retirement, not to
exceed four hundred five hours (calculated at 37.5% x 1,080 hours = 405 hrs.),
based on the employee’s salary at the time of retirement. If death occurs while in
the line of duty, employees covered under the FOP labor agreement shall be paid
fifty percent (50%) of their accumulated medical leave bank at the time of their
death, not to exceed five hundred forty hours (50% x 1,080 hours = 540 hrs.),
based on the employee’s salary at the time of their death.
(C) The City Administrator and department heads shall have a contribution
made to their VEBA for one-half of their accumulated medical leave, not to
exceed 30 days of pay, upon their resignation, the rate of compensation to be
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
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based upon the salary at the time of termination. Compensation for unused
medical leave at retirement shall be as provided abovefor non-union employees.
(D) The death of an employee shall be treated the same as retirement, and
payment shall be made to the employee’s beneficiary or estate for one-half of all
unused medical leave for non-union employees and as defined in labor
agreements for all other employees.
SECTION 9. The City Administrator shall receive a vehicle allowance of Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per month in lieu of mileage allowance, divided into two equal
payments of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) retroactive to date of employment.
SECTION 10. The validity of any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase
of this ordinance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section, subsection,
sentence, clause, or phrase thereof.
SECTION 11. The salary adjustments identified herein shall be effective on the
date of passage and publication in pamphlet form in one issue of the Grand Island Independent as
provided by law the first full pay period in October, 2008., except for the employees of the FOP
bargaining unit whose salary adjustments are retroactive to October 1, 2007.
SECTION 12. Those portions of Ordinance No. 9156 9170 and all other parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
Enacted: May 27, 2008.
Margaret Hornady, Mayor
ORDINANCE NO. 9170 9179(Cont.)
- 21 -
RaNae Edwards, City Clerk
Item I1
#2008- 216- Consideration of Approving Contract with IBEW
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Council Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: Brenda Sutherland
City of Grand Island City Council
Council Agenda Memo
From: Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director
Meeting: August 19, 2008
Subject: Approval of IBEW Finance and Utilities Contracts
Item #’s: I- 1
Presenter(s): Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director
The City began negotiations with members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers(IBEW) #1597 to negotiate the terms for labor agreements that will replace the
current ones that will expire on September 30, 2008. The City and the IBEW shared the
expense and survey information to be used in the negotiation process. The two groups of
employees that are covered are employees in the utilities department and in the finance
City administration has negotiated a labor agreement that will run from October 1, 2008
through September 30, 2011. Wages are adjusted the first year of the contract by the
numbers found in the survey plus 3.75% to compensate for additional movement in the
survey this fall. Wages will be adjusted by 3.75% in years two and three of the
agreements. One position saw a scale change up to 13.5% while other positions were
frozen per comparability. Salary tables were moved on both the top and bottom ends per
the survey results, meaning that the percentage between steps may have tightened up
depending on the difference in movement between the top and bottom. The impact on
the budget for the new salary ranges will be an increase of roughly 3.5%. Two new
positions are a result of reclassifying work that is being done in the finance department.
The two new positions are Cashier and Computer Operator.
Overtime meals will increase from $6.00 to $7.00. One additional personal day will be
added to the utilities contract to compensate for less than comparable number of holidays.
Two personal days will be added to the finance contract to compensate for less than the
comparable number of holidays and also for the exchange of observing Arbor Day as a
The limit on the medical leave banks will increase from 960 ho urs to 1039 hours and the
percentage of payout at retirement and death will decrease from 50% to 47%. The City
will pay 50% of the amount of hours over 960 at the end of the contract and then payment
for medical leave over the maximum amount will cease.
There were various language changes and updates but the items mentioned above are the
It appears that the Council has the following alternatives concerning the issue at hand.
The Council may:
1. Move to approve
2. Refer the issue to a Committee
3. Postpone the issue to future date
4. Take no action on the issue
City Administration recommends that the Council approve the Utilities and Finance labor
agreements with the IBEW Local #1597.
Sample Motion
Motion to approve the Utilities and Finance labor agreements with IBEW Local #1597.
THIS AGREEMENT, dated this ____ day of ____________, 2008 by and between the City
of Grand Island (hereinafter referred to as the City), and Union Local No. 1597, I.B.E.W., A.F.L. -
C.I.O. (hereinafter referred to as the Union). The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective
from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2011.
The purpose of the City and the Union in entering this labor agreement is to promote
harmonious relations between the employer and the Union, the establishment of an equitable and
peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of
work and other conditions of employment.
The Union is hereby recognized as the Exclusive Bargaining Agent for the non-management
employees of the Utilities Department without regard to their membership or non-membership in
said Union. Nothing contained in this "exclusive representation" provision shall prohibit employees
of the bargaining unit from seeking an election to revoke the authority of the Union to represent
them prior to expiration of this Agreement. The Union further agrees that it will not do anything to
discriminate against any employee who attempts decertification of or resignation from the Union.
The City agrees that it will take no overt action to aid any organization or association in an effort to
decertify the Union as such exclusive bargaining agent during the term of this Agreement. Non-
management employees of the Utilities Department are hereby defined as being those persons who
are currently employed under the classifications outlined in Article I, Section B, hereof.
Employees with regular status in the classification listed below are eligible for representation
by the Union and all other classifications that may become eligible:
1. Custodian
2. Electric Distribution Crew Chief
3. Electric Underground Crew Chief
4. Engineering Technician I
5. Engineering Technician II
6. GIS Technician
7. Instrument Technician
8. Lineworker Apprentice
9. Lineworker First Class
10. Materials Handler
11. Meter Technician
12. Power Dispatcher I
13. Power Dispatcher II
14. Power Plant Maintenance Mechanic
15. Power Plant Operator
16 Senior Engineering Technician
17. Senior Materials Handler
18. Senior Power Dispatcher
19. Senior Power Plant Operator
20. Senior Substation Technician
21. Senior Water Maintenance Worker
22. Substation Technician
23. Systems Technician
24. Tree Trim Crew Chief
25. Utilities Electrician
26 Utility Technician
27. Utility Warehouse Clerk
28. Water Maintenance Worker
29. Wireworker I
30. Wireworker II
Represented employees are further defined to include all personnel of the Utilities
Department, except management, and all new non-management classifications which may be
created during the term of this contract. It is specifically intended by both parties hereto that any
new additions in facilities to the Utilities Department, including coal fired power plants or any other
generation facilities added to the Utilities Department, and all classifications in existence and any
new classifications of job designations in said new facilities or existing facilities are within the
bargaining unit jurisdiction and eligible for membership in the bargaining unit. Eligible Union
employees shall not be affected by departmental changes.
Upon the addition of new classifications within the Utilities Department, the City through its
designated representative shall meet to discuss the job description of the new classifications as
prepared by the City and to determine whether or not such description indicates the position is of a
supervisory nature. If such classification is non-management, an addendum will be prepared adding
such classification to this Agreement. In the event of a temporary change of an employee to another
job classification for a period of three (3) consecutive working days, or three (3) working days in
one work week, the employee will receive any additional pay which may be attributable to that
temporary job classification, moving step to step from the current pay range to the temporary pay
range. Nothing in this provision shall require or limit the City from providing compensation for a
temporary job reclassification for a period under three (3) days.
New hire employees shall have a one (1) year introductory period during which they are not
eligible for a step increase. Upon successful completion of the introductory period, new hire
employees will be eligible for advancement to Step 3 if hired at Step 1. New hires are all
employees, including City employees from other departments, hired by the Utilities Department.
Intra-Utility Department transfer employees shall serve a six (6) month introductory period.
At the end of the introductory period, the employee will be evaluated to determine competency and
whether an adjustment in pay status is merited.
The City shall establish the work day. The normal work day shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5
p.m. The work day may vary according to the special requirements of any division or program. The
City shall establish hours of work for shift duty. The hours of work shall be arranged in eight (8)
hour periods.
The City shall establish the work week. The work week may vary according to the special
requirements of any division or program. The work days will be arranged successively to provide a
forty (40) hour work week for each employee. Hours worked shall include actual hours worked and
shall not include paid leave, holidays and vacation when calculating overtime.
The City shall establish the lunch periods. Non-shift workers shall be allowed one hour off,
without pay, for a meal. An employee on a shift schedule will be allowed a thirty (30) minute lunch
period during the shift. Whenever possible, the lunch period shall be scheduled at the middle of the
A meal allowance for actual cost, or up to $7.00 per meal, shall be granted for all employees
if they are required to work two (2) hours overtime consecutively with their normal working hours
and if such overtime would normally interfere with and disrupt the employee's normal meal
schedule. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the City from exceeding the amount of this
allowance or consecutive hour requirement in providing an allowance for emergency situations.
All changes in work schedules, except in cases of emergency, as may be determined by the
City, shall be posted for all affected employees to see at least three (3) working days before the
change is effective. If the majority of the shift workers want to re-arrange their shift schedule and
can do so without cost to the City, their supervisor may reschedule their shifts accordingly. Shift
workers may be permitted to trade working hours to attend to personal matters upon proper
notification to their supervisor; provided, that the employees proposing to trade such hours are
qualified to do each other's work, such trade is approved by their supervisor, and the trade will result
in no additional cost to the City.
A shift differential of $0.25 per hour shall be added to the base hourly rate for persons in the
following employee classifications who work rotating shifts:
Power Dispatcher I
Power Dispatcher II
Power Plant Operator
Senior Power Dispatcher
Senior Power Plant Operator
All officially authorized work in excess of eight hours a day or forty hours a week or any
non-scheduled work shall be designated overtime work for the purpose of compensation. Overtime
work shall, whenever possible, be eliminated by rescheduling work, by utilizing part-time
employees, or by setting up over-lapping shifts of work. Overtime work shall be authorized only in
the following cases:
1. In the event of fire, flood, catastrophe, or other unforeseeable emergency.
2. Where a station must be manned and another employee is not available for work.
3. To provide essential services when such services cannot be provided by overlapping
work schedules.
4. To carry on short-range projects in which the utilization of present employees is
more advantageous to the agency than the hiring of additional personnel.
5. No employee shall be regularly scheduled to work over-time without the approval of
the Chief Administrative Officer.
6. Overtime work shall be authorized in advance except in cases of emergency by the
Chief Administrative Officer or by any supervisor to whom the responsibility has
been delegated.
7. All employees who are required to work in excess of eight hours a day or forty hours
a week shall be eligible for overtime compensation.
8. The rules of overtime shall be as follows:
a. Overtime work shall be accrued and compensated for in one-
tenth (1/10) of an hour units.
b. Employees whose regularly scheduled work week includes
Sunday shall not be compensated for work on that day on an
overtime basis unless their work day exceeds eight hours, and
only the hours of work in excess of eight shall be considered
c. This article is not intended to be construed as a guarantee of
hours of work per day or per week. Overtime shall not be
paid more than once for the same hours worked.
d. Overtime shall be computed on all hours worked in excess of
eight hours per regularly scheduled work day and over 40
hours per work week, and shall be paid at a one and one-half
times the base rate, as modified by shift differential
1. The City may assign employees to stand-by duty for handling trouble calls on other
than the normal work day.
a. The stand-by work week will run from Wednesday at 5:00
p.m. to the following Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.
b. A truck will be assigned to the employee who is assigned to
this duty. The employee will keep this truck at home while
on the duty.
c. The employee assigned to this duty may call upon the
assigned foreman for additional employees when help is
2. The compensation for stand-by duty will be eight hours at the employee's basic rate
of pay as shown on the payroll on the Sunday during the employee's stand-by week. Any work
performed on calls during hours, outside of the normal work week, shall be compensated for at the
rate of time and one-half. Over-time for employees performing such work on call, including those
on stand-by, shall be computed to begin fifteen minutes prior to checking in for the job and to
terminate fifteen minutes after checking out from the job.
3. The employee assigned to this duty shall be available by telephone or utility radio at
all times under this assignment. Failure to be available or to make arrangements with another
qualified duty employee who will be available either by telephone or utility radio shall make the
employee ineligible for stand-by duty compensation for the pay period involved.
4. When a recognized holiday, as stated in Article III, Holidays and Holiday Pay, falls
during an employee's assigned stand-by work week, that employee shall be granted a compensatory
holiday to be taken during the week following the stand-by duty assignment, and at a time approved
by the employee's supervisor.
In the event an employee is called to duty during his or her off-duty time, and such time does
not otherwise merge with his or her regularly-scheduled work schedule, such employee shall be paid
at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee’s base hourly rate times the actual number
of hours worked, although the employee shall be compensated for no less than two hours at the
enhanced rate. Provided, however, that if the employee called back responds and performs the work
from a remote location without reporting to the worksite, he or she shall be compensated as set forth
above but the minimum compensation will be one hour instead of two.
The following days shall be the recognized holidays, and followed in accordance with
Nebraska Revised Statutes as amended:
New Year's Day Arbor Day
Memorial Day Independence Day
Labor Day Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday; when
a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday. For shift workers,
Saturday and Sunday shall mean those days following the end of a regular shift.
No employee shall be eligible for holiday pay unless he or she is in an active pay status
the last regularly scheduled day before the holiday or the first regularly scheduled day after the
holiday. Active Pay Status shall mean any pay status other than leave without pay or suspension
without pay.
If an employee works on a holiday, the employee shall be paid for the holiday and any hours
worked on the holiday shall be paid as overtime.
Personal Leave Days will be given to employees each year. One will be given in October
and must be taken by the end of March. The second Personal Leave Day will be given in April
and must be taken by the end of September. In addition to the two personal leave days, the City
will provide one annual personal leave day that will be granted on October 1st and must be used
by the last full pay period in September. Personal Leave Days may be taken at any time and may
be taken in one (1) hour increments; provided, the time selected by the employee must have the
prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. The Director or his or her designees will make
every effort to grant requested personal leave time; however, it must be approved in advance and
will be granted on the basis of work requirements of the department. Use of personal leave will
not be unreasonably denied. New employees who begin work on or after April 1 will not be
eligible for personal days until the following October 1
All full-time employees of the bargaining unit who have been in the employ of the City
continuously for six (6) months shall be eligible for vacation leave with pay with prior approval by
the Department Director or supervisor.
1. All employees will be eligible to take earned vacation after satisfactory completion
of six (6) months of continuous service.
a. All employees will be eligible to take ten (10) days of vacation after
completion of one year of service and each year thereafter through the fourth
year of service.
b. All employees will be eligible to take fifteen (15) days of vacation after five
years of service and each year thereafter through the sixth year of service.
c. All employees will be eligible to take sixteen (16) days of vacation after
seven years of service and each year thereafter through the eighth year of
d. All employees will be eligible to take seventeen (17) days of vacation after
nine years of service and each year thereafter through the tenth year of
e. All employees will be eligible to take eighteen (18) days of vacation after
eleven years of service and each year thereafter through the twelfth year of
f. All employees will be eligible to take nineteen (19) days of vacation after
thirteen years of service.
g. All employees will be eligible to take twenty (20) days of vacation after
fourteen years of service and each year thereafter through the nineteenth year
of service.
h. All employees will be eligible to take twenty-one (21) days of vacation after
twenty years of service and each year thereafter through the twenty-fourth
year of service.
i. All employees will be eligible to take twenty-two (22) days of vacation after
twenty-five years of service and each year of service thereafter.
2. An employee will earn a prorated portion of vacation leave for pay periods in which
the employee is paid for less than sixty (60) hours, including paid leave.
3. Credit toward vacation leave shall not be earned while an employee is on a leave of
absence without pay subject to paragraph 2 above.
4. The amount of vacation leave debited shall be the exact number of days or hours an
employee is scheduled to work when leave is utilized.
1. Vacation leave shall be taken at a time convenient to and approved by the department
director or supervisor. Vacations may be granted at the time requested by the employee. While all
eligible employees are encouraged to take two consecutive weeks of vacation each calendar year,
when eligible, the City may grant shorter periods of vacation as needed or desired by employees.
2. Each employee shall take a minimum vacation of five consecutive days. In the event
a holiday falls within the mandatory five-day term, such holiday use will satisfy the mandatory term
Appointing authorities shall grant leave on the basis of the work requirements of the City
after conferring with employees and recognizing their wishes where possible. Preference in the
scheduling of vacation and personal holiday time shall be given to employees within their job
classification in order of their total length of employment with the City.
Job classifications with two or more employees will have two vacation schedules that will
run consecutively.
1. Prime Vacation Schedule: An employee may make one choice of a minimum of five
work days and a maximum of as many consecutive days as said employee has accrued vacation
time. Vacation of greater than five (5) work days shall be consecutive work days so that only one
block of vacation time is scheduled on the Prime Vacation Schedule. The Prime Vacation Schedule
shall be completed by all employees in the affected job classification before the Secondary Vacation
Schedule is initiated for that classification.
2. Secondary Vacation Schedule: An employee may make as many selections as said
employee has accrued vacation time.
An employee will be allowed to carry no more than the maximum amount of vacation that
he or she can earn in one (1) year, plus eighty (80) hours.
Upon termination or retirement, an employee shall be paid for the unused portion of
accumulated vacation leave.
Medical leave may be used under the following circumstances:
1. When an employee is incapacitated by sickness or injury.
2. For medical, dental or optical examination or treatment.
3. When an employee is exposed to a contagious disease, or the employee's attendance
at duty may jeopardize the health of others.
4. For necessary care and attendance during sickness of, or injury to, a member of the
employee's immediate family (spouse, child, parent, or parent-in-law) or household.
“Child” shall include a biological, adopted, or foster child; a step-child; a legal ward;
or a child of a person standing “in loco parentis”.
5. If an employee should be called upon to perform pallbearer service, Medical leave
shall be granted to attend such funeral, including reasonable travel time, not to
exceed five (5) days.
6. Upon the death of a member of the employee's family (spouse, children, parents,
parent-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece,
nephew, grandmother, or grandfather) or a close friend, an employee may be allowed
Medical leave for funeral purposes with approval of the Department Director and the
Chief Administrative Officer.
Medical leave shall be credited to all regular status employees as follows:
1. One work day for each full calendar month of service.
2. An employee will earn a prorated portion of Medical leave for calendar months in
which the employee is paid for less than 120 hours, including paid leave.
3. Medical leave shall not be granted in advance of accrual.
4. Leave without pay may be granted for sickness extending beyond the earned credits.
5. After twelve continuous months of service, accrued vacation leave credits may be
used for Medical leave when Medical leave credits have been exhausted.
6. The amount of Medical leave granted for necessary care of a sick member of an
employee's immediate family or household shall not exceed thirty work days in any
12 month period.
7. The amount of Medical leave charged against an employee's accumulated total shall
be computed on the basis of the exact number of days or hours an employee is
scheduled to work when Medical leave is utilized, provided, that Medical leave shall
be debited in no less than one-half (1/2) hour units.
An employee who is absent on Medical leave for more than five days because of illness or
that of a member of his or her family or household shall be required to furnish a statement signed by
the attending physician or other proof of illness satisfactory to the supervisor or Department
Director. The appointing authority may require this statement or proof for an absence chargeable to
Medical leave of any duration.
The Department Director or authorized representative may investigate any Medical leave
taken by any employee. False or fraudulent use of Medical leave shall be cause for disciplinary
action and may result in dismissal.
If a non-shift employee is absent for reasons that entitle the employee to Medical leave, the
employee or a member of his or her household shall notify the employee's supervisor prior to thirty
(30) minutes before the employee's scheduled work time. If the employee fails to notify his or her
supervisor when it is reasonably possible to do so, no Medical leave shall be approved. Immediately
upon return to work, the employee shall submit a leave form to his or her supervisor. Shift workers
are required to notify their supervisors two hours prior to scheduled work time.
1. An employee may accumulate Medical leave to a maximum of 1039 hours. All
employees shall be paid for forty-seven percent (47%) of their accumulated Medical leave at the
time of retirement or if an employee dies while still employed full time with the City in good
standing. All employees retiring under an early retirement option approved by the Mayor shall be
paid for forty-seven percent (47%) of their accumulated Medical leave at the time of such early
retirement. The rate of compensation for such accumulated Medical leave shall be based on the
employee's salary at the time of death, retirement or early retirement, whichever is applicable.
The City will compensate each employee for fifty percent (50%) of unused medical leave
in excess of 960 hours accumulated as of September 30, 2008 based upon his or her pay rate on
the date the compensation is paid which will be no later than the first pay period in November,
2008. Thereafter, no payment for excess medical leave will be paid except upon death or
retirement as set forth above in this agreement.
The provisions relating to military training leave are as provided by Nebraska Statutes.
An employee who is required to serve as a witness or juror in a federal, state, county, police,
or municipal court, or as a litigant in a case resulting directly from the discharge of his or her duties
as an employee, shall be granted court leave with full pay to serve in that capacity; provided,
however, that, when the employee is a litigant or witness in non-employment related litigation, the
employee shall not be granted court leave but may use vacation leave or compensatory time or be
granted leave without pay for the length of such service.
An employee who is called for compensable litigation witness or jury duty shall present to
his or her supervisor the original summons or subpoena from the court, and at the conclusion of such
duty, a signed statement showing the actual time in attendance at court.
Fees received for compensable witness or jury service in a federal, state, county, police or
municipal court shall be deposited with the City Finance Director upon the employee's receipt
thereof. No employee shall receive witness fees paid from City funds.
1. Leave without pay may be granted to an employee for any good cause or Union
business when it is in the interest of the City to do so. The employee's interest shall be considered
when his or her record of employment shows the employee to be of more than average value, and it
is desirable to retain the employee even at some sacrifice. A Department Director may grant an
employee leave without pay for 30 days time. Such leave may be extended for a period not to
exceed one year by the Chief Administrative Officer. Any appointment made to a position vacated
by an employee on leave without pay shall be conditional upon the return of the employee on leave.
2. Before an employee may request unpaid leave, he or she must first use all eligible
leave balances except for unpaid leave for Union business.
3. When leave without pay is requested pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave
Act (FMLA) policy, Articles of this contract shall govern to the extent they are not inconsistent
with Federal law.
Leave without pay shall be subject to the following provisions:
1. At the expiration of leave without pay, the employee shall return to the position held
prior to his leave.
2. Vacation and Medical leave credits shall not be earned during leave without pay.
3. A leave without pay shall not constitute a break in service.
4. Leave without pay for more than thirty days during the probationary period shall not
be counted as part of that period, but the employee to whom such leave has been
granted shall be allowed to return to probationary period on return from leave.
5. Failure to report promptly at the expiration of a leave of absence shall be considered
6. When all available leave is exhausted.
Any employee covered by this contract who sustains an on-the-job injury
compensable under the Nebraska Workers Compensation Act will be granted temporary
disability leave to allow the employee to receive the equivalent of the employee’s net pay at the
time of the injury. This period shall be up to one hundred fifty (150) consecutive calendar days
following the original date of disability which shall mean that the employee is unable to perform
the job duties as defined by the employee’s job description. Any reoccurrence or exacerbation of
an injury shall relate back to the original injury for purposes of this article, including the
commencement date of the 150 day period.
Temporary disability shall mean the complete inability of an employee, for reasons of
accident or other cause while in the line of duty, to perform the job duties as defined by the
employee’s job description, for a period of time not to exceed one hundred fifty (150)
consecutive calendar days from the date of injury or the date that disability begins.
Temporary disability leave shall mean paid leave provided by the City to an eligible
employee when that employee has no other paid leave available.
All payments of salary provided by this article shall be subject to deduction of amounts
paid under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act and other city leave balances as set forth
1. Pursuant to the waiting provisions in Section 48-119 of the Nebraska Workers’
Compensation Act, no workers compensation shall be allowed during the first seven calendar
days following the date of injury or date that temporary disability begins, unless the disability
continues for six weeks or longer. When the disability lasts less than six weeks, an employee
may use Medical or vacation leave for the initial seven days. If no other leave is available, the
City shall grant the employee temporary disability leave.
2. The employee shall retain all Workers Compensation payments following the
initial waiting provisions as set forth above.
3. While on leave of any nature, the total net compensation paid to an employee,
including salary, wages, workers’ compensation benefits, and leave pay collected from any other
party (except the employee’s private insurance) shall not exceed the employee’s net salary at the
time of the commencement of the leave, plus any allowed and approved cost of living increase
which commences during the period of leave.
The City reserves a right of subrogation because of payment of temporary disability leave
to any employee who is disabled or injured by a third party, and reserves the right to pursue
collection from the employee of any money paid by the third party to the extent of the City’s
payment of temporary disability leave. Should the employee receiving temporary disability
leave collect from the third party for wages, salary, or expenses otherwise paid by the City, he or
she will reimburse the City for money paid as temporary disability leave or expenses resulting
from the injury. The City reserves any other subrogation rights under Nebraska law.
Temporary disability leave will not be available to employees following one hundred
fifty (150) days from the original date that the disability begins absent express approval of the
City Administrator, who may grant an extension of this time not to exceed sixty (60) days if the
employee has sufficient accumulated medical leave. Such extension shall be chargeable to the
employee’s medical leave bank.
Any employee whose employment by the City is terminated due to exceeding this
limitation of leave shall be compensated for any remaining unused Medical leave as in the case
of retirement.
If an employee reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI) and it is determined that
the employee cannot perform the essential functions of the job, the employee may be terminated
prior to the expiration of the 150 day period or extension and will be compensated for any
unused medical leave as in the case of retirement.
The City may provide light duty work when possible for a defined period of time,
not to exceed 150 days, for employees that are injured due to a work related situation.
Employees will follow the City’s Light Duty Policy. The commencement of light duty
work and/or modified duty work shall be five (5) calendar days from the date of
disability. Any employee who does not willingly return to light duty work who is
released by a doctor to do so, shall not be entitled to supplement worker’s compensation
benefits with temporary disability leave or medical leave. All employees in the City of
Grand Island are covered by this policy and therefore are on notice from this date
forward, that light duty work shall commence five (5) calendar days from the date of
disability with appropriate medical release, unless the employee is willing to return
An employee who is absent from duty without approval shall receive no pay for the duration
of the absence, and unless there is a legitimate reason for the absence, shall be subject to disciplinary
For all leaves except Medical leave, a written request on the authorized Leave Form,
indicating the kind of leave, duration and dates of departure and return, must be approved prior to
the taking of the leave. In the case of Medical leave, the form shall be completed and submitted for
approval immediately upon the employee's return to duty. Unless an absence is substantiated by a
Leave Form approved by the supervisor, an employee shall not be paid for any absence from
scheduled work hours.
The City agrees that the employees covered under this agreement are covered under the
pension plan as adopted in Ordinance No. 4244, as amended.
The City reserves the right to change the pension plan in accordance with existing and future
statutes or federal legislation or regulations.
The Union and the City surveyed the following array of cities and utilities to determine
current labor market comparable salaries and benefits for work performed in the various job
classifications covered by this agreement: Ames, Iowa; Fremont, Nebraska; Garden City, Kansas;
Hastings, Nebraska; Kearney, Nebraska; Muscatine, Iowa; Norfolk, Nebraska; North Platte,
Nebraska; Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District. Said array
conforms to the standards established by the Nebraska Commission on Industrial Relations (CIR).
Using the survey results, the Union and the City established a pay range for each class of work
covered by this agreement.
B. 2008 - 2009 FISCAL YEAR
Rates of pay for the period October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 for work performed
in the various classes of work under this agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit “A”, attached
hereto. Said adjustments shall be effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2008.
C. 2009 – 2010 FISCAL YEAR
Effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2009, all pay ranges shall be adjusted
upwards by 3.75%. See Exhibit B.
D. 2010 – 2011 FISCAL YEAR
Effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2010, all pay ranges shall be adjusted
upwards by 3.75%. See Exhibit C.
It is understood and agreed that payment of future rates is contingent upon the City adopting
budget statements and appropriations or ordinances sufficient to fund such payments and salary
ordinances authorizing such payments. The I.B.E.W. acknowledges that the City must comply with
the Nebraska Budget Act.
1. Employees will be considered for pay schedule step increases upon the following
schedule. Such adjustments in pay shall be effective on the first day of a pay period falling on or
immediately after the classification anniversary.
Step 1 Entry Level;
Step 2 Upon the successful completion of six months of service in Step 1 by
an intra-Utility Department transfer employee;
Step3 Upon the successful completion of six months of service in Step 2 by
an intra-Utility Department transfer employee; OR
Upon successful completion of one year of service in Step 1 by a new
hire employee;
Step 4 – 8 Upon successful completion of the anniversary of the employee’s
hire date or the anniversary date of the employee’s promotion or
The classification of Lineworker 1st Class may move through steps 1 through 8 in six
month intervals upon successful completion of the step.
2. The Mayor may evaluate the manner of performance of any employee, all
employees, or any portion of the employees at any time during such employees' service. Any
adjustments in the pay of such evaluated employees shall be effective on the first day of a pay period
falling on or immediately after such adjustment. The first classification anniversary following such
adjustment shall be used for the computation of the merit step increases for employees advanced to
Step 4 or higher.
3. Employees, prior to advancing in step or grade, shall be evaluated. Such evaluation
shall take place at least yearly. For purposes of an increase in pay, other than cost of living
increases, an employee must receive at least a satisfactory rating during the first year of
employment, or first year in a new position. Thereafter, to receive increases in pay, other than cost-
of-living increases, an employee must receive a rating above satisfactory. Such evaluations shall be
advisory and shall in no way require the granting of merit increases by the administration; but denial
shall be in writing, showing cause for such denial. Should a merit increase be denied, a new
evaluation shall be made six months from the date of the first evaluation.
4. Employees receiving the highest possible rating may be considered for more than a
one-step increase when recommended by the Department Director.
5. In no case shall any employee be advanced beyond the maximum rate of the pay
grade for his or her class of position.
Every employee shall fulfill conscientiously the duties and responsibilities of his or her
position. Employees shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner which reflects credit on the
City. Employees shall be impartial in all official acts and shall in no way endanger nor give
occasion for distrust of their impartiality.
1. An employee shall have the right to join, or refrain from joining, this Union.
2. This Union shall not exert pressures on any employee to join it.
3. The Union shall continue the practice of non-discrimination in membership on the
basis of race, religion, national origin, color, age, gender, disability status, or political affiliation.
4. At any meeting between a representative of the City and an employee in which
discipline (including warnings which are to be recorded in the personnel file, suspension, demotion
or discharge for cause) is to be announced, the Union steward may be present if the employee so
Any disciplinary action taken in accordance with State Statutes covering employees under
this Agreement shall be governed by the grievance procedures set out in such Statutes.
An alleged grievance arising from an employee shall be handled in the manner described
A grievance for the purpose of this Agreement refers to a question of the interpretation of the
terms of the labor agreement between the City and the Union. A work week shall be defined as
Monday through Friday.
1. First Step - Any employee who believes that he or she has a justifiable request or
grievance shall discuss the request or complaint within five (5) work days with his or her foreman,
with or without the Union steward being present, as the employee may elect, in an attempt to settle
The foregoing procedure, if followed in good faith by both parties, should lead to a fair and
speedy solution of most of the complaints arising out of the day to day operations of City
government. However, if a complaint or request has not been satisfactorily resolved in Step 1, it may
be presented and must be in writing and processed in Step 2 if the Union steward determines that it
constitutes a meritorious grievance. A grievance, to be considered beyond Step 1, must be filed in
writing with the foreman on forms provided by the City.
2. Second Step - If the alleged grievance is determined to be valid, the employee or his
or her designated representative shall present it within ten (10) work days after the discussion with
the foreman. The supervisor shall notify the employee in writing, within five (5) work days of his or
her decision.
3. Third Step - If the grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, the
employee or designated representative shall present it to the head of the department in writing within
five (5) work days of the receipt of the decision of the immediate supervisor. The head of the
department, or his or her designated representative, shall consider the grievance and shall notify the
employee in writing of a decision within five (5) work days of the receipt of the grievance.
4. Fourth Step - If the grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, the
employee or designated representative shall present it in writing to the Personnel Director within
three (3) work days after the decision of the Department Director. The Personnel Director shall
investigate the case within seven (7) work days and make a recommendation to the Chief
Administrative Officer. The Chief Administrative Officer shall notify the employee of the decision
made and of any action taken within seven (7) work days of the receipt of the grievance.
5. Fifth Step - If the grievance is not settled by the Chief Administrative Officer to the
satisfaction of the employee, the employee may appeal, in writing, within ten (10) days of the receipt
of the Chief Administrative Officer's decision to the arbitration board. The arbitration procedure
established in this step shall extend only to those grievances which are arbitrable under this
agreement. The arbitration procedure shall be as follows:
a. The City and the Union shall each select an arbitrator within
five days following the grieving party's written request, and the two
thus chosen shall select a third impartial arbitrator. The three thus
chosen shall be residents of the Grand Island, Nebraska, area (an area
within 100 miles of the City), and shall constitute the arbitration
board to hear and to determine the controversy or matter in dispute.
If the third arbitrator cannot be found in the Grand Island area, he or
she shall be obtained from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service by the two previously appointed. A finding or award of the
majority of the arbitration board shall be advisory upon the parties.
b. The third and impartial arbitrator shall act as the chairman of
the arbitration board. The procedure to be followed in submitting the
grievance to the arbitration board shall, unless agreed upon by the
parties prior to the hearing, be determined by the chairman of the
arbitration board.
i. It is understood and agreed between the parties that
the decision of the arbitration board, constituted as set forth
above, shall be advisory upon the parties, and that the board's
jurisdiction shall be limited to the application of this contract.
The board does not have the jurisdiction to amend, alter,
enlarge, or ignore any provision of this contract.
ii. Each party shall bear the expenses of its own
arbitrator but the expenses of the third arbitrator shall be
shared equally between the City and the Union.
iii. It is specifically agreed that grievances shall not be
combined for purposes of submitting them to arbitration.
Only one grievance shall be heard in an arbitration
iv. If the City raises the question as to whether a
grievance is arbitrable under this section, the Arbitration
Board will not proceed under the assumption that the
grievance is, in fact, arbitrable but must specifically rule on
such question with the reason given therefor as part of its
written decision. The Arbitration Board may rule on the
arbitrability and the merits in the same hearing.
All grievances shall be presented by the employee in person. The employee may designate
another person to assist in preparing and presenting the grievance. An employee and his or her
designated representative shall obtain the permission of their immediate supervisor before leaving
the job site to prepare or present a grievance.
If the City believes that this Agreement is being violated by the Union, the Chief
Administrative Officer or his or her designated representative will contact the Chief Officer of the
local Union. If the City is not satisfied with the results of its contract with the Union as pertinent to
the alleged violation it will take action in accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Statutes.
The City agrees to provide health, dental, and long-term disability insurance during the
term of this agreement for the employee and employee’s dependents at the same benefit level
and employee contribution level as provided to non-union City employees under the City’s
general group insurance plans. The City’s general group insurance plan year runs from October 1
through September 30 of each year.
The City will provide a $50,000 term life insurance policy for the employee. Such policy
shall contain an option allowing the employee to purchase additional term insurance as provided by
the plan. The premium for the optional insurance shall be paid by the employee.
1. An employee who is on an approved leave of absence without pay will not be
removed from coverage under the City's hospitalization and medical insurance plan.
2. The employee will be required to pay to the City the premium on the life insurance
policy and medical insurance during his or her leave of absence without pay.
1. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Department Director of the Utilities
Department shall determine what uniforms and protective clothing shall be required and furnished to
2. The City will pay sixty per cent (60%) of the actual cost of providing and cleaning
protective clothing. The employee shall pay forty per cent (40%) of said cost.
3. The Chief Union steward shall meet monthly with the Safety Director of the City's
Utility Department.
4. The IBEW shall be entitled to designate at least one member to any safety committee
required under Nebraska law. Employee members shall not be selected by the employer but shall
be selected pursuant to procedures prescribed in rules and regulations adopted and promulgated
by the Commissioner of Labor.
The City agrees to pay employees for the approved use of their personal automobile in the
performance of their duties at the rate provided by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-1176, as amended.
If an employee has to travel for approved City purposes other than a normal commute to and
from his or her primary place of work (e.g. work related seminars and training), the employee will
receive mileage and compensation consistent with Federal and State law.
The City agrees to establish and maintain an employee advisory committee to aid in
obtaining medical and dental insurance.
The City has endorsed the practices and procedures of collective bargaining as an orderly
way to conduct its relations with this group of employees, provided, that the City, acting through its
administrator, retains the right to effectively operate in a reasonable and efficient manner to serve the
best interests of all the citizens of the City.
This agreement in no way changes the power of the City to exercise any and all powers
vested in it by the statutes of the State of Nebraska and the code of the City of Grand Island.
It is understood and agreed that the City possesses the sole right to operate the Utilities
Department and that all management rights repose in it, but that such rights must be exercised
consistently with the other provisions of this contract. These rights include but are not limited to the
1. Discipline or discharge for just cause.
2. Direct the work force.
3. Hire, assign or transfer employees.
4. Determine the mission of the Utility.
5. Determine the methods, means, number of personnel needed to carry out the
Utility's mission.
6. Introduce new or improved methods or facilities.
7. Change existing methods or facilities.
8. Relieve employees.
9. Contract out for goods or service.
This document constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and
embodies all the terms and conditions governing the employment of employees in the Union. The
parties acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to present and discuss proposals on any
subject which is (or may be) subject to collective bargaining. Any prior commitment or agreement
or agreement between the employer and the Union or any individual employee covered by this
agreement is hereby superseded.
All personnel functions of the City shall be handled by a duly designated representative of
the Mayor or Chief Administrative Officer. The Union agrees that it shall deal with the City only
through the Chief Administrative Officer, or his or her designated representative.
The Union and its membership agree that it will not contact or deal with any of the members
of the City Council concerning any aspects of negotiations, grievances, or any other relationship
between the Union and the City.
The rights of the employees are encompassed within this Agreement. Any and all matters
not specifically mentioned in this Agreement are reserved to the City. Such matters reserved to the
City and all matters specified in Paragraph "C" above (except No. 1) shall not be subject to
grievance proceedings or negotiation during the life of this Agreement. All provisions of Chapters
one, two, and three of the City Personnel Rules and Regulations now in effect and as amended
hereafter not in conflict with this contract are by this reference made a part of this Agreement.
This agreement shall not in any manner prevent the City from selling any part of or all of the
Utilities' facilities and/or operations to others.
This agreement shall not in any manner prevent the City from leasing any part of or all of the
Utilities' facilities and/or operations to others.
This agreement shall not in any manner prevent the City from merging any part of or all of
the Utilities' facilities and/or operations with other utilities.
This agreement shall not in any manner prevent the City from ceasing any part of or all of its
Utilities' operation at any time.
In the event of a sale, transfer, merger, or cessation of utility operations, or any part thereof,
those employees affected shall be paid at the time of sale, transfer, merger or cessation,
compensation representing total accrued vacation leave unless the employee transfers to another city
department .
Neither the Union nor any officers, agents, or employees will instigate, promote, sponsor,
engage in, or condone any strike, slow-down, concerted stoppage of work or any other intentional
interruption of the operations of the City, regardless of the reason for so doing. The Union shall at
all times keep its members on the job during periods of negotiations and hearings for the settlement
of grievances. If employees strike or in any manner slow down or stop work without Union
authorization, the Union shall notify the City of the facts involved with the incident. No employee
may miss work because he or she fails or refuses to cross a picket line on any City premises. Any or
all employees who violate any of the provisions of this Article without Union sanction may be
summarily discharged or disciplined by the City. Such discharge or discipline shall not be subject to
grievance proceedings under any circumstances.
The City will not lock out any employees during the term of the Agreement as a result of a
labor dispute with the Union.
1. No non-employee representative of the Union shall be permitted to come on the
premises of the Utilities Department for any reason without first presenting his or her credentials to
the Chief Administrative Officer or his or her authorized representative and obtaining permission to
come on the premises of the Utilities Department.
2. The Union agrees that it, or its representatives, shall not solicit members in the
Union, or otherwise carry on Union activities while the employees concerned are on City time.
When the City is, in cooperation with a non-profit organization, seeking contributions from
its employees of the bargaining unit, such solicitation shall be coordinated with Union
representatives, and Union representatives shall be responsible for approaching members of the unit
for purposes of acquiring pledges or contributions.
The City and the Union agree not to interfere with the right of employees to become or not to
become members of the Union, and further that there shall be no discrimination or coercion against
any employee because of Union membership or non-membership.
An employee who fails to satisfactorily perform the duties of a classification into which he
or she has been promoted shall be demoted to the classification from which promoted. He or she
shall return to the same pay step held prior to promotion with the same regular status held prior to
The Union shall have the right to mount bulletin boards at its own expense at each office or
plant location. The location, number, and construction of such bulletin boards, however, shall be
subject to the approval of the City. The use of such bulletin boards shall be considered proper when
confined to factual notices and announcements of the Union, such as:
a. Meetings
b. Nominations and elections of Union officers
c. Results of Union elections
d. Appointments to Union offices and committees
e. Social or recreational affairs
f. Agreements made between the Union and the Company
g. Joint announcements of letters issued by the Union and the City, or
h. Other items as approved by personnel director of the City.
1. SENIORITY. Seniority shall accrue to an employee from his or her first day of
employment with the City and shall vest upon completion of the employee's probationary period.
2. PROMOTION. Promotion shall be accomplished utilizing testing procedures and
performance evaluations. When two or more employees are equally qualified for promotion,
seniority shall become a deciding factor.
3. LAYOFF. If needed, layoff shall be accomplished in accordance with management's
right to maintain proper city services concerning job classifications. Layoffs within a job
classification shall be by seniority, least senior being laid off first.
All employees of the Utilities Department are required to reside within the limits as outlined
on Exhibit “D”, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Employees shall establish
residency within area as set forth in Exhibit “D” within six months after the calendar day of
commencement of employment and shall maintain such residency during the term of employment.
All of the terms, rights, obligations, benefits and conditions of this Agreement will expire on
its termination.
This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from its effective date through
September 30, 2011 provided:
1. Either party may re-open this Agreement between October 1 and October 30 of any
year in which the City does not adopt a budget statement and appropriation ordinance sufficient to
fund the rates of pay and fringe benefits previously agreed upon by the parties. Negotiations shall be
limited to rates of pay and fringe benefits and shall be completed by November 30. Upon
notification by either party, the parties shall mutually agree upon the time and place for the first
negotiating session. Subsequent sessions shall be set by mutual agreement. Agreement in the setting
of negotiating sessions shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party.
2. Negotiations for a new agreement to take effect upon the termination of this
Agreement may begin on January 1 of the year of termination of this Agreement but no later than
February 1, of that year, and must be completed by May 30, of that year, for budget preparation
Upon receipt of a properly executed written request for payroll deduction of Union
membership dues signed by any regular permanent employee, the Department shall: (1) make
payroll deductions in accordance with that authorization card from such employee's wages and
payments, and (2) remit the amount so deducted to the business manager of Local 1597, I.B.E.W. of
America. The City agrees not to withhold any initiation fees, assessments, special or otherwise, nor
any funds from an employee's pay for the benefit of the Union other than the regular monthly Union
dues as set forth herein.
Requests for payroll deduction or revocation of said Union membership dues must be made
on the form approved by the Union and the Department.
By written certification, the business manager of the I.B.E.W. shall keep the Department
currently informed of the amount of regular Union membership dues for the pay period. Standard
annual dues increases shall not require new authorization cards from each employee.
The Union shall indemnify and save the City harmless against any and all claims, demands,
suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the
City for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this part, or in reliance on any dues
deduction card furnished under the provisions of this part or on any certification by the business
manager of the I.B.E.W.
This Article shall become null and void for the remaining life of the contract, effective
immediately, in the event the Union or its members participate in a strike, slowdown, work stoppage,
or other intentional interruption of the City Utility operations.
If any of the provisions of this Agreement are subsequently declared by the proper legislative
or judicial authority to be unlawful, unenforceable, or not in accordance with applicable statutes or
ordinances, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the
duration of this Agreement.
The parties mutually agree that this contract constitutes the entire Agreement and
understanding concerning all proper subjects of collective bargaining for the duration of the contract
between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements. This contract shall not be modified,
altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by both parties.
This Agreement has been executed in accordance with the statutes and the laws of the State
of Nebraska and the United States of America, and any dispute, disagreement, or litigation arising
under this Agreement shall be adjudged in accordance with the statutes and laws of the State of
Nebraska and of the United States of America.
The parties agree that the negotiations preceding the signing of this Agreement included
negotiations on all proper subjects of bargaining and that all negotiations were conducted in
accordance with all applicable federal and state requirements.
As a result of negotiations, and in consideration of this entire collective bargaining
agreement, the Union, on behalf of all of its members, hereby knowingly, intelligently, and
voluntarily waives its right to file any proceedings with the Nebraska Commission of Industrial
Relations alleging lack of comparability with respect to any wages, fringe benefits or any other
conditions of employment with respect to the time period between October 1, 2008 through
September 30, 2011..
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this ___ day
of August, 2008.
WORKERS, Local Union No. 1597
By _____________________________________
President, Local Union 1597
By _____________________________________
Vice President, Local Union 1597
By _____________________________________
Recording Secretary
A Municipal Corporation
By _____________________________________
Margaret Hornady, Mayor
Attest _________________________________
RaNae Edwards, City Clerk
FY 2008-2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Custodian Hourly 14.3591 14.7042 15.0576 15.4195 15.7901 16.1696 16.5582 16.9562
8005-PCC Bi-weekly 1,148.73 1,176.34 1,204.61 1,233.56 1,263.21 1,293.57 1,324.66 1,356.50
8006-PGS Monthly 2,488.91 2,548.73 2,609.98 2,672.71 2,736.95 2,802.73 2,870.09 2,939.07
Annual 29,866.98 30,584.84 31,319.86 32,072.56 32,843.46 33,632.82 34,441.16 35,269.00
Elec. Ungrnd. Crew Chief Hourly 26.2288 27.1454 28.0940 29.0758 30.0919 31.1435 32.2318 33.3582
8010 Bi-weekly 2,098.30 2,171.63 2,247.52 2,326.06 2,407.35 2,491.48 2,578.54 2,668.66
Monthly 4,546.33 4,705.20 4,869.63 5,039.81 5,215.93 5,398.21 5,586.85 5,782.09
Annual 54,555.80 56,462.38 58,435.52 60,477.56 62,591.10 64,778.48 67,042.04 69,385.16
Elec. Distrib. Crew Chief Hourly 26.2288 27.1454 28.0940 29.0758 30.0919 31.1435 32.2318 33.3582
8011 Bi-weekly 2,098.30 2,171.63 2,247.52 2,326.06 2,407.35 2,491.48 2,578.54 2,668.66
Monthly 4,546.33 4,705.20 4,869.63 5,039.81 5,215.93 5,398.21 5,586.85 5,782.09
Annual 54,555.80 56,462.38 58,435.52 60,477.56 62,591.10 64,778.48 67,042.04 69,385.16
Engineering Tech. I Hourly 16.5289 17.3968 18.3103 19.2718 20.2838 21.3489 22.4699 23.6498
8020 Bi-weekly 1,322.31 1,391.74 1,464.82 1,541.74 1,622.70 1,707.91 1,797.59 1,891.98
Monthly 2,865.01 3,015.45 3,173.79 3,340.45 3,515.86 3,700.48 3,894.78 4,099.30
Annual 34,380.06 36,185.24 38,085.32 40,085.24 42,190.20 44,405.66 46,737.34 49,191.48
Engineering Tech. II Hourly 20.4330 21.3754 22.3613 23.3927 24.4717 25.6004 26.7812 28.0165
8025 Bi-weekly 1,634.64 1,710.03 1,788.90 1,871.42 1,957.74 2,048.03 2,142.50 2,241.32
Monthly 3,541.72 3,705.07 3,875.96 4,054.73 4,241.76 4,437.40 4,642.07 4,856.19
Annual 42,500.64 44,460.78 46,511.40 48,656.92 50,901.24 53,248.78 55,705.00 58,274.32
GIS Technician Hourly 21.0224 22.0648 23.1589 24.3072 25.5124 26.7774 28.1051 29.4987
8030 - PCC Bi-weekly 1,681.79 1,765.18 1,852.71 1,944.58 2,040.99 2,142.19 2,248.41 2,359.90
Monthly 3,643.88 3,824.57 4,014.21 4,213.25 4,422.15 4,641.42 4,871.55 5,113.11
Annual 43,726.54 45,894.68 48,170.46 50,559.08 53,065.74 55,696.94 58,458.66 61,357.40
Instrument Tech.Hourly 24.6548 25.6553 26.6964 27.7797 28.9070 30.0801 31.3008 32.5710
8035 Bi-weekly 1,972.38 2,052.42 2,135.71 2,222.38 2,312.56 2,406.41 2,504.06 2,605.68
Monthly 4,273.50 4,446.92 4,627.38 4,815.15 5,010.55 5,213.88 5,425.47 5,645.64
Annual 51,281.88 53,362.92 55,528.46 57,781.88 60,126.56 62,566.66 65,105.56 67,747.68
Lineworker Appr.Hourly 15.9883 16.8869 17.8360 18.8384 19.8971 21.0153 22.1964 23.4439
8040 Bi-weekly 1,279.06 1,350.95 1,426.88 1,507.07 1,591.77 1,681.22 1,775.71 1,875.51
Monthly 2,771.31 2,927.06 3,091.57 3,265.32 3,448.83 3,642.65 3,847.38 4,063.61
Annual 33,255.56 35,124.70 37,098.88 39,183.82 41,386.02 43,711.72 46,168.46 48,763.26
Lineworker 1st Class Hourly 24.2346 24.8226 25.4249 26.0418 26.6736 27.3208 27.9837 28.6626
8045 Bi-weekly 1,938.77 1,985.81 2,033.99 2,083.34 2,133.89 2,185.66 2,238.70 2,293.01
Monthly 4,200.66 4,302.58 4,406.98 4,513.91 4,623.42 4,735.61 4,850.51 4,968.18
Annual 50,408.02 51,631.06 52,883.74 54,166.84 55,481.14 56,827.16 58,206.20 59,618.26
Materials Handler Hourly 19.9550 20.8081 21.6976 22.6251 23.5923 24.6008 25.6525 26.7491
8055 Bi-weekly 1,596.40 1,664.65 1,735.81 1,810.01 1,887.38 1,968.06 2,052.20 2,139.93
Monthly 3,458.87 3,606.74 3,760.92 3,921.68 4,089.33 4,264.14 4,446.43 4,636.51
Annual 41,506.40 43,280.90 45,131.06 47,060.26 49,071.88 51,169.56 53,357.20 55,638.18
Meter Technician Hourly 19.3306 19.9244 20.5365 21.1674 21.8177 22.4879 23.1787 23.8907
8060 Bi-weekly 1,546.45 1,593.95 1,642.92 1,693.39 1,745.42 1,799.03 1,854.30 1,911.26
Monthly 3,350.64 3,453.56 3,559.66 3,669.02 3,781.73 3,897.90 4,017.64 4,141.05
Annual 40,207.70 41,442.70 42,715.92 44,028.14 45,380.92 46,774.78 48,211.80 49,692.76
Power Dispatcher I Hourly 24.2078 25.3749 26.5982 27.8805 29.2246 30.6335 32.1103 33.6583
8070 Bi-weekly 1,936.62 2,029.99 2,127.86 2,230.44 2,337.97 2,450.68 2,568.82 2,692.66
Monthly 4,196.02 4,398.32 4,610.35 4,832.62 5,065.60 5,309.81 5,565.79 5,834.11
Annual 50,352.12 52,779.74 55,324.36 57,991.44 60,787.22 63,717.68 66,789.32 70,009.16
Power Dispatcher II Hourly 25.4258 26.6509 27.9351 29.2812 30.6921 32.1710 33.7212 35.3461
8075 Bi-weekly 2,034.06 2,132.07 2,234.81 2,342.50 2,455.37 2,573.68 2,697.70 2,827.69
Monthly 4,407.14 4,619.49 4,842.08 5,075.41 5,319.96 5,576.31 5,845.01 6,126.66
Annual 52,885.56 55,433.82 58,105.06 60,905.00 63,839.62 66,915.68 70,140.20 73,519.94
FY 2008-2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pwr Plt Maint. Mech.Hourly 22.9152 23.6444 24.3968 25.1732 25.9743 26.8009 27.6538 28.5338
8080 - PGS Bi-weekly 1,833.22 1,891.55 1,951.74 2,013.86 2,077.94 2,144.07 2,212.30 2,282.70
8081 - BUR Monthly 3,971.97 4,098.36 4,228.78 4,363.35 4,502.21 4,645.49 4,793.33 4,945.86
Annual 47,663.72 49,180.30 50,745.24 52,360.36 54,026.44 55,745.82 57,519.80 59,350.20
Power Plant Operator Hourly 27.0710 27.6675 28.2772 28.9003 29.5371 30.1880 30.8532 31.5331
8150 - BUR Bi-weekly 2,165.68 2,213.40 2,262.18 2,312.02 2,362.97 2,415.04 2,468.26 2,522.65
8090 - PGS Monthly 4,692.31 4,795.70 4,901.38 5,009.39 5,119.76 5,232.59 5,347.89 5,465.74
Annual 56,307.68 57,548.40 58,816.68 60,112.52 61,437.22 62,791.04 64,174.76 65,588.90
Sr. Engineering Tech Hourly 25.8534 26.6101 27.3890 28.1906 29.0157 29.8650 30.7391 31.6388
8125 Bi-weekly 2,068.27 2,128.81 2,191.12 2,255.25 2,321.26 2,389.20 2,459.13 2,531.10
Monthly 4,481.26 4,612.42 4,747.43 4,886.37 5,029.39 5,176.60 5,328.11 5,484.06
Annual 53,775.02 55,349.06 56,969.12 58,636.50 60,352.76 62,119.20 63,937.38 65,808.60
Sr. Materials Handler Hourly 22.9761 23.8650 24.7883 25.7474 26.7436 27.7783 28.8530 29.9693
8100 Bi-weekly 1,838.09 1,909.20 1,983.06 2,059.79 2,139.49 2,222.26 2,308.24 2,397.54
Monthly 3,982.52 4,136.60 4,296.64 4,462.88 4,635.56 4,814.91 5,001.19 5,194.68
Annual 47,790.34 49,639.20 51,559.56 53,554.54 55,626.74 57,778.76 60,014.24 62,336.04
Sr. Power Dispatcher Hourly 29.4120 30.7722 32.1954 33.6844 35.2422 36.8721 38.5774 40.3615
8105 Bi-weekly 2,352.96 2,461.78 2,575.63 2,694.75 2,819.38 2,949.77 3,086.19 3,228.92
Monthly 5,098.08 5,333.85 5,580.54 5,838.63 6,108.65 6,391.16 6,686.75 6,995.99
Annual 61,176.96 64,006.28 66,966.38 70,063.50 73,303.88 76,694.02 80,240.94 83,951.92
Sr. Pwr Plt Oper.Hourly 26.6906 27.6547 28.6537 29.6888 30.7612 31.8724 33.0237 34.2166
8110 Bi-weekly 2,135.25 2,212.38 2,292.30 2,375.10 2,460.90 2,549.79 2,641.90 2,737.33
Monthly 4,626.37 4,793.48 4,966.64 5,146.06 5,331.94 5,524.55 5,724.11 5,930.88
Annual 55,516.50 57,521.88 59,599.80 61,752.60 63,983.40 66,294.54 68,689.40 71,170.58
Sr. Subst. Tech.Hourly 31.4261 31.5872 31.7491 31.9118 32.0753 32.2397 32.4049 32.5710
8130 Bi-weekly 2,514.09 2,526.98 2,539.93 2,552.94 2,566.02 2,579.18 2,592.39 2,605.68
Monthly 5,447.19 5,475.11 5,503.18 5,531.38 5,559.72 5,588.21 5,616.85 5,645.64
Annual 65,366.34 65,701.48 66,038.18 66,376.44 66,716.52 67,058.68 67,402.14 67,747.68
Sr Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 18.6717 19.4203 20.1990 21.0089 21.8512 22.7273 23.6385 24.5863
8120 Bi-weekly 1,493.74 1,553.62 1,615.92 1,680.71 1,748.10 1,818.18 1,891.08 1,966.90
Monthly 3,236.43 3,366.19 3,501.16 3,641.54 3,787.54 3,939.40 4,097.34 4,261.63
Annual 38,837.24 40,394.12 42,013.92 43,698.46 45,450.60 47,272.68 49,168.08 51,139.40
Substation Tech.Hourly 29.0923 29.2545 29.4176 29.5817 29.7467 29.9126 30.0794 30.2472
8135 Bi-weekly 2,327.38 2,340.36 2,353.41 2,366.54 2,379.74 2,393.01 2,406.35 2,419.78
Monthly 5,042.67 5,070.78 5,099.05 5,127.49 5,156.09 5,184.85 5,213.76 5,242.85
Annual 60,511.88 60,849.36 61,188.66 61,530.04 61,873.24 62,218.26 62,565.10 62,914.28
System Technician Hourly 25.6386 26.5303 27.4530 28.4078 29.3958 30.4182 31.4762 32.5710
8140-PCC Bi-weekly 2,051.09 2,122.42 2,196.24 2,272.62 2,351.66 2,433.46 2,518.10 2,605.68
8141-PGS Monthly 4,444.02 4,598.59 4,758.52 4,924.02 5,095.27 5,272.49 5,455.87 5,645.64
Annual 53,328.34 55,182.92 57,102.24 59,088.12 61,143.16 63,269.96 65,470.60 67,747.68
Tree Trim Crew Chf Hourly 22.9671 23.6889 24.4334 25.2013 25.9933 26.8102 27.6528 28.5218
8145 Bi-weekly 1,837.37 1,895.11 1,954.67 2,016.10 2,079.46 2,144.82 2,212.22 2,281.74
Monthly 3,980.96 4,106.08 4,235.12 4,368.23 4,505.51 4,647.10 4,793.15 4,943.78
Annual 47,771.62 49,272.86 50,821.42 52,418.60 54,065.96 55,765.32 57,517.72 59,325.24
Utility Electrician Hourly 23.0157 23.9318 24.8844 25.8749 26.9048 27.9757 29.0893 30.2472
8155 Bi-weekly 1,841.26 1,914.54 1,990.75 2,069.99 2,152.38 2,238.06 2,327.14 2,419.78
Monthly 3,989.39 4,148.18 4,313.30 4,484.98 4,663.50 4,849.12 5,042.15 5,242.85
Annual 47,872.76 49,778.04 51,759.50 53,819.74 55,961.88 58,189.56 60,505.64 62,914.28
Utility Technician Hourly 22.4794 23.6052 24.7799 26.0159 27.3131 28.6836 30.1153 31.6205
8161 BUR Bi-weekly 1,798.35 1,888.42 1,982.39 2,081.27 2,185.05 2,294.69 2,409.22 2,529.64
8160 PGS Monthly 3,896.43 4,091.57 4,295.18 4,509.42 4,734.27 4,971.82 5,219.99 5,480.89
Annual 46,757.10 49,098.92 51,542.14 54,113.02 56,811.30 59,661.94 62,639.72 65,770.64
FY 2008-2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Util. Warehouse Clk Hourly 16.6101 17.1161 17.6375 18.1748 18.7285 19.2991 19.8870 20.4929
8165 Bi-weekly 1,328.81 1,369.29 1,411.00 1,453.98 1,498.28 1,543.93 1,590.96 1,639.43
Monthly 2,879.08 2,966.79 3,057.17 3,150.30 3,246.27 3,345.18 3,447.08 3,552.10
Annual 34,549.06 35,601.54 36,686.00 37,803.48 38,955.28 40,142.18 41,364.96 42,625.18
Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 15.5564 16.2938 17.0661 17.8751 18.7224 19.6099 20.5394 21.5130
8175 Bi-weekly 1,244.51 1,303.50 1,365.29 1,430.01 1,497.79 1,568.79 1,643.15 1,721.04
Monthly 2,696.44 2,824.26 2,958.12 3,098.35 3,245.22 3,399.05 3,560.16 3,728.92
Annual 32,357.26 33,891.00 35,497.54 37,180.26 38,942.54 40,788.54 42,721.90 44,747.04
Wireworker I Hourly 17.4762 18.3628 19.2944 20.2733 21.3018 22.3825 23.5181 24.7113
8180 Bi-weekly 1,398.10 1,469.02 1,543.55 1,621.86 1,704.14 1,790.60 1,881.45 1,976.90
Monthly 3,029.21 3,182.89 3,344.36 3,514.04 3,692.31 3,879.63 4,076.47 4,283.29
Annual 36,350.60 38,194.52 40,132.30 42,168.36 44,307.64 46,555.60 48,917.70 51,399.40
Wireworker II Hourly 24.2346 24.8226 25.4249 26.0418 26.6736 27.3208 27.9837 28.6626
8185 Bi-weekly 1,938.77 1,985.81 2,033.99 2,083.34 2,133.89 2,185.66 2,238.70 2,293.01
Monthly 4,200.66 4,302.58 4,406.98 4,513.91 4,623.42 4,735.61 4,850.51 4,968.18
Annual 50,408.02 51,631.06 52,883.74 54,166.84 55,481.14 56,827.16 58,206.20 59,618.26
FY 2009 - 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Custodian Hourly 14.8976 15.2556 15.6223 15.9977 16.3822 16.7760 17.1791 17.5921
8005-PCC Bi-weekly 1,191.81 1,220.45 1,249.78 1,279.82 1,310.58 1,342.08 1,374.33 1,407.37
8006-PGS Monthly 2,582.25 2,644.30 2,707.87 2,772.93 2,839.58 2,907.84 2,977.71 3,049.30
Annual 30,987.06 31,731.70 32,494.28 33,275.32 34,075.08 34,894.08 35,732.58 36,591.62
Elec. Ungrnd. Crew Chief Hourly 27.2124 28.1634 29.1475 30.1661 31.2203 32.3114 33.4405 34.6091
8010 Bi-weekly 2,176.99 2,253.07 2,331.80 2,413.29 2,497.62 2,584.91 2,675.24 2,768.73
Monthly 4,716.82 4,881.66 5,052.23 5,228.79 5,411.52 5,600.64 5,796.35 5,998.91
Annual 56,601.74 58,579.82 60,626.80 62,745.54 64,938.12 67,207.66 69,556.24 71,986.98
Elec. Distrib. Crew Chief Hourly 27.2124 28.1634 29.1475 30.1661 31.2203 32.3114 33.4405 34.6091
8011 Bi-weekly 2,176.99 2,253.07 2,331.80 2,413.29 2,497.62 2,584.91 2,675.24 2,768.73
Monthly 4,716.82 4,881.66 5,052.23 5,228.79 5,411.52 5,600.64 5,796.35 5,998.91
Annual 56,601.74 58,579.82 60,626.80 62,745.54 64,938.12 67,207.66 69,556.24 71,986.98
Engineering Tech. I Hourly 17.1487 18.0492 18.9969 19.9945 21.0444 22.1495 23.3125 24.5367
8020 Bi-weekly 1,371.90 1,443.94 1,519.75 1,599.56 1,683.55 1,771.96 1,865.00 1,962.94
Monthly 2,972.44 3,128.53 3,292.80 3,465.71 3,647.70 3,839.25 4,040.83 4,253.03
Annual 35,669.40 37,542.44 39,513.50 41,588.56 43,772.30 46,070.96 48,490.00 51,036.44
Engineering Tech. II Hourly 21.1992 22.1770 23.1998 24.2699 25.3894 26.5604 27.7855 29.0671
8025 Bi-weekly 1,695.94 1,774.16 1,855.98 1,941.59 2,031.15 2,124.83 2,222.84 2,325.37
Monthly 3,674.53 3,844.01 4,021.30 4,206.78 4,400.83 4,603.80 4,816.15 5,038.30
Annual 44,094.44 46,128.16 48,255.48 50,481.34 52,809.90 55,245.58 57,793.84 60,459.62
GIS Technician Hourly 21.8107 22.8922 24.0274 25.2187 26.4691 27.7816 29.1590 30.6049
8030 - PCC Bi-weekly 1,744.86 1,831.38 1,922.19 2,017.50 2,117.53 2,222.53 2,332.72 2,448.39
Monthly 3,780.52 3,967.98 4,164.75 4,371.24 4,587.98 4,815.48 5,054.23 5,304.85
Annual 45,366.36 47,615.88 49,976.94 52,455.00 55,055.78 57,785.78 60,650.72 63,658.14
Instrument Tech.Hourly 25.5794 26.6174 27.6975 28.8214 29.9910 31.2081 32.4746 33.7924
8035 Bi-weekly 2,046.35 2,129.39 2,215.80 2,305.71 2,399.28 2,496.65 2,597.97 2,703.39
Monthly 4,433.76 4,613.68 4,800.90 4,995.71 5,198.44 5,409.40 5,628.93 5,857.35
Annual 53,205.10 55,364.14 57,610.80 59,948.46 62,381.28 64,912.90 67,547.22 70,288.14
Lineworker Appr.Hourly 16.5879 17.5202 18.5049 19.5448 20.6432 21.8034 23.0288 24.3230
8040 Bi-weekly 1,327.03 1,401.62 1,480.39 1,563.58 1,651.46 1,744.27 1,842.30 1,945.84
Monthly 2,875.24 3,036.83 3,207.52 3,387.77 3,578.15 3,779.26 3,991.66 4,215.99
Annual 34,502.78 36,442.12 38,490.14 40,653.08 42,937.96 45,351.02 47,899.80 50,591.84
Lineworker 1st Class Hourly 25.1434 25.7534 26.3783 27.0184 27.6739 28.3453 29.0331 29.7374
8045 Bi-weekly 2,011.47 2,060.27 2,110.26 2,161.47 2,213.91 2,267.62 2,322.65 2,378.99
Monthly 4,358.19 4,463.92 4,572.24 4,683.19 4,796.81 4,913.19 5,032.40 5,154.48
Annual 52,298.22 53,567.02 54,866.76 56,198.22 57,561.66 58,958.12 60,388.90 61,853.74
Materials Handler Hourly 20.7033 21.5884 22.5113 23.4735 24.4770 25.5233 26.6145 27.7522
8055 Bi-weekly 1,656.26 1,727.07 1,800.90 1,877.88 1,958.16 2,041.86 2,129.16 2,220.18
Monthly 3,588.57 3,741.99 3,901.96 4,068.74 4,242.68 4,424.04 4,613.18 4,810.38
Annual 43,062.76 44,903.82 46,823.40 48,824.88 50,912.16 53,088.36 55,358.16 57,724.68
Meter Technician Hourly 20.0555 20.6716 21.3066 21.9612 22.6359 23.3312 24.0479 24.7866
8060 Bi-weekly 1,604.44 1,653.73 1,704.53 1,756.90 1,810.87 1,866.50 1,923.83 1,982.93
Monthly 3,476.29 3,583.08 3,693.14 3,806.61 3,923.56 4,044.07 4,168.30 4,296.34
Annual 41,715.44 42,996.98 44,317.78 45,679.40 47,082.62 48,529.00 50,019.58 51,556.18
Power Dispatcher I Hourly 25.1156 26.3265 27.5956 28.9260 30.3205 31.7823 33.3144 34.9205
8070 Bi-weekly 2,009.25 2,106.12 2,207.65 2,314.08 2,425.64 2,542.58 2,665.15 2,793.64
Monthly 4,353.37 4,563.26 4,783.24 5,013.84 5,255.55 5,508.93 5,774.50 6,052.89
Annual 52,240.50 54,759.12 57,398.90 60,166.08 63,066.64 66,107.08 69,293.90 72,634.64
Power Dispatcher II Hourly 26.3793 27.6503 28.9827 30.3792 31.8431 33.3774 34.9857 36.6716
8075 Bi-weekly 2,110.34 2,212.02 2,318.62 2,430.34 2,547.45 2,670.19 2,798.86 2,933.73
Monthly 4,572.41 4,792.72 5,023.67 5,265.73 5,519.47 5,785.42 6,064.19 6,356.41
Annual 54,868.84 57,512.52 60,284.12 63,188.84 66,233.70 69,424.94 72,770.36 76,276.98
FY 2009 - 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pwr Plt Maint. Mech.Hourly 23.7745 24.5311 25.3117 26.1172 26.9483 27.8059 28.6908 29.6038
8080 - PGS Bi-weekly 1,901.96 1,962.49 2,024.94 2,089.38 2,155.86 2,224.47 2,295.26 2,368.30
8081 - BUR Monthly 4,120.91 4,252.06 4,387.36 4,526.98 4,671.04 4,819.69 4,973.07 5,131.33
Annual 49,450.96 51,024.74 52,648.44 54,323.88 56,052.36 57,836.22 59,676.76 61,575.80
Power Plant Operator Hourly 28.0862 28.7050 29.3376 29.9841 30.6447 31.3201 32.0102 32.7156
8150 - BUR Bi-weekly 2,246.90 2,296.40 2,347.01 2,398.73 2,451.58 2,505.61 2,560.82 2,617.25
8090 - PGS Monthly 4,868.27 4,975.53 5,085.18 5,197.24 5,311.75 5,428.82 5,548.43 5,670.70
Annual 58,419.40 59,706.40 61,022.26 62,366.98 63,741.08 65,145.86 66,581.32 68,048.50
Sr. Engineering Tech Hourly 26.8229 27.6080 28.4161 29.2477 30.1038 30.9849 31.8918 32.8253
8125 Bi-weekly 2,145.83 2,208.64 2,273.29 2,339.82 2,408.30 2,478.79 2,551.34 2,626.02
Monthly 4,649.30 4,785.39 4,925.46 5,069.60 5,217.99 5,370.72 5,527.91 5,689.72
Annual 55,791.58 57,424.64 59,105.54 60,835.32 62,615.80 64,448.54 66,334.84 68,276.52
Sr. Materials Handler Hourly 23.8377 24.7599 25.7179 26.7129 27.7465 28.8200 29.9350 31.0931
8100 Bi-weekly 1,907.02 1,980.79 2,057.43 2,137.03 2,219.72 2,305.60 2,394.80 2,487.45
Monthly 4,131.87 4,291.72 4,457.77 4,630.24 4,809.39 4,995.47 5,188.73 5,389.47
Annual 49,582.52 51,500.54 53,493.18 55,562.78 57,712.72 59,945.60 62,264.80 64,673.70
Sr. Power Dispatcher Hourly 30.5150 31.9262 33.4027 34.9476 36.5638 38.2548 40.0241 41.8751
8105 Bi-weekly 2,441.20 2,554.10 2,672.22 2,795.81 2,925.10 3,060.38 3,201.93 3,350.01
Monthly 5,289.27 5,533.87 5,789.80 6,057.58 6,337.73 6,630.83 6,937.51 7,258.35
Annual 63,471.20 66,406.60 69,477.72 72,691.06 76,052.60 79,569.88 83,250.18 87,100.26
Sr. Pwr Plt Oper.Hourly 27.6915 28.6918 29.7282 30.8021 31.9147 33.0676 34.2621 35.4997
8110 Bi-weekly 2,215.32 2,295.34 2,378.26 2,464.17 2,553.18 2,645.41 2,740.97 2,839.98
Monthly 4,799.86 4,973.25 5,152.89 5,339.03 5,531.88 5,731.72 5,938.76 6,153.28
Annual 57,598.32 59,678.84 61,834.76 64,068.42 66,382.68 68,780.66 71,265.22 73,839.48
Sr. Subst. Tech.Hourly 32.6046 32.7717 32.9397 33.1085 33.2781 33.4487 33.6201 33.7924
8130 Bi-weekly 2,608.37 2,621.74 2,635.18 2,648.68 2,662.25 2,675.90 2,689.61 2,703.39
Monthly 5,651.46 5,680.43 5,709.55 5,738.81 5,768.20 5,797.77 5,827.48 5,857.35
Annual 67,817.62 68,165.24 68,514.68 68,865.68 69,218.50 69,573.40 69,929.86 70,288.14
Sr Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 19.3719 20.1486 20.9565 21.7967 22.6706 23.5796 24.5249 25.5083
8120 Bi-weekly 1,549.75 1,611.89 1,676.52 1,743.74 1,813.65 1,886.37 1,961.99 2,040.66
Monthly 3,357.80 3,492.42 3,632.46 3,778.09 3,929.57 4,087.13 4,250.98 4,421.44
Annual 40,293.50 41,909.14 43,589.52 45,337.24 47,154.90 49,045.62 51,011.74 53,057.16
Substation Tech.Hourly 30.1833 30.3515 30.5208 30.6910 30.8622 31.0343 31.2074 31.3815
8135 Bi-weekly 2,414.66 2,428.12 2,441.66 2,455.28 2,468.98 2,482.74 2,496.59 2,510.52
Monthly 5,231.77 5,260.93 5,290.27 5,319.77 5,349.45 5,379.28 5,409.28 5,439.46
Annual 62,781.16 63,131.12 63,483.16 63,837.28 64,193.48 64,551.24 64,911.34 65,273.52
System Technician Hourly 26.6000 27.5252 28.4825 29.4731 30.4981 31.5589 32.6566 33.7924
8140-PCC Bi-weekly 2,128.00 2,202.02 2,278.60 2,357.85 2,439.85 2,524.71 2,612.53 2,703.39
8141-PGS Monthly 4,610.67 4,771.03 4,936.97 5,108.67 5,286.34 5,470.21 5,660.48 5,857.35
Annual 55,328.00 57,252.52 59,243.60 61,304.10 63,436.10 65,642.46 67,925.78 70,288.14
Tree Trim Crew Chf Hourly 23.8284 24.5772 25.3497 26.1463 26.9680 27.8156 28.6898 29.5914
8145 Bi-weekly 1,906.27 1,966.18 2,027.98 2,091.70 2,157.44 2,225.25 2,295.18 2,367.31
Monthly 4,130.26 4,260.05 4,393.95 4,532.03 4,674.45 4,821.37 4,972.90 5,129.18
Annual 49,563.02 51,120.68 52,727.48 54,384.20 56,093.44 57,856.50 59,674.68 61,550.06
Utility Electrician Hourly 23.8788 24.8292 25.8176 26.8452 27.9137 29.0248 30.1801 31.3815
8155 Bi-weekly 1,910.30 1,986.34 2,065.41 2,147.62 2,233.10 2,321.98 2,414.41 2,510.52
Monthly 4,138.99 4,303.73 4,475.05 4,653.17 4,838.37 5,030.97 5,231.22 5,439.46
Annual 49,667.80 51,644.84 53,700.66 55,838.12 58,060.60 60,371.48 62,774.66 65,273.52
Utility Technician Hourly 23.3224 24.4904 25.7091 26.9915 28.3373 29.7592 31.2446 32.8063
8161 BUR Bi-weekly 1,865.79 1,959.23 2,056.73 2,159.32 2,266.98 2,380.74 2,499.57 2,624.50
8160 PGS Monthly 4,042.55 4,245.00 4,456.24 4,678.53 4,911.80 5,158.26 5,415.73 5,686.43
Annual 48,510.54 50,939.98 53,474.98 56,142.32 58,941.48 61,899.24 64,988.82 68,237.00
FY 2009 - 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Util. Warehouse Clk Hourly 17.2330 17.7580 18.2989 18.8564 19.4308 20.0228 20.6328 21.2614
8165 Bi-weekly 1,378.64 1,420.64 1,463.91 1,508.51 1,554.46 1,601.82 1,650.62 1,700.91
Monthly 2,987.05 3,078.05 3,171.81 3,268.44 3,368.01 3,470.62 3,576.35 3,685.31
Annual 35,844.64 36,936.64 38,061.66 39,221.26 40,415.96 41,647.32 42,916.12 44,223.66
Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 16.1398 16.9048 17.7061 18.5454 19.4245 20.3453 21.3096 22.3197
8175 Bi-weekly 1,291.18 1,352.38 1,416.49 1,483.63 1,553.96 1,627.62 1,704.77 1,785.58
Monthly 2,797.57 2,930.17 3,069.06 3,214.54 3,366.91 3,526.52 3,693.66 3,868.75
Annual 33,570.68 35,161.88 36,828.74 38,574.38 40,402.96 42,318.12 44,324.02 46,425.08
Wireworker I Hourly 18.1316 19.0514 20.0179 21.0335 22.1006 23.2218 24.4000 25.6380
8180 Bi-weekly 1,450.53 1,524.11 1,601.43 1,682.68 1,768.05 1,857.74 1,952.00 2,051.04
Monthly 3,142.81 3,302.24 3,469.77 3,645.81 3,830.77 4,025.11 4,229.33 4,443.92
Annual 37,713.78 39,626.86 41,637.18 43,749.68 45,969.30 48,301.24 50,752.00 53,327.04
Wireworker II Hourly 25.1434 25.7534 26.3783 27.0184 27.6739 28.3453 29.0331 29.7374
8185 Bi-weekly 2,011.47 2,060.27 2,110.26 2,161.47 2,213.91 2,267.62 2,322.65 2,378.99
Monthly 4,358.19 4,463.92 4,572.24 4,683.19 4,796.81 4,913.19 5,032.40 5,154.48
Annual 52,298.22 53,567.02 54,866.76 56,198.22 57,561.66 58,958.12 60,388.90 61,853.74
FY 2010 - 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Custodian Hourly 15.4563 15.8277 16.2081 16.5976 16.9965 17.4051 17.8233 18.2518
8005-PCC Bi-weekly 1,236.50 1,266.22 1,296.65 1,327.81 1,359.72 1,392.41 1,425.86 1,460.14
8006-PGS Monthly 2,679.09 2,743.47 2,809.40 2,876.92 2,946.06 3,016.88 3,089.37 3,163.65
Annual 32,149.00 32,921.72 33,712.90 34,523.06 35,352.72 36,202.66 37,072.36 37,963.64
Elec. Ungrnd. Crew Chief Hourly 28.2329 29.2195 30.2405 31.2973 32.3911 33.5231 34.6945 35.9069
8010 Bi-weekly 2,258.63 2,337.56 2,419.24 2,503.78 2,591.29 2,681.85 2,775.56 2,872.55
Monthly 4,893.70 5,064.71 5,241.69 5,424.87 5,614.46 5,810.67 6,013.71 6,223.86
Annual 58,724.38 60,776.56 62,900.24 65,098.28 67,373.54 69,728.10 72,164.56 74,686.30
Elec. Distrib. Crew Chief Hourly 28.2329 29.2195 30.2405 31.2973 32.3911 33.5231 34.6945 35.9069
8011 Bi-weekly 2,258.63 2,337.56 2,419.24 2,503.78 2,591.29 2,681.85 2,775.56 2,872.55
Monthly 4,893.70 5,064.71 5,241.69 5,424.87 5,614.46 5,810.67 6,013.71 6,223.86
Annual 58,724.38 60,776.56 62,900.24 65,098.28 67,373.54 69,728.10 72,164.56 74,686.30
Engineering Tech. I Hourly 17.7918 18.7260 19.7093 20.7443 21.8336 22.9801 24.1867 25.4568
8020 Bi-weekly 1,423.34 1,498.08 1,576.74 1,659.54 1,746.69 1,838.41 1,934.94 2,036.54
Monthly 3,083.91 3,245.84 3,416.28 3,595.68 3,784.49 3,983.22 4,192.36 4,412.51
Annual 37,006.84 38,950.08 40,995.24 43,148.04 45,413.94 47,798.66 50,308.44 52,950.04
Engineering Tech. II Hourly 21.9942 23.0086 24.0698 25.1800 26.3415 27.5564 28.8275 30.1571
8025 Bi-weekly 1,759.54 1,840.69 1,925.58 2,014.40 2,107.32 2,204.51 2,306.20 2,412.57
Monthly 3,812.33 3,988.16 4,172.10 4,364.53 4,565.86 4,776.44 4,996.77 5,227.23
Annual 45,748.04 47,857.94 50,065.08 52,374.40 54,790.32 57,317.26 59,961.20 62,726.82
GIS Technician Hourly 22.6286 23.7507 24.9284 26.1644 27.4617 28.8234 30.2525 31.7526
8030 - PCC Bi-weekly 1,810.29 1,900.06 1,994.27 2,093.15 2,196.94 2,305.87 2,420.20 2,540.21
Monthly 3,922.29 4,116.79 4,320.92 4,535.16 4,760.03 4,996.06 5,243.77 5,503.78
Annual 47,067.54 49,401.56 51,851.02 54,421.90 57,120.44 59,952.62 62,925.20 66,045.46
Instrument Tech.Hourly 26.5386 27.6156 28.7362 29.9022 31.1157 32.3784 33.6924 35.0596
8035 Bi-weekly 2,123.09 2,209.25 2,298.90 2,392.18 2,489.26 2,590.27 2,695.39 2,804.77
Monthly 4,600.02 4,786.70 4,980.94 5,183.05 5,393.39 5,612.26 5,840.02 6,077.00
Annual 55,200.34 57,440.50 59,771.40 62,196.68 64,720.76 67,347.02 70,080.14 72,924.02
Lineworker Appr.Hourly 17.2099 18.1772 19.1988 20.2777 21.4173 22.6210 23.8924 25.2351
8040 Bi-weekly 1,376.79 1,454.18 1,535.90 1,622.22 1,713.38 1,809.68 1,911.39 2,018.81
Monthly 2,983.05 3,150.71 3,327.79 3,514.80 3,712.33 3,920.97 4,141.35 4,374.08
Annual 35,796.54 37,808.68 39,933.40 42,177.72 44,547.88 47,051.68 49,696.14 52,489.06
Lineworker 1st Class Hourly 26.0863 26.7192 27.3675 28.0316 28.7117 29.4082 30.1218 30.8526
8045 Bi-weekly 2,086.90 2,137.54 2,189.40 2,242.53 2,296.94 2,352.66 2,409.74 2,468.21
Monthly 4,521.63 4,631.33 4,743.70 4,858.81 4,976.69 5,097.42 5,221.11 5,347.78
Annual 54,259.40 55,576.04 56,924.40 58,305.78 59,720.44 61,169.16 62,653.24 64,173.46
Materials Handler Hourly 21.4797 22.3980 23.3555 24.3538 25.3949 26.4804 27.6125 28.7929
8055 Bi-weekly 1,718.38 1,791.84 1,868.44 1,948.30 2,031.59 2,118.43 2,209.00 2,303.43
Monthly 3,723.15 3,882.32 4,048.29 4,221.33 4,401.78 4,589.94 4,786.17 4,990.77
Annual 44,677.88 46,587.84 48,579.44 50,655.80 52,821.34 55,079.18 57,434.00 59,889.18
Meter Technician Hourly 20.8076 21.4468 22.1056 22.7847 23.4847 24.2061 24.9497 25.7161
8060 Bi-weekly 1,664.61 1,715.74 1,768.45 1,822.78 1,878.78 1,936.49 1,995.98 2,057.29
Monthly 3,606.65 3,717.45 3,831.64 3,949.35 4,070.68 4,195.72 4,324.61 4,457.46
Annual 43,279.86 44,609.24 45,979.70 47,392.28 48,848.28 50,348.74 51,895.48 53,489.54
Power Dispatcher I Hourly 26.0574 27.3137 28.6304 30.0107 31.4575 32.9741 34.5637 36.2300
8070 Bi-weekly 2,084.59 2,185.10 2,290.43 2,400.86 2,516.60 2,637.93 2,765.10 2,898.40
Monthly 4,516.62 4,734.37 4,962.60 5,201.85 5,452.63 5,715.51 5,991.04 6,279.87
Annual 54,199.34 56,812.60 59,551.18 62,422.36 65,431.60 68,586.18 71,892.60 75,358.40
Power Dispatcher II Hourly 27.3685 28.6872 30.0696 31.5184 33.0372 34.6291 36.2977 38.0468
8075 Bi-weekly 2,189.48 2,294.98 2,405.57 2,521.47 2,642.98 2,770.33 2,903.82 3,043.74
Monthly 4,743.87 4,972.45 5,212.06 5,463.19 5,726.45 6,002.38 6,291.60 6,594.78
Annual 56,926.48 59,669.48 62,544.82 65,558.22 68,717.48 72,028.58 75,499.32 79,137.24
FY 2010 - 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pwr Plt Maint. Mech.Hourly 24.6660 25.4510 26.2609 27.0966 27.9589 28.8486 29.7667 30.7139
8080 - PGS Bi-weekly 1,973.28 2,036.08 2,100.87 2,167.73 2,236.71 2,307.89 2,381.34 2,457.11
8081 - BUR Monthly 4,275.44 4,411.51 4,551.89 4,696.74 4,846.21 5,000.42 5,159.56 5,323.74
Annual 51,305.28 52,938.08 54,622.62 56,360.98 58,154.46 60,005.14 61,914.84 63,884.86
Power Plant Operator Hourly 29.1394 29.7814 30.4378 31.1085 31.7939 32.4946 33.2106 33.9424
8150 - BUR Bi-weekly 2,331.15 2,382.51 2,435.02 2,488.68 2,543.51 2,599.57 2,656.85 2,715.39
8090 - PGS Monthly 5,050.83 5,162.11 5,275.89 5,392.14 5,510.94 5,632.40 5,756.50 5,883.35
Annual 60,609.90 61,945.26 63,310.52 64,705.68 66,131.26 67,588.82 69,078.10 70,600.14
Sr. Engineering Tech Hourly 27.8288 28.6433 29.4817 30.3445 31.2327 32.1468 33.0877 34.0562
8125 Bi-weekly 2,226.30 2,291.46 2,358.54 2,427.56 2,498.62 2,571.74 2,647.02 2,724.50
Monthly 4,823.66 4,964.84 5,110.16 5,259.71 5,413.67 5,572.11 5,735.20 5,903.07
Annual 57,883.80 59,577.96 61,322.04 63,116.56 64,964.12 66,865.24 68,822.52 70,837.00
Sr. Materials Handler Hourly 24.7316 25.6884 26.6823 27.7146 28.7870 29.9008 31.0576 32.2591
8100 Bi-weekly 1,978.53 2,055.07 2,134.58 2,217.17 2,302.96 2,392.06 2,484.61 2,580.73
Monthly 4,286.81 4,452.66 4,624.93 4,803.86 4,989.75 5,182.81 5,383.32 5,591.58
Annual 51,441.78 53,431.82 55,499.08 57,646.42 59,876.96 62,193.56 64,599.86 67,098.98
Sr. Power Dispatcher Hourly 31.6593 33.1234 34.6553 36.2581 37.9349 39.6894 41.5250 43.4454
8105 Bi-weekly 2,532.74 2,649.87 2,772.42 2,900.65 3,034.79 3,175.15 3,322.00 3,475.63
Monthly 5,487.61 5,741.39 6,006.92 6,284.74 6,575.38 6,879.50 7,197.67 7,530.54
Annual 65,851.24 68,896.62 72,082.92 75,416.90 78,904.54 82,553.90 86,372.00 90,366.38
Sr. Pwr Plt Oper.Hourly 28.7299 29.7677 30.8430 31.9572 33.1115 34.3076 35.5469 36.8309
8110 Bi-weekly 2,298.39 2,381.42 2,467.44 2,556.58 2,648.92 2,744.61 2,843.75 2,946.47
Monthly 4,979.85 5,159.73 5,346.12 5,539.25 5,739.33 5,946.65 6,161.46 6,384.02
Annual 59,758.14 61,916.92 64,153.44 66,471.08 68,871.92 71,359.86 73,937.50 76,608.22
Sr. Subst. Tech.Hourly 33.8273 34.0006 34.1749 34.3501 34.5260 34.7030 34.8809 35.0596
8130 Bi-weekly 2,706.18 2,720.05 2,733.99 2,748.01 2,762.08 2,776.24 2,790.47 2,804.77
Monthly 5,863.40 5,893.44 5,923.65 5,954.02 5,984.51 6,015.19 6,046.02 6,077.00
Annual 70,360.68 70,721.30 71,083.74 71,448.26 71,814.08 72,182.24 72,552.22 72,924.02
Sr Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 20.0983 20.9042 21.7424 22.6141 23.5207 24.4638 25.4446 26.4649
8120 Bi-weekly 1,607.86 1,672.34 1,739.39 1,809.13 1,881.66 1,957.10 2,035.57 2,117.19
Monthly 3,483.71 3,623.39 3,768.68 3,919.78 4,076.92 4,240.39 4,410.40 4,587.25
Annual 41,804.36 43,480.84 45,224.14 47,037.38 48,923.16 50,884.60 52,924.82 55,046.94
Substation Tech.Hourly 31.3152 31.4897 31.6653 31.8419 32.0195 32.1981 32.3777 32.5583
8135 Bi-weekly 2,505.22 2,519.18 2,533.22 2,547.35 2,561.56 2,575.85 2,590.22 2,604.66
Monthly 5,427.97 5,458.21 5,488.65 5,519.26 5,550.05 5,581.00 5,612.13 5,643.44
Annual 65,135.72 65,498.68 65,863.72 66,231.10 66,600.56 66,972.10 67,345.72 67,721.16
System Technician Hourly 27.5975 28.5574 29.5506 30.5783 31.6418 32.7424 33.8812 35.0596
8140-PCC Bi-weekly 2,207.80 2,284.59 2,364.05 2,446.26 2,531.34 2,619.39 2,710.50 2,804.77
8141-PGS Monthly 4,783.57 4,949.95 5,122.10 5,300.24 5,484.58 5,675.35 5,872.74 6,077.00
Annual 57,402.80 59,399.34 61,465.30 63,602.76 65,814.84 68,104.14 70,473.00 72,924.02
Tree Trim Crew Chf Hourly 24.7220 25.4988 26.3003 27.1268 27.9793 28.8587 29.7657 30.7011
8145 Bi-weekly 1,977.76 2,039.90 2,104.02 2,170.14 2,238.34 2,308.70 2,381.26 2,456.09
Monthly 4,285.15 4,419.79 4,558.72 4,701.98 4,849.75 5,002.17 5,159.39 5,321.52
Annual 51,421.76 53,037.40 54,704.52 56,423.64 58,196.84 60,026.20 61,912.76 63,858.34
Utility Electrician Hourly 24.7743 25.7603 26.7858 27.8519 28.9605 30.1132 31.3119 32.5583
8155 Bi-weekly 1,981.94 2,060.82 2,142.86 2,228.15 2,316.84 2,409.06 2,504.95 2,604.66
Monthly 4,294.21 4,465.12 4,642.87 4,827.66 5,019.82 5,219.62 5,427.40 5,643.44
Annual 51,530.44 53,581.32 55,714.36 57,931.90 60,237.84 62,635.56 65,128.70 67,721.16
Utility Technician Hourly 24.1970 25.4088 26.6732 28.0037 29.3999 30.8752 32.4163 34.0365
8161 BUR Bi-weekly 1,935.76 2,032.70 2,133.86 2,240.30 2,351.99 2,470.02 2,593.30 2,722.92
8160 PGS Monthly 4,194.15 4,404.19 4,623.35 4,853.97 5,095.98 5,351.70 5,618.83 5,899.66
Annual 50,329.76 52,850.20 55,480.36 58,247.80 61,151.74 64,220.52 67,425.80 70,795.92
FY 2010 - 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Util. Warehouse Clk Hourly 17.8792 18.4239 18.9851 19.5635 20.1595 20.7737 21.4065 22.0587
8165 Bi-weekly 1,430.34 1,473.91 1,518.81 1,565.08 1,612.76 1,661.90 1,712.52 1,764.70
Monthly 3,099.06 3,193.48 3,290.75 3,391.01 3,494.31 3,600.77 3,710.46 3,823.51
Annual 37,188.84 38,321.66 39,489.06 40,692.08 41,931.76 43,209.40 44,525.52 45,882.20
Water Maint. Wkr.Hourly 16.7450 17.5387 18.3701 19.2409 20.1529 21.1082 22.1087 23.1567
8175 Bi-weekly 1,339.60 1,403.10 1,469.61 1,539.27 1,612.23 1,688.66 1,768.70 1,852.54
Monthly 2,902.47 3,040.04 3,184.15 3,335.09 3,493.17 3,658.75 3,832.17 4,013.83
Annual 34,829.60 36,480.60 38,209.86 40,021.02 41,917.98 43,905.16 45,986.20 48,166.04
Wireworker I Hourly 18.8115 19.7658 20.7686 21.8223 22.9294 24.0926 25.3150 26.5994
8180 Bi-weekly 1,504.92 1,581.26 1,661.49 1,745.78 1,834.35 1,927.41 2,025.20 2,127.95
Monthly 3,260.66 3,426.07 3,599.89 3,782.53 3,974.43 4,176.05 4,387.93 4,610.56
Annual 39,127.92 41,112.76 43,198.74 45,390.28 47,693.10 50,112.66 52,655.20 55,326.70
Wireworker II Hourly 26.0863 26.7192 27.3675 28.0316 28.7117 29.4082 30.1218 30.8526
8185 Bi-weekly 2,086.90 2,137.54 2,189.40 2,242.53 2,296.94 2,352.66 2,409.74 2,468.21
Monthly 4,521.63 4,631.33 4,743.70 4,858.81 4,976.69 5,097.42 5,221.11 5,347.78
Annual 54,259.40 55,576.04 56,924.40 58,305.78 59,720.44 61,169.16 62,653.24 64,173.46
THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of ____________ 2008, by and between the City
of Grand Island (hereinafter referred to as the City), and Union Local No. 1597, I.B.E.W., A.F.L. -
C.I.O. (hereinafter referred to as the Union). The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective
from October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2011.
The purpose of the City and the Union in entering this labor agreement is to promote
harmonious relations between the employer and the Union, the establishment of an equitable and
peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences; and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of
work and other conditions of employment.
The Union is hereby recognized as the Exclusive Bargaining Agent for the non-management
employees of the Finance Department and the Information Technology Department, without regard
to their membership or non-membership in said Union. Nothing contained in this “exclusive
representation” provision shall prohibit employees of the bargaining unit from seeking an election to
revoke the authority of the Union to represent them prior to expiration of this Agreement. The
Union further agrees that it will not do anything to discriminate against any employee who attempts
decertification of or resignation from the Union. The City agrees that it will take no overt action to
aid any organization or association in an effort to decertify the Union as such exclusive bargaining
agent during the term of this Agreement. Non-management employees of the Finance Department
and the Information Technology Department are hereby defined as being those persons who are
currently employed under the classifications outlined in Article I, Section B, hereof.
Employees with regular status in the classification listed below are eligible for representation
by the Union and all other classifications that may become eligible:
1. Accounting Clerk
2. Senior Accounting Clerk
3. Meter Reader
4. Senior Meter Reader
5. Computer Programmer
6. Computer Technician
7. Computer Operator
8. Cashier
Additional job classifications may be added to the bargaining unit by mutual written
agreement of the parties.
In the event of a temporary change of an employee to another non-management job
classification for a period of three (3) consecutive working days, or three (3) working days in one
work week, the employee will receive any additional pay which may be attributable to that
temporary job classification, moving from step to step from the current pay range to the temporary
pay range. Nothing in this provision shall require or limit the City from providing compensation for
a temporary job reclassification for a period under three (3) days. This paragraph shall not apply to
the, Cashier, Accounting Clerk, and the Senior Accounting Clerk classifications.
The City shall establish the work day. The normal work day shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5
p.m. The work day may vary according to the special requirements of any division or program.
The City shall establish the work week. The work week may vary according to the special
requirements of any division or program. The work days will be arranged successively to provide a
forty (40) hour work week for each employee. Hours worked shall include actual hours worked and
shall not include paid leave, holidays and vacation when calculating overtime.
The City shall establish the lunch periods. Workers shall be allowed one hour off, without
pay, for a meal.
A meal allowance for actual cost, or up to $7.00 per meal, shall be granted for all employees
if they are required to work two (2) hours overtime consecutively with their normal working hours
and if such overtime would normally interfere with and disrupt the employee's normal meal
schedule. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the City from exceeding the amount of this
allowance or consecutive hour requirement in providing an allowance for emergency situations.
All changes in work schedules, except in cases of emergency, as may be determined by the
City, shall be posted for all affected employees to see at least three (3) working days before the
change is effective.
All officially authorized work in excess of eight hours a day or forty hours a week or any
non-scheduled work shall be designated overtime work for the purpose of compensation. Overtime
work shall, whenever possible, be eliminated by rescheduling work, by utilizing part-time
employees. Overtime work shall be authorized only in the following cases:
1. In the event of fire, flood, catastrophe, or other unforeseeable emergency.
2. Where a station must be manned and another employee is not available for work.
3. To provide essential services when such services cannot be provided by overlapping
work schedules.
4. To carry on short-range projects in which the utilization of present employees is
more advantageous to the agency than the hiring of additional personnel.
5. No employee shall be regularly scheduled to work over-time without the approval of
the Chief Administrative Officer.
6. Overtime work shall be authorized in advance except in cases of emergency by the
Chief Administrative Officer or by any supervisor to whom the responsibility has
been delegated.
7. All employees who are required to work in excess of eight hours a day or forty hours
a week shall be eligible for overtime compensation.
8. The rules of overtime shall be as follows:
a. Overtime work shall be accrued and compensated for in one-
tenth (1/10) of an hour units.
b. This article is not intended to be construed as a guarantee of
hours of work per day or per week. Overtime shall not be
paid more than once for the same hours worked.
c. Overtime shall be computed on all hours worked in excess of
eight hours per regularly scheduled work day and over 40
hours per work week, and shall be paid at a one and one-half
times the base rate.
In the event an employee is called to duty during his or her off-duty time, and such time does
not otherwise merge with his or her regularly scheduled work schedule, such employee shall be paid
at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s base hourly rate times the actual number of
hours worked, although the employee shall be compensated for no less than two hours at the
enhanced rate. Provided however, that if the employee called back responds and performs the work
from a remote location without reporting to the worksite, he or she shall be compensated as set forth
above but the minimum compensation will be one hour instead of two.
The following days shall be the recognized holidays, and followed in accordance with
Nebraska Revised Statutes as amended:
New Year's Day
Memorial Day Independence Day
Labor Day Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
When a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as a holiday; when
a holiday falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as a holiday.
No employee shall be eligible for holiday pay unless he or she is in an active pay status the
last regularly scheduled day before the holiday or the first regularly scheduled day after the holiday.
Active Pay Status shall mean any pay status other than leave without pay or suspension without pay.
If an employee works on a holiday, the employee shall be paid for the holiday and any hours
worked on the holiday shall be paid as overtime.
Personal Leave Days will be given to employees each year. One will be given in October
and must be taken by the end of March. The second Personal Leave Day will be given in April
and must be taken by the end of September. In addition to the two personal leave days, the City
will provide one annual personal leave day that will be granted on October 1st and must be used
by the last full pay period in September. Personal Leave Days may be taken at any time and may
be taken in one (1) hour increments; provided, the time selected by the employee must have the
prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. The Director or his or her designees will make
every effort to grant requested personal leave time; however, it must be approved in advance and
will be granted on the basis of work requirements of the department. Use of personal leave will
not be unreasonably denied. New employees who begin work on or after April 1 will not be
eligible for personal days until the following October 1.
F. In lieu of a paid holiday for Arbor Day, the City will provide one annual personal leave
day that will be granted on October 1st and must be used by the last full pay period in
September. Personal Leave Days may be taken at any time and may be taken in one (1) hour
increments; provided, the time selected by the employee must have the prior approval of the
employee’s supervisor. The Director or his or her designees will make every effort to grant
requested personal leave time; however, it must be approved in advance and will be granted on
the basis of work requirements of the department. Use of personal leave will not be
unreasonably denied. New employees who begin work on or after April 1 will not be eligible for
personal days until the following October 1.
All full-time employees of the bargaining unit who have been in the employ of the City
continuously for six (6) months shall be eligible for vacation leave with pay with prior approval by
the Department Director or supervisor.
1. All employees will be eligible to take earned vacation after satisfactory completion
of six (6) months of continuous service.
a. All employees will be eligible to take ten (10) days of vacation after
completion of one year of service and each year thereafter through the fourth
year of service.
b. All employees will be eligible to take fifteen (15) days of vacation after five
years of service and each year thereafter through the sixth year of service.
c. All employees will be eligible to take sixteen (16) days of vacation after
seven years of service and each year thereafter through the eighth year of
d. All employees will be eligible to take seventeen (17) days of vacation after
nine years of service and each year thereafter through the tenth year of
e. All employees will be eligible to take eighteen (18) days of vacation after
eleven years of service and each year thereafter through the twelfth year of
f. All employees will be eligible to take nineteen (19) days of vacation after
thirteen years of service.
g. All employees will be eligible to take twenty (20) days of vacation after
fourteen years of service and each year thereafter through the nineteenth year
of service.
h. All employees will be eligible to take twenty-one (21) days of vacation after
twenty years of service and each year thereafter through the twenty-fourth
year of service.
i. All employees will be eligible to take twenty-two (22) days of vacation after
twenty-five years of service and each year of service thereafter.
2. An employee will earn a prorated portion of vacation leave for pay periods in which
the employee is paid for less than sixty (60) hours, including paid leave.
3. Credit toward vacation leave shall not be earned while an employee is on a leave of
absence without pay subject to paragraph 2 above.
4. The amount of vacation leave debited shall be the exact number of days or hours an
employee is scheduled to work when leave is utilized.
1. Vacation leave shall be taken at a time convenient to and approved by the
Department Director or supervisor. Vacations may be granted at the time requested by the
employee. While all employees are encouraged to take two consecutive weeks of vacation each
calendar year, when eligible, the City may grant shorter periods of vacation as needed or desired by
2. Each employee shall take a minimum vacation of five consecutive days. In the event
a holiday falls within the mandatory five day term, such holiday use will satisfy the mandatory term
Appointing authorities shall grant leave on the basis of the work requirements of the City
after conferring with employees and recognizing their wishes where possible. Preference in the
scheduling of vacation and personal holiday time shall be given to employees within their job
classification in order of their total length of employment with the City.
An employee will be allowed to carry no more than the maximum amount of vacation that
he or she can earn in one (1) year, plus eighty (80) hours. Employees who have accrued vacation
time in excess of this amount shall reduce their accrued vacation balance as follows:
Upon termination or retirement, an employee shall be paid for the unused portion of
accumulated vacation leave.
Medical leave may be used under the following circumstances:
1. When an employee is incapacitated by sickness or injury.
2. For medical, dental or optical examination or treatment.
3. When an employee is exposed to a contagious disease, or the employee's attendance
at duty may jeopardize the health of others.
4. For necessary care and attendance during sickness of, or injury to, a member of the
employee's immediate family (spouse, child, parent, or parent-in-law) or household.
“Child” shall include a biological, adopted, or foster child; a step-child; a legal ward;
or a child of a person standing “in loco parentis”.
5. If an employee should be called upon to perform pallbearer service, Medical leave
shall be granted to attend such funeral, including reasonable travel time, not to
exceed five (5) days.
6. Upon the death of a member of the employee's family (spouse, children, parents,
parent-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece,
nephew, grandmother, or grandfather) or a close friend, an employee may be allowed
Medical leave for funeral purposes with approval of the Department Director and the
Chief Administrative Officer.
Medical leave shall be credited to all regular status employees as follows:
1. One work day for each full calendar month of service.
2. An employee will earn a prorated portion of Medical leave for calendar months in
which the employee is paid for less than 120 hours, including paid leave.
3. Medical leave shall not be granted in advance of accrual.
4. Leave without pay may be granted for sickness extending beyond the earned credits.
5. After twelve continuous months of service, accrued vacation leave credits may be
used for Medical leave when Medical leave credits have been exhausted.
6. The amount of Medical leave granted for necessary care of a sick member of an
employee's immediate family or household shall not exceed thirty work days in any
12 month period.
7. The amount of Medical leave charged against an employee's accumulated total shall
be computed on the basis of the exact number of days or hours an employee is
scheduled to work when Medical leave is utilized, provided, that Medical leave shall
be debited in no less than one-half (1/2) hour units.
An employee who is absent on Medical leave for more than five days because of illness or
that of a member of his or her family or household shall be required to furnish a statement signed by
the attending physician or other proof of illness satisfactory to the department director or supervisor.
The appointing authority may require this statement or proof for an absence chargeable to Medical
leave of any duration.
The Department Director or authorized representative may investigate any Medical leave
taken by any employee. False or fraudulent use of Medical leave shall be cause for disciplinary
action and may result in dismissal.
If an employee is absent for reasons that entitle the employee to Medical leave, the employee
or a member of his or her household shall notify the employee's supervisor prior to thirty (30)
minutes before the employee's scheduled work time. If the employee fails to notify his or her
supervisor when it is reasonably possible to do so, no Medical leave shall be approved. Immediately
upon return to work, the employee shall submit a leave form to his or her supervisor.
1. An employee may accumulate Medical leave to a maximum of 1039 hours. All
employees shall be paid for forty-seven percent (47%) of their accumulated Medical leave at the
time of retirement or if an employee dies while still employed full time with the City in good
standing. All employees retiring under an early retirement option approved by the Mayor shall be
paid for forty-seven percent (47%) of their accumulated Medical leave at the time of such early
retirement. The rate of compensation for such accumulated Medical leave shall be based on the
employee's salary at the time of death, retirement or early retirement, whichever is applicable.
The City will compensate each employee for fifty percent (50%) of unused medical leave
in excess of 960 hours accumulated as of September 30, 2008 based upon his or her pay rate on
the date the compensation is paid which will be no later than the first pay period in November,
2008.. Thereafter, no payment for excess medical leave will be paid except upon death or
retirement as set forth above in this agreement.
The provisions relating to military training leave are as provided by Nebraska Statutes.
An employee who is required to serve as a witness or juror in a federal, state, county, police,
or municipal court, or as a litigant in a case resulting directly from the discharge of his or her duties
as an employee, shall be granted court leave with full pay to serve in that capacity; provided,
however, that, when the employee is a litigant or witness in non-employment related litigation ,
the employee shall not be granted court leave but may use vacation leave or compensatory time or
be granted leave without pay for the length of such service.
An employee who is called for compensable litigation witness or jury duty shall present to
his or her supervisor the original summons or subpoena from the court, and at the conclusion of such
duty, a signed statement showing the actual time in attendance at court.
Fees received for compensable witness or jury service in a federal, state, county, police or
municipal court shall be deposited with the City Finance Director upon the employee's receipt
thereof. No employee shall receive witness fees paid from City funds.
1. Leave without pay may be granted to an employee for any good cause or Union
business when it is in the interest of the City to do so. The employee's interest shall be considered
when his or her record of employment shows the employee to be of more than average value, and it
is desirable to retain the employee even at some sacrifice. A Department Director may grant an
employee leave without pay for 30 days time. Such leave may be extended for a period not to
exceed one year by the Chief Administrative Officer. Any appointment made to a position vacated
by an employee on leave without pay shall be conditional upon the return of the employee on leave.
2. Before an employee may request unpaid leave, he or she must first use all eligible
leave balances except for unpaid leave for Union business.
3. When leave without pay is requested pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave
Act (FMLA) policy, Articles of this contract shall govern to the extent they are not inconsistent
with Federal law.
Leave without pay shall be subject to the following provisions:
1. At the expiration of leave without pay, the employee shall return to the position held
prior to his leave.
2. Vacation and Medical leave credits shall not be earned during leave without pay.
3. A leave without pay shall not constitute a break in service.
4. Leave without pay for more than thirty days during the introductory period shall not
be counted as part of that period, but the employee to whom such leave has been
granted shall be allowed to return to introductory period on return from leave.
5. Failure to report promptly at the expiration of a leave of absence shall be considered
6. When all available leave is exhausted.
Any employee covered by this contract who sustains an on-the-job injury compensable
under the Nebraska Workers Compensation Act will be granted temporary disability leave to
allow the employee to receive the equivalent of the employee’s net pay at the time of the injury.
This period shall be up to one hundred fifty (150) consecutive calendar days following the
original date of disability which shall mean that the employee is unable to perform the job duties
as defined by the employee’s job description. Any reoccurrence or exacerbation of an injury
shall relate back to the original injury for purposes of this article, including the commencement
date of the 150 day period.
Temporary disability shall mean the complete inability of an employee, for reasons of
accident or other cause while in the line of duty, to perform the job duties as defined by the
employee’s job description, for a period of time not to exceed one hundred fifty (150)
consecutive calendar days from the date that disability begins.
Temporary disability leave shall mean paid leave provided by the City to an eligible
employee when that employee has no other paid leave available.
All payments of salary provided by this article shall be subject to deduction of amounts
paid under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act and other city leave balances as set forth
1. Pursuant to the waiting provisions in Section 48-119 of the Nebraska Workers’
Compensation Act, no workers’ compensation shall be allowed during the first seven calendar
days following the date of injury or date that temporary disability begins, unless the disability
continues for six weeks or longer. When the disability lasts less than six weeks, an employee
may use Medical or vacation leave for the initial seven days. If no other leave is available, the
City shall grant the employee temporary disability leave.
2. The employee shall retain all Workers’ Compensation payments following the
initial waiting provisions as set forth above.
3. While on leave of any nature, the total net compensation paid to an employee,
including salary, wages, workers’ compensation benefits, and leave pay collected from any other
party (except the employee’s private insurance) shall not exceed the employee’s net salary at the
time of the commencement of the leave, plus any allowed and approved cost of living increase
which commences during the period of leave.
The City reserves a right of subrogation because of payment of temporary
disability leave to any employee who is disabled or injured by a third party, and reserves
the right to pursue collection from the employee of any money paid by the third party to
the extent of the City’s payment of temporary disability leave. Should the employee
receiving temporary disability leave collect from the third party for wages, salary, or
expenses otherwise paid by the City, he or she will reimburse the City for money paid as
temporary disability leave or expenses resulting from the injury. The City reserves any
other subrogation rights provided under Nebraska law.
Temporary disability leave will not be available to employees following one
hundred fifty (150) days from the original date that the disability begins absent express
approval of the City Administrator, who may grant an extension of this time not to
exceed sixty (60) days if the employee has sufficient accumulated medical leave. Such
extension shall be chargeable to the employee’s medical leave bank.
Any employee whose employment by the City is terminated due to exceeding this
limitation of leave shall be compensated for any remaining unused Medical leave as in the case
of retirement.
If an employee reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI) and it is determined that
the employee cannot perform the essential functions of the job, the employee may be terminated
prior to the expiration of the 150 day period or extension and will be compensated for any
unused medical leave as in the case of retirement.
The City may provide light duty work when possible for a defined period of time,
not to exceed 150 days, for employees that are injured due to a work related situation.
Employees will follow the City’s Light Duty Policy. The commencement of light duty
work and/or modified duty work shall be five (5) calendar days from the date of disability
unless the employee is willing to return earlier. Any employee who does not willingly
return to light duty work who is released by a doctor to do so, shall not be entitled to
supplement worker’s compensation benefits with temporary disability leave or medical
An employee who is absent from duty without approval shall receive no pay for the duration
of the absence, and unless there is a legitimate reason for the absence, shall be subject to disciplinary
For all leaves except Medical leave, a written request on the authorized Leave Form,
indicating the kind of leave, duration and dates of departure and return, must be approved prior to
the taking of the leave. In the case of Medical leave, the form shall be completed and submitted for
approval immediately upon the employee's return to duty. Unless an absence is substantiated by a
Leave Form approved by the supervisor, an employee shall not be paid for any absence from
scheduled work hours.
The City agrees that the employees covered under this agreement are covered under the
pension plan as adopted in Ordinance No. 4244, as amended.
The City reserves the right to change the pension plan in accordance with existing and future
statutes or federal legislation or regulations.
The Union and the City surveyed the following array of cities and utilities to determine
current labor market comparable salaries and benefits for work performed in the various job
classifications covered by this agreement: Ames, Iowa; Fremont, Nebraska; Garden City, Kansas;
Hastings, Nebraska; Kearney, Nebraska; Muscatine, Iowa; Norfolk, Nebraska; North Platte,
Nebraska; Cedar Falls, Iowa, and Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District. Said array
conforms to the standards established by the Nebraska Commission on Industrial Relations (CIR).
Using the survey results, the Union and the City established a pay range for each class of work
covered by this agreement.
B. 2008 - 2009 FISCAL YEAR
Rates of pay for the period October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009 for work performed
in the various classes of work under this agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit “A”, attached
hereto. Said adjustments shall be effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2008.
C. 2009 - 2010 FISCAL YEAR
Effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2009, all pay ranges shall be adjusted
upwards by 3.75%. See Exhibit B.
D. 2010 – 2011 FISCAL YEAR
Effective the first full pay period on or after October 1, 2010, all pay ranges shall be adjusted
upwards by 3.75%. See Exhibit C.
It is understood and agreed that payment of future rates is contingent upon the City adopting
budget statements and appropriations or ordinances sufficient to fund such payments and salary
ordinances authorizing such payments. The I.B.E.W. acknowledges that the City must comply with
the Nebraska Budget Act.
1. Employees will be considered for pay schedule step increases upon the following
schedule. Such adjustments in pay shall be effective on the first day of a pay period falling on or
immediately after the classification anniversary.
Step 1 Entry Level;
Step 2 Upon the successful completion of six months service in Step 1;
Step3 Upon the successful completion of six months service in Step 2
Steps 4 - 8 Upon successful completion of the anniversary of the employee’s hire date or
the anniversary date of the employee’s promotion or demotion.
2. The Mayor may evaluate the manner of performance of any employee, all
employees, or any portion of the employees at any time during such employees' service. Any
adjustments in the pay of such evaluated employees shall be effective on the first day of a pay period
falling on or immediately after such adjustment. The first classification anniversary following such
adjustment shall be used for the computation of the merit step increases for employees advanced to
Step 4 or higher.
3. Employees, prior to advancing in step or grade, shall be evaluated. Such evaluation
shall take place at least yearly. For purposes of an increase in pay, other than cost of living
increases, an employee must receive at least a satisfactory rating during the first year of
employment, or first year in a new position. Thereafter, to receive increases in pay, other than cost-
of-living increases, an employee must receive a rating above satisfactory. Such evaluations shall be
advisory and shall in no way require the granting of merit increases by the administration; but denial
shall be in writing, showing cause for such denial. Should a merit increase be denied, a new
evaluation shall be made six months from the date of the first evaluation.
4. Employees receiving the highest possible rating may be considered for more than a
one-step increase when recommended by the Department Director.
5. In no case shall any employee be advanced beyond the maximum rate of the pay
grade for his or her class of position.
Every employee shall fulfill conscientiously the duties and responsibilities of his or her
position. Employees shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner which reflects credit on the
City. Employees shall be impartial in all official acts and shall in no way endanger nor give
occasion for distrust of their impartiality.
1. An employee shall have the right to join, or refrain from joining, this Union.
2. This Union shall not exert pressures on any employee to join it.
3. The Union shall continue the practice of non-discrimination in membership on the
basis of race, religion, national origin, color, age, gender, disability status, or political affiliation.
4. At any meeting between a representative of the City and an employee in which
discipline (including warnings which are to be recorded in the personnel file, suspension, demotion
or discharge for cause) is to be announced, the Union steward may be present if the employee so
Any disciplinary action taken in accordance with State Statutes covering employees under
this Agreement shall be governed by the grievance procedures set out in such Statutes.
An alleged grievance arising from an employee shall be handled in the manner described
A grievance for the purpose of this Agreement refers to a question of the interpretation of the
terms of the labor agreement between the City and the Union. A work week shall be defined as
Monday through Friday.
1. First Step - Any employee who believes that he or she has a justifiable request or
grievance shall discuss the request or complaint within five (5) work days with his or her supervisor,
with or without the Union steward being present, as the employee may elect, in an attempt to settle
The foregoing procedure, if followed in good faith by both parties, should lead to a fair and
speedy solution of most of the complaints arising out of the day to day operations of City
government. However, if a complaint or request has not been satisfactorily resolved in Step 1, it
may be presented and must be in writing and processed in Step 2 if the Union steward determines
that it constitutes a meritorious grievance. A grievance, to be considered beyond Step 1, must be
filed in writing with the supervisor on forms provided by the City.
2. Second Step - If the alleged grievance is determined to be valid, the employee or his
or her designated representative shall present it within ten (10) work days after the discussion with
the supervisor. The supervisor shall notify the employee in writing, within five (5) work days of his
or her decision.
3. Third Step - If the grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, the
employee or designated representative shall present it to the head of the department (if different from
the supervisor) in writing within five (5) work days of the receipt of the decision of the immediate
supervisor. The head of the department, or his or her designated representative, shall consider the
grievance and shall notify the employee in writing of a decision within five (5) work days of the
receipt of the grievance.
4. Fourth Step - If the grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, the
employee or designated representative shall present it in writing to the Personnel Director within
three (3) work days after the decision of the Department Director. The Personnel Director shall
investigate the case within seven (7) work days and make a recommendation to the Chief
Administrative Officer. The Chief Administrative Officer shall notify the employee of the decision
made and of any action taken within seven (7) work days of the receipt of the grievance.
5. Fifth Step - If the grievance is not settled by the Chief Administrative Officer to the
satisfaction of the employee, the employee may appeal, in writing, within ten (10) days of the receipt
of the Chief Administrative Officer's decision to the arbitration board. The arbitration procedure
established in this step shall extend only to those grievances which are arbitrable under this
agreement. The arbitration procedure shall be as follows:
a. The City and the Union shall each select an arbitrator within
five days following the grieving party's written request, and the two
thus chosen shall select a third impartial arbitrator. The three thus
chosen shall be residents of the Grand Island, Nebraska, area (an area
within 100 miles of the City), and shall constitute the arbitration
board to hear and to determine the controversy or matter in dispute.
If the third arbitrator cannot be found in the Grand Island area, he or
she shall be obtained from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Service by the two previously appointed. A finding or award of the
majority of the arbitration board shall be advisory upon the parties.
b. The third and impartial arbitrator shall act as the chairman of
the arbitration board. The procedure to be followed in submitting the
grievance to the arbitration board shall, unless agreed upon by the
parties prior to the hearing, be determined by the chairman of the
arbitration board.
i. It is understood and agreed between the parties that
the decision of the arbitration board, constituted as set forth
above, shall be advisory upon the parties, and that the board's
jurisdiction shall be limited to the application of this contract.
The board does not have the jurisdiction to amend, alter,
enlarge, or ignore any provision of this contract.
ii. Each party shall bear the expenses of its own
arbitrator but the expenses of the third arbitrator shall be
shared equally between the City and the Union.
iii. It is specifically agreed that grievances shall not be
combined for purposes of submitting them to arbitration.
Only one grievance shall be heard in an arbitration
iv. If the City raises the question as to whether a
grievance is arbitrable under this section, the Arbitration
Board will not proceed under the assumption that the
grievance is, in fact, arbitrable but must specifically rule on
such question with the reason given therefore as part of its
written decision. The Arbitration Board may rule on the
arbitrability and the merits in the same hearing.
All grievances shall be presented by the employee in person. The employee may designate
another person to assist in preparing and presenting the grievance. An employee and his or her
designated representative shall obtain the permission of their immediate supervisor before leaving
the job site to prepare or present a grievance.
If the City believes that this Agreement is being violated by the Union, the Chief
Administrative Officer or his or her designated representative will contact the Chief Officer of the
local Union. If the City is not satisfied with the results of its contract with the Union as pertinent to
the alleged violation it will take action in accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Statutes.
The City agrees to provide health, dental, and long-term disability insurance during the
term of this agreement for the employee and employee’s dependents at the same benefit level
and employee contribution level as provided to non-union City employees under the City’s
general group insurance plans. The City’s general group insurance plan year runs from October 1
through September 30 of each year.
The City will provide a $50,000 term life insurance policy for the employee. Such policy
shall contain an option allowing the employee to purchase additional term insurance as provided by
the plan. The premium for the optional insurance shall be paid by the employee.
1. An employee who is on an approved leave of absence without pay will not be
removed from coverage under the City's hospitalization and medical insurance plan.
2. The employee will be required to pay to the City the premium on the life insurance
policy and medical insurance during his or her leave of absence without pay.
At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Department Director shall determine what uniforms
and protective clothing shall be required and furnished to employees.
The IBEW shall be entitled to designate at least one member to any safety committee
required under Nebraska law. Employee members shall not be selected by the employer but shall
be selected pursuant to procedures prescribed in rules and regulations adopted and promulgated
by the Commissioner of Labor.
The City agrees to pay City employees for the approved use of their personal automobile in
the performance of their duties at the rate provided by Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1176, as amended.
If an employee has to travel for approved City purposes other than a normal commute to and
from his or her primary place of work (e.g. work related seminars and training), the employee will
receive mileage and compensation consistent with Federal and State law.
The City agrees to establish and maintain an employee advisory committee to aid in
obtaining medical and dental insurance.
The City has endorsed the practices and procedures of collective bargaining as an orderly
way to conduct its relations with this group of employees, provided, that the City, acting through its
administrator, retains the right to effectively operate in a reasonable and efficient manner to serve the
best interests of all the citizens of the City.
This agreement in no way changes the power of the City to exercise any and all powers
vested in it by the statutes of the State of Nebraska and the code of the City of Grand Island.
It is understood and agreed that the City possesses the sole right to operate the Utilities and
Finance Departments and that all management rights repose in them, but that such rights must be
exercised consistently with the other provisions of this contract. These rights include but are not
limited to the following:
1. Discipline or discharge for just cause.
2. Direct the work force.
3. Hire, assign or transfer employees.
4. Determine the mission of the Department.
5. Determine the methods, means, number of personnel needed to carry out the
Department's mission.
6. Introduce new or improved methods or facilities.
7. Change existing methods or facilities.
8. Relieve employees.
9. Contract out for goods or service.
This document constitutes the sole and complete agreement between the parties and
embodies all the terms and conditions governing the employment of employees in the Union. The
parties acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to present and discuss proposals on any
subject which is (or may be) subject to collective bargaining. Any prior commitment or agreement
or agreement between the employer and the Union or any individual employee covered by this
agreement is hereby superseded.
All personnel functions of the City shall be handled by a duly designated representative of
the Mayor or Chief Administrative Officer. The Union agrees that it shall deal with the City only
through the Chief Administrative Officer, or his or her designated representative.
The Union and its membership agree that it will not contact or deal with any of the members
of the City Council concerning any aspects of negotiations, grievances, or any other relationship
between the Union and the City.
The rights of the employees are encompassed within this Agreement. Any and all matters
not specifically mentioned in this Agreement are reserved to the City. Such matters reserved to the
City and all matters specified in Paragraph "C" above (except No. 1) shall not be subject to
grievance proceedings or negotiation during the life of this Agreement. All provisions of Chapters
one, two, and three of the City Personnel Rules and Regulations now in effect and as amended
hereafter not in conflict with this contract are by this reference made a part of this Agreement.
Neither the Union nor any officers, agents, or employees will instigate, promote, sponsor,
engage in, or condone any strike, slow-down, concerted stoppage of work or any other intentional
interruption of the operations of the City, regardless of the reason for so doing. The Union shall at
all times keep its members on the job during periods of negotiations and hearings for the settlement
of grievances. If employees strike or in any manner slow down or stop work without Union
authorization, the Union shall notify the City of the facts involved with the incident. No employee
may miss work because he or she fails or refuses to cross a picket line on any City premises. Any or
all employees who violate any of the provisions of this Article without Union sanction may be
summarily discharged or disciplined by the City. Such discharge or discipline shall not be subject to
grievance proceedings under any circumstances.
The City will not lock out any employees during the term of the Agreement as a result of a
labor dispute with the Union.
1. No non-employee representative of the Union shall be permitted to come on the
premises of the Finance Department for any reason without first presenting his or her credentials to
the Chief Administrative Officer or his or her authorized representative and obtaining permission to
come on the premises of the Finance Department.
2. The Union agrees that it, or its representatives, shall not solicit members in the
Union, or otherwise carry on Union activities while the employees concerned are on City time.
When the City is, in cooperation with a non-profit organization, seeking contributions from
its employees of the bargaining unit, such solicitation shall be coordinated with Union
representatives, and Union representatives shall be responsible for approaching members of the unit
for purposes of acquiring pledges or contributions.
The City and the Union agree not to interfere with the right of employees to become or not to
become members of the Union, and further that there shall be no discrimination or coercion against
any employee because of Union membership or non-membership.
An employee who fails to satisfactorily perform the duties of a classification into which he
or she has been promoted shall be demoted to the classification from which promoted. He or she
shall return to the same pay step held prior to promotion with the same regular status held prior to
The Union shall have the right to mount a bulletin board at its own expense at the office
location. The location and construction of such bulletin board, however, shall be subject to the
approval of the City. The use of such bulletin boards shall be considered proper when confined to
factual notices and announcements of the Union, such as:
a. Meetings
b. Nominations and elections of Union officers
c. Results of Union elections
d. Appointments to Union offices and committees
e. Social or recreational affairs
f. Agreements made between the Union and the Company
g. Joint announcements of letters issued by the Union and the City, or
h. Other items as approved by personnel director of the City.
1. SENIORITY. Seniority shall accrue to an employee from his or her first day of
employment with the City and shall vest upon completion of the employee's probationary period.
2. PROMOTION. Promotion shall be accomplished utilizing testing procedures and
performance evaluations. When two or more employees are equally qualified for promotion,
seniority shall become a deciding factor.
3. LAYOFF. If needed, layoff shall be accomplished in accordance with management's
right to maintain proper city services concerning job classifications. Layoffs within a job
classification shall be by seniority, least senior being laid off first.
All of the terms, rights, obligations, benefits, and conditions of this agreement will expire on
its termination.
This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from its effective date through
September 30, 2011, provided:
Either party may re-open this Agreement between October 1 and October 30 of any year in
which the City does not adopt a budget statement and appropriation ordinance sufficient to fund the
rates of pay and fringe benefits previously agreed upon by the parties. Negotiations shall be limited
to rates of pay and fringe benefits and shall be completed by November 30. Upon notification by
either party, the parties shall mutually agree upon the time and place for the first negotiating session.
Subsequent sessions shall be set by mutual agreement. Agreement in the setting of negotiating
sessions shall not be unreasonably withheld by either party.
2. Negotiations for a new agreement to take effect upon the termination of this
Agreement may begin on January 1 of the year of termination of this Agreement but no later than
February 1, of that year, and must be completed by May 30, of that year, for budget preparation
Upon receipt of a properly executed written request for payroll deduction of Union
membership dues signed by any regular permanent employee, the Department shall: (1) make
payroll deductions in accordance with that authorization card from such employee's wages and
payments, and (2) remit the amount so deducted to the business manager of Local 1597, I.B.E.W. of
America. The City agrees not to withhold any initiation fees, assessments, special or otherwise, nor
any funds from an employee's pay for the benefit of the Union other than the regular monthly Union
dues as set forth herein.
Requests for payroll deduction or revocation of said Union membership dues must be made
on the form approved by the Union and the Department.
By written certification, the business manager of the I.B.E.W. shall keep the Department
currently informed of the amount of regular Union membership dues for the pay period. Standard
annual dues increases shall not require new authorization cards from each employee.
The Union shall indemnify and save the City harmless against any and all claims, demands,
suits or other forms of liability that may arise out of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the
City for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this part, or in reliance on any dues
deduction card furnished under the provisions of this part or on any certification by the business
manager of the I.B.E.W.
This Article shall become null and void for the remaining life of the contract, effective
immediately, in the event the Union or its members participate in a strike, slowdown, work stoppage,
or other intentional interruption of the City operations.
If any of the provisions of this Agreement are subsequently declared by the proper legislative
or judicial authority to be unlawful, unenforceable, or not in accordance with applicable statutes or
ordinances, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the
duration of this Agreement.
The parties mutually agree that this contract constitutes the entire Agreement and
understanding concerning all proper subjects of collective bargaining for the duration of the contract
between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements. This contract shall not be modified,
altered, changed or amended in any respect unless in writing and signed by both parties.
This Agreement has been executed in accordance with the statutes and the laws of the State
of Nebraska and the United States of America, and any dispute, disagreement, or litigation arising
under this Agreement shall be adjudged in accordance with the statutes and laws of the State of
Nebraska and of the United States of America.
The parties agree that the negotiations preceding the signing of this Agreement included
negotiations on all proper subjects of bargaining and that all negotiations were conducted in
accordance with all applicable federal and state requirements.
As a result of negotiations, and in consideration of this entire collective bargaining
agreement, the Union, on behalf of all of its members, hereby knowingly, intelligently, and
voluntarily waives its right to file any proceedings with the Nebraska Commission of Industrial
Relations alleging lack of comparability with respect to any wages, fringe benefits or any other
conditions of employment with respect to the time period between October 1, 2008 through
September 30, 2011..
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this ______th day of
August, 2008.
WORKERS, Local Union No. 1597
By _____________________________________
President, Local Union 1597
By _____________________________________
Vice President, Local Union 1597
By _____________________________________
Recording Secretary
By _____________________________________
Margaret Hornady, Mayor
Attest _________________________________
RaNae Edwards, City Clerk
FY 2008 - 2009
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Accounting Clerk Hourly 13.3977 13.9447 14.5141 15.1067 15.7235 16.3655 17.0337 17.7299
7010 Bi-weekly 1,071.82 1,115.58 1,161.13 1,208.54 1,257.88 1,309.24 1,362.70 1,418.39
Monthly 2,322.27 2,417.08 2,515.78 2,618.49 2,725.41 2,836.69 2,952.51 3,073.18
Annual 27,867.32 29,005.08 30,189.38 31,422.04 32,704.88 34,040.24 35,430.20 36,878.14
Cashier Hourly 12.2969 12.8527 13.4336 14.0408 14.6754 15.3387 16.0320 16.7566
7012 Bi-weekly 983.75 1,028.22 1,074.69 1,123.26 1,174.03 1,227.10 1,282.56 1,340.53
Monthly 2,131.46 2,227.80 2,328.49 2,433.74 2,543.74 2,658.71 2,778.88 2,904.48
Annual 25,577.50 26,733.72 27,941.94 29,204.76 30,524.78 31,904.60 33,346.56 34,853.78
Computer Operator Hourly 17.9300 18.6444 19.3873 20.1598 20.9631 21.7984 22.6670 23.5702
7014 Bi-weekly 1,434.40 1,491.55 1,550.98 1,612.78 1,677.05 1,743.87 1,813.36 1,885.62
Monthly 3,107.87 3,231.70 3,360.47 3,494.37 3,633.60 3,778.39 3,928.95 4,085.50
Annual 37,294.40 38,780.30 40,325.48 41,932.28 43,603.30 45,340.62 47,147.36 49,026.12
Computer Programmer Hourly 21.2928 22.2066 23.1597 24.1537 25.1903 26.2714 27.3989 28.5748
7015 Bi-weekly 1,703.42 1,776.53 1,852.78 1,932.30 2,015.22 2,101.71 2,191.91 2,285.98
Monthly 3,690.75 3,849.14 4,014.35 4,186.64 4,366.32 4,553.71 4,749.14 4,952.97
Annual 44,288.92 46,189.78 48,172.28 50,239.80 52,395.72 54,644.46 56,989.66 59,435.48
Computer Technician Hourly 18.4680 19.2039 19.9691 20.7648 21.5922 22.4526 23.3473 24.2777
7020 Bi-weekly 1,477.44 1,536.31 1,597.53 1,661.18 1,727.38 1,796.21 1,867.78 1,942.22
Monthly 3,201.12 3,328.68 3,461.31 3,599.23 3,742.65 3,891.78 4,046.87 4,208.13
Annual 38,413.44 39,944.06 41,535.78 43,190.68 44,911.88 46,701.46 48,562.28 50,497.72
GIS Technician Hourly 21.0224 22.0648 23.1589 24.3072 25.5124 26.7774 28.1051 29.4987
7018 Bi-weekly 1,681.79 1,765.18 1,852.71 1,944.58 2,040.99 2,142.19 2,248.41 2,359.90
Monthly 3,643.88 3,824.57 4,014.21 4,213.25 4,422.15 4,641.42 4,871.55 5,113.11
Annual 43,726.54 45,894.68 48,170.46 50,559.08 53,065.74 55,696.94 58,458.66 61,357.40
Meter Reader Hourly 14.3775 14.9332 15.5104 16.1099 16.7325 17.3792 18.0509 18.7486
7025 Bi-weekly 1,150.20 1,194.66 1,240.83 1,288.79 1,338.60 1,390.34 1,444.07 1,499.89
Monthly 2,492.10 2,588.42 2,688.47 2,792.38 2,900.30 3,012.39 3,128.82 3,249.76
Annual 29,905.20 31,061.16 32,261.58 33,508.54 34,803.60 36,148.84 37,545.82 38,997.14
Senior Accounting Clerk Hourly 15.0594 15.6515 16.2669 16.9065 17.5713 18.2622 18.9803 19.7266
7030 Bi-weekly 1,204.75 1,252.12 1,301.35 1,352.52 1,405.70 1,460.98 1,518.42 1,578.13
Monthly 2,610.30 2,712.93 2,819.60 2,930.46 3,045.69 3,165.45 3,289.92 3,419.28
Annual 31,323.50 32,555.12 33,835.10 35,165.52 36,548.20 37,985.48 39,478.92 41,031.38
Senior Meter Reader Hourly 17.0280 17.4499 17.8823 18.3254 18.7795 19.2448 19.7216 20.2103
7035 Bi-weekly 1,362.24 1,395.99 1,430.58 1,466.03 1,502.36 1,539.58 1,577.73 1,616.82
Monthly 2,951.52 3,024.65 3,099.60 3,176.40 3,255.11 3,335.77 3,418.41 3,503.12
Annual 35,418.24 36,295.74 37,195.08 38,116.78 39,061.36 40,029.08 41,020.98 42,037.32
FY 2009 - 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Accounting Clerk Hourly 13.9001 14.4676 15.0584 15.6732 16.3131 16.9792 17.6725 18.3940
7010 Bi-weekly 1,112.01 1,157.41 1,204.67 1,253.86 1,305.05 1,358.34 1,413.80 1,471.52
Monthly 2,409.35 2,507.72 2,610.12 2,716.69 2,827.60 2,943.06 3,063.23 3,188.29
Annual 28,912.26 30,092.66 31,321.42 32,600.36 33,931.30 35,316.84 36,758.80 38,259.52
Cashier Hourly 12.7580 13.3347 13.9374 14.5673 15.2257 15.9139 16.6332 17.3850
7012 Bi-weekly 1,020.64 1,066.78 1,114.99 1,165.38 1,218.06 1,273.11 1,330.66 1,390.80
Monthly 2,211.39 2,311.35 2,415.82 2,525.00 2,639.12 2,758.41 2,883.09 3,013.40
Annual 26,536.64 27,736.28 28,989.74 30,299.88 31,669.56 33,100.86 34,597.16 36,160.80
Computer Operator Hourly 18.6024 19.3436 20.1143 20.9158 21.7492 22.6158 23.5170 24.4541
7014 Bi-weekly 1,488.19 1,547.49 1,609.14 1,673.26 1,739.94 1,809.26 1,881.36 1,956.33
Monthly 3,224.42 3,352.89 3,486.48 3,625.41 3,769.86 3,920.07 4,076.28 4,238.71
Annual 38,692.94 40,234.74 41,837.64 43,504.76 45,238.44 47,040.76 48,915.36 50,864.58
Computer Programmer Hourly 22.0913 23.0393 24.0282 25.0595 26.1349 27.2566 28.4264 29.6464
7015 Bi-weekly 1,767.30 1,843.14 1,922.26 2,004.76 2,090.79 2,180.53 2,274.11 2,371.71
Monthly 3,829.16 3,993.48 4,164.89 4,343.65 4,530.05 4,724.48 4,927.24 5,138.71
Annual 45,949.80 47,921.64 49,978.76 52,123.76 54,360.54 56,693.78 59,126.86 61,664.46
Computer Technician Hourly 19.1606 19.9240 20.7179 21.5435 22.4019 23.2946 24.2228 25.1881
7020 Bi-weekly 1,532.85 1,593.92 1,657.43 1,723.48 1,792.15 1,863.57 1,937.82 2,015.05
Monthly 3,321.17 3,453.49 3,591.10 3,734.21 3,883.00 4,037.73 4,198.62 4,365.94
Annual 39,854.10 41,441.92 43,093.18 44,810.48 46,595.90 48,452.82 50,383.32 52,391.30
GIS Technician Hourly 21.8107 22.8922 24.0274 25.2187 26.4691 27.7816 29.1590 30.6049
7018 Bi-weekly 1,744.86 1,831.38 1,922.19 2,017.50 2,117.53 2,222.53 2,332.72 2,448.39
Monthly 3,780.52 3,967.98 4,164.75 4,371.24 4,587.98 4,815.48 5,054.23 5,304.85
Annual 45,366.36 47,615.88 49,976.94 52,455.00 55,055.78 57,785.78 60,650.72 63,658.14
Meter Reader Hourly 14.9167 15.4932 16.0920 16.7140 17.3600 18.0309 18.7278 19.4517
7025 Bi-weekly 1,193.34 1,239.46 1,287.36 1,337.12 1,388.80 1,442.47 1,498.22 1,556.14
Monthly 2,585.56 2,685.49 2,789.28 2,897.09 3,009.07 3,125.36 3,246.15 3,371.63
Annual 31,026.84 32,225.96 33,471.36 34,765.12 36,108.80 37,504.22 38,953.72 40,459.64
Senior Accounting Clerk Hourly 15.6241 16.2384 16.8769 17.5405 18.2302 18.9470 19.6921 20.4663
7030 Bi-weekly 1,249.93 1,299.07 1,350.15 1,403.24 1,458.42 1,515.76 1,575.37 1,637.30
Monthly 2,708.18 2,814.66 2,925.33 3,040.35 3,159.90 3,284.15 3,413.30 3,547.49
Annual 32,498.18 33,775.82 35,103.90 36,484.24 37,918.92 39,409.76 40,959.62 42,569.80
Senior Meter Reader Hourly 17.6666 18.1043 18.5529 19.0126 19.4837 19.9665 20.4612 20.9682
7035 Bi-weekly 1,413.33 1,448.34 1,484.23 1,521.01 1,558.70 1,597.32 1,636.90 1,677.46
Monthly 3,062.21 3,138.08 3,215.84 3,295.52 3,377.17 3,460.86 3,546.61 3,634.49
Annual 36,746.58 37,656.84 38,589.98 39,546.26 40,526.20 41,530.32 42,559.40 43,613.96
FY 2010 - 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Accounting Clerk Hourly 14.4214 15.0101 15.6231 16.2609 16.9248 17.6159 18.3352 19.0838
7010 Bi-weekly 1,153.71 1,200.81 1,249.85 1,300.87 1,353.98 1,409.27 1,466.82 1,526.70
Monthly 2,499.71 2,601.75 2,708.00 2,818.56 2,933.63 3,053.42 3,178.10 3,307.86
Annual 29,996.46 31,221.06 32,496.10 33,822.62 35,203.48 36,641.02 38,137.32 39,694.20
Cashier Hourly 13.2364 13.8348 14.4601 15.1136 15.7967 16.5107 17.2569 18.0369
7012 Bi-weekly 1,058.91 1,106.78 1,156.81 1,209.09 1,263.74 1,320.86 1,380.55 1,442.95
Monthly 2,294.31 2,398.03 2,506.42 2,619.69 2,738.09 2,861.85 2,991.20 3,126.40
Annual 27,531.66 28,776.28 30,077.06 31,436.34 32,857.24 34,342.36 35,894.30 37,516.70
Computer Operator Hourly 19.3000 20.0690 20.8686 21.7001 22.5648 23.4639 24.3989 25.3711
7014 Bi-weekly 1,544.00 1,605.52 1,669.49 1,736.01 1,805.18 1,877.11 1,951.91 2,029.69
Monthly 3,345.33 3,478.63 3,617.22 3,761.35 3,911.23 4,067.08 4,229.14 4,397.66
Annual 40,144.00 41,743.52 43,406.74 45,136.26 46,934.68 48,804.86 50,749.66 52,771.94
Computer Programmer Hourly 22.9197 23.9033 24.9293 25.9992 27.1150 28.2787 29.4924 30.7581
7015 Bi-weekly 1,833.58 1,912.26 1,994.34 2,079.94 2,169.20 2,262.30 2,359.39 2,460.65
Monthly 3,972.75 4,143.24 4,321.08 4,506.53 4,699.93 4,901.64 5,112.02 5,331.40
Annual 47,673.08 49,718.76 51,852.84 54,078.44 56,399.20 58,819.80 61,344.14 63,976.90
Computer Technician Hourly 19.8791 20.6712 21.4948 22.3514 23.2420 24.1681 25.1312 26.1327
7020 Bi-weekly 1,590.33 1,653.70 1,719.58 1,788.11 1,859.36 1,933.45 2,010.50 2,090.62
Monthly 3,445.71 3,583.01 3,725.77 3,874.24 4,028.61 4,189.14 4,356.07 4,529.67
Annual 41,348.58 42,996.20 44,709.08 46,490.86 48,343.36 50,269.70 52,273.00 54,356.12
GIS Technician Hourly 22.6286 23.7507 24.9284 26.1644 27.4617 28.8234 30.2525 31.7526
7018 Bi-weekly 1,810.29 1,900.06 1,994.27 2,093.15 2,196.94 2,305.87 2,420.20 2,540.21
Monthly 3,922.29 4,116.79 4,320.92 4,535.16 4,760.03 4,996.06 5,243.77 5,503.78
Annual 47,067.54 49,401.56 51,851.02 54,421.90 57,120.44 59,952.62 62,925.20 66,045.46
Meter Reader Hourly 15.4761 16.0742 16.6955 17.3408 18.0110 18.7071 19.4301 20.1811
7025 Bi-weekly 1,238.09 1,285.94 1,335.64 1,387.26 1,440.88 1,496.57 1,554.41 1,614.49
Monthly 2,682.52 2,786.19 2,893.89 3,005.74 3,121.91 3,242.56 3,367.88 3,498.06
Annual 32,190.34 33,434.44 34,726.64 36,068.76 37,462.88 38,910.82 40,414.66 41,976.74
Senior Accounting Clerk Hourly 16.2100 16.8473 17.5098 18.1983 18.9138 19.6575 20.4306 21.2338
7030 Bi-weekly 1,296.80 1,347.78 1,400.78 1,455.86 1,513.10 1,572.60 1,634.45 1,698.70
Monthly 2,809.73 2,920.20 3,035.03 3,154.37 3,278.39 3,407.30 3,541.30 3,680.53
Annual 33,716.80 35,042.28 36,420.28 37,852.36 39,340.60 40,887.60 42,495.70 44,166.20
Senior Meter Reader Hourly 18.3291 18.7832 19.2486 19.7256 20.2143 20.7152 21.2285 21.7545
7035 Bi-weekly 1,466.33 1,502.66 1,539.89 1,578.05 1,617.14 1,657.22 1,698.28 1,740.36
Monthly 3,177.04 3,255.75 3,336.42 3,419.10 3,503.81 3,590.63 3,679.61 3,770.78
Annual 38,124.58 39,069.16 40,037.14 41,029.30 42,045.64 43,087.72 44,155.28 45,249.36
OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the
Labor Agreements by and between the City of Grand Island and the International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local # 1597, for the period of October 1, 2008
through September 30, 2011.
- - -
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, on August 19, 2008.
Margaret Hornady, Mayor
RaNae Edwards, City Clerk
Item X1
Review of Proposed FY 2008/2009 City Single Budget
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Council Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: David Springer
City of Grand Island City Council
July 17, 2008
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Submitted for your consideration is the proposed budget of revenues and expenditures
for the City of Grand Island for the fiscal year of 2008-2009. This budget plan results
from a collaborate effort on behalf of Department Directors, the City Council, and
professional staff in the Finance Office and the City Administrator’s Office.
The City is well-served by a Team of Department Directors who collectively possess a
thorough understanding of opportunities and challenges that the City of Grand Island has
before it. With guidance provided by the City Council during a Retreat in February and
during a Goal Setting Workshop in May, I believe that there exists good alignment
between the elected body and management personnel on the critical needs and priorities
of the City.
Grand Island is a growing community, and City government becomes impacted in
many ways as the physical size of the City grows and increased population puts more
demand upon services. With a number of public facility construction and expansion
projects completed over the past few years, City facilities are generally in good shape.
One exception to that is the City Fleet Services Facility, which suffers from inefficiencies
due to condition and size. With funding for a new facility not included in this Budget,
this represents a facility project that at present is without a plan or timeline for funding
and construction. Major renovation/replacement of the Lincoln Swimming Pool is a
second project for which funding is not provided but could yet be considered for
inclusion in a General Obligation Bond issue.
Preparation of the 2008-2009 Budget evidenced the need to take measures to mitigate
the steady reduction in the cash balance of the General Fund that has occurred as a result
of planned capital expenditures combined with the inability of traditional revenues (sales
and property taxes) to keep pace with inflationary growth in programs cost over a period
of several years. The projected increase of $245,000 in sales tax revenue for the General
Fund in the proposed budget compares to a projected increase of personnel costs in that
Fund of $1,192,538, leaving a difference of $947,539 to be funded by other revenue
This proposed Budget will retain existing program and service levels while limiting
funding for personnel additions to only those deemed to be critical. Commensurate with
that the personnel additions proposed for General Fund programs are one Emergency
Services Dispatcher (to address understaffing) and three part-time, non-benefited
positions at the Library to meet the needs of the recent building expansion. Funding for
Capital Improvements is relatively modest and a number of projects have been deferred.
Office of City Administrator
Working Together for a
Better Tomorrow. Today.
Two measures are proposed to be taken that will provide revenue to the General Fund
sufficient to maintain cash reserves near the level of $5 million, which represents
approximately 15% of the annual General Fund operating budget. An increase in property
tax of $398,000 is included, which would require a mill-levy adjustment from .238319 to
.250000. Additionally, this Budget includes a General Obligation Bond sale of $2
million to provide revenue for capital projects while also preserving the cash balance at
the aforementioned level. It is anticipated that the City will need to look more to debt
financing for capital improvements in upcoming years in order to accomplish necessary
infrastructure, public works, and recreational facilities maintenance, replacement, and
expansion. Similarly, the property tax mill levy will need to be closely reviewed
annually as a means to generate a greater portion of the revenue necessary to meet annual
operational cost increases and main the General Fund cash reserve at an acceptable level.
The Electric, Water, and Waste-Water utilities will each undertake significant
facilities and systems upgrades in 2008-2009. The Electric Utility plans several system
improvements totaling including $2.7 million in distribution improvements and $3.3 for
substation upgrades. Together with significant upgrades to the Platte Generating Station,
the municipal electric utility continues to reinvest in its ability to continue to provide an
abundant supply of reliable energy to the community.
The new pre-treatment facility expansion that has taken place at JB Swift is expected
to have a significant favorable impact on operational costs of the waste-water treatment
plant. Related to this is the downward effect on revenue that will result from the decrease
in loadings from Swift. Work on a new two-stage anerobic digester system will begin in
this budget year, and is expected to be completed the following budget year. Efforts
underway currently to analyze and improve the capacity of sanitary sewer and storm
water collection systems will continue. Funding of $375,000 is included as City
contribution to continued work on the Northwest Drainage Project.
With major decisions relative to the prospect of City financial involvement in the State
Fair yet to be made, inclusion of appropriations and/or revenues for that project are left
for inclusion in the final budget. It is anticipated that the City Council will formally
consider City involvement in the State Fair project in coming weeks.
Fiscal Summary
The total 2008-09 budget is projected to be $145,538,070. This is $3,793,726 or 2.5%
less than the $149,331,796 in the 2007-08 budget, mainly due to a reduction by half in
capital project spending and delays in the mercury abatement project in the Electric
Utilities department. Following is a summary of the appropriations for each of the fund
groups contained in the 2008-09 budget:
General Fund $ 36,661,936
Permanent Funds $ 0
Special Revenue Funds $ 5,182,022
Debt Service Fund $ 1,655,462
Capital Projects Fund $ 3,391,000
Special Assessments Fund $ 0
Enterprise Funds $ 87,140,069
Internal Service Fund $ 9,896,627
Agency Fund $ 940,650
Trust Fund $ 670,304
Property Taxes
The proposed property tax requirement for the 2008-09 budget year is $5,672,361 or
7.4% more than the 2007-08 requirement of $5,280,591. The City of Grand Island
valuation for 2008 is estimated at $2,268,944,277; therefore, the property tax levy for the
2008-09 budget year is $.25 per $100 of valuation, which is an increase of 4.9% from
User Fees
A great deal of scrutiny has taken place on User Fees to assure proper revenue for the
departments that collect fees for their services. In reviewing the various fee based
departments some deficiencies were identified and are addressed in the 2008-09 budget.
There are adjustments to fees planned to offset increased cost of operation, regulation,
and demand regarding the building, administration, ambulance, humane society, shooting
park, cemetery, aquatics, planning, wastewater, water and electric activities.
Compensation, Benefits, and Staffing
In order to keep salaries competitive, comparable and in accordance with agreed upon
contracts the following salary adjustments are included in the 2008-09 budget:
Non-union employees 3.75%
IBEW-Utilities in negotiations
IBEW-Wastewater 3.25%
FOP 3.25% - 5.75%
IAFF 3.25%
The administration of the city’s health insurance was moved to Mutual of Omaha, now
Coventry, two years ago, which held our costs in check, and even though we are now
seeing health care costs again rising, we have had favorable claims experience this year.
Therefore, the insurance committee will be presented a recommendation of no change in
premiums or deductibles, but a suggested increase in the stop-loss from $125,000 to
$150,000, which would save roughly $98,000. It is too early to evaluate the wellness
program implemented last year; however, lower claims are a good sign.
As charged by the Mayor, city administration reviewed the workforce to see if there were
opportunities for productivity improvement. Each position was evaluated to see if it was
essential and priorities were reviewed to see if the workforce was appropriate to deliver
city services. After reviewing all positions of the City there will be a 3.75 increase in
FTE’s for the 2008-09 budget. Following are the key position changes included in the
2008-09 budget by department:
Finance Department
Reduction of .5 FTE part time Meter Reader.
Police Department
Increase of 1.25 FTE for a Custodian.
Emergency Management
Increase of one position, Communications Specialist.
Reclass of a Librarian II to Assistant Library Director and an increase of one part-time
Library Assistant I and a part-time Library Page.
Cash Balance
It is extremely important to maintain cash balances in the city budget to assure cash flow
strength, promote prudent spending and to have adequate reserves in case of an
emergency. Grand Island’s conservative approach to budgeting and spending has allowed
for proper levels of cash balance over the last decade. However, the increase in revenue
sources has not kept up with rising personnel and operating costs, thus a further hike in
the property tax levy may be necessary to maintain appropriate contingency levels. The
2008-09 budget again includes $40,455,439 in cash balance in all funds and $5,173,969
in the general fund. The budgeted cash balance in 2007-08 was $40,006,121 for all funds
and $5,003,726 for the general fund.
½ % Sales Tax
On May 11th, 2004 the voters passed a ½ % city sales tax that was to be used for property
tax relief and to build capital improvements. This year it is projected that we will collect
$4,656,000 from this sales tax. About 55% or $2,553,000 will be placed in the general
fund to offset property taxes. The remaining $2,103,000 will be used to pay a portion of
the costs for the following projects:
• Grand Generation Center $ 140,000
• Debt Service Library $ 830,170
• Debt Service Law Enforcement Center $ 853,008
• Annual Paving Program $ 400,000
• Shooting Park Development $ 150,000
• Railroad Safety Directional Horns $ 150,000
• Northwest Drainage Project $ 375,000
Total $ 2,898,178
Notable Projects/Expenditures
Following is a list of notable projects/expenditures that have been included in the 2008-
09 budget:
General Fund
• $750,000 is included to fund economic development activities as determined by
the city’s LB 840 plan.
• Lease payments for the Heartland Events Center are included in the amount of
• $830,170 is included to fund the lease payments for the Library expansion project.
• One replacement inspection vehicle for the Buildings Department is included for
• Defibrillator replacements are included for $125,000.
• A rescue pumper, $510,000 will be purchased, only if grant monies of 90% are
secured. An ambulance is included for $210,000 to replace one that was wrecked.
• Two unmarked vehicles $34,000, six marked police vehicles $131,640, along with
one police motorcycle $19,360 are included to replace aging units.
• $120,000 is included in the Police Department budget to continue to contract with
Hall County for use of the computerized law enforcement management system.
• Emergency Management includes the continued replacement program for outdoor
warning sirens $24,000 and $62,500 for electrical & radio equipment.
• The Street Department budget includes a replacement skid steer loader $32,000, a
pick-up $29,000); and a front-end loader, $162,500).
• The Library will continue the automation system enhancement program for
• The Parks Department will purchase a ball field drag $13,500 and two large area
mowers $47,500.
• The Cemetery will replace a utility vehicle $10,000 and mowers, $16,500.
• Public Information will upgrade transmitters for $40,000.
• The Heartland Shooting Park will acquire an All Terrain Lift for $35,000.
Capital Improvement Fund
• $140,000 is included in this year’s budget for Grand Generation Center to
complete their building expansion.
• There is $150,000 for Stolley Park Rd widening.
• The city’s contribution to the Prairie/Silver/Moore’s Creek flood control project is
included for $375,000.
• South Locust widening is to begin, $470,000.
• There is $400,000 for annual paving projects.
• $640,000 is included for the railroad grade separation at Broadwell.
• $150,000 is targeted in Safety Enhancements for Railroad Crossing Horns.
• Hike/bike trails are budgeted for $500,000, only if grant monies are obtained.
• There is $150,000 for development of the Heartland Public Shooting Park,
$75,000 for park land acquisition, and $50,000 for miscellaneous park projects.
Enterprise Funds
• The Solid Waste Department is including a skid loader $37,000, a compactor
• There are projects to keep up with growth in the Electric Department including
$1,200,000 in materials to expand the overhead distribution system; $1,500,000 in
materials to expand the underground distribution system; and $3,300,000 to pay
for substation modifications and expansion. There is $4,500,000 for leasing gas
pipeline capacity, and $550,000 for transmission line improvements.
• The Platte Generation Station is planned for upgrades to the Boiler, Precipitator
and Chimney with total associated costs of $1,050,000 and cooling tower
improvements of $3 million. Burdick cooling tower repair of $1 million is
• The Water Department includes $200,000 for water main replacement and
$200,000 for new water main districts.
• The Water Department is also planning for trunk line expansions of $2,100,000
and $1,700,000 for an additional storage tank at the Rogers Pumping Station.
• The Sewer Department plans to precede with aerobic digester improvements for
$1,000,000 next year of a $10 million plus project, build a solids storage facility
$180,000, install sewer districts for $250,000, continue the sewer rehabilitation
program for $1,000,000, and install new mechanism primaries, $990,000.
• The Golf Course plans to purchase $40,000 in greens mowers.
A great deal of time and hard work has gone into the construction of the 2008-09
budgets. Special thanks go to Jaye Monter, senior accountant, and Yolanda Rayburn,
senior accounting clerk who were very dedicated in their efforts, as was Paul Briseno,
assistant to the city administrator who served as an outstanding budget analyst. The
city directors should also be complimented for their hard work, conservative and
pragmatic approach in creating their budgets. Although the challenges were great to
bring in an effective and efficient budget the directors focused their efforts and were
committed to the fiscal goals of the City.
Finally, we would like to thank the City Council for its policy direction and support.
We look forward to working together for another successful year on behalf of the
citizens of Grand Island.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Pederson, City Administrator
David Springer, Finance Director
Beginning BalanceRevenue Bond ProceedsTransfers In Transfers OutAppropriation Ending Balance General Fund5,560,334 30,848,004 - 6,385,000 815,000 36,557,029 5,421,309 Permanent Funds485,827 33,000 - - - - 518,827 Special Revenue Funds2,764,040 8,081,529 - 815,000 5,500,000 5,182,022 978,547 Debt Service Fund148,585 1,450,877 2,000,000 - 1,944,000 1,655,462 - Capital Projects Fund(3,834,359)3,731,466 - 3,644,000 - 3,291,000 250,107 Special Assessments Fund194,329 385,500 - - 400,000 - 179,829 Total General Government5,318,756 44,530,376 2,000,000 10,844,000 8,659,000 46,685,513 7,348,619 Enterprise Fund 41,254,793 70,994,898 - - 805,000 87,319,069 24,125,622 Internal Service Fund 4,774,150 9,845,877 - - 180,000 9,924,161 4,515,866 Total Proprietary46,028,943 80,840,775 - - 985,000 97,243,230 28,641,488 Agency Fund 50,981 938,016 - - - 940,650 48,347 Trust Fund 8,179,551 265,000 - 202,304 1,402,304 670,304 6,574,247 Total Fiduciary8,230,532 1,203,016 - 202,304 1,402,304 1,610,954 6,622,594 Total All Funds59,578,231 126,574,167 2,000,000 11,046,304 11,046,304 145,539,697 42,612,701 2008 Budget Summary
2005 2006 2007 2007 2008
Beginning Cash Balance 11,423,224 9,505,396 6,469,783 6,469,783 5,560,334
General Government 1,377,691 1,398,436 1,478,287 1,475,951 1,502,446
Public Safety 3,498,948 3,528,125 3,830,321 3,934,720 4,568,850
Public Works 465,685 183,068 271,852 364,720 360,520
Environment & Leisure 1,178,790 2,070,906 1,381,322 1,480,254 1,364,644
Other 21,118,332 20,749,337 22,407,447 22,167,042 23,051,544
Total Revenue 27,639,446 27,929,872 29,369,229 29,422,687 30,848,004
Transfers In 4,418,813 2,676,877 5,075,000 5,438,528 6,385,000
Total Resources Available 43,481,483 40,112,145 40,914,012 41,330,998 42,793,338
General Government 3,475,479 3,187,848 3,596,458 3,426,618 3,739,079
Public Safety 14,479,681 14,642,988 16,432,389 16,214,113 17,627,194
Public Works 5,900,489 4,822,962 6,462,474 6,294,240 6,789,368
Environment & Leisure 4,845,752 5,091,285 6,247,694 6,030,193 6,284,188
Other 1,388,379 2,145,948 2,189,619 2,110,500 2,117,200
Total Disbursements 30,089,780 29,891,031 34,928,634 34,075,664 36,557,029
Transfers Out 3,886,308 3,751,330 1,343,079 1,695,000 815,000
Total Requirements 33,976,088 33,642,361 36,271,713 35,770,664 37,372,029
Ending Cash Balance 9,505,395 6,469,784 4,642,299 5,560,334 5,421,309
General Mayor Mayor Forgave 2009 Salary 10011203-Payroll (14,025)
General Council Travel Expense Decrease 10011204-85428 (7,000)
General Finance IBEW-Contract Wage Changes 10011401-Payroll 7,679
General Emergency Mgmt Remove FTE-Communication Specialist 10022601-Payroll (48,657)
General Library Remove FTE-Assistant & Library Page 10044301-Payroll (42,904)
400 Fund Capital Improve Fiber Optic Connections 40015025-90002 50,000
400 Fund Capital Improve Fire Training Center 40015025-90170 (50,000)
400 Fund Capital Improve Annual Paving Project 40033530-90060 (100,000)
505 Fund Solid Waste
CHANGE IN APPROPRIATION Move GPS Equip purchase from 2008 to 2009 50530043-85615 80,000
530 Fund WWTP
CHANGE IN APPROPRIATION 10% Engineer Fees-Install Mechanism Primaries 53030054-85213 99,000
605 Fund Info Technology
CHANGE IN APPROPRIATION IBEW-Contract Wage Changes 60510001-Payroll 27,534
2009 Budget Summary Appropriations
GENERAL FUND (104,907)
City of Grand Island Fiscal Year 2008-2009
Changes to Proposed Annual Budget Effect on Ending Cash Balance
2008 Projection Reason
100 Fund 10,495 Mayor forgave 2008 Salary
100 Fund 25,000 Increase in Interest Income-Nondepart Change in projection
100 Fund 25,000 Increase in Ambulance Revenue Change in projection
100 Fund 35,000 Increase in Wireless Franchise Revenue Change in projection
100 Fund (100,000) Decrease in Sales Tax Revenue Change in projection
100 Fund (4,505) Net Increase (Decrease)
210 Fund 80,000 Net Increase (Decrease)Increase Gas Tax State Funds
400 Fund 147,676 Net Increase (Decrease)Increase Intergovernmental Revenue
401 Fund 40,000 Net Increase (Decrease)Increase Special Assessment Paving Revenue
505 Fund 80,000 Net Increase (Decrease)Move GPS Equip purchase from 2008 to 2009
530 Fund (351,219) 50530055-85213-53019 Resolution 2008-206 Sewer Change Order-Capital Ave
530 Fund 650,000 53030001-74500 Increase Projection Sewer Revenue
530 Fund 170,000 53030001-74787 Increase Projection Interest Income
530 Fund 468,781 Net Increase (Decrease)
615 Fund 500,000 Net Increase (Decrease)Change in projection for Health Ins employee premiums
1,311,952 All Funds 2008 Projection Cash Increase
2009 Budget Reason
100 Fund 104,907 Change in General Fund Appropriations See 2008-2009 Addendum Proposed Budget Worksheet
100 Fund (2,466) 10022605-74773 Remove FTE-Communication Specialist-Health Ins
100 Fund 25,000 10022102-74528 Increase in Ambulance Revenue
100 Fund 35,000 10055001-74034 Increase in Wireless Franchise Revenue
100 Fund (23,096) 10022601-74355 Decrease revenue from County-50% of expenses
100 Fund 112,500 10022101-74360 Fire Revenue-Federal Grant-Defibrillator
100 Fund 251,845 Net Increase (Decrease) 2009
210 Fund 100,000 Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Increase Gas Tax State Funds
400 Fund 100,000 Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Change in Appropriations
505 Fund (80,000) Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Change in Appropriations
530 Fund (99,000) Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Change in Appropriations
605 Fund (27,534) Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Change in Appropriations
615 Fund 600,000 Net Increase (Decrease) 2009 Change in projection Health Ins employee premiums
845,311 All Funds Cash Increase 2009 Budget
2,157,263 All Funds Cash Increase 2008 Projection & 2009 Budget
Decrease Mayor's Salary 2008