04-20-2004 City Council Study Session PacketCity of Grand Island
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Study Session Packet
City Council:Mayor:
Jay Vavricek
City Administrator:
Gary Greer
City Clerk:
RaNae Edwards
7:00:00 PM
Council Chambers - City Hall
100 East First Street
Carole Cornelius
Peg Gilbert
Joyce Haase
Margaret Hornady
Robert Meyer
Mitchell Nickerson
Don Pauly
Jackie Pielstick
Scott Walker
Fred Whitesides
City of Grand Island City Council
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Individuals who have appropriate items for City Council consideration should complete the Request for Future
Agenda Items form located at the Information Booth. If the issue can be handled administratively without Council
action, notification will be provided. If the item is scheduled for a meeting or study session, notification of the date
will be given.
This is an opportunity for individuals wishing to provide input on any of tonight's agenda items to reserve time to
speak. Please come forward, state your name and address, and the Agenda topic on which you will be speaking.
This is an opportunity for the Mayor to comment on current events, activities, and issues of interest to the community.
City of Grand Island City Council
Item -1
Update on Stolley Park Improvements
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Study Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: Steve Paustian
City of Grand Island City Council
Council Agenda Memo
From: Steve Paustian, Park and Recreation Director
Meeting: City Council, April 15, 2004, 2004
Subject: Update on Stolley Park Improvements
Item #’s: 1
Presenter(s): Steve Paustian
Since the closing of the Zoo, plans have been developed to reuse the former zoo site. A
committee was formed and a reuse plan was developed. To date the construction of Kids
Kingdom and the renovation of the train has been completed as part of that plan. The
next phase of the implementation of the development plan is the installation of a
community picnic shelter.
A plan has been developed to incorporate the community shelter with other existing
features of the Park. The architects that are currently designing the arboretum have
assisted staff with the design. The design calls for a modification to the existing road that
includes rerouting. A power point presentation will be provided Tuesday night to
graphically display the proposed new routing. The power point will also focus on the
existing cave and a discussion with Council is anticipated regarding its future.
1. Accept the design.
2. Modify the design.
It is the recommendation of staff that the development proceed as presented, with or
without modifications.
Sample Motion
A motion is not required.
Item -2
Parks and Greenspace Development Fund
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Study Session
City of Grand Island
Staff Contact: Chad Nabity
City of Grand Island City Council
Council Agenda Memo
From: Chad Nabity, AICP Regional Planning Director
Meeting: April 12, 2004
Subject: Greenspace and Park Acquisition Fees
Item #’s: 2
Presenter(s): Chad Nabity, AICP Regional Planning Director
Steven Paustian, Grand Island Parks Director
As the City grows it is to the benefit of the community if land for parks can be acquired
concurrent with or preceding development. The Grand Island Parks Plan contains
recommendations for park sizes and general locations. Acquisition of land for parks can
be very costly. Most of the land on which development is anticipated (areas where parks
will be necessary) could easily be developed with residential lots covering the entire
property without leaving any space for parks. The city cannot afford to acquire parkland
at building lot prices.
Historically the City of Grand Island has acquired parkland primarily through the
donation of property that could not otherwise be developed, or by purchasing tracts of
ground with tax dollars. Recently, the City has been able to purchase undeveloped tracts
of ground (at predevelopment prices) in areas where parks were needed (Cedar Hills
Park). The City will need additional parks as residential development occurs. The
Grand Island Parks Plan suggests that every house should have a neighborhood park
within ½ mile of the property.
Most property currently being developed in the City does not have an area that can be
donated or purchased for parks because it cannot be developed for housing. It is unlikely
that there will be property the owners would choose to give as a park rather than develop
to sell for lots.
To meet the recommendation of the Grand Island Parks Plan, the City needs to create a
park acquisition and development fund. This fund needs to be large enough to provide
adequate money to buy land for a neighborhood park every 3 or 4 years. Generally
between 80 and 120 lots are developed in Grand Island during the course of a year. A
park fee of $250 to $500 per lot would provide between $20,000 and $60,000 annually
toward the acquisition and development of new parks. Any fees of less than $250 per lot
would not generate enough funds to build an effective park acquisition and development
fund. The fees charged to the development could be lowered if the developer is willing
to provide property useable for a park, easements for hike/bike trails and/or build a trail
through the subdivision with the development.
The fees could be collected from the developer at the time of execution of the subdivision
agreement or from the builder at the time of the building permit.
It appears that the Council has the following alternatives concerning the issue at hand.
The Council may:
1. Direct Staff to bring forward fees for the creation of a Park Acquisition and
Development fund at a level of not less than $250 per lot.
2. Direct Staff to create a Park Acquisition and Development fund from property
3. Direct Staff to create a Park Acquisition and Development fund from sales
4. Direct Staff to not to bring this item forward again for 3 years or until such
time as it is requested by City Council.
City Administration recommends that the Council direct staff to bring forward fees for
the creation of a Park Acquisition and Development fund at a level $500 per lot (with
allowances for property or facilities in lieu of payment upon approval of council) payable
upon execution of the subdivision agreement.
Sample Motion
To direct Staff to bring forward a resolution and/or ordinance creating a fund for the
acquisition and development of parks to be funded by a fee of $500 per lot on the
creation of new lots within the jurisdiction of the City Of Grand Island.