01/23/2024 Resolutions 2024-28RESOLUTION 2024-28 WHEREAS, the City Council, by authority of Section 22-51 of the Grand Island City Code, may by resolution, establish speed limits upon the streets of the City of Grand Island. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that speed limits within the City of Grand Island are established as follows: STREET FROM TO LINIlT ��� %2milewestofSkyPa►icRoad SkyParkRoad 50 ��3' �) Abba�kRoo�d �� ��1y�00f�eastaf 5� ` ' Q�rx�tRc�d%itS'lirnit} , Adams Sh�eet Stolley Patic Road Arn�a Str�e# 30 �rt� Al�ro�l�'780feetvvestof W�bRc�ad{eitylimits) 50 ' WebbRc�d{atylimi�) AirportRoad U.S. Highway281 Al�pn°�e1y480 feet eastof 50 U.S.I�'ighwaY281 � � l�m�) �� %4milewe�ofSkyPa�icRaa�d , �yParkRo�l ' S5 ��� Appro�mately 3,300 fee� east of AitportRoad Sh�dyBendRoad 5�������� 50 Arura. Stre� Bl�ir� St� ' L�eust S� 30 Bi�c Road Vine Sh�et Stuhr Road 30 ' Bisrn�cRo�i SbuhrRoad ��1y3,�QQfeeteastof 4� , St�ahrR�acl( limits Blaine Sh�aet �pr°�am�ely %2 mile soudi of ��, �ve West hmits 50 Wildwood Drive West (city lirruts) ��' . ) �cxxxt River Diversi� DitGI�B� Trail B1air�; Si� LT.S.I�'ig�way34 A�5 (citYli�} Blaine S�et U.S. I�'ighway 34 Stolley Padc Ro�l 35 Blairie S� StolleyFar�RQad C71dF�shI�'ighway/Old Lit�colnI�"ighway �0' ' Broaciwell Avenue Anr�a S� Pt�spec,�t Avern�e 30 Bro�du�ellAven� ' Pr+�pectAv�e Neb�skaI�ig�ru�'2 (crtYroute) 35' BroadwellAvenue Nebiaska I�'ighway2 (cityroute) U.S. Highway281(citylinuts) 45 CapitalAve�ue ' Fa�gl�nRer�l ` NorthR�ad iiii 35' STREET FROM TO LINITI' NE Central Railro�i Tracks Capital Av�ue Nord1 Road (approxur�a�ely 1,740 feet east of 40 St Paul Road) '' NE C�airal Rai�d Ti�cks ��� (�xi��y l,��o���f s�yt���a �s s��� CapitalAve�ue SkyParkRoad %ZmileeastofSkyPaiicRoad 50 ��3' �) � ' Bi�nadcRo� �ud�lar�Sh� 30 Conco�l S�ei Diers Avenue 370 fe� r�rth of Dieis Avenue 30 Cl�Roac} ' C71dPatash �te S� 40 ' CusterAv�n�e fJldLir�coln'I�'ighwayf ' ��Av�e 30 O1dP�' Diers Avenue Old Po�ash I�'ighway Capital Averu�e 30 S� Fourd7 Sh� ` State S�t 3Q Eightaerrtli S�et Cla�ade Road Dieis Avenue 30 FalglemanRoad HuskerHighvva�'(cit�'limits) �°�mately400 feetnorthof 45 NotdiLane (citY limits) 1/zmilesc�of�ldPota�I�'ighway Appro�m�#elyfGGO �eetscx�hof Fx�glemanR�ad ' ( ' li�rrits} ; �1dP���Y��3'�) 45 ��� Apptnximately200 feetsouthof �p�Av�ue 45 La�iatLane (cit�' limits) Fa3gl�aanR�ad '' CapitalAvan�'' ' �°�mately1,Q00fe�tr�thof 45' i�TichiganAv�we%Y�) FaidleyAvenue NorthRoaci DiersAvenue 40 FaidleyA�en� Di�sAvenue : We�ibRoad 35' FaidleyAvexiue WebbRoad C1�sterAvenue 30 Fc�Pa�Rc�c1 So�hl.ocustS�et St�hrRoad 35' ' Fou�tli Street Sycamore Sh� Plut� Sh�et 25 Fc�urti� Stre� ' Phun Sh�et ' Bea1 S� 30 Foluth S�et Beal S�eet Taft S� 35 Fourth Street ' ' Taf� Sln� ' ' Se�� Str� 45, ; GoldCoreRoad WildwoodDrive SchimmerDrive 40 Husker�uay U.S. Highway30 Scl�t�Av�ue ' SQ �TREET FROM TO LIMTI' HuskerI�'ighway SchnoaderAv�� U.S.I�'ighway281 40 7�ge�Rcc�d Wildwood Diive Sc�in�tnerDrive 3(l �� S� � Approximately 1,200 fe� norti� of Approximately 1,300 feet narth of 65 Inteis�te 80 (citylimits) Schimmer Drive I oc;ust Sire� SB Carnp AugusCine App��r�tely 1,20() f� � c�f 5� �� $p (city li�nits Appro�n�ately 1,300 feet� of Lc�eust Stroet SB ' C�mp Au�usline 65 ' Schimm�Drive Loct�st S� Approximately 1,300 feet north of U.S. Highway 34 45 SchimmerDrive Lociist S� U.S. H'ighway 34 S�gec�Ch Road 40 I.ocustSiroet '' St�g��chRoad StolieyP�kRc�d 35 ` Locust S� Stolley Park Road Chaties S�ia� 30 Lau�Sln� ' CharlesS� First Street 2� NebiaskaI�ighway 1/z mile west of �ndependence Aven 600 feetwestofDiers Avenue 55 2 (westcitylimits) Ne��tast�aHC��ay '6QQf��ofDiersAv�ue ' 2dOfe�ea�tof{)'F�anna�n�treet 45 2 N��R �� 200 fee� eastof0'Fl�ri Street Bro�dwellAvenue 50 Nc�R�ad ' H�F�ighw�y ' StolleyParl�R�d ' 35 NorthRoad O1dI�'ighway30 U.S. Highway30 35 NolthRoad LT.S.I-�igliway30 �idF�hH'ip�iuray , 45 No�diRoad OldPota�I�'ighway NebraskaI-�ighway2 40 OldL,incolnF�iigll�way �;�Av�i�e BroadwellAv� ' 3(} O1dI�ighway30 w��Ori� WebbRod 45 U.S. I�'ighway30 Old I�ighu�y 34 ; �ebb R�ad ` E� �rt�ction wifli 35 U S. F[igl�vc�'�.Y 3a Old Potash 1,500 fee�t west of Arapahoe Av��e North Road 45 ��Y ��'��'�) , i �, �•� ��.� �I� . 1� ���u : �..,� J . E � `Y. . +-a . .ii • t.�,i viuw�v+iwvs�ax ��(.1�'f�.V�lll� Quan�Ro�d AbbottRoad '/4miler�ofAbbottRo�d 50 ' �IZmilevve�ofU.S. H'��iw�ay Schimm�Drive ' �lair� � (e�t city li�� 4(� ?_81(west ' limits Second S�et Webb Road Ada S� 35 S�edlir�Mile Ro�i ' %ZmilewestofM�.nnDtive , ShadyB�dRa�d ' 3� Seedling Mile Road Shady Bend Road ��'°�ly 1/4 mile east of Shady 45 Berxi Ro�d (east city limits) S� fcet�c�fArabianCit�le ShadyB�dRoad 23I fee�soudl'c�fG�gQtyAver� '' 45 (�'�) u ShadyBerx�Road 231 fe�soudi ofGregoryAvenue UnionPacificRailroadRight-0f-Way 35 (�tY�) ( ' �) S B�dRoad. 1,�14feetr�hof '' Av� '` rtRo�d 55 SkyParkRoad Sever�Sti�et CapitalAv�ue 45 SkyP�Road Ca�] Av�ue Twm StarLane 55' SkyParlcRoad Twin StarLane Gulf S�nDrive 45 SkyPadcRoad ��IfSire�nIhive W�riteCloudRo�i ' S5' State S�ei North Roacl Moores Cre� 40 S#a�e �" Mcxa�s C� W�bRc�d 35 ' StolleyPadcRoad �0 fe�iwestofFreedonl Drive (west U.S. Highway 30 50 �3' �) S�all PadcRcrad U.S. 3tl U.S�i wa 281 45' StolleyPacicRoad U.S. Highway281 StuhrRo�cl 35 ' 270fe�tsoukhaftiiem�thir��n S�.ihrRc�ad vvithStolleyParkRoad FonnerFarkRc�d 45' ' (s�uiheitYlitnit�) StuhrRoad FormerParkRo�d U.S.I�'ighway30 35 Syca�noreSh�et ; ' FourthS�et ' Capit�lAv�e 3U' � S� 910 feEiwestofBranding IronLane CedarRidge Court 40 (W���) �n�s�a� c�r�c�t ���t �s, U.S. Highway 30 Husk� Highway Johnstown Road 55 V.S.I�ighway30 Jol�wnR�ad F�stIr��scticmwidzOldl�ighw�y3Q ' 45 STREET FROM TO LIlV�r U.S. Highway 30 East Inters�c,�on with Old Highway 30 Greenwich Sh�et 35 U.S. �-Tighway 3(l ' (eas�tbc�wxi}( '! SecondStr� Fir�tS� 34' GreenwichSh� U.S. Highway 30 (lst �,��� � �, � 30 S�iancl2nd Sh�et) V.s.��y3o�i� �,s� sy��s� 2s ��za�t�} U.S. I�'ighway 30 (2'� p�lic Saf�y Drive Sycamore Sh�et 35 Sh�) US'�C�ghway3Q ' , ��� SycamoreShc�et FhamS�et 25 US'H'ighwaY30 ' �l� �� Plum Sire�t ' ' Public Safe�.y I)riv� 35 U.S. I�ighway 30 '' Public Safety Drive 2,500 feetvc�:st of Shady B�i Ro�d �5 U.S. I�'ighway 30 �500 feet west�of Shady Beiid Shady Bend Roa�d (east city lirnits) 50 U.S. H'ighway 34 V.S. H'ighway�l Wcj�rnanDrive (aty lrrnits� 45' '' i����Y) ' u.s. ��n� � Wariman Drive (BeginNDOT B� s�r �tivDOT���a�� so ���' ��Y) J�iction) U.s. I�waY 34 , Blair�e'' Str�eer ��ely lr4 mile west c�fL�a� ��, {H�ker�ighwaY) ` St�(l�eAnrtRoad} U.S. I�ighway 34 Approxunately'/4 mile v� of L.ocust 1/4 mile east of Locust S�et (e�t city 45 ��'��Y) ���R� �) U�.I�'tghway 34281- '/4mile soufliof W�dwoodDrive Rae Ro�d C�Q SB (scxx�hhcitylirr�} U,�.I-�'ighway3��t281- ' g�R�d ' Hu�c�I�'ighway 55 SB OTHER SPEED ZONES: The speed limit for a11 alleys within the downtown Congested Parking Area as defined in Section 13-17 of the Grand Island City Code sha11 be 10 miles per hour. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution supersedes any and a11 other resolutions establishing or amending speed limits for the City of Grand Island. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, January 23, 2024. � Roge . Steele, Mayor Att t• ���.C.t` � r � r� s-� `J�il Granere, City Clerk