10/11/2022 Resolutions 2022-286�
Ciry uf Grartd i�and
Rssdution Na. � $ �f
whereas: Cily of Grand 33kand is proposing a transportation proje�t for which it wauld like to
obbin Faderal funds; and
Where�: Ciry of Grantl lsland understands that �E mvst s�nct{y ioE[ow a3f �ederal, Stata, and
local laws, rules, regaEations, poffcies, and guideSines applicabEe to the hmding o� the FederaE-
aid proje�i; and
Whereas: Gily of Grand Isla� and Nebraska QeparSmenl of Ttansportation {NDOT} wfah to
enter Ento a new Ptojeet Program Agreemenf setting aut the �adous duti�S and fundinq
respvnsibilRies ior tne Federal-aid Rmject�
Be It Resotved: by the Clty Gouncil o# the City of Gtand Island that
Rqgar Sieele, (utayarofthe CFty of Grand Island, is hereby aut3lo(ized ro slgn ths aHached
Proje�t Pragram Agrcement i�etweett the Ciiy of Grand Island and tl�a NhQ7.
City of Grand Isiand is wmmitied to provfding Eopl iunds far 1he project as required �y the
Projeci Pro9�m Agree�nt.
NbOT Project Numt�er: RRZ-40(68j
Ntl0? ConVal Numbar. 43009
Nf70T Projeet Alame: 6roadw0tl Ade. Viadu�t
Adopted this �L day af 0 r o� - _2D„�at �ran d_ Nebraska.
fF+�ontft) (vear) Island,
The Cily Caunail of itee Ciry oi Grand Island
BaardlCcuncff A+lemher �_Zy,� f1 �J � �
Mo�ed fhe 8d �n of s id reso ution
Membet ' C Secondad the Mnt(on
Rv1�Ca1L• Yea Na AbStainedT�Ahs�n!
Reaolutian adepted, signed �nd billed as aEop4ed
•I • � � � I �.
s�gnsture City Clerk
Rxhiblt „8"