10/11/2022 Resolutions 2022-285RES4LUT�ON 2ozz-2s5 WHEREAS, #here has besn 5igne8 by the CITY OF GRAND ISLANQ an the 23rd day of Janu��, 2018 , and the State on the 8th day of Feb� p ��g_, an agreement providing for the constructian o€ a Federal Aid City Projeet at the following location: F{VE pp1NTS tNTERSECT1Qi�S, GRAND tSLAND, antf WFiEREAS, in the ai�ove agreement, tF�e City has plsdged suf�icient funds #o #inance its share of the cost of the canstnactivn af this projecf identified as HSfP-54p9(3), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided tha# the City wil� pay cosfs as set forth in ihe agreemen#, and WFl�REAS, #he Sfate, on behalf of the City received bids far the conslrucfion of this project base� on the final plans and specificafians on September 29, 2022, at which tirr�e 3 bid(s) were recei�ed for the constrt�ction of ti�e proposed work, and W�i�f2EAS, #he fallowing Coniractor{s) far the items of work I#sted haslhave #�een selected as the !ow bidder(s) to whom the cantract(s} should be awarded: THE QIAMONQ E�GIiVEERING COMPAiVY, GRA�E#7 18LAND, NE 68802-1327 GRADING, CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CULVER75, WAT�R MAIN, SANfTARY SEWER, SEEDIIVG, ELECTRlCAL, sr��wG, GEN�RAL: $2,929,867,08 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the abo�e facts, the Ci#y Council of the C1T1' OF GRAND ISL.AI�D, by #his resalution, takes the fo[lowing officiaf action: 1, If for any reason the Fsderal Highway Administration rescinds, lirrcits its obliga#ions, or defers paymerrt of the Federal share a#' ihe cost vf this project, the City here�y agrees io provide the necessary funds to pay for alf costs incurred unti! and in it� event such Federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Counci! herehy c;onc�rs in the selectiors af ihe above mentio�ed Cantractor�sj far the tfems of work !is#etf, to whom the contract{s} should be awarcied. 3. TF�e Caunci! hereby approves vf the. finaf pl�ns and speciiications that were used in the bidding process fvr this project. 4_ Tne Council hereby authorizes t�e Mayor to sign the contraci{s) with the above t�entioned Contractor�s) for the abo�e mentionEd wark an behalf of the City using Sfate's 5tandard contra�t signing process, inc�uding wher� applicai�le, an electro�ic or digitaE signing pracess such as DocuSignO. DATEp TH�S. li�h bAY OF October, A.p. 2022 CITY OF GRAND 15tAND /, v� - (Mayor) A7TES7; Council Member��U 2; �1 g i�, . ��� �' (� mo�ed the adoplion af saici resoIution. t C�<x . {City Clerk) � � � � ��� Rol! �Call: 4� yea, nay, Resvlution adopted, sigr�ed and billed as adopted,