06/22/2021 Ordinances 9832ORDINANCE NO. 9832 An ordinance to amend Chapter 36 of the Grand Island City Code specifically, to amend Sections 36-70 B-3 Heavy Business Zone and Attachment A; to repeal any ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and to provide for publication in pamphlet form and the effective date of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA: SECTION 1. Section 36-70, shown below, and Attachment A Zoning Matrix, shown in Appendix A of this ordinance, of Grand Island City Code are hereby amended to read as follows: §36-70. (B-3) Heavy Business Zone Intent: The intent of this zoning district is to provide for the multiple uses within the central business district. Residential uses are permitted at the density of the (RO) Residential Office Zone. (A) Permitted Principal Uses: The following principal uses are permitted in the (B-3) Heavy Business Zoning District. (1) Agencies as found in the Zoning Matrix [Attachment A hereto] (2) Boarding and lodging houses, fraternity and sorority houses (3) Churches, synagogues, chapels, and similar places of religious worship and instruction of a quiet nature (4) Colleges offering courses of general instruction, including convents, monasteries, dormitories, and other related living structures when located on the same site as the college (5) Dwelling units (6) Elderly Home, Assisted Living (7) Group Care Home with less than eight (8) individuals (8) Hotel and motel uses (9) Mortuaries, funeral homes, and funeral chapels (10) Nonprofit community buildings and social welfare establishments (11) Ofiice and ofiice buildings for professional and personal services as found in the Zoning Matrix [Attachment A hereto] (12) Parking Lots (13) Preschools, nursery schools, day care centers, children's homes, and similar facilities (14) Public parks and recreational areas (15) Public, parochial and private schools having a curriculum equivalent to an elementary or highex educational level (16) Public and quasi-public buildings for cultural use (17) Radio and television stations (no antennae), private clubs and meeting halls (18) Railway right-of-way but not including railway yards or facilities (19) Restaurants, Bars and Nightclubs (20) Stores and shops that conduct retail business, as per the Zoning Matrix [Attachment A hereto], Outdoor retail activities and display of goods may occupy not more than 10% of the lot area. Approved as to Form tt June 21, 2021 II City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 9832 (Cont.) (21) Utility substations necessary to the functioning of the utility, but not including general business ofiices, maintenance facilities and other general system facilities, when located according to the yard space rules set forth in this section for dwellings and having a landscaped or masonry barrier on all sides. Buildings shall be of such exterior design as to harmonize with nearby properties (22) Vocational or trade schools, business colleges, art and music schools and conservatories, and other similar uses (23) Other uses as indicated in the Zoning Matrix [Attachment A hereto] (B) Conditional Uses: The following uses are subject to any conditions listed in this chapter and are subject to other conditions relating to the placement of said use on a specific tract of ground in the (B-3) Heavy Business Zoning District as approved by City Council. (1) Manufacture, fabrication or assembly uses incidental to wholesale or retail sales wherein not more than 20% of the floor area is so used (2) Outdoor sales and rental lots for new or used automobiles, boats, motor vehicles, trailers, manufactured homes, farm and construction machinery (3) Stores and shops for the conduct of wholesale business, including sale of used merchandise. (4) Towers (5) Automobile body repair; subject to the following minimum standards: No starage of parts or unlicensed vehicles outside of an enclosed building. The facility shall meet or exceed all building and iire code requirements. (6) Other uses as indicated in the Zoning Matrix [Attachment A hereto] (C) Permitted Accessory Uses: (1) Buildings and uses accessory to the permitted principal use. (D) Space Limitations: Uses Minimum Setbacks A B C D E Minimum Minimum Front Rear Side Street Maximum Maximum Parcel Lot Width Yard Yard Yard Side Ground Building Area (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) Yard Coverage Height (feet) (feet) Permitted Uses 3,000 30 0 0' OZ 0 100% Conditional 3,000 30 0 0` OZ 0 100% Uses 1 No rear yard setback is required if bounded by an alley, otherwise a setback of 10 feet is required. 2 No side yard setback is required, but if provided, not less than 5 feet or unless adjacent to a parcel whose zone requires a side yard setback, then 5 feet. (E) Miscellaneous Provisions: (1) Supplementary regulations shall be complied with as defined herein. (2) Only one principal building shall be permitted on one zoning lot except as otherwise provided SECTION 2. Sections 36-70 and Attachment A Zoning Matrix as existing prior to this amendment, and any ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are repealed. ORDINANCE NO. 9832 (Cont.) SECTION 3. The validity of any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication in pamphlet form within 15 days according to law. Enacted: June 22, 2021 � Rog . Steele, Mayor Attest: o� GRANp �� �� � c����GOF1F'URATc��20 RaNae Edwards, City Clerk * : ..- • -•� � * �OF� 10� ��1�,; NFBRAS�P ORDINANCE NO. 9832 (Cont.) Appendix A Chapter 36 Attachment "A" Zoning Matrix As Amended 6-22-2021 � L� GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code Land Use Cate ories as of June 2021 AGl AG2 AGSC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 A Abrasive, asbestos, & miscellaneous non-metallic mineral P products - manufacturing C P Abstracting services P P P P P P P P P P Accounting & bookkeeping services P P P P P P P P P P Accounting, computing & office machines - manufacturing P P P AdveRisin displays & signs - manufacturing C P P P Advertising services, direct mail P P P P P P P P P Advertisin services, general P P P P P P P P P P Agricultural, business and personal credit services including credit union P P P P P P P P P P Agricultural chemicals & fertilizers - manufacturing C C P C Agricultural chemical & fertilizers - wholesale C C P C P Agricultural fertilizers, hazazdous & non hazazdous - retail P P P P P P A icultural operations P P P P P P P P P P P P i' P i' i' P P P P P P P P P Air conditioning, heating & plumbing contracting services P P P P P P Air conditioning refrigerated equipment & supplies - wholesale P P P P P Aircraft & accessories - retail P P Aircraft stora e& e ui ment maintenance P Ai orts & flying fields P Alcoholic beverages, beer & wine - wholesale P P P P P Alteration, ressin & arment re air services P P P P P P P Ambulance services P P P P P Ammunition manufacturing & complete assembly of guided P missiles & space vehicles P P Ammunition, small arms - manufacturing P P P Amphitheaters C C C Amusement, athletic & sporting goods & toys - manufacturing P P P P P Animal & marine fats & oils including grease & tallow, C rendering - manufacturing C Animal hos ital services C C C C P P P P P P P Antiques - retail P P P P P P P P P Apiary fanns & processin P P P P P P A arel & accessories - manufacturing P P P P P A arel & accessories - retail P P P P P P P P P A arel & accessories - wholesale P P P P P Appazel belts - manufacturin P Appazel findings & related products - manufacturing P P P A liances (household) - manufacturing P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 1 of 21 L� - GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGI AG2 AGSC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Appliances (household) - retail P P P P P P P Appliances (electrical), television phonographs, tape players, P radio sets - wholesale P P P P Appliance re air services P P P P P P P P Aquaziums P P P Arboretums & botanical ardens 1' P Architectural, engineering & planning - professional services P P P P P P P P P P P Arenas & fieldhouses C C C C Armateur rewindin services C P P Armed forces reserve center C P Art alleries, publicly owned P P P P P Artists - painters, scul tors, composers, & authors P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Asbestos, abrasive & miscellaneous non-metallic mineral P products - manufacturing C P Asphalt felts & coating - manufacturin P P As halt mixing plants C C C C Athletic, amusement & sporting goods & toys - manufacturing P P P P P Athletic field or playfield C C C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P P Auditin , accountin & bookkee in services P P P P P P P P P Auditoriums, public P P P P P P P P P Automatic temperature controls - manufacturin P P P P P Automobile & other motor vehicle & equipment - manufacturing P P P Automobile & other motor vehicle re air services P P P C P P P Automobile & other motor vehicles - retail P P C P P Automobile & other motor vehicles - wholesale C Automobile & truck rental services P P P P Automobile e ui ment - wholesale P P P Automobile parts & su lies - retail P P P P P P P P Automobile wash services P P P C P P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 2 of 21 � � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AGSC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 B Bags except textile bags - manufacturing P P P Bait sho s P P P P P P P P Bakeries non-manufacturing - retail P P P P P P P Banking services P P P P P P P P P Bar or Ni htclub P P P P P P P P Barber services P P P P P P P P P Batch Plants - temporary C C P C C P Beau services P P P P P P P P P Bed and breakfast residence C C C C C P P P P P Beer, wine & alcoholic beverages - wholesale P P P P P Bic cles - retail P P P P P P P P Biolo ical products - manufacturing P C P Blacksmith & welding services P P Blankbooks, loose leaf binders & devices-manuf. of P P P P Blast furnaces, steel works & rolling of ferrous metals C C Blue rinting & photoco ying services P P P P P P P Boardin & roomin houses C P P P P P P Boat building & repair services P P P P Boat sales, service and rentals P P P P Boat buildin & repair, fiberglass P P P P Bookbinding & misc. related work - manufacturin P P P P Bookkeeping, auditin & aceounting services P P P P P P P P P Books, ma azines & news a ers distributin - wholesale P P P P P P P Books - ublishing & printing P P P P P P Books - retail P P P P P P P Boot & shoe cut stock & findin s- manufacturin P P P P Botanical gardens & arboretums P P P Bottled as- retail P P P P P P P Bottling & cannin soft drinks & carbonated waters P P P P Bowling alleys P P P C P P P Boxes and paperboazd containers - manufactarin P P P Brand , brand s irits & wine - manufacturin C C C C P C P P Brick & structural clay tile manufacmring P P P Brooms & brushes - manufacturin P P P P Building construction - eneral contracting services P P Building materials - retail P P P P P Building materials & lumber - wholesale P P P P Buildin a r& buildin boazd - manufacturin P P P Bulk petroleum stations & terminals - wholesale C C Bus garagin & e uipment maintenance P P Business & mana ement consultin services P P P P P P P P Business offices not elsewhere listed P P P P P P P P Business associations P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 3 of 21 L� � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AG-SC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Business forms - manufacturin Butter - manufacturing P P P P P C Cabinet making - manufacturin P P P P Cable TV maintenance yard C P Cameras & hoto ra hic supplies - retail P P P P P P P P Camp grounds, general C C P C C C C Camp grounds, rou C C P C C C C Cand & other confectione roducts - manufacturin P P P P Candy, nut, & confectione - retail P P P P P P P Canes, pazasols & umbrellas - manufacturing P P P i' Canning & preserving of fruits, vegetables & seafood's - manufacturing P P Canvas products - manufacturing P P i' Carbon black - manufacturin C C Cardboazd, paperboazd & die-cut paper - manufacturin P P i' Carpentry & wood flooring services P P P P P P C et & rug cleaning & repair seroice P P p P P P P P P Carpet & rug - manufacturing P P P P Cement (hydraulic) - manufacturing C i' Cemeteties P P P Ceramic wall & floor tile - manufacturing P P P i' Cereal pre arations - manufacturing P P P P Chazitable & welfare services P P P P P P P P Cheese (natural & processed) - manufacturing P P P Chemicals & fertilizers -minin Chemicals, agricultural, nonhazardous, wholesale C C C C C C Chemicals, industrial, nonhazazdous, wholesale C C C Chemicals, industrial organic & inorganic - manufacturing C C C Chiropractors, optometrists, & other similar health services P P P P P P P P Churches , synagogues & tem les C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P Cigarettes & cigars - manufacturin P P P P Civic, social & fraternal associations C P P P P P P P Civil Defense & related activities P Clay, ceramic & refracto minerals - mining C C C C C C � C Clay refractories - manufacturing P 1' Clock, watch & jewelry repair services P P P P p P P Clocks, watches, clockwork operated devices & parts - manufacturing P P P P Commercial & industrial machinery, equipment & supplies - wholesale P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 4 of 21 �' � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AGSC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Commodity & securities brokers, dealers & exchanges & services P P P P P P P P Communication e ui ment - manufacturing P P P P Composting plants C Concrete brick & block - manufacturing P P Concrete products - manufacturing P P Concrete, ready-mix plants P P Concrete construction & pavin services P P Confectionery, nut & candy - retail P P P i' P P P Confectione - wholesale P P P P P Construction & lumber materials - wholesale P P P P P Construction, mining, & materials handling machinety & equipment - manufacturing P P P Construction e uipment - retail P P P Construction services - temporary C C C C C C C C C C C C Convalescent„ nursing & rest home services C C P P P P P P Convents P P P P P P P P P P P Convenience store P P P P P P P P P Cosmetics, erfumes, & other toiletries - manufacturing P P P P Cottage services Coun club P P P P P P P P P P P P Crating & ackin seroices P P P P Credit re orting, adjustment & collection services P P P P P P P P P Credit unions & agricultural, business & personal credit services P P P P P P P P P Crematory, funeral & mortuary services P P P P P P P Curtains, draperies & upholste - retail P P i' i' P P P Cut stone & stone products - manufacturin P P P D Dairy products - retail P P P P P P P Dairy products - wholesale P P P P Day cue centers C C C C C P P C C P P P P P C P Dental equipment & sup lies - manufacturin P P P P Dental laboratory services P P P P P P P P P P Dental services P P P P P P P P Department stores - retail P P P P P P P Detective & protective services P P P P P P P P P Diaper services P P P Direct mail advertising services P P P P P P P P Direct selling organizations - retail P P P P P P P Discount & variety stores - retail P P P P P P P Disinfecting & exterxninatin services P P P P P Disposal site - commercial construction C C C C Disposal site - hazardous waste C C P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 5 of 21 _ _ _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX Attachment ��A�� Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGI AG2 AGSC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Dis osal site - nucleaz waste C Disrilling, rectifyin ,& blending liquors P P Dormitories, college P P P P 1' P P P P P Dra eries, curtains & u holste - retail P P P P P P P Drawing, rolling & extrusion of non-fercous metals - manufacturing P P Dru & roprietary - retail P P P P P P P P Drugs, drug proprietaries, & druggist sundries - wholesale P P P D cleaning & launderin icku services P P P D cleanin & launderin , self service P P P P P P P Dry cleaning, laundering & d eing services, except rugs P P P 1' P P P P D goods & general merchandise - retail P P i' P P P P Dry goods & notions - wholesale P P P P P Dude ranches C C C Duplicating, mailing, & stenographic services P P P P P P P Dwellin , elderl P Dwelling, mobile home not on permanent foundation P Dwelling, mobile home on permanent foundation P Dwelling, multi-famil P P P P P P P P P P P P Dwelling, single-famil P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Dwelling, two-famil P P P P P i' P P P P P P P Dyeing & finishing of textiles P P P P Dyeing, dry cleanin & laundry services, except rugs P P P P P 1' P E Earthenware, table & kitchen articles - manufacturing P P P P Educational & scientific research services P P P P P E & poultry - retail P i' Electrical apparatus & equipment, wiring supplies, & construction materials - wholesale P P P Electrical contractor services P P P P Electrical appliances, phonographs, televisions, tape players & radio sets - wholesale P 1' P Electrical industrial a aratus - manufacturing P P P P Electrical repair seroices, except radio & television P P P P P P i' Electrical supplies - retail P P P P Electrical transmission & distribution equipment - manufacturing P P P P Electric eneration plants C C C C C C Electric utili maintenance yard P P Electricity regulatin substations P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Electric li htin & wiring e ui ment - manufacturin P P P P Electrometallurgical products & processing - manufacturing P P Electronic components & accessories - manufacturing P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 6 of 21 � � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AG-SC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Electronic arts & equipment - wholesale P P P Electroty ing and stereotyping P P P Employment seroices P P P P i' P P P Engineering, planning architectural professional services P P P P P P P P P P Engineering laboratory, & scientific & research instruments & associated equipment - manufactured P P P P Engines & turbines - manufacturin P P P Envelope - manufacturing P P P P Equipment & supplies for service establishments - wholesale P P P P P P Equipment rental & leasing services P P P P Ethanol plants & mills C C C C Exhibition halls i' P P P P P Ex losives - manufacturing C C C Exterxninatin P P P P P Extracts & flavoring syrups - manufacturin P P P P Extrusion, drawing, & rolling of non-ferrous metals - manufacturing P P P F Fabricated structural metal products - manufacturin P P P Fabricated wire products - manufacturing P P P Fairgrounds C C P P P Farm machinery & equipment - retail P P P Farm machinery & equipment - manufacturin P P P Farm machine & e ui ment - wholesale P P P Farm products wazehousing & storage excluding stockyards - nonhazardous P P P P P Farm su lies - retail P i' P Farms & ranches - livestock P P P P P P Farms, commercial forestry P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Farms, grain crops P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Farms, hay & alfalfa P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Farms, fiber cro s P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Farms, fruits, nuts or vegetables P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Fazms, nursery stock P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Feeding operation - confined C C C C C C Feed pre azation for animals & fowls P P Feeds, grains & ha - retail P P P Felt oods - manufacturin P P Fertilizers, agricultural hazardous - retail P Fertilizers, agricultural nonhazardous - retail P P Fertilizers & chemicals - mining C C C C C P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 7 of 21 _ _ _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code ������m����mm00��m�mmm��� , , - : , - . �����0������������������� , , � , : - . -. , ������������������������� • -. ,�, - ������������������������� � -. ,,, , - , - �����������������������0� 0000��0������������������ - 0000��0������������������ 0000�00������������������ ����0�������������������� „ , - � ������������������������� ' ������������������������� . : , - : . , ,. ����0�������������������� . , - , . : . -.. . ����0�������������������� ,,, , - : . ... . - - ������������������������� , , . : -- ����0�������������������� , . , - , - ����0�������������������� : . . . � , . �, �����������������������0� : , , , ������������������������� . . . , : - 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�,,, , ����������������0�������� - ����0�����������������0�� ����0�����������������000 . .. � , . _ ����0�������������������� . . ..- � : :. .- ,. - - ������������������������� .. ,. , ������������������������� . , - : : , : , , - - ������������������������� . .- : � - - - ������������������������� . .- : , � , : , - : . . - ������������������������� �����������������0������� - - - - -, , : - ����0�������������������� � _ . : _ ����0�������������������� - - - ����0�������������������� - ������������������������� �������0�00���0���������� � - . ., . _ ����0�������������������� - : , , - ����0�����������������0�� , _ .., . . .. _� . : . . .-. . _ .. . . ■■��o■■■■■�■��■■■�■■■■■e■ �. .-.. . � : .-. ____o______________..-_o_ . . . _______________00000.-_oo _ . :.. ..... . 00000_o__________.__..___ . . ... ____________________.-_o_ . __�____________00000.-_oo . .. : _ ____o____________._..__o_ __ _ _ � ____o______________..0000 : .� .�: . � .-.. ________________o-_-.-_oo ________________0000.-_oo ________________-___.-___ _________________.__.-___ -_ :. .. . _ ____o____________.__.0000 _ . ... - _______________00000.0000 _ _ ______�__________oo..0000 : � �. . . - - � � __________�______..-.-_oo :. . . � - .:.. . _______________.0000.-_oo .. . _ ____o__________.____.._o. ._ :. �. ,� _ ____________o__00000._.00 : . � . . . _ _ _ _ - ________________0000.-_oo _ ____________.___00000-_oo � _ ____o_______________.-_o_ : .�. � _________________-__..___ - : _. ,. .... ..,. ___________-____o.o_.._o_ : .. . ____o__________.____.._o_ P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 11 of 21 � _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AG-SC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Meats - retail P P P P P P P Medical & surgical instruments & appazatus - manufacturing P P P P P Medical clinics, out- atient services P P P P P P P P Medical laboratory services P P P P P Medical chemicals - manufacturin C C Metal cans - manufacturing P P P Metal coating, engraving, and allied services - manufacturing P P P Metal mining services P Metal ore minin C C C C Metal roducts, fabricated structural - manufacturin P P P P Metals & minerals, except petroleum products & scrap - P wholesale p p Metals, nonferrous, rolling, drawing, & extrusion - P manufacturing P P Metal stamping - manufacturing P P P Metal working machinery & equipment - manufacturing P P P P Millwork - manufacturing P P P P P Milk rocessing, fluid only P Miniature olf P P P P P P Mining C C C C C C C Mobile home parks P Mobile homes - manufacturing P P P P Mobile homes not on ermanent foundation P Manufactured homes on permanent foundation P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Mobile homes & accessories - retail P P Monasteries P P P P P P P P P P P Monuments - retail P P P P Mortician's oods - manufacturin P P P P P Motels, hotels, & tourist courts P P P P P C C P Motion picture distribution services P P P P P P P Motion picture production studios P P P P P P Motorcycle & bicycle sales,rental & service P P P P P P P Motor frei ht gazaging & e ui ment maintenance P P P Motor frei ht terminals P P P Mortuary, funeral & crematory services P P P P P P P Museums P C P P P P P P P P P Musical insmuments & supplies - retail P P P P P P P Musical instmments & arts - manufacturin P P P P N News aper & magazines - retail P P P P P P P Newspapers, books & magazines distribution - wholesale P P P P P P News a ers ublishin & rintin P P P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 12 of 21 l �i _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Gr�and Island City Code AGI AG2 AG-SC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Nightclub or Bar P P P P P P P P News syndicate services P P P P P P P P P Nonmetallic mining, exce t fuel - services P P Noodles, macaroni, spaghetti & vermicelli - manufacturing P P P P P Notions, d oods - wholesale P P 1' P P P Novelties, gifts & souvenirs - reail P P P P P P P P Nursery stock fazms P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Nursing, convalescent & rest home services C C P C P P P C Nuts, bolts, screws, rivets, & washers, & screw machine products - manufacturing P P P P P O Office & store fixtures, partitions, shelving, & lockers - manufacturing P P P P P Office, computing & accounting machines - manufacturing P P P P P Office furniture - manufacturing P P P P P Oilcloth, lastic fabric & vinyl products - manufacturing C C O hthalmic goods - manufacturing P P P P P Optical goods, hearing aids, orthopedic appliances & other similu devices - retail P P P P i' P P P Optical instruments & lenses - manufacturin P P P P P Optometrists, chiropractors & other similar health services P P P P P P P P Ornamental iron works - manufacturin P P P P P O hana es C C P P P P P Or[hopedic, prosthetic & surgical appliances & supplies - manufacturing P P P P P Outdoor advertisin services P P P P P P Packin & cratin services P P P 1' Padding & upholste filling - manufacturing P P P P Paint, glass, & wallpa er - retail P P P P P P P Paintin & a er han in services P P 1' P P Paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied products - manufactured C C Pa er & a er roducts - wholesale P P P P P P Paperbound containers & boxes - manufacturin P P P i' Paperboazd - manufacturing P P P P Pa er coating & glazing - manufacturin P P P P Pa er, exce t building paper - manufacturing P P P P Pa er hanging & painting services P P P P P Parasols, umbrellas & canes - manufacturin P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 13 of 21 _ - _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX Attachment ��A° Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGI AG2 AG-SC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Pazks, public P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Partitions, shelving, lockers & office & store fixtures - P manufacturing P P P P Paunch manure - application, incorporatioq stockpiling, disposal C C C C Periodicals, publishin & rinting P P P P P P P Petroleum bulk stations & terminal - wholesale C C Petroleum i line R/W P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P p P P i' P P Petroleum ressure control stations Petroleum (crude) & gas field services P P Petroleum (crude) & natural gas drilling C C C C C Petroleum refining C C Pets & et ooming - retail P P P P P P P Pharmaceutical prepuations - manufacturing P P P Photoco ying & blue printing seroices P P P P P P P Photcen raving P P P P P Photofinishing services P P P P P P P Photo raphic equipment & su plies - manufacturin P P P P P Photogra hic studios & services P P P P P P P Photogra hic supplies & cameras - retail P P P P P P P P Physicians' services P P P P P P P P Planetarium P P P P P P P Planin mills, general - manufacturing P P P P P Planning, azchitectural & engineering professional services P P P P P P P P P Plastering, mason , stone work & tile setting services P P P P P P Plastic fabric, vinyl roducts & oilcloth - manufacturing P P P P Plastic materials & synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, synthetic & C C other manmad materials - manufacturing Plastic roducts - manufacturin P P Pla fields & athletic fields C C C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P P Pla rounds P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pla lot or tot lot P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Pleating, decorative & novelty stitching & tucking for the trade - P manufacturing P P P P Plumbin & heatin e ui ment & su lies - retail P P P P p Plumbing fixtures & heating appazatus (except electrical) - P manufacturing P P P P Plumbing, heating, & air conditioning contracting services P P P P Plywood & veneer - manufacturing P P P P Porcelain electrical su lies - manufacturin P P P P P Pottery - manufacturin P P P P P Poultry & eg s- retail P P P Poult & oul roducts - wholesale P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 14 of 21 � � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX � Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AGSC AGSE AGSI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Poultry & small game dressin & ackin P C P Poultry hatchery services P P P Prefabricating wooden buildings & structural members - manufacturing P P P P Preserving & canning of fruits, vegetab►es & seafood's - P manufacturing P P P Pressed & molded pul oods - manufacturing P P P P Pressing, alteration & garment re air services P P P P P P P Primary smelting & refining of nonferrous metals - C C manufacturing Printing ink - manufacturing P P P Printing, commercial P P P P P P P P Printin & ublishing of books P P P P P Printin & ublishing of news a ers P P P P P P P Printing & publishing of periodicals P P P P P P P Private Prisons C C Private clubs C C P P P P P P P Processing waste & recovering fibers & flock - manufacturing C C Professional equipment & su plies - wholesale P P P P P P P P Professional membershi or anizations P P P P P P P P P Professional offices not elsewhere listed P P P P P P P P P Pul - manufacturin P P P P Q Qua ing, gravel, sand & dirt C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Qua in , stone C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C R Race tracks & courses - animals P P Race tracks & courses - vehicle C C C C Radioactive materials processing & storage - manufacturing C C Radioactive waste materials disposal C Radio broadcastin studios P P P P P P P P P Radios, television, phonographs, rewrders & tape players - P manufacturing P P P P Radios, televisions, phonographs, recorders, & tape players repair services P P P P P P P Radios,televisions, phonographs,recorders & tape players - retail P P P P P P Radio transmitting stations & towers C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Railroad equipment & maintenance yard P P Railroad - equipment - manufacturing P P Railroad frei t terminals P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 15 of 21 � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX � Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AGSC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Railroad passenger terminals P P p Railroad right-of-way P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P p p Railroad switching yards P p p Raincoats & other waterproof outer gazments - manufacturing P p p p P Real estate agents, brokers & management services P P P P P P P P Reclaiming rubber C C Recreational vehicles & e ui ment - manufacturin P p p p p Recreational vehicles & e ui ment - retail P P P p Recreation centers P P P P P P P P P Rectories P P P P P P P P P P P Rec cling center C C C Refining & smelting (primary) of nonferrous metals C C Refining of petroleum C Refrigerated warehousing (except food lockers) P P P P P P P Refuse incineration C C Religious camps & retreats C C C C C Research, development & testing services P P P P P Resorts (general C C C C P P P C Rest, nursing, & convalescent home services C C P C P P P C Restaurants P P P P P P P p Restaurants, drive-in P P P P P P p p Retirement homes C C P C P P P P C Reupholstery & fumiture repair services P P P P P P P Rice millin P P Riding stables & acadamies C C C C C C C Roadside stands offering agricultural products for sale on the P P P P P P P P premises Roller skating rinks - indoor P P P P p p p Rolling, drawing, & extrusion of nonferrous metals - P P P P manufacturing Rolling of ferrous metals, blast furnaces & steel works C C C C Roofing & sheet metal contracting services P P P P P Rooming & boarding houses C P C P P P P P Rubber footwear - manufacturing P P P p Ru & ca et cleanin & re air services P P P P P p p Rug & carpet - manufacturing P P P P S Salva e ard C C Sand & ravel u in C C C C C C C C C C C Sanitary landfill C C Sanitary paper products - manufacturing P P Sausages & other prepared meat products - manufacturing P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 16 of 21 _ _ _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code ������m�����m�0��m�mmm��� : ,. . . . , ������������������������� 0���0�������������������� „ . ������������������������� ,� ,, ������������������������� ' .. , � ������������������������� „ . � ������������������������� ,. . -:- ������������������������� ,. , . - ������������������������� ,. , - ., ,- - ������������������������� ,. ,. ������������������������� „ ,. �����������������0������� �. , ������������������������� „ . . --- ������������������������� ,. ������������������������� ,. ������������0������������ .. , 00�������000������������� „ , �. 00����0��00�0������������ „ , , - , . ������������������������� „ - , ,, ������0��000������������� ,. ,:., ������������������������� ,. - ������������������������� „ . - ������������������������� .. ������������������������� .. , , , . ������������������������� : -, . . . - -. - �����������������������0� . , . , . - ������������������������� ... . -..�.-. : .. - : . ■■��o■�■�■�■■■■�■■■■■000e :.:. �. .: :.... .. ■���o■�■■■��■■■■■■■�■��o■ :.: . .�. _______________00000.._oo o___o______________..-_o_ _-:.-; .-. ,. _______________.0000.._o_ _ ..., ____o____________.__.-_o_ _ _ _ _______________-_--_.000_ - -. �, ,- . ____o__________-___-.0000 - .:.. .. . - ________________o__...000 - : .. . -. . : .= -.: -._ . ■■��o■■�■■�■■��■■■■■�000e �,.:,. =.. _______________000000-_oo ._ - ____o_______________.0000 .- -� - _______________00000..__o .. �.. ____o_______.___000..0000 . . . ..-. .:, _ : . _ ...- . : . ■■��o�■■■����■■■■�■�■000■ P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 17 of 21 _ _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX _ Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AG-SC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Si ns & advertisin displays- manufacturin P P P P Silverware & lated ware - manufacturin P P P P Skeet & tra shooting ranges C C P C C Sludge, municipal waste - application, incorporation, stockpiling, C C C C C C C C disposal Smelting & refining (prima ) of nonfenous metals C C Smelting & refinin (secondary) of nonferrous metals C C Soaps & detergents (exceptspecialty cleaners)- manufacturing P P P Social, civic & fraternal associations C P C P P P P P P P P P Social correctional, ueahnent & counseling services P P C P P P P P P P Solid waste transfer stations C C C C C Sorority & fratemi houses P P C P P P P Souvenirs, gifts, novelties - retail i' P i' i' i' P P P Soybean oil millin P P P P Sporting, toys, amusement & athletic goods - manufacturing P P P P P S orting oods - retail P P P P P P Stadiums C C C P Statione - retail P P P P P P P Steel pipe & tubes - manufacturing P P P P Steel wire drawing, steel nails & spikes - manufacturing P P P P Steel works, blast furnaces & the rolling of ferrous metals C C Steno raphic, duplicating, & mailing services P P P P i' P Stock yards C C C C C C C Stone roducts & cut stone - manufacturin P P P P Stone - uarryin C C C C C C C C C Stone work, masonry, title setting, & lastering services P P P P P P Stora e- mini P P P P P P P Storage & warehousing of nonhazardous roducts P P P P P P P P Storage & wazehousing of hazazdous products C C C C Storage & warehousing of household goods P P P P P P P P Store & office 5xtures, lockers, partitions & shelving - manufacturing P P P P P Su ar reSnin - manufacturin C C Surgical Bz medical instruments & apparatus - manufacturing P P P P P Swimmin clubs P P P P P S na o es, churches, & temples C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Synthetic, resins, synthetic rubber, plastic materials, synthetic & C C C other manmade fibers (except glass) - manufacturing T P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 18 of 21 _ _ _ GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code AGl AG2 AG-SC AGSE AG-SI SRC TA LLR R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 RO RM RD B-1 B-2 AC B-3 CD TD ME M-1 M-2 M-3 Tailoring (custom) P P P P P P P Taverns P P P P P P P P Taxcicab dispatch P P P P P P Taxicab aza in & maintenance P P P P Tele ra h communications P P P P P P P P P Tele hone business office P P P P P P P P P Telephone exchan e stations P P P P P Telephone maintenance yard P P P P Telephone rela towers (microwave) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Television broadcastin studios P P P P P P Television, radios, phonographs, recorders & tape players - P P P P manufacturing P Television, radios, phonographs, recorders & tape players repair P P P P P P services P Television, radios, phonographs, recorders, & tape players - retail P P P P P P P Television transmitting stations & relay towers C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Temples, churches, & synagogues C C C P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Tennis clubs P P P P Textile bags - manufacturin P P P P Testing, research, & develo ment services P P P P P Theaters, legitimate P P P P P P P P Theaters, motion picture, indoor P P P P P P P P Theaters, motion icture, outdoor C P P P Threads & yams - manufacturin P P P P Tile setting, masonry, lasterin & stone work services P P P P P P Tire cord & fabric - manufacturing P P P P Tire & inner tubes - manufacturin C C C C Tires & innertubes - wholesale P P P P P P P P Title abstracting services P P P P P P P P Tobacco & tobacco roducts- wholesale P P P P P P Tobacco & snuff- manufacturing P P P P Tobacco leaf - wholesale P P P Tobacco stemming & re in C C Tot lot or play lot P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Toarist courts, hotels, & motels P P P P P C C P Toys, amusement, sporting & athletic goods - manufacturing P P i' P P Transportation equipment and supplies (except motor vehicles) P Trap & skeet shooting ranges C C P C C Travel arcan in services P P P P P P P P P Truck & automobile rental seroices P P P P P P P Truck wash services P P P P P P Turbines & engines- manufacturing P P P P P P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 19 of 21 I� � GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX � Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code ������m�����mm0��m�mmm��� ������������������������� ������������������������� . . , _ , - , , . ������������������������� . . , ., - : , ������������������������� , , - - - ����0�������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� - ,: ; , , - , , , -, : . .-. ����������������0�������� . ... � ����0������������������0� ����0������������������0� - . _ , � ,. . , - ������������������������� , , : ,,- _ ����0������������������0� - , ,. . . . : . , 00��0�������������������� ' - ����0�������������������� .. �:. . :., .. _ . .. .� :. : : ■■��o��■�■�■■■■■■■■��000e .. - _ ____o_______________.0000 ________________-.__.____ ____________________.____ ...._ _ ____o_______________.0000 : ..., ..: �: =.: . � . �. .. . .. _______________00000.-_oo ____o__________.____.000_ . _ . .: ..:_. . ..,. ... ____o______________-.0000 .. . :: ..:.. . .._... ____o___________o_oo.0000 . : _______________00000.._oo : _ . -.- :�-„-._.�.. . : .. ■���o■■■■��■■■�■■■■■�000e - .� _ ____o___________o._-.0000 :. .:.. � ____o___________o___.._oo , ... .- _ ____________o__00000.-_oo - �.�� _ ____o_______________.000_ , _ � , . . _o_______________.__.000_ : . . . .. _ . _. . _ . . __�_o___________o_o..0000 . . : .. , , _ ____o___________.__-.000_ :,�.. . ._. , _ ____o_______________.000_ ... . . . � _ ____o______________-.000_ ... _ . . _ ____________________.-___ .. : . . � ._.. � ____o___________o_o_.0000 . , 00000_oo____________..___ ___�_______________..-___ ____________________.-___ _ ____o____________-_..000_ _______________._....-___ _________�______-.-..-___ P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 20 of 21 _ _ _ LAND USE GRAND ISLAND LAND USE MATRIX AG-SC I AGSE Attachment "A" Chapter 36 Grand Island City Code P= Permitted Use C= Conditional Use 21 of 21