07/24/2018 Resolutions 2018-215'� RESOLUTION 2018-215 WHEREAS Mitchel & Brandi Pedersen, being the said owner of the land described hereon, have caused the same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as "B AND M ESTATES SUBDIVISION", a subdivision on a tract of land comprising part of the South Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S1/2 S1/2 SE1/4 SE1/4) Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and has caused a plat thereof to be acknowledged by it; and WHEREAS, a copy of the plat of such subdivision has been presented to the Boards of Education of the various school districts in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as required by Section 19-923, R.R.S. 1943; and WHEREAS, a form of subdivision agreement has been agreed to between the owner of the property and the City of Grand Island. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that the form of subdivision agreement herein before described is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute such agreement on behalf of the City of Grand Island. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the final plat of B AND M ESTATES SUBDIVISION, as made out, acknowledged, and certified, is hereby approved by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the approval and acceptance of such plat by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Adopted by the City Council of the Gity of Grand Island, Nebraska, July 24, 2018. Attest: RaNae Edwards, City Clerk Jere . Je sen ay � Approved as to Form tt July 23, 2018 tt Ci Att�lney � ��� � � \ � � � \�rl.�� FWND 1/2' IRONPIPE WITH „ � �' 1.T IRON PIN INSIDE OF PIPE � _ O- INDICATES 12' IRON PIPE WITH PLASTIC CAP PUCED. CAP IS STAMPED "L S SST p- INDICATES TEMPOPARV POINT SET CRAIG � .,� 1�, � � ��� T � 7 � �f � � � � � 9 �,,-'t�,24� � I 15 � 14 � 13 � 12 � 11 � 1 Q � a i �� _� p ,- GR ND .� n --- --- ---- — � d i [V a � � '� _�b' � ,aEa � � � � � � � � ��i ..1 �<�� P�a ��� � �� ��� �a S w '_� ��� � �'1 ��`1 $�¢ y� e �I, �8�y� �� k E — .�r a'?=' b � y Qy rv ��"���� � T ��$' ?w�a$llS^' ��1 .��1 ( �" NNLL � I � �_____`__--__-- � �1 ` — — _ 13THSTREET `�; �` � _. ���____"�'—_—'__._".—_—'_' � S.W.CORNEflSt/2S/2SE1t45E1/9 SECTION 11-T11N-RtOW PUCED PK NAIL WITH D�SK IN ASPM. � PAVEMENT � so.�' wxx ro wt w rro��e � azss' K� ro ra aHrm c= as asx saei' K �o i/�' wax Pwc 1.086.96' A. ��� LOT 2 6.866 ACRESt � �ar r. VAt�C?SDAtL S��ONp,SUB. _ N.E. CORNER SE1ia SECTIONit-TiiN-R10W �../��� FOUND ALUMINUM CAP IN — i A5PH.PAVEMENT i ��` M.10' Sf. (0 H1l MI/N LYSI( M P�IFk P:llL \ _ 35.75" E. 10 N41 N tFACC CG�IER PoSI 6t.10" Si� !D tW LIXIER IF fRf' HYIX4Mlf �I � � �i I O w �—f 7�—�� � DRIVE . �� P�PE Z �� SET TEMPO(iARY PoINT Dl1E — — NeB°3T33'W R2. 6 I 5 I � � I TO ROAD CONSTRUGTION 1.3f0.2'fl1. ���.FOURTH � 4 � 3 �� S(�B. � �� � __ 1.308.41'A -� ti___..j____�____ ____.�____-�_____.{_____ ' 199.44' A ' �/ � �0.01'AJ- �� < �3 �a LOT 1 g�� � � 1275 ACRESi w � N �o i" an DEDILATE FOfi PUBLIC ! ROR� RIGHTOF WA 20' EASEMENT ��y � "_' ____'_'______ _ ____`__'_-1 =_-_______^ —_'_____— ___�__� w_ — —i 171A4'A. -- .n-inn.. �� 1,311.05' Ri. 1,309.9T R3. 1.310.OP A. 2.622.10' Rl. 2.619.94' R3. 2.G20.01' A. SB9°29'25'E A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Mad ol lond c mpAs7ng a par! n� the Soofk Holf o! the Sou�h Hol! of tAe SouPoeasf Quarisr ol ths Southsosf OuoAer (51/2 St/T SE1/t SE1/4) SecNon E�aven (if), %wnsAlp Ebren (it) Noi1h. Range Tsn (IO) Wes� o� M�e 6fh P.M., 1n fhe Ctfy of Grond laland, Mal( Counly, Nebrosko, and m,�n paAJeulaAy Osseribsd as tollowac Beg7nntng af fFe sonlhemi comer n/ eaid Soulh HaH o( 1h� Soufh No(/ o/ fhe Souiheasi OuaAe� o/ the Southeast Ouarler (51/2 51/2 SE1/4 SEf/J); fhsnce NOO'SO'S2'W, along and upon Ms aosf Ilne of raid Sou/h Holi o/ lha Soufh Hall of fAs Soufheaa/ Quarter o/ Ms SouPowsi Quorlsr (51/2 51/2 SE1/t SEI/t), a dtstonc� of Thrw Nundrod iwenty Nin� ond Sixfy Thres (329.63) IN1 b a pvfnf on M� �aat�rly proloaga/ion of Me sou�h Ilna o/ C.and Wsaf FouMh Subdlviaton fn �hs Ctty of Grand hland, Nebroaka: tAsncs N89'29'09'W. alang and upon !he eaa��Ay prolonyoHon o/ Ihe souM Hne o/ soid Grond Weat FourM Subdtvia7on, and along and uAon �hs souM /fne of sa7d Grand Wssf Fourfh Subdlvhion, ond along and upon ths souri� Ilns of tof iwmty Four (24), Crcnd Weaf Subdidsion in fM Clty of Gra� Island, fNbraska, o dlsfonc� o/ On� Tboueartd Ti�ro� HundrW Etph/ and Forty On� Hun4rW�M (/,308.dt) /�d lo fhs soulhwesf co�ner o/ safd Lol Tweny four t2�)� Gmnd Wrtf Subdlv7akn, satd poinl alao being on fha wafeNy Nghf of woY of Yanalondatontl�a dfs�an �oo/ Tbr�e HaMr�d ir�nty�N! �7aanC'S�n�imM' (329.70) fsst'fo Ih�aou�Awesf corn�r aouM�rly pro q o/ sold Sou/b Holf ol Me Sou}h Halt oi fhe Soulh�asi Ouerhr o� fhe Soulb�ad QuoiNr (51/Y SI/T SEf/4 SE1/4): fhsnce 589'29'23°E, along and upon Ms soulM1 ftns ol soid SouM Hall o/ IAs Soulh Hal1 of fM1e SoolFrsasf 4uaifsr o/ fh� Soutbsast Quarfsr (51/2 SI/Z SEI/4 SE1/1), a dblan�� of On� Thowond ihro� Nundrod Ten (1.3�0.00) tse� fo the polnt of Wglnninp: axnpHng th�n/rom, o pares� deacrib�d in e doeumsnt d�rrol�d as Publle Mghf O{ Wny, rKOMW on A1ay T2. 2018 oe DocumsM No. 20 1 8032 7 5. Hall County R�gisNi o/ ONds 0//ie�, sold Pubiic RipM OI Woy Docummt bNng dsecHbad aa �o!lows: A frad o! land lacafsd fn /M Souib Ons—Hol/ oI Po� Soulh Om—Hal/ o! fM SoWh�aa� Ouorfvr o1 Ih� Sou�h�ost OuoAer o7 Ssefton 11, Townshlp t t Norfh, Ra�sg� 10 Wwt o/ th� SGrtA Principls M�rfdfan In Hatf Counfy. N�broako, d�scrtb�d aa /oNowa: Rd�rrfrp to fhs aoothwsf com�r o{ sa�d iscNOn 11, thenca NOl'S4'33"W (ASaum�d BwAnQ) wi fl+s ws1 11ne o/ sald SxNon 11, 33.79 /esh ihence S88'OS'25"W, 33.00 fesf to a point af fha 7nferosctfo� o( Me wenf righf of way of Norfh Road and fhe norlh Aghl of woY ot 13Ih Sfre+t, said point 1»Inp �he poJM of Myinn(n9; fhenee 589'26'23'W on eold norlh righf o/ way o/ 13}h Sfnsi, 90.00 le�h �henc� N74'S7`03'E. �6.2f f�ef: Po�nc� N6t37'49'E, 50.24 fe�t lo a potnf on aoid Hpht o� way oi Nodh Road: fh�nc� 50f'S435'f on satd w�sf dghf of way. 35.07 l��t fo th� polnt of beg7nning. CoMaining an aroa o/ �,307.5� squan tsef (0.030 acna). mon or Ins. Said lotal iracf Ieas excepHOn, ean/olning 9.876 aeres, more w �+ss. � . SECTION LINE 462Y��1bE r P5 �`:F R5 � N�q�5ogt EP. ��6� 9o.ao' �.an- sae°ze zsw as CITY RIGHT OF WAV E%CEPTION -- DOCUMENT NO. 20i803216 � g�d �a33'{, �.\ g S � ; �x , ��s�s� ���g� N�� �� ��� ��r� .t 9`i p� � S+ �-33.00' Fi5.8A. e � � �• ��. S.E. CORNER Si.'2 S12 SE�:35E7�4 �SECTION it-T11N-RIDW 2� FWNO SURVEY SPIKE NATH 5��EQ'S� �85.Ltl' Att W t/P' FpY N9FT m� P!�'p0i�6'EP 7G59'NMI.101/YNOYFFi m� t�'�Z°'�g' /6..8� SE R! YIC WY p' AJIIER 74E Rt. - FECOADED DISTANCE IN SUHVEYOfl'S HECORO BOOK 7. PAGE 553 BY L R. RUDD. COUNTV SURVEVOR, DATED SEPTEMBER 26, 1843 � q2. = FECOROEb OiSTANCE RNDM1)fi 9EARING QN PL0.T OF POSS ACRES SUBOIVISION, GRAND Q F3. - RECORUED DISTANGE ON SURVEY BY OUANE A. KATT, L S. NO. 506. DATED FEBRUARV 21. 1998 �,1 DATE� FEBRUARY 21, 1998 Q He. - RECORDED �I5TANCE AN�0.�R BEARING+.�N PLA�T OF CMND WEST SUBDIYISION. GRAND � ISIAND, NEBFiASKA ¢ R5. - RECORDED OISTANCE ANOAH BEAflINGl,)N PIAT t7F GRAND WE67 FOUNTH SUBDIVICiON. O GHANDISLAN�,NEBRASNA Z H6. = pECqRUED DISTANCE ANU�OR BEARMG OtJ RIC�IT OF WAY DOCUMENT N0.2 0 7 80321 6, HALL COUNTV REG�STEN OF DEEDS OFFICE q. . ACTUAL DISTANCE AND±Oq OEARING SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I heroby �erN/y Me� on � , 2018, 1 compleied an acourofs surv+y (made urMsr my supervlslan) al "B AND M ESTA7E5 SUBDIVISION", in the City of Crand Islond, Hol! County, Nsbraska, as shown on tba octompanying plat /heroo/: Ihaf fAe lofs, blxka, streels, avanues, clleys, parks, commons, and ofha� ground: aa ton�alnetl In sold subdlWsion ae show� on Ms accomponyin9 D�at 7herooi, an we�� and occuroisly stakad o(( and morkad; Ihof iron morkers were plocW ot oll comers aa shorn on fhe plat; ihai aach bT b�on Rs own number, and tho� said aurvey waa mod� wiM rs/annee to known and reeorded monumenh. Lee 0. wogn��. Registered Land Surveyor No. 557 ESTATES SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUl�TTY, NEBRASKA uUr.rrn*,m.r .e acctx�taTFS iNC. - F.NGINEERS & SURVEYORS - G}t?iND ISLANI7, NEBRASKA _ sHEE� + o� a � DEDLCATION_ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN75, Ihat M(�chel Pedersen and Brandl Pedersen, husband and wife, baing fhs owners o/ fha 7ond dsscribsd heroan, havs causetl s e �o be subdivldad, plottod and designaled as "8 AND M ESTATES SUBO�V75ION° in ihe Ctty oI 6rond Islond, Ha/f (;ounty, Nebrasko, as ahown ort �hr occompanying plaf thrrwf, ond do hrreby ihs strse�s as shown iheroon, to Po� publlc tor ih�ir uas /orwar, and iha sosomanfs, !f ony, fo� the beolion conatruciiort and moinienance of public servlce utillfiss /orover, fog�lhsr wtfh !he Nghf o/ inpnea and �gr�sa thonho, and h.nby prohibifing fhe p/anting o/ �rees, bushsa and shruba, or plocing olher obstrucltons upon, owr, along or undsmsalh iAe surlace of such eosemmfs, and thot ihe foreyoing subdidsfan as more parfJeuluAy deaMbed 7n ihs dsscrtpiion hrroort os appears on }h(s plat, !s mads with ihe fro� conssnf and 7n occordance wifh ihs dsains of �h� und�rsiyn�d ownm and proprielors. � 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, we Aore a!flred our afgnafures herelo a� , Ne6rosko, thfs doy o/ _. 2018. Milchel Pdensn Brandi Pedansn ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Siote ol Nebmska County of Holl ss On Ma day o/ __,____, 2018, baforo me, o Noiary Publtc wiFhin and tor sald County, psiaonolly oppsared Mllchei Pedsnen and Brandi Psdenen, husband antl wl�e, to ms psnonoliy known l0 6e the idsnficnl p�nons whoss sfgnoturea ure atfixed herelo, and they dtd acknowl�dge the exxul7on fherool fo 6e hls and Mr voluntary acl and de,sd. IN WiTNE55 WHEREOF, 1 havs herounlo sub:;cBbed my name ond o/flxsd my ol/icfol saa! af , on INe dofe bsl abor� rdNen. My commtsslon expirss . . Nofary Publlc (SEAL) APPROVALS SubmiNetl io ond opproved by the Re� Yillages af Alda, Cairo a�d Doniphan, Nebra Chairman Approved and aecspfed by the Cily ol Gi Mayor B AND M ESTATES SUBDIV� IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND HALL COUNTY N BENJAMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINCGRS & SURVEYORS - GRAND ISLAND. NEBRf �