06/26/2018 Resolutions 2018-179�_ RESOLUTION 2018-179 WHEREAS RIGI Hospitality LLC, being the said owner of the land described hereon, have caused the same to be surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as "RCI SUBDIVISION", a subdivision on a tract comprised of a part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1/4 SW 1/a) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6�` P.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and has caused a plat thereof to be acknowledged by it; and WHEREAS, a copy of the plat of such subdivision has been presented to the Boards of Education of the various school districts in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, as required by Section 19-923, R.R.S. 1943; and WHEREAS, a form of subdivision agreement has been agreed to between the owner of the property and the City of Grand Island. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, that the form of subdivision agreement herein before described is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute such agreement on behalf of the City of Grand Island. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the final plat of RCI SUBDIVISION, as made out, acknowledged, and certified, is hereby approved by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the approval and acceptance of such plat by the City of Grand Island, Nebraska. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, June 26, 2018. Attest: ���� ����� RaNae Edwards, City Clerk Jere y .Jen en, yo Approved as to Form tt June 22, 2018 x ity orney O O �� .ti ) 6 Ci � _ _ _ � �� � �� �i � a M,..Ht,hn.uu����,.,...�.,........._. _. ___.-- L 5. NO. 192, DA7ED JULY 24. 1975 R2. - RECARDED DISTANCE ANONR BEARMG ON SURYEV BV TIMOTHY d ATKEN, L S. NO. 458. DATED NOVEMBER 25, 2002 R3. - 5£CORDED DISTANCE ANWOF BEARM7a ON LIMRED LIA8ILIT' COMPN�P1' WARRANIV DEED 201503Y'7. HALI CA. FlECa1STER OF OEEDS OFFICE A. - ACTUAL DISTANCE ANDIOR BEAR�NG NOTE'. JlCTWL BEARINGS St10WN ARE BASED ON GPS POSIT�MING UNPLAT�ED S88°50'S6'E H2. -EASEMENT{FORGHANNEL ggge3g•g��pg CLEANWT�flEC.INMISC. Sgg°µ'16'EA 900K 11, PAGE 132 618.1 T R2. 619.27 A ----, ----------------- s� —r— .�.�•a �01 �-11�- � 15 WIDE EASEMENT L8"'_� I REC. M! MSC. 800K 26. u."�_ PAGE 93 �yg �81 ' � 8 w 3� � � S � � � � � b ..-�.--r' _ _ CZT�e ;=b2S��I � �ti° �r�`��5� �R�I� i g*� �n�3ZR2.R1) I � ,%AI' ��� ��� LOT 1 3.674 ACRESt 20 WIDE PllBtIC UTlLITIES EASEMEN7 REC. IN DOC. 81-000203 AND M! MISC. BOOK 18, PACiE 5A4 FOUND �RON ,Z..bC� p- IN�P PLACED. �G4 STAMPED'L S 55T. < 1� g'i �' n � 0.925� ± � A� � I � � � LOT 1 ` � � FIRETHORNE i ESTATES �� SECOND Qd a«�8 SlIB. ���� �------ 33.00' H2.� ` � 5_��NE NW„<�„< _,_ MII?AR� DRIVE 33.0/'p& _ y__'_"'�� "_____ '_ _' '__'_' L, �- 484.78'A. ' .�-724.63'A.�� / F«,NO �� � LOj �A�JOSDALL � <�• �W R3. � �'1 W SUB. ��, P�PE LOT ? SBB°53'd0'ERY. � i FWN03�d' ��P�� �-- N�•,��� ���� i VANOSDALL �� � ,q g �'q� ,,• � LOT 1 ' ' ag y � SECONd SUB. REFEHENCE PO�NT ONLY SUB. 3� b7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION t��o�«m��e�amr���^y'"e�^m°'°�aio,s�z',"m°c�m'H°a'a.'w°�a`°+a�' A tmaf o! land comprlsing o part of fha NorMw�s/ Quam� f Mjyaat�et�fhs 6fh P.M., `MWM • 11y'ofeGro� IarM. Ne�� Tr�ery-aewn (27). 7ewnshlp El�vaf (11) NoAh, Rartga Nlns (9) Counfy. Nabmska. cnd mero parNa+lorly dsaeriDd m lollows: g�ptnMng ot Ih� SooMwaal comsr of aaM NorMwsel OuaA�r of fbe Soufhw�st OuarMr (NWI/I SWf/�): ihencs ruenln9 north.Ay olong fh. wM lin. ol sara NortAwssf OvorMr or en. soufhwnr 4uarMr (NM'�/� �M'r/a) on on assumad 6wring ol N00'OO�OO�E, o dbfane+ o/ 323.97 f�rt; M�nce rvnnlny S88'38'31'E, o dfsfanc� ot 659.91 Fwh ihsncv running SOP00'00'E, a dlatano� o/ 323.97 Fat. fo a polnt on N» Soufh Ifn� o/ wid NoAhw�s! Ouarfar o/ tA� Souihwea7 OuaMr (NWt/� SWl/1): fAmes runMng NB8'tt't0'W. along Ths Sou1h I7ns ef soW Norlhwnf QuaAer of fhs SouMwtsl Ouorlsr (NW1/< SWI/<), a dfHo�s of 660A1 FNt. fo M� poinf o/ Wyinnlnp EXCEPDNC o ceAaln frvaf mare poMcularly d�ecrJbed in Dead ncad�d !n Ne� R�iS�K OI M�A9 of/los as Dncummi No. Y00010673: Ml.nbq to �h+ s�nrw.n com.. or �n. Nonnw.:� o�on� or n�. Souihw�at OuorNr (NW7/1 SWt/4) oi said s.�n«� r»..�y—s.w� tz�). Ihenoa on an oasumad baartn8 ot iha S89'S3'45'E alony fhe SouH+ IM� of said NorMrasf OuoAar o/ Me SouMw�st olso 6MnpWMe4po�� ot,bagrne7 p,�thmc� NOiF 2'09'W a� g �AS,EaN rtyH�o� waywHn�+to/ tocusl Sfir�t a'dfstanos�ol 323.70 Fesf fo a polnt, l/�ence 589"53'45"E a disfanes o/ 7.72 Feel to o PW^�. fhe^ce SOI'f0'30'E o dlalanes o1 3Z3.70 Fas/ b a yWnf on ths Soufh Nn� 01 fhe NoAirwsst OuorNr o/ fhs Soufhwve� Ouarlx (NWI/4 SW7/4). lhsnee N89'S3'IS"W alwp fhs SouM INa of iha Norfhw�st OuaMr o/ iM Southw�af Ouart�r i���� ��%=i ° dtifancv ot 7.60 fNt to M� po7nf o/ bpinntng. saW traet conlotni� A599 aer�s. mor� or Hss. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I hersby c�r111y ibat on , 2018, i eomplsMd on aeeuwfe eurvs� (mods undn my sup�rvhlon) oi "RCI SU801YISION', fn �ha City of Grand fsiand, Ha71 County Nrbraska. as shorn on fhe accompanyiny plof Ihereuf; }hol M� lols, blocks, sfnda. armuas, aiNya. parks, commons, anC ofh�r grounds as coMoin�d fn aafd aubdtvision as sRorn on as� s� n on th� ploh, ha �ach lotwbsan �h owo neum6 r, � ArUal .saW su��vsy wasf mod�rlfh�rr/snncs� io kno.n' ond � rxordsd mowmmN. ts� D. Wapnw. Rpistersd Lc�d Surwyor Na. 557 DEDICATION KNOW ALL YEN BY THESE PRESENTS, fhaf RIGI Hosp7tdlty. LLC. a Um(Md Llabllity Company, bNny the orner o/ fh� land dsscdbad Mrson. !row eausM soms io bs subd7vlded,� B���d d�sfgnofsd as "RLI SUBOIVISION", 1n fl+� Cffy ol Crand latand, HaQ Counfy. N�braska, aa shown oe fh� accom n tn lal Ihsroof, and d sM� bwtlh�ih� re h so�ingreaa�ane eynas /or M� loeoNm eonslrucNon ond mafnf�nones o/ publ7o servke uNliNes (orw��r, Fog NY M�roto, ond h�ro6y prohibiNnQ Ms piaMing o/ tn�s. DusMs arM shruba. or Wacing ofhar obahueNOna pon, ovsr. along or uedsmwM ihe surfac� o/ sueh soa�menh, and lhal ths /orogotng wbdJvtalon as mon paMcutarly drscAb�d tn fhe descrlplbn hsnen as aPPe°R on flNS plaf. !s moda wkh Ih� fres cons�M and in accordanes wlih the dsafros o1 IM undan�grrod own�r and propHefor. IN WIiNE55 WNEREOF, 1 i�aw a/l4nd �^Y 2078�re Aereb af � Mfa dpy o/ RIGI HospiMlNy. LLC , u�,ma uoamr c���r Yog�tAbhoi Bhok�o, Msmbsr KNOW ALL MEN BY iHESE PRESENTS, fhal R1Gl ib�ptfalNy. LCC, o Lfm(te0 UabflNy Compony, Wtny fM owao o! ths land d�toNbsd hsraon. hev� caused sam� b W wbd(vtd�d. PbfMd arnl d�slpnal�d os 'RCI SU801V7SION". fn !h� Cfy of Grond Island. Nol! Lounly, Ne6roska. °z sAOwn on M� aeeomPanyinp plai Ntu�eo/. ond do h�nby dedtcata M� +as�mmis. 1/ ony. /er M� loeatfon conshucHon aai matnlsnane� of puWie a�rvke uNiiNss tor+wr. Mp�tMr wHA M+� mth} o/ trpns� and �pnas IMnb. ared MroDy proA16iHng 1M PIan�Mp o/ ims, Dwhes and ahru6s, er ploeFnp oMer obsMueNona uPcn. owr, alony or uMemwM Ms aw/ocs of aueh eaa�m�nls, and Ihat N» lorepet�p subdiHa7en as mon parfkulorly dsseriNd In Ih� d�scripTlon A�non as oPP� on fhb P�. ts made wlfh ths /r+s conssnf ond fn accoManes w7M fhs dss7na o/ thr und�rafgnsd ornsr and Proprf�tor. 1N WITNESS M�MEREOF. 1 havs aNtxM my 2018.Wro Mnfo m � Mta aOY o/ RIGI HoapHoflfy. LLC o Umtl�d llabNly Cempony MaNah BhaH, M�m6ef KNOW Att MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS. N+ot R1C1 Hoapltaltfy, LLC, a LNnlhd Ua6llliy Company. �iny Ihs own�r of tha land dsscribsd hsison, haw �auasd wms M M subdfridsd, plaMd o'�d �!s���Q d do�AK b�d'b�N�ih� �wsama+rs. �%^Y� Island. Hcll Counfy. NaMnska. os shown on t�� xcompany(ng 0 /or Ih� IxaHon eonsNVCNo� and matnfenones of publle a�Mee ufiltHea for�v�r, Ioy�M�r wi/h iM right o� ingnss and syross u Cem fhdlAa su��o/�sueh sasPSm�nls and Mwf lp�hfongotng subdtvlston'oa�moro parNeular7Y dssetbed fn fhs lonp or deteripfton A�t+on as opp�an on 1h(s pbR 7s mads wlfh Ms fns cons�nf anA !n aceoMancs wtlh Me tleslna o1 1�e und�ntgnd owner and proprla�or. IN WITN£SS WNEREO�. I haw aHlxed my s7g�8 uro bsrelo af �h16 dOr O} RlCI Hosptfalfty, LLC a Umlted Uobiltfy Company Mukssh Bhokla, MamDar RCI SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GR:AND ISLAND HALL COUNTY NEBRASKA BEN]AMIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. - ENGINF ERS & SURVEYORS - GRAND 15LAND, NEBRASKA SHEET 1 Of 2 '�,