04/26/2016 Resolutions 2016-101RESOLUTION 2016-101 WHEREAS, an application was filed by Azteca Market, LLC doing business as The Brick House, I 15-ll7 West 3'd Street for a Class "I" Liquor License; and W F[EREAS, a public hearing norice was published in the Grand Island Independen� as rcquired by state law on Apri] 16, 2016; such publication cost being $10.23; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on April 26, 2016 for the purpose of discussing such liquor license application. NOW, TREREFORE, BE IT RSSOLVED BY THC MAYOR ANL) COLJNCIL OF THE CITY OP URAND ISL.AND, NEBRASKA, that: The City of Grand Island hereby xecommends approval of the abwe- identif ed liquor license application eontingent upon kinal inspecYions. The Ciry of Grand Island hereby makes no recommendation as to the above- identified liquor license appiication. The City of Grand Island hereby makes no recommendation as to the above- identified liquor license application with the following stipulations:_ � The City of Grand Istand hereby �ecommends denial of the above-identified liquorlicenseapplicationforthefollowingreasons: NPhr�G�n sr�rP seaeuces 53-125 (2) & (13b); 53-132 (2a), (2b), & (2c); and 010.01 NCLL's Rules and Regulations _ The City of Grand Island hereby recommends approval of Maria Garcia, 644 Cast Meves as liquor manager of such business. Adopted by the CiTy Couneil of the Ciry of Grand Island, Nebxaska, Apri126, 2016. Attest: CQ��. �� RaNae Edwards, CiTy Clerk Jere L .iens �� Apv�ovetl as to Fo�m e Aptl125,2016 ity orney