04/26/2016 Resolutions 2016-94RESOLU'CION 2016-94 WHEREAS, the City of Grand Island's Utilities Depariment provides 24 hour service for al] power dispatching elechic substation opexations, and a command center that monitors system ope�ations, schedules powe� transactions with the regional electric system operator, coordinates power generation, and answers the DepartmenYs lrouble p6one lines; and WHEREAS, Yhis system is normally sufficient, however, during sto�'ms and oCher abnormal condirions, the one i�dividual manning the center during nights, weekends and holidays ean be overwhelmed by the amount of cal(s, in addition to monitoring and cesponding to the system opeeation xnd dispatehing crews; and WHERPAS, the Nebraska PubGc Power District (NPPD) recently expanded its call answering center and this call answering tacility could address many of'the issues facing Grand Island Utilities, and WHEREAS, NPPD provided a proposal to Grand [sland for services in which all Grand Island system customer calls would be received by NPPD, and the issue of the call immediately entered into a trouble call system that would be monitored by G�and Island personnel; and WHSREAS, a five yeaz agreement is proposed by NPPD, with a one-time setup charge of about $9,700.00 and a monthly charge of around $4300.00, based on the number of customers and calls answered; and WfiEREAS, Yhe LegaL Department has reviewed and approved the Agreement. NOW, TFIEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVFD IIY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF l'HE CI'I'Y OI' GRAND ISLAND,NEBRASKA, thatthe Cuscomer Outage Call Processing Service Agreement between the Nebraska Public Power Disttict and the City of G�and Island is appcoved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of fhe City of Grand Island. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Grand Lsland, Nebraska, April 26, 206 Aftest: ��� ���- RaNae Cdwazds, Ciry Clerk Jere L. e en, Mayor Approvetl as to Porm Aptl125.2�i6 Clty omey