04/26/2016 Ordinances 9583ORDINANCE NO. 9583
An ordinance to amend Chapeer 24 of the Grand Istand Ciry Code; to add Article
V, Seclions 24-18 through Section 23-22, pertaining m the creation of a Tree Board, its
composition, i[s duties, responsibili[ies, and operation Yheceof; Co repeal any ordinaoce or parts oP
ordinances in coniticc herewith; and to provide for publication and the effective date of this
SECTION l. Chapter ZA of the Gcand Island City Code is hereby amended to
include Section 24-18 through Section 24-22 to read as follows:
Article V.
§24-18. Tree Board Establlahed; Membership.
There is hcreby crea[ed and established a Tree Board for the City, whieh shal] consist of
seven (7) members, citizens and residents of the City, who shali be xppointed by the Mayor with
the approval of the City Council.
§24-19. Term of Office of Members of Tree Board
The terms of the seven (7) persons appointed to Yhe City's Tree Board shatl be three (3)
years, except that the term of two (2) of fhe members appointed to the first Boazd shall bc for
orily one (1) yeaz and thc terms of fwo (2) members of the first @3oazd shall bc fox two (2) years.
If a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, his or hmr successor shall be appointed
for the unexpired portion of the term.
§24-20. Compensation of Membera of Tree Board.
Members of the Tree Board shall serve without compensation.
§24-21. Duties of Tree Board; Ciry Tree Plan.
It shall be Yhe �esponsibility of the Tree Board to study, investigate, counscl, aod devetop
and administer a written plan foc the cace, preservation, pruning, planting, replaoting, removal
and disposition of trees and shrubs in parks, along streets oc in other public areas. 1'he plan will
be presented annually m the City Council and, upon the CouneiPs acceptanee and approvat, shall
constitute the o�cial compcehensive ciry tree plan. The Boazd, when rec{uested by the Ciry
Couneil, shall consider, investigate, make findings, report and cecommend upon any special
mauer or question comi�g within the scope of its work.
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§24-22. Organization and Meetings of Tree Board.
The Tree Board shall choose its own officers, make its own rules and regulations and
keep a journa] of its pcoceedings. A majority of the members shall be a quomm for the
iransaction of business.
SECTION 2. Any ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and
hereby are, repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and afier its
passage a�d publication, withiu fifreen days in one issue of the Grand Island IndependenY as
provided by law.
Enacted: April 26, 2016.
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Jerem L Jense i. a r
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RaNae Edwazds, City Clerk �f �����F'p
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