03/22/2016 Resolutions 2016-74RESOLUTION 2016-74 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Grand Island, Nebraska, a municipal corporation and ciTy of the first class, has determined it be desirable to undertake and carry out urban redevelopment projects in areas of the City which aze determined to be substandazd and blighted and in need of redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska Community Development Law, Chapter 18, Ar[icle 21, Nebraska Reissue Revised SYatutes of 2007, as aznended (the "AcP'), prescribes the �equiremeois and procedures for tl�e planning and implementation of redevelopment projects; and WHEREAS, the CiTy has previously declazed Redevelopment Area No. 15 of the Ciry to be substandazd and blighted and in need of redevelopment pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the CommuniTy Redevelopment AuthoiiTy of the CiTy of Grand Island, Nebraska (the "Authoriry"), has prepazed a Redevelopment Plan pursuant to Section 18-2ll 1 of the Act, and recommended the Redeve]opmenY Plan to the Planning Commission oPthe Ciry; and WHEREAS, the Pla�niug Commission of the CiTy reviewed the Redevelopment Plan pucsuant to the Act and submitted its recommendations, to the Cify, pursuaut to SeeCion 18-2ll 4 of [he Act; and WHEREAS, following conside�ation of the recommendations of the AuShoriry fo the Planning Commission, the recommendations ofthe Planning Commission to the Ciry, and following Yhe public hearing with respect to the Redevelopment Plan, the CiTy approved the Plan; and WHEREAS, there has been presenYed to the CiCy by the AuthoriYy for approval a specific Redevelopment ProjecT wiYhin the Redevelopment Plan and as aut'horized in the RedevelopmeoY Plan, such prqect to be as follows: acquisition, site prepacation, planning activities, necessary utitity extensions, and fees associated with the xedevelopment projeet. All redevelopmen[ activiGes will occur in Grand Island, Hall Counry, Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the City published notices of a publie hearing and mailed notices as required pursuant to Section 18-2115 of the Act and has, on the date of the Resolution held a public heazing on the proposal to ame�d the Redevelopment Plan to include the Redevelopment Project desciibed above. NOW, TI-IEREFORE, be it resolved by the CiTy Cou�cil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska: Appmvetl as to Form v MamM121,2�t6 iryHtl — i. The Redevelopment Plan oFthe City approved for RedevelopmenY Area No. 15 in the city of Grand Island, Piall County, Nebraska, ineluding the Redevelopment Project described above, is hereby determined to be feasible and in cooformity with the general plan for the development ofthc Ciry of Grand Island as a whole and the Redevelopment Plan, including Yhe Redeve]opmentProjact identified above, is in conformiry with the ]egislativedeclazations and determinarions set forth in thc Act; and it is hereby found and determined that (a) the redevelopment project in the plan would not be economically feasibte withoutthe use of tax- inerement financing, (b) the �edevefopmen[ project would not occur in the community redevelopment azea wifhout the use oftax-increment finarieing, and (c) the costs and benefits of the redevetopmcnt project, incl�ding eosts and benefits to other affected polifical subdivisions, the economy oPthe eommunity, and Yhe demand for public and private services have been analyzed by the Ciry and have been found to be in the long-Yerrn best intecest of Yhe community impacted by the redevelopment project The Ciry aclmowledges reeeipt of noYice of inte�t to enter i�to the Kedevelopment Contract in accordance with Section 18- 2ll 9 of the Act and of the recommendations of the Aufhority and the Planning Commission with respect to the Redevelopment Contract. 2. Approval of the Redevelopment Plan is hereby ratified and reaffirmed, as amended by this Resolution, and the Authority is hereby directed W implement the RedevelopmenY Plan in accordance with the Act. 3. Pursuant to Section 18-2147 of the Act, ad valorem taxes levied upon real property in the Redevelopment Project included or authorized in the Plan which is described above shal] be divided, for a period not to execed I5 yeazs afrer the effective date of this provision, which effective date shall set by the Communify Redevclopment Aufhority io the redevelopment contract as follows: 7'hat proportion of the ad vaLorero tax whieh is pxoduced by Ievy at [he �ate fixed each yeac by or for each public body upon the Redevelopment Project Valuation (as defined in the Act) shali be paid inW the funds of each sueh public body in the same proportion as al] other taxes collected by or for the bodies; and That proportion ofthe ad valo�em tax on real property in the Redevelopment Project in excess of such amo�nt, if any, shal] be allocated to, is pledged to, and, when collectul, paid inYO a sp�cial fund of the Authority to pay the principal of, the intecest on, and any premiums due in connection with the bonds, loans, notes or advanees of money to, or indebtedness incurred by, whethec funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise, such Authocity tor financing or refinancing, in whole or in part, such Redevelopment Projece When such bo�ds, loans, notas, advances of money, or indebtedness, includi�g interest and premium due have been paid, tt�e AuYhority shal] so notify the Counry Assessor and County Treasurex and all ad valorem taxes upon real property in such Redevelopment Project shall be paid into the funds of the respective public bodies. 2- — c. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed Yo execuYe and file with the Treasurer and Assessor of Flalt Counry, Nebraska, an Allocation Agreement and Notice of Pledge of Taxes with respect to each Redevelopment Project. 4. The City hereby finds and determines that the proposed land uses and building reyuiremenCs in the Redevelopment Area aze designed with the general purposes of accomplishing in accordance with the general plan for development of the Ciry, a coordinated, adjusted and hannonious development of the City and its environs which wiLL, in uccordance with present and future needs, promote health, safety, morals, ocde�, couvenience, prosperiry; and the general welfaze, as well as efHciency and economy in the process of development; includiug among other things, adequate provision �for traffic, vehicular pazking, the promotion of safery from fire, panic, and oYher dangers, adequate provision for Iight and air, the promotion of a hea]Chftil and convenient distribution of population, the provision oP�adequate Vansportation, water, sewerage, and other public utilities, schools, pazks, recreation and communiry facilities, and other public requirements, the promotion of souvd design and arrangemenf, She wise and efficient expenditure of public funds, and the prevenYioo of the recurrenec of unsanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodations, o� conditions of blight. Adopted by the City Couneil of the Ciry of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mamh 22, 2016. Attest: �s�lo.n_ �' �. anl.� RaNae Edwazds, City Clerk -3- �rti,� ��� Jer m, L.J nse , layor