03/22/2016 Resolutions 2016-73RESOLUTION 2016-73 WHP,REAS, the Ciry of Grand Island, Nebraska, a municipal corporation and ciry oftt�e first class, has defermined it be desieabie to undertuke and carry out �ban redevelopment projects in areas of the City which aze determined to be substandacd and blighted and in need of redevclopmeni; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska Community Development Law, Chaptex 18, Article 21, Nebraska Reissue Revised Statutes of 2007, as amended (the "AcY'), prescribes the requirements and procedures for the pLanning and implementation oPcedevelopment proj�ets; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has previously declazed Redevelopment Area No. I of the CiTy to be substandazd and blighted and in need of redevelopmene pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the Community Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska (the "Authoriry"), has prepared a RedevelopmenY Plan pursuant to Secrion 18-21 I 1 of the Act, and recommended the Redevelopment Plari to the Planning Commission of the Ciry; and WI-IERF.AS, the Planning Commission of the CiTy reviewed the Redevelopmen[ Plan pursuant to the Act and submitted its recommendations, to the Ciry, pursuant to Section I 5-21 I4 of the Act_ and WHEREAS, following consideratioo of the recommendations of the Authority to the Plaoning Commissioq the recommendations of the Planning Commission to the Ciry, and following the public hearing with respect to the RedevelopmenC Plan, the City approved the Vlan; and WH�REAS, there has been presented to the City by the AuthoriTy for approval a specific Redevelopment Project wiihin the Redevelopment Plan a�d as authorized in the Redevelopment Plan, such project to be as follows: rehabilifation, planning activities, neeessaxy ulility extensions, and Fees associated with the redevelopment project All redevclopmene activities will occur in Crtand Island, Hall Counfy, Neb�aska; and WHLREAS, tkie CiTy published notices of a public hearing and mailed notices as required pursuant to Section 18-21 I S of the Act and has, on the date of Yhe Resolution held a public heazing on the proposal to amend the Redevelopment Plan to include the Redevelopment Project described above. NOW, THHREFORE, be it resolved by the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Urand Island, Nebraska: Appmved as to Form o Ma¢M1 21, 2016 ityA ney — 1. The Redevelopment Plan of the Ciry approved for Redevelopment Area No. 1 in the city of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, including the Redevelopment Project dcscribed above, is hereby determined to be feasible and in conformiTy with the general plan for the development of the Ciry of Grand Is(and as a whole and the Redevelopment Plan, including the Redevelopment Project ideutified above, is in conformiry with Che legislative declarations and determinaEions set forth in the Act; ant3 ie is hereby found and determined that (a) the redevelopmentpxoject in the plan would notbe economicatly feasibLe withoutShe use ofPaY- increment financing, (b) fhe redevelopment project wou(d not oceur in the eommunity redevelopment area wiYhout t'lie use of tae-increment financing, and (c) the costs and benefits of the redevelopment pxoject, inclading costs and benefits to other affeeted political subdivisions, the economy of ihe community, and the demand for public and private services have been analyzed by the Ciry and have been found to be in the long-term best interest of the community impacted by the cedevelopment project The City acknowledges receipt of notice oP intene to enter into the Redevelopment Contract in accordance with Section 18- 2I 19 of the Act and of the recommendations of the Authoriry and the Planning Commission with respect to fhe RedevelopmenY ConeracY. 2. Approval of the Redevelopment Plan is hexeby raeified and reaffirmed, as aznended by this Resolutioq and the Authority is hereby directed to implement the Redevelopment P(an in accordance with the Act. — 3. Pursuant to Section 18-2147 of the Act, ad valorem taYes levied upon real property in the Redevelopment Project ineluded or authorized inthe Plan which is described above shall be divided, fox a period not to exceed 15 years after the effective date of this provision, which eFfec6ve date shal] set by the Community Redevelopment Authoriry in the redevetopmeut contract as Yolfows: a "Lhat proportion of the ad valorem tax which is produced by levy at the cate fixed each year by or for each public body upon She Redevelopment Project Valuation (as defined in the Act) shall be paid into the funds of each such public body in the same proportion as all other taYes colleeted by or fox the bodies; end b. "Il�at proportion of the ad valorem [ar o� real property i n thc Redevelopment Project in excess of such amount, if any, shall be alloeated to, is ptedged to, and, when collected, paid into a special fund of the Authority to pay the prineipal of, the interest on, and any premiums dve in connection with the bonds, loans, notes or advances of money [o, or indebtedness incurzed by, whether funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise, such Authoriry for financing or refinaneing, in whole or in part, s�eh Redevelopment Project. When such bonds, loans, notes, advances of money, or indebtedness, inctuding interest and premium due have been paid, t6e Authority shall so notify the Counry Assessor and Connty'Reasurer a�d all ad valocem tares upon real property in such Redevelopment Project shall be paid into the fu�ds of the respeetive public bodies. 2- — c. The Mayor and City Clerk are authodzed and direeted to execute and file wiSh the Treasurer and Assessor of Hall Counry, Nebraska, an Allocation Ageeement and Notice of Pledge of Taxes with respect to each Redevelopment Project. 4. The CiTy hereby finds and determines that the proposed land uses and building requirements in the Redevelopment Area are designed with the geneial purposes of accomplishi�g, in ace;ordance with tk�e general plan foc development of the Ciry, a eoordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the Ciry and its environs which will, in accordanee with present and Pufure needs, promote health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperiry; and the genecal welface, as well as efficiency and economy in thepxocess ofdevelopment; including, among other things, adequate provision foc tcaffic, vehicular parking, the promotion of saPety &om H�c, panic, and other dangers, adequate provision for light and air, the promotion of a healthful and convenient distribution oPpopulation, the provision of adequatetransportaUOq water, sewerage, and other public utilities, sehools, pazks, recreation and communiTy faciliYies, and other pubtic requirements, the pxomotion of sound design and arrangement, the wise and efficieut expendiYUre of public funds, and the pxevention of the reeurrence of �ncanitary or unsafe dwelling accommodatiws, oc conditions of blight. Adopted by ttie Ciry Council ofthe Ciry of Grand Island, Nebraska, March 22, 2016. Attest: ��n� ��c�i RaNae Edwards, Ciry Clerk -3- Xl�i`�n � • �s�---� Jere .J nsen, ayor