03/08/2016 Resolutions 2016-52RESOLUTION 2016-52 WHEREAS, On September 9, 2014, by ResoluCion No. 201428A, Ciry Counci] awazded, Project 2013-5-4, North Interceptor Phase II to S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. of Rockville, Minnesota, in the amount of $21,479,537.50; and WHEREAS, ou February 10, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-39, Ciry Couneil approved Change Order No. l, which established new unif prices for installed storm and sanitary sewers which aze embedded with native sand material in lieu of the imporCed granular embedmenC specified in the contract documents; and WHEREAS, on Marcl� 24, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-74, Ciry Council approved Cha�ge Order No. 2, which changed the methodology of the trenchless crossing from micro tunneling to a direct jacked tunnel using a tunnel boiiug machine at both Bioadwell Avenue/Capital Avenue and Webb Road/Northwest Crossings properry at Capital Avenue and resulted in a deducGon of $21 Q003.48, for a revised contract amount of $21,269,534.02; and WHEREAS on June 23, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-16Q Ciry Council approved Change Order No. 3, which addressed unknown and unplanned restrai�t at the existing 18" waterline ihat crosses Capital Avenuejust east of Webb Road; additional storm sewer east of St. Pau] Road as ueeded to fill in a portion of the utiliry ditch and provide access to the uew manhole; and 5nalization of the As-Built quanrities for Phase II (Part B) and resulted in an incxease of $56,SA0.88, for a — revised contract amount of $21,326,074.90; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-214, City Council approved Change Order No. 4, which allowed for an opeu cut at fhe intersection of Capital Avenue and Broadwell Avenue for installalion of the north interceptor, rerouting of the dewatering dischazge, and several modificafions to the existing sCOrm sewer at this inTersection aud resulted in an overall contract decrease o�P$40,65139, for a revised contract amount o�f $21,285,423.51; and WI-IEREAS, on January 12, 2016, by 2esolution No. 2016-7, Ciry Coimcil approved Change Oider No. 5, which covered costs associated with a dewatering reroute neaz Webb Road, additio�al work associated with an 8° sanitary sewer line extension as part of a new tap district (Distcict No. 537'1�, additional storm sewer work in SL Pau] Road, changing a new sanitary sewe� manhole in St. Paul Road from a sEandazd manhole to a drop mauhole, additional scorm sewer removal and replacement work neaz the B�lington Northern Santa Fe Railxoad, addiCioual storm sewer work in the Capital Avenue and Broadwell Avenue intersection, a damaged sanitary sewer service along SC. Paul Road, addifional work required to provide power to the relocated Veteran's Hospital sip�, and the relocation of an existi�g water serviee and resu]Ped i� a contract increase of $171,54413, for a revised contcact amount of $21,456,967.64; and WHEREA5, Change Order No. 6 at this time is a net zero cost change order to establish new unit pxices associated with additiona] paving along Sheridan Avenue within Bid Section I; and npprovetl as to Gorm Ma¢�],201fi �Nmey WHEREAS, once actual quanrities installed are rectified such change oxder cost will be reached. NOW, THEREFORE, B� IT RESOLVED BY TfiF MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CI"PY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, tl�at authocizatio� to procecd with Change Order No. 6 with S.J. Louis Construction, Inc. of Rockville, Minnesofa is he�eby approved; and BE IT PUR'I'IiER RESOL V CD, that the Mayox is hereby authorized and directed to execute such Change OrderNo. 6, North Intereeptor Phase II, Project 2013-5-4 on behalfofthe City of Grand Island. Adopted by the City Council of the Ciry of Grand Island, Neb�aska, Mazch 8, 2016. Attest: Q��� ���� RaNaeEdwazds, Ciry Clerk -Z- d �i � L� .� � �