02/23/2016 Resolutions 2016-38RESOLUTION 2016-38
WHERFAS, on June 27, 1994, the Ciry ofGrand Island enacted Ordinance No. 8021
creadng the Communiry Redevelopment Authoriry of the Ciry of Gcand Island, Nebraska, to addiess
the need for economie development opportunitics through the vehicles provided in the Nebraska
Community Development law at Neb. Rev. Stat. §18-2101, et seq., as amended; and
WI{EREAS, Mark Otto, has caused to be prepazed a Blight and Substandard Study for an
area of referred to as Area No. 19; and
WHEREAS, Marvin Ptanning Associates compteted such Blight and Substandard
Study and has determined that the azea should be declared as substandard or blighted area in need of
redevelopment; and
WHEREAS, Mark Otto presented such study to the Grand Island Ciry Council on
Decembec 22, 2015 and
WFfEREAS, on December 22, 2015 the Grand Islaud Ciry Council refeaed sueh
study to the Hall County Regional Planni�g Commission foe review and recommendation; and
WHERF,AS, the Regio�al Ptanning Commissio� held a public hearing and made a
recommendation regarding the study at its Januaty 6, 2016 meeting; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider approval of a Blighted and Substandard
designation was held on February 23, 2016.
THE CITY OF URAND ISLAND, NEE3RASKA, that the Blight and Substa�dard Study Por
Redevelopment Area No. 19 as identifieei above is hereby approved, and those azeas identified io
said study aze declazed to be blighted a�d substandazd and in need ofredevelopment as contemplated
in the Commu�ity Development law.
Adopted by the CiCy Couneil of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, Febmary 23, 2016.
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RaNae Edwazds, City Clerk
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Jer m L. J nse or
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