02/23/2016 Ordinances 9573ORDINANCE NO. 9573
An ordinance to amend Chapter 31 of the Grand [sland City Code; W amend Section
31-20 and Section 31-35 pertaining to signs; to repeal Section 31-20 and Section 31-355s now �
existing, and any ordinance or paRS of ordinances in wnflict herewitih; and to provide for pubHcation
and the effective date of this ordinance.
SECT[ON 1. Sections 31-20 a�d Section 3135 of the Grand Island City Code are
hereby amended to read as follows:
Ar[icle L Signs - Generally
§31-20. Signs in Residen[ial Distric[s
Except as o[herwise provided in §31-20 and §31-34, no signs of any nature whatsoever shall be permi[[ed
in disvicts zoned AG, TA, LLR, 21, R2, R3, R4, [iD, and RO under Chapter 36 of the Grand Island City Code.
Nothing in this section shall preven[ the use of identificatio� sigoe noC to axceed twanty (20) squace fee[ in the
disttictc meutioned above. The maximum allowable size of sueh ide�[ifieadon signs mey be iucceased by one Q)
square foo[ for each one and one-half (1.5) fee[ of set6ack from any adjacent property line up to a maximmn of
[6ir[y-bvo (32) square feet.
In AG or TA zoni�g distriets, ttaets of land exeeeding ] 0 eeres, a�d in R-4 zoning districts on trac[ of land
exceeding 5 acres, in which a conditional use permit has been issued for a permitted conditional use, the following
restric[ions shall apply:
Q) The maximum square footage of all sig�age shall not exceed one h�ndred fiRy Q 50) square feet.
(2) Ground signs shall not exceed seveory-five (75) squaze feet, sNall be limited to hvelve p2) feet in
6eighC, be se[ back from the front propeny line a minimum of ten QO) Ceet, be set back from Hie side
property li�e a distance oF one third of the total Gontage or a minimum of ten QO) feet, and be separa[ed
@om other ground signa a distance of one hundred (100) feet.
(3) Flat or projeeting watl siyms shall not exceed seventy-five (75) square feet and shall comply with all
other restrictions ofHie city code.
In RO zoning distticts, and RD districts on hacts of land exceeding IO acres, the following cestrietions shall apply;
(I ) Ground signs s6all be allowed with the area limited to two square feet of signage for every one foot of
street frontage with no single sign face exceeding four hundred square feet.
(2) The maximum heigh[ of any ground sign shall not exceed thirty feet in heigh[ measwed from [he
�earest street top oP cucb elevadon.
(3) All ground signs shall be set beck a minimum of five Ceet from the property Iine ro the leading edge of
[he signage.
(4) Wall signs orpmjec[ing signs shell be allowable at a maximum square footage not to exceed IS°/a ofthe
building faqade. A minimum of 8' of clearance shall be maintained above any adjace�t walking or driving
Amended by Ordinance No. 9461, effccC 12- 2013
Approvetl as to Porm
February19,2o16 iry orney
ORDINANCE N0. 9573 (Cont.)
Article IL Signs in AC-Arterial Commercial Zone
§31-35. Authorized Signs In AC-Arterial Commercial Zone
All signs placed in tha AGArterial Commerciel Zone ahall be subjeot m the following requiremen[s:
(A) SiEns Allowed. Gmund signs, monument signs, roof signs, wall sig�s (tlat oe projecdng), and freestondiog
ground signs. (Monumen[ signs shall be ihose ground signs in which the base width is flfty peccent (50 %) or more of
the width of [he sign.)
(6) S_ze.
(I) To[al ground signage allowed per hact of land shall 6e one square Foot of sign for each one lineal foot
of street fmntage for the first one hundred fitty feet and .75 foot of signage for each lineal foot thereaftec The
rotal gmund signage on [he properry shall not exceed three hundred square feet. (The area of a double-faced
sign is calculated ou the largest face only).
(2) No single ground sign shall exceed two hundred square feet.
(3) For tcacts of land with three hundred (300) lineal feet or more of s[ree[ frontage the totai allowable
square footage of ground signage shall be one square foot of sign for each one foo[ of street fron[age for [he firs[
one hundred and fifty (I50) feet and one point one eight Q.18) square foot of signage for each lineal £oot
thereafter. No single sign shall exceed Uuee hundred and fifly (350) squere feet This sec[ion applies within the
AC Zone from Fonner Park Road to Stolley Park Road.
Q) All signs shall be set back from [he &ont properiy lioe a miuimum of five ftet, and a miuim�m of ten
Peet Gom all o[her property linea. Excep4on: tlie side property line adjacent to a public stceet shall have a
minimum setback of five feet. Monument sia s sha0 be set back from the front property line a minimum of
[welve feet, and ten fee[ from all other property lines.
(?) All gmund and monument signs shall he set back from the side property line a distance equal to or
greater than 25 % of the lot Gontage. Pxceptiore the side lot tine adjacent to a public stteet or Ciry owned
property and direc[ional signs not exceeding four square feet with a maximum of forty inches (3'-4") in height.
(3) Ground signs on the same hact of land shall be separated by a minimum of fifty lineal £eet The one
exception shall be directional signs not exceeding four square feet in size.
(D) Hei t.
Q) The maximum height ofground signs shali be thirty feet.
(2) Signs shall maintain twelve fee[ ofclearance above all adjacent walking or driving surfaces.
(3) Siyms may project over a sidewalk or drive on private property, but shall not extend beyond such
(E) AlI other provisions ofthe ciry code shall apply; the mos[ restrictive requiremeut shall be enforeed.
(F) Billboards.
(1) The maxim�m size of auy billboard shall be three hundced sq�aze feet (The area of do�ble-faced, or
back-to-beck sigus will be calculated ou [he largest face only).
(2) The maxim�m height of any billboard shall be thiriy feet.
(3) Billboards shall not be located in the required fro�t yard and shali maintain a ten foot setback from all
other property lines.
(4) Billboards shall maintain a 1,000 foot sepacation between other billboards located along the same side
ofthe Locust Street righbof-way and shall be a minimum ofFfty Feet &om any ground sign.
(5) Billboacds shall not be calculaYed in the maximum allowable ou-site signage.
(6) There wrrently ezist five signs defined as billboards in the AGArterial Commerciat Zone from Srolley
Park Road south to U.S. liighway 34. Those signs shall be legal non-conforming signs and allowed to remain
with the provisions as stated in Section 31-42.
(7) No billboards shall be allowed wiHtin lhe AGArterial Commercial Zone within [he area bounded by
Stolley Park Road on the south and Fonner Park Road on the north.
Amended by Ord. No. 8787, eff. I2-18-2002
Amended by Ord. No. 9177, eff. 07-22-200ft
Amended by Ord. No. 9259, etT. OS-10-?UIO
ORDINANCE NO. 9573 (Cont.)
_ SECT[ON 2. Section 31-20 and Section 31-35 as now existing, and any ordinances
or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and hereby are, repeated.
SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after iu
passage and publication in pamphlet form within fifteen days as provided by law.
8nacted� Pebruary 23, 2016.
J e y L Jen n P ayur
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RaNae Edwards, City Clerk * ���
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