January 20, 2007
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Study Session (Retreat) of the City Council of the City
of Grand Island, Nebraska was conducted at the Heartland Public Shooting Park, 6788 West
Husker Highway on January 20, 2007. Notice of the meeting was given in the Grand Island
Independent on January 16, 2007.
Mayor Margaret Hornady called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. The following members were
present: Councilmember's Pielstick, Walker, Cornelius, Nickerson, Gericke, Brown, Gilbert,
Whitesides, Haase, and Meyer. The following City Officials were present: City Administrator
Gary Greer, City Clerk RaNae Edwards, Public Works Director Steve Riehle, City Attorney Dale
Shotkoski, Finance Director David Springer, Police Chief Steve Lamken, Utilities Director Gary
Mader, Human Resources Director Brenda Sutherland, Building Department Director Craig
Lewis, Fire Chief Jim Rowell, Library Director Steve Fosselman, Parks & Recreation Director
Steve Paustian, Interim Emergency Management Director Larry Smith, and Regional Planning
Director Chad Nabity.
Mayor Hornady welcomed the council, directors and public attending the meeting. City
Administrator Gary Greer commented on the work preparing for the Council Retreat and thanked
the Department Director's and City Clerk.
Peg Gilbert recommended we combine all the Parks and Recreation items together for
Funding Outside Agencies: Councilmember Meyer asked how we started funding all of the
outside agencies. City Administrator Gary Greer commented that they evolved over time. Some
were contract for services and others were the priority of a Councilmember or Mayor at the time.
Councilmember Pielstick commented that the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program needed to
have matching funds from the City in order to receive federal grant funds.
Mayor Hornady recommended that if we eliminate any of these agencies from City funding we
needed to let them know now so they could find funding in other areas.
Councilmember Pielstick requested that she would like to see Hope Harbor and the Crisis Center
put under the Police Department, G.I. Dive and Rescue Team be put under the Fire Department,
and the Fishing Derby be put under the Parks and Recreation budget for funding.
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Discussion was held on whether we needed to set some criteria, have an accounting of the money
spent by these agencies, and whether they serve a. function for the city. City Attorney Dale
Shotkoski commented on the role of the council in deciding if these agencies should be funded.
Mr. Greer explained that during the budget process these agencies requested monies through an
application and submitted a budget for the use of the monies. Also mentioned was that by
funding these agencies there was less money to be used for the city departments. Mayor Hornady
mentioned most of these agencies were a partnership. Councilmember Whitesides stated it would
cost us more if we had to handle these issues without the outside agencies help and would
encourage future funding of each. It was not recommended that we add any more agencies to this
Discussion was held whether the City was the best source of funding or if there were other ways
of supporting these agencies like the United Way. It was suggested we pare down this list if they
were not related to city services and fund only those areas we needed to keep due to matching
funds, partnerships, etc. It was suggested that a municipal standard be made in reviewing funding
for these agencies. A suggestion was made that if an agency gets funding from the United Way
or has other avenues for funding then we should not fund that agency.
Mayor Hornady suggested we do not add any more agencies. Mr. Greer stated we should not
evaluate these agencies because of needs because they all are very worthwhile organizations. He
suggested that under the Planning Department through grant writing we could come up with
criteria and set a dollar limit by prioritizing and using the "but for" test.
Stollev Park Arboretum: Councilmember Meyer wanted to know what the status was regarding
the arboretum. Parks and Recreation Director Steve Paustian explained the history of the
arboretum going back to when the city had the zoo. To date everything had been accomplished
except the arboretum and ice rink due to the cost of these projects. Mr. Paustian recommended
the city develop the infrastructure and have the community come together to help fund the
arboretum as was done with the "Kid's Kingdom". Also mentioned was that once this was done
there would be a need for an additional FTE to keep up the maintenance of the park.
Discussion was held regarding the log cabin, cave, and Stoney House. The Hall County
Historical Society was currently using the house for offices and meetings. Building Department
Director Craig Lewis stated there was money from donations for the upkeep of the house.
Councilmember Gilbert recommended we needed to have an overall plan for all Parks and
Recreation projects including: swimming pools, shooting park, golf course, parks, softball fields,
racket club, etc.
Competitive Swimming Pool: Parks and Recreation Director Steve Paustian stated the council
needed to make the decision of whether or not the city would move forward with a swimming
pool. At the current level of funding in the Parks Department for capital projects none of these
projects could be accomplished besides the upkeep of them.
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Golf Course Amenities: Councilmember Meyer commented on the urgency to get the golf
course up and running. Mr. Paustian reviewed the golf course operational plan. The following
activities were mentioned:
• Return to the market place to hire a new contractor to serve as the Golf Professional
• Develop an incentive based contract eliminating guarantees found in the previous contact
• Through succession, eliminate one maintenance position by October 1, 2007
• Conduct a comprehensive user survey to receive input regarding the golf courses overall
operation, suggested improvements and operational modifications
Mr. Paustian explained the current Golf Pro contract was not renewed and the process that was
taking place to hire a new Golf Pro.
Adequate Facilities for Girls Softball and Ownership of Fields: Councilmember Pielstick
commented on the history of the girls softball fields and all the work Bob Sorenson had put into
them and recommended we not change the current arrangement.
Councilmember Gericke commented on calls he received from the public due to not enough
fields for girls and boys. It was recommended that teams play during the day. Discussion was
held regarding the Webb Road fields used for soccer nine months of the year. Mr. Paustian stated
the fields were being overused and there needed to be time for them to rest during the summer
season. Maintenance issues were mentioned. Scheduling solutions were being worked on by the
teams and Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Greer stated the Master Plan would look at the uses of each field and would give a
recommendation for future uses. Recreation had changed considerably from the last Master Plan
which was created in July 1996.
Mayor Hornady stated we needed to use the facilities we had with less money. By being more
efficient and effective could solve some of these problems and save money. Coming up with
creative solutions was recommended.
Smoking Ban: Councilmember Gilbert commented on the public input she received concerning
a smoking ban. Reviewed `vas the history of v~That had been done in the past here at the city. She
stated she thought we needed to take action on this issue. She recommended that the city take a
leadership role on a smoking ban. Mentioned was LB 395 introduced in the state legislature
regarding the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act.
Discussion was held regarding the decision of the Council in 2005 that the public needed to
petition this issue on the ballot. Several Councilmember's spoke in favor and several spoke
against a smoking ban and/or restrictions.
Comments were made regarding the council taking the direction on this issue otherwise the
public may take this to a ballot issue in which may not be what the council wants. Discussion
was held on how far we go with the ban regarding the work place, public place, etc.
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Mr. Greer stated the council needed to decide what they wanted to do, deciding whether to
pursue this issue or drop it and not spend any more time on it as it had been discussed for several
years. It was recommended that the City Attorney draft ballot language for Council review at an
upcoming Study Session.
The following Hall County Board of Supervisors were present for the Joint City/County Special
Study Session: Jim Eriksen, Pam Lancaster, Bud Jeffries, Bob Rye, Daniel Wagoner, Scott
Arnold, and Marla Conley County Clerk.
Heartland Public Shooting Park Presentation:
(HPSP) Superintendent presented a PowerPoint presentation explaining the Heartland Public
Shooting Park and what it had to offer. Tim O'Connor with the HPSP Advisory Board
explained the public/private partnership and history of the shooting park. Questions were
answered regarding future development of the park. Mr. O'Connor commented on the
tremendous number of volunteer hours and work that had been completed.
Steve Paustian, Parks and Recreation Director commented on the day-to-day operations
including many volunteer hours.
City/County Emergency Management: Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director
updated the City Council and County Board regarding the recruitment process for an Emergency
Management Director. To date there had been 12 applications. The committee met January 19,
2007 and were in the process or reviewing applications and interviewing candidates.
City/County Efficiency Committee Update: Beth Stecker, Chair of the City/County Efficiency
Effectiveness Committee explained the creation of this committee and their purpose. Ms. Stecker
reported there had been no meetings in 2006. Suggested was a broader scope in what the
committee could do. The following areas were presented:
• Purchasing
• Preparedness
• Streets and Roads
• Parks
Mr. Greer asked if the Efficiency Committee could do a complete makeover in revenues to see
what areas both the City and County could work together for cost savings. Mentioned was the
working relationship between the City and County and positive effects it had.
Truck Parking in Residential Areas: Councilmember Cornelius and Walker mentioned current
City Code did not allow trucks on residential streets, but could park in residential areas.
Inconsistencies were discussed within the code along with penalties. City Attorney Dale
Shotkoski commented the City could expand City Code Section 22-141 to include truck parking.
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Police Chief Steve Lamken stated he did not want to see us eliminate this code. Increasing the
fine would help. Discussion was held concerning semi-truck/trailer and the damage to streets due
to their weight. It was recommended we do not allow trailers on residential streets. Chief
Lamken stated they do receive calls and issue parking tickets for tractor/trailer violations which
amount to $10.00. Discussion was held regarding current city code not allowing busses in yards.
Mr. Shotkoski explained the problems with prosecuting these types of violations. It was
recommended to change city code to not allow trailers on residential streets and increase the fine.
Mr. Shotkoski stated the fines are set by state statutes, but parking tickets are handled
administrative. The fine could be increased to $25.00. It was the consensus of the Council to
have the City Attorney change the city code to increase the fine to $25.00 and not allow trailers
on residential streets.
Parking on Nan-Paved Surfaces: Councilmember Haase wanted to see the City Code changed
so no vehicle could park on non-paved surfaces. Discussion was held concerning the number of
vehicles, motor homes, trailers, etc parking in back yards and/or side yards. Building Department
Craig Lewis commented on Section 36 of the City Code relating to zoning regarding hard
surface parking which was in conflict with Section 22. It was the consensus of the Council to
address this issue when we do the code revision for this section.
Auditor Report: Cancelled.
Other Items: Brenda Sutherland, Human Resources Director updated the Council regarding the
City Administrator hiring process. Ms. Sutherland stated over the last 20 years the City has had 5
Administrator's. Different processes had been used over the years. Recommended was the
following process.
1. Negotiate a contract with a consultant to oversee the recruitment process.
2. Develop a profile of the ideal candidate for the position.
3. Implement an advertising strategy.
4. Recruitment of qualified candidates which includes preliminary screening (Screening
may include core competency assessments and written exercises).
5. Background and reference checks.
6. Interview of finalists by Council.
7. Contract with new City Administrator
Estimated turn around time was 90 to 120 days. The approximate budget for consulting fees used
for the search of this position would not exceed $20,000.00. Ms. Sutherland stated the last time
took 4 months.
Mayor Hornady commented that the 2006-2007 Goals were in the packet for council's review.
The following were recommended goals for 2007-200$. Mr. Greer briefly explained each of the
following proposed goals:
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Public Safety
1. Seek and secure funding for the development of the Fire Training Facility (Seeking
and securing funding was encouraged -long term program which would not be
completed this year)
2. Complete construction on Fire Station #1 (Estimated completion date set for first of
3. Complete construction of Police/Sheriff Law Enforcement Center (Estimated
completion date set for September or October 2007)
4. Secure funding and begin upgrade of Emergency Communications Center (Homeland
Security grant funding being looked at)
Economic Development
5. Assist in creating and retaining quality jobs through LB 840 program (lend expertise
to EDC)
6. Assist CRA in identifying and creating new business redevelopment projects (CRA
moving forward with blight and substandard study in the Five Points area)
7. Support infrastructure for sustained housing/commercial development
8. Begin incremental implementation of the Railroad Corridor Study (Railroad looking
at putting in quiet zones, implementing Corridor Study a little at a time and working
with the Railroad on other issues such as closing crossings, etc.)
9. Prepare a master plan for infrastructure development south of Grand Island
Government Efficiency
10. Seek interlocal partnerships that eliminate duplication and promote efficiency
(Efficiency Committee)
11. Complete a comprehensive City Code review and update (Ongoing)
12. Develop a budget with no increase in the property tax levy
13. Develop criteria. for outside agency finding
Quality of Life
14. Complete construction of the Library expansion project (Completion of the new
addition set for February 13, 2007 with remodeling old part with completion summer
15. Construct a children's play area at Island Oasis (Engineering near completion,
funding needed for implementation)
16. Continue to support development of the Heartland Public Shooting Park (Ongoing,
funding needed)
17. Update Parks and Recreation master plan (Discussed earlier to proceed with plan)
18. Start construction of Aerated Static Pile facility (Design meeting scheduled with
targeted completion of construction fa112007)
19. Implement the Community Appearance Plan (Presentation scheduled for Study
Session in spring of 2007)
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Public Health -
20. Secure funding and begin construction of the Household Hazardous Waste facility
(Grant being applied for)
21. Continue to aggressively address environmental issues and advocate for citizens
22. Develop language for smoking restrictions to be considered to be placed on the ballot
Discussion held regarding the budget and tax rate for the upcoming year. Mayor Hornady
commented she would like to see no increases in the tax rate for 2007-2008. Requested the
Grand Island Independent do an article to educate the public regarding tax statements and what
the funds stand for.
Mayor Hornady thanked Council and City staff for their participation.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
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RaNae Edwards
City Clerk
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